Rob Pincus NRA board save the second
Courtesy Rob Pincus
Rob Pincus NRA board save the second
Courtesy Rob Pincus


Yesterday, Save The Second board member Rob Pincus attended the NRA Board Meeting…for about 15 minutes. Unfortunately, he was the only one of 5 Million NRA members who showed up to try to learn the truth about what was going on inside the NRA Board and to lobby for reform inside the troubled organization.

Ostensibly, the NRA Board meetings, including the committee meetings that occur in the days before the main event, are open to the members. In practice, the NRA doesn’t encourage members to participate. Nor do they make it easy.

According to his social media post, Rob’s day at the Board Meetings started off like this:

“To be honest, I would’ve preferred “Member” or “Voting Member” or “Life Member” over just “visitor”.

And, in case you are wondering what the Blue Dot is for…. it apparently might mean: “Have two big security guys come over less than a minute after check in and tell that guy that he has to leave.”

So, officially, I got kicked out… but, I was told that YES, Members are allowed to attend Committee Meetings and I could come back after 1:30.

So, I guess it’s gonna be like that. 🙄 9/12/19

After checking in at the security desk around 12:30pm, Rob was removed from the meeting area — not a meeting room, not from trying to steal a free lunch with the Directors — from the entire meeting area at the hotel.

He was at first told that he could not come back until Saturday Morning for the main Board Meeting. After challenging that he believed that members were allowed to attend committee meetings, security relented and said he could return at 1:30 that afternoon, but would not provide any details about what committees were meeting or in which specific rooms.

Rob returned to the meeting area at 1:30pm, the scheduled time for the Legal Affairs committee. He was greeted by the same security supervisor who had escorted him out of the area less than an hour before. He was told specifically where to sit in the room…and a security guard sat next to him.

Rob also noticed a newly-printed sign was placed at the door as he arrived that said, “No Photography.”

The meeting was called to order and began as one might expect. There was a roll call of committee members, of which most were in attendance. There were introductions of non-Board members who were present because of their role on the committee or at the Institute for Legislative Action.

In total, there were about 40 Board members (of 76) present. As it turns out, the NRA Board has decided to hold very few committee meetings this year and this was the only one being held yesterday afternoon.

The meeting started with an update from the new head of the ILA Jason Ouimet. He talked about the Republican Party wins in North Carolina. He talked about the House of Representatives moving forward with efforts in regard to a magazine ban, semi-auto ban and national red flag law.

Specifically, he referred to the latter being “a bad red flag law, with no due process.” He informed those in attendance that they could reference the packet of information they were provided for more information. As you might have guessed, no packets were available for members and Rob Pincus was told that he couldn’t have one when he asked for a copy.

Ouimet introduced the already controversial new General Counsel for the ILA, Wade Callender. He assured the attendees that one of the key strengths of that choice was his ability to testify to the concept that violent first-person shooter video games were contributing to the problem of violence in the US, as the NRA has often asserted.

Ouimet celebrated the appointment of over 150 new judges at the federal level by President Trump and talked about some specific activities in various states including Kentucky, Virginia, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Louisiana. He praised New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu for vetoing recent gun control laws passed by the state’s legislature. He lamented the gun control calls from the Lt. Gov. of Texas.

After his own updates, he invited the subcommittee chairpersons to provide updates. Scott Bach (State Issues) talked about trying to stop certain states from taking actions that would cross state borders in efforts to spread gun control.

Graham Hill, who arrived late to the committee meeting, didn’t have much to say about his subcommittee, which is apparently related to Congressional activities.

Todd Rathner heads the subcommittee on international affairs and said that they hadn’t yet met, but assured the attendees that international issues are “complex and arcane, but important.”

At that point, Ouimet invited questions from the Board members. But the Board’s old guard wasn’t going to let that happen without taking the opportunity to suggest that the meeting be taken into executive session. The Chairman asked if there were any objections. Not a single Board member raised their hand.

Despite the widespread calls for more transparency, even from several Board members in attendance, no one spoke up to protect the interests of the members.

The next step was announcing that everyone who was not a member of the NRA Board of Directors needed to leave. That included about six people…all but one, invited participants including one NRA member and Chuck Michel, head of the NRA-affiliated California Rifle & Pistol Association.

Only one person….1 out of 5 million eligible members…who was there to represent concerned American gun owners interested in NRA Reform had to leave the room.

Rob had this to say:

The thing that is bothering me right now: NRA claims 5 million members. Members are ostensibly allowed to attend these meetings. Social media is on fire in regard to the crisis at the organization. There was only one committee meeting this afternoon, one of the most important ones, the Legal Affairs committee.

There were less than 10 empty chairs in the room and I was basically given a personal security escort. The NRA wasn’t prepared for members to attend, nor did they appear to want members to attend.

After the meeting went into executive session, I went to the secretary’s office adjacent to the meeting room to request a schedule of the meetings scheduled for the next day and, as the staffer was writing them down for me, security showed up and told me I needed to leave. Rudely.

They would not even let the staffer provide me with the information. At that point, NRA Director Robert Brown came over to see what was going on and security insisted that I leave the entire meeting area forcing the Director to walk out into the hallway to finish his conversation with me. Security was smug and increasingly aggressive as the short moment went on.

Today, the committee meetings are continuing with the very important Finance Committee meeting at 9am. Rob Pincus will be returning. Hopefully, he won’t be the only concerned member there.

If you are a concerned NRA Member, you should be there too. Certainly, we need as many NRA Members as possible to be at the main Board Meeting on Saturday the 14th at the Washington Dulles Airport Hilton in Herndon, VA. The security check-in table will open at 7:30 AM. All you need is your NRA membership number and a photo ID. Let the NRA directors know that you care.

We have also called for a gathering of American gun owners this evening at the hotel to attempt to discuss the issues facing the NRA and to engage with the many directors at the venue. STS Board member Andy Lander was able to join Rob at the venue last night and they had many great conversations with several directors.

Save the Second will continue to push for Reform at the NRA and represent the voices of concerned American Gun Owners, but we need more NRA Members to join this fight!


This article originally appeared at and is reprinted here with permission. 


    • If I read the article correctly, it sounds like the security team was running the show, if even the NRA Director himself couldn’t override them to keep the member inside to at least finish his conversation.

      Welp, that clinches it. Sounds like confirmation of a poorly run circus to me. Still going to hold off on sending any more money or renewing my former membership.

    • Indeed!

      I only read about half the article, but its enough, the NRA is dead to me. Its time to find someone else who actually champions Americans 2A rights and respects its members.

    • Thats it for me too. As long as W.L. is still there, I will not join them. The NRA is not going to do lawful gun owners much good as long as they keep sticking up for some of the loony things they support and making up excuses for their actions. Bump stocks, suppressors, high capacity magazines are just a few of the things the NRA should have known better than to be so loudly in favor of, because so many others were not. It was a up hill fight from the beginning. If the NRA did more about training people and gaining interest in sport shooting, especially with younger people. Also gun safety could have been pushed more. Also showing in stats the number each month that firearms were used lawfully to protect people might have helped. A few stories about people preventing rapes and home invasions could have gone a long way in making the NRA look better instead of the turn it took. How about proving the negative aspects of Red Flag Laws, like wrong names or people on the lists or lack of Due Process. How about exposing the politicians that are out there with criminal records for offenses that stop potential gun owners from ever getting a permit after a background check. Beto O’Rourke would be denied a gun permit in Ma. because of his record for OUI and for Larceny or B&E or whatever it was. I think thats funny. The biggest mouth on the stage would be considered to be lacking the character to get a MA. gun permit, if a resident, and would be denied.

  1. “violent first-person shooter video games were contributing to the problem of violence in the US, as the NRA has often asserted.” *facepalm* Sure violent crime has declined as games have become more violent and realistic, so of course that’s the problem! They might as well be saying that more guns are the problem.

    • Yep. This is such a complete loser of an argument. It’s something that a 60 year old woman might come up with (no offense to the 60 year-old women who may be reading the comments).

      Arguing that violent video games create violent people is statistically verifiable-y false.

      Moreover, as a tactic, it’s a great way to completely alienate potential future young members who got their introduction into gun culture by enjoying FPS games.

      NRA is going to be the FUDD gun owners association very soon.

      They get no more of my money or support until they clean up their house and get back on track.

      • Violent video games does not make violent shooters, but our own military uses them and paintball guns in “war games”, designed to help overcome the reluctance of our men and women in the military to shoot at a human target.

        Someone who is on the edge can get off on it and it can drive him/her to a shooting.

        • “Someone who is on the edge can get off on it and it can drive him/her to a shooting.”

          Perhaps, but that’s a case of someone who’s already unstable being drawn to the games because of the simulated violence. It’s emphatically not the case that simulated violence makes well-adjusted people unstable.

          Should we follow the same logic and blame violent action movies, Facebook, Youtube videos, rock music, or taxidermy for causing mass murders and serial killings? Because those are all things that killers have obsessed over before finally giving in and committing their heinous acts.

          No, blaming “them vidya games” for murderers is no different than the Left blaming guns. It’s just a way to deflect people’s ire onto something that won’t affect them. “We have to do something! Just so long as I don’t have to give up anything I like…”

    • There is absolutely no empirical evidence to support the idea that watching a violent movie, reading about violence in a book, or playing a violent video game will cause a normal person to do something—like shooting out car windows or going on a shooting spree in a Walmart—-that they wouldn’t normally do. All human action is meaningful and done on purpose. Claiming that people just “snap” or just “go off” unexpectedly is folklore. In order to act at all an individual must engage in a complex cognitive process that involves a lifetime of learning experiences. It is folly to claim, as advocates insist on doing, that otherwise normal people can be induced to do something they wouldn’t normally be inclined to do Basically, a violent video game is a text. Claiming that something that one-dimensional is powerful enough to overcome a lifetime of social experiences is stupid.

      • Actually I have read several medical articles that state otherwise. but there seems to be as much disagreement with that between the head shrinkers as there is on this site. One such mentioned that when you stick you head in a game showing death and destruction to the point of becoming closed off to the real world you don’t see the balance between reality and fiction. I know it doesn’t effect everyone the same, but I also know it is not the gun that causes the problem, its the person. And many mass shooters had/do spend hundreds of hours playing violent video games. Some do not. What is the difference between the people?

        Stephen King pulled his book Rage because a mass shooter followed his plot line, but millions of other readers did not. And Stephen never said his book caused it. I doubt that it did, at least that was not the sole reason. Like Stephen said, ‘not every smoker gets lung cancer’, but it does seem like a common thread, so obviously there is more too it.

        Most of the young mass shooters had no positive male role model in their life, but not every young man from a broken home, or with no or an abusive father figure becomes a mass shooter. There is no easy answer to the troubled mind that decides to go on a killing rampage. If there was some Big Pharma would be making tons of money selling it. There is also no easy way to diagnose some mental conditions ahead of time.

  2. I could understand, to some degree, if that happened to me. I am just one of the five-million members and no one of renown. But I am also a member of the Personal Defense Network. While I have never met Mr. Pincus personally, I have almost a full shelf of his DVDs, books and other material. I regularly check out the offerings he has on line and webcast. I believe I can say he is as solid as a rock when it comes to firearm safety, training people to defend themselves and his support of the Second Amendment (whole Constitution and Bill of Right, for that matter). I am also an NRA member, paid up through 2024. I contribute regularly to the PVL and ILA.

    It sounds like their treatment of Mr. Pincus was shameful. I am embarrassed by such a display of disrespect to one of their members and a leading trainer in the firearm field. I had already made plans to attend two local NRA classes and take one on-line. After this I need to question my support of the NRA. Maybe the NRA committee just couldn’t stand that much integrity in the room with them.

    • At least *some* of them have to know who Rob Pincus is, if not most of them. He’s famous in gun circles. He has influence and reach. And still they treat him like this.

      I’d go if I could, but I’m on the other side of the country and have neither time nor money to get there. If they’ll treat Pincus like a spy and an interloper, what would they have done to someone like you or me?

      And if they’re truly on the level, why not let him stay and see that?

      This is why LaPierre and all who support him need to go. Even if they didn’t do any of the bad things, at the end of the day it’s their job to make sure problems like this don’t embroil the NRA — and not only did they let it happen, everything they do makes it worse.

      • I have a feeling they treated Rob like this exactly because of who he is. He is a vocal critic of the NRA, and they do not like that. Fall in line plebe or be gone! Sounds familiar to some other people, like the left…

  3. As usual, the fact that evil people exist is never mentioned. With evil, these people have no morality and no limits as to what they will do. All of this non stop anti Trump, anti NRA, anti Second Amendment, anti Christian, anti traditional marriage etc. brainwashes these evil ones into action ( gotta do something ). When you see photo’s of these mass shooters, look into their eyes and see blank staring eyes.

  4. And I think, on that note, I’m done.

    I’ll be resigning from the NRA, today. The organization is, quite simply, done.

  5. Be nice to know the names of those Directors who agreed to Executive session. Sounding more like Skull and Bones than a civil rights group.

    • Presumably, Legal Affairs would include updates on pending litigation, typically matters discussed in executive session to avoid waiver of the attorney client privilege. That is not surprising, but the aggressiveness of security treating a member as an outsider, shall I say enemy, is pretty outrageous.

  6. I rail against NRA with the best of them, but here is the truth about….

    “Members” of organizations should accept what they are…donors; nothing more. “Members” muck up the operation of the organization, and add no value beyond annual dues. There is no sort of “ownership” of the organization, the mission, nor the leadership. Organization leadership does not work for the membership; only the longevity of the organization, and, maybe, the mission.

    “Members” of an organization are fickle, unpredictable, dissatisfied, possessed of myopic agendas that serve only to forward the interests of the individual. “Members” are often recognized as “the lifeblood” of the organization. What that means is they are a reliable source of income; nothing more. Letting members become involved in the operations and direction of the organization risks complete chaos. The leadership knows what it wants, and has plans to achieve (regardless of how unlikely to succeed). Members being involved means dealing with the grievances, personalities, and directionless demands of thousands of disorganized thoughts. Members have no coherent outcome, only personal interests. Members, allowed an active voice in affairs will bring the action plan of the organization to a complete halt.

    “Members” are a bane. It is rather foolish for an organization to accept the concept of “member”. Better to simply treat the public as a donor base, and like the majority of “non-profits”, just appeal for funding, without the deceptive facade of “membership”. The idea of “membership” worked well for NRA in the past, but the “membership” has stagnated at ~5,000,000 (who really knows?); must be a reason.

    • Well said. Donors. Not members.

      And 99% of them have no idea what they’re donating for, they just expect “pro 2a” results.


      • Naive is just another word for “willfully stupid”. IMO, OFC. Except for children, who are OFC all naive. Perhaps its just that they’re all five, mentally. Never managed to grow up. OFC, if an adult insists on acting like an infant, well… willfully stupid seems to still apply.
        That closed the circle rather neatly. On lap two, repeat lap one… ad infinitum.

  7. I will not renew or spend any money with the NRA until Wayne LaPierre is gone and that ‘swamp’ is cleaned up. My life will not change a bit and I doubt they give a sh*t if I’m a member or not. Much like the United Way scandal. Send us you’re money and dues, anything left over we’ll spend on your cause! Let them eat cake!

    • “I will not renew or spend any money with the NRA until Wayne LaPierre is gone and that ‘swamp’ is cleaned up.”

      Look at the posting title, again. The issue is not WLP, or even corruption within NRA. Only one NRA member bothered to attend the meetings. Only one.

      • This is a major part of the problem – members not attending in large groups.

        That said, I’m a member and I wasn’t there. My only excuse is I wasn’t going to Alaska so I had not set the time aside to attend. When they moved it, I already had business commitments or I would have gone.

        Frankly, even if I had of been there it wouldn’t have made much of a difference. If 100 of us had been there, maybe.

        When there were many of us there at the Annual Meeting, they pulled the same kind of crap. That is also a violation of law for a not for profit. We need to keep making noise so that the next Annual Meeting is different.

        We need to fix – not abandon – the NRA.

        • Good. You fix it.
          I won’t be … matter of fact, I haven’t supported LaPew with cash since Bush 1 was in office. I cancelled my Lifetime Membership and used the proceeds to buy more ammo.

        • How will you “fix” the NRA when WLP starts changing the venue on 24 hours notice without telling you where its been changed to? And even if you hire P.I.s to find out anyway, then only to find that WLP has ordered security to eject you and all your friends, the same as he did Pinkus?
          How do you “fix” people that determined to be corrupt? Send lots of emails? Print out a banner? Wave a flag? Write a poem?
          Pardon me for not being impressed with your plan.

      • Unfortunately, location is usually a big problem for many. When it involves travel, especially any distance, many do not have the means to be able to attend. In the case of an annual meeting, there is enough of an advance notice location as to where it will be located, that people can make plans to attend. Unfortunately, the location was changed from Alaska, and although it was moved to a more convenient location, it still was a venue without easiest access, as would be in the middle of the U S, as in Chicago, Minneapolis, or some other centrally-located city.

        Yes, how Rob was treated is inexcusable. It just shows how, we, the membership, are regarded by the BoD; and represents all the more reason why there needs to be a complete cleaning of house. Hopefully, it can happen soon without the complete collapse of the NRA; but if that were to occur, there are now the various splinter organizations which are in place, that something good and probably more effective can resurrect and become an effective force for all law-abidng followers of the 2nd amendment.

  8. That’s because the only people still giving money to the NRA are idiots. people sit in the comfort of their home and donate money then expect somebody to do what they want them to do. That is what being an NRA member is. You can’t expect these idiots to actually do anything… It’s just not convenient.

    • “That’s because the only people still giving money to the NRA are idiots. …”

      Not so, not even close, and I’ll sit down with you and take an “IQ Test” any time you want.

      It’s so easy for people to sit around on this site (and a few others) and pile on when they probably have never once organized any sort of rally or support for any initiative, local, state or federal, nor have they really contributed real time or finances to any organization, but NRA in particular, nor would they even have a clue as to what it actually takes to run a proposal through a small city council, let alone a metro area, county or state legislature or the US Congress. No idea how to start making the contacts necessary to even reach the elected officials- no clue on any of it what-so-ever.

      Sam makes the primary point here in that the NRA bashers are expecting to come in and make some sort of affect yet only one person showed up? It also shows the naivety of Pincus as an organizer- he may be a great trainer but if this is all he has, why would anyone want to turn over the keys to NRA to him??? Kraut’s warriors were about as ineffective as warriors for change at the Indy meetings as Pincus was here. Not a clue how to even begin.

      Most of the NRA bashers have absolutely no idea or concept of what it has taken over the years for NRA to develop contacts with legislative assistants/legislators, state and national; govenors; nor how difficult it is to propose, let alone move anything positive to the 2nd Amendment in the face of universal hatred by the MSM, the democrats and progressive republicans from the coasts. So, continue to join up with the Bloomberg, Steyer and other people bankrolling the enemies of privately-owned firearms and continue to make the job even that much more difficult.

      • Warts and all, the NRA is a highly effective lobbying organization that—literally for decades—has successfully defended 2nd Amendment rights. Granted it’s not stylish, has a self-protective “insider culture”, has a high percentage of geezers (of which I am one) who’s rock-hard political views don’t mesh well with softer millennial viewpoints. But the one thing it can do is get through to politicians in ways other people and organizations simply cannot do. Recently it was Wayne LaPierre who the president mentioned was talking to him about the need to defend the 2nd Amendment. No other gun-rights organization has that kind of access. End of argument.

  9. “If you are a concerned NRA Member, you should be there too.”

    Why, so the people who are escorted out can have lunch together?

  10. I’m really appalled by this. I live in Ft. Worth and really can’t afford it, but I considered going out there. I was expecting that there would be many members there. I don’t think we have any one but ourselves to blame at this point. We should have been there in force. We should have been demanding answers.

  11. An average man such as I, as one of the 5 million members of the NRA find the patterns and behaviors of the organization to be self destructive. Maybe their plan is to force itself into bankruptcy by alienating its members, and irresponsible spending. What else explains there recent behaviors ?

    Now why bankruptcy? If the organization is broke, judgements against them are fruitless. Currently the NRA is incurring some really large legal expenses. Also if the organization is bankrupt, it is ineffective and blameless when aggressive gun control bills become law. So it bears no accountability when draconian gun laws take effect. Then as it rises from bankruptcy with new executive leadership and director corps it will rename itself, and like its old self become the nations leading gun rights organization now named the “American Rifle Organization” or something like it. So while my ideas seem crazy- lets hear some other theories on the reasons for the illogical and abhorrent behaviors of the NRA.

    • (in his best Chamberlain voice – from The Dark Crystal)

      “mmmmMMMmmmm…Interesting idea, this is. Had not yet thought of it in this way. Curious to know if is truth.”

  12. I’m now cheering for the attorney generals to work diligently to send Wayne LaPierre and the board members to prison for for de frauding NRA members.

  13. The vast majority of NRA “Members” are just check writers who honestly (but mistakenly) believe that the NRA defends their rights and that writing a check every year makes them upstanding defenders of the Second Amendment.

    Among those who don’t fall into that first category, there are the NRA staff and a handful of people who knowingly support the NRA.

    The rest of the “members” know the NRA is dying — of multiple self-inflicted wounds

    Members aren’t attending the meeting because most don’t care and the rest know it’s too late.

    • There are many that might be check writers, but for tight money. Making out that only someone that contributes to the cause cares. The fact of the matter here is that we shouldn’t have to.

  14. Hardly Member friendly more like a members are the enemy!

    And they wonder why people are pissed!

    Getting in the White House might be easier!

  15. This is one reason why after 35 years of loyalty and donations.
    The NRA when my latest membership is up in 2022.
    Im done with them.
    Ive decided the GOA is much more deserving of my time and donations.
    Until or when LaPierre quits or better yet gets kicked out. Not a penny more from me.

  16. Wayne is like a pilot who believes he can get safely back out of the clouds he has flown into by pushing the stick forward to fly out the bottom of the cloud bank, unfortunately for his passengers the wings are going to come off sometime after he hits VNE.

    • Have the FAA changed the nomenclature lately? When I got my license back in the 1980’s they called structural failure speed (Never Exceed) “Vmax”. I still call it that and have never had anyone not understand. The question was on my written exam: Vmax = Never Exceed Speed.

      • Maybe the term is older. VNE has been used since before 1976, when I first got involved. Many were still using it in the 90s. But the terms did blend together.

          • Back then it was ‘Velocity of No Escape’, a point at which the plane could no longer recover and pull out.

        • Probably an older throwback term then. People in NE Montana tend to stay a few decades behind the times. It takes a while for things to filter down to us deplorables, up here in the frozen tundra. I do remember that question on the exam though, but we might have had older test booklets. I took my long range solo flight to Billings for the exam, killing two birds with one stone. The control tower at Logan Intl. was the only place in the whole State to give the exam, at least at that time.

          • That was the term taught in the military academy back in the 70s. One cadet asked the instructor if the plane just couldn’t pull up or if the wings would come off. The Instructor made some kind of comment like; does it make a difference? You can’t fly without wings and when you slam the ground, you’re dead either way.

  17. Honestly that to me sounds like a classic example of the heads of an organization, using that organization to destroy what the organization stands for. Every thing they do, seems to be in direct contradiction to their own goals. Similar to the leftist establishment in the government that’s working to destroy the United States from the top.

    • I’m a member(for now!) and I’ve given the NRA nothing. I bought 5 Tauruses. After the f###ing old Wayne gave ILL they won’t get a dime from me. And I defended them not long ago…lock n load.

      • Five Tauruses? I hope at least one was the PT 1911. I know some people knock them, claim they are too cheap, etc. but I have had great luck with all of mine, I’m down to three.

  18. I think if you disapprove of the NRA and have left , this is a good time to join. We are under assault but we always are. Joining and becoming a paying voting member gives you some say over what happens.

    We should take back our NRA. We need them. Look at how brazen they antis have gotten with the NRA in trouble.

  19. I’m disgusted by the NRA’s direction to their Security regarding Member access. I do understand the NRA’s concern for unrestricted access to all the Meetings/Committees presentations, discussions and decission making for the cost of an Annual Membership fee by persons that may not Support the NRA, the 2A and may in fact want to harm both. The NRA has created this situation and as damage control continues: it won’t get better. Anybody that allows the NRA to Proxy Vote for them is just perpetuating the problem.

    NRA “Transparency” may be limited to official Press Releases.

    Legally: Do NRA Members have financial responsibility for the NRA’s increasing debt?

  20. Whoa!!
    What does that tell ya about the NRA???
    The boys in charge were and are the reason I never became a member of the NRA.
    Sorry to say that but, Geeeeezzzzz.

  21. “If you are a concerned NRA Member, you should be there too. ”
    Why bother? As you so ably showed us, “member” attendance dont mean spit. You were removed when you asked simple questions. The board are all quisling toadies with no ability to change anything in Negotiating Rights Away. They are all just collecting money from “members” who get no real benefit from being a “member”.
    If all the people in power were removed, and new people brought in who actually cared about the Second Amendment to run the organization, and all the “members” were able to actually be members who had the ability to ensure the board and staff were doing a positive job of defending the 2A, then sure it would be a good thing to go and help decide the course of action for it.
    But the way things are now, it is clearly a total waste of time, money and resources to go there.

  22. It just supports my theory that the NRA is just another non-profit that has been taken over by the powers that be to be used as a tool to divide and control the American people through the manufactured narrative of partisanship.

  23. I am an NRA “member” not by choice but because the shooting range I belong to requires it. They received a grant to improve the range and are obligated to collect dues. I have long ago realized that the NRA became too political and had drifted away from their core values.
    It is unfortunate that they have become uncaring and have been absorbed by the swamp. I hope they come to their senses after the elections, but I doubt it.

    • Did you pay the full $25/$35 fee? There is an associate fee for $10. No bennies, no magazine, no free gift. Your range may accept your cheap card in place of an full annual fee.

        • The closest range originally wanted a membership (full) through them. Explained about being a retired veteran, and fixed income, and new to shooting civilian. They accept the card easily, now. The next closest just looks at the card.

  24. Name and shame the security company, private contractor, or head of security if you actually want to fix this. The lack of any id for the company or individuals (security) is a dead giveaway that no one wants this fixed. Please no responses that they (security) are just doing their job I hear that every day it fools no one and I am tired of the excuse.

  25. Well, the Tea Party, outsiders and not professionally political, got all issued up, grass roots activated, took positions, got engaged with the system. They flipped congressd, rallied, had positions, looked into issues…

    …and discovered that the game was rigged. They were The Washington Generals, providing a specatcle in the pretense of a contest. It’s called a “representative government” “of, by and for” the people until some of the people start actingh that way. Inconvenient when the marks start acting like the scam is in fact real.

    And the “members” of the NRA as a “membership organization” are discovering that that doesn’t work that way, either.

    • Any organization with a “board of directors” over 10, being on the board has become a payoff, and it’s run for them.

  26. Thank you Rob.

    I am a Patron level member of the NRA; #4875884 and being that I live 3,000 mile away from this meeting and could not attend, I appreciate someone like Rob attending these meetings where members like myself can not.

    It is very disappointing to hear about the reception Rob received from the NRA and thus that type of attitude from the NRA only verifies to members like myself the position we are taking to no longer support the NRA with contributions until there are changes in the leadership.

  27. Well, I solved the problem by not being an NRA member anymore.
    And you should also not renew until they remove Wayne and open up transparency.

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