Guns Save Life Defense Training. John Bosh Photo

What happens when an 11-year-old young man sees an adult man beating and strangling his 27-year-old pregnant mother? Well, if she’s raised a lion and not a sheep, he’ll grab a gun and shoot the SOB attacking his mother. Exactly that happened in Charlotte, N.C., as a young man grabbed a pistol and ended an attack upon his pregnant mom.

Authorities say a domestic abuser forced entry in a hotel room where the young man and his mom were staying at about 11 p.m. From there, the big, bad wolf began beating and strangling Lil’ Red Riding Hood.

While the mom couldn’t reach the gun as she endured the beat-down, the 11-year-old could. He did so. And he took care of business.

The local Queen City News covered the story:

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police say an 11-year-old boy shot a man to defend his pregnant mother against an attack from a hotel room intruder.

Police have warrants out for the suspect.

Investigators said he broke into a hotel room and started attacking a pregnant mother when her young son stepped in and shot him…

The suspect and the pregnant woman were taken to the hospital.

Police said the young boy is not facing any charges.

“The young boy?” Is this the same mainstream media that calls twenty-something bad guys “children”? A 5-year-old is a young boy. An 11-year-old is a young man and this one in particular shows all the hallmarks of maturity and good decision-making under stress.

Mom did well raising a son with the heart of a lion.

It might have saved her life.

Imagine for a moment if she had secured her gun, unloaded and locked away as Big Gun Control, Inc. would have us all store our guns.


  1. This would have been The Feelgood Story of the Week, if only the perp hadn’t been able to go on the lam. Tagged and bagged, THAT would have been a Feelgood of the Week.

    • … but wait, I’m confused as to the disposition of the perp after rereading the story. While it states that police have warrants are out for the suspect, it later states he and the pregnant woman are both in the hospital.
      Gee, maybe they should go there and arrest him.

      • Unicorn, you wait until the suspect is discharged to arrest him. That way he owns the hospital bill. Not the taxpayers. I’ve done it several times. The head nurse just puts a note in the file to call LE when he’s going to leave.

        • Gadsden Flag good point on waiting and the state not assuming the medical costs but unfortunately the hospital will never collect from a ne’erdowell and the rest of society will end up covering the bill eventually one way or another.

        • gadsten…Instead of detouring over to some lamebrain trick to benefit gov. and eventually screw the taxpayer why not stick to wtf matters and let the young man have his moment in the sun?

          I.E. Job well done young man…period.

        • Debbie, be careful, your stupidity is beginning to show. Again. I didn’t detour anywhere. Unicorn was asking why the suspect wasn’t arrested in the hospital. I merely offered him a possible explanation. If I were the chief of the Charlotte Mecklenburg police (good guys BTW, I worked with their SWAT team after Hurricane Katrina) the kid would be getting an award.

      • Yeah, I noticed that too. I think its a matter of how they worded it at the time.

        My understanding was that the police had the bad guy transported to the hospital, thus he would have been in custody.

        But anyway, maybe the warrants were already outstanding for the bad guys prior crimes. It appears as though maybe he had already tried this, warrants were issued for that, but then tracked her down at the hotel to try again.

        But time will tell what the details are, unfortunately you will need to do further research probably because the media rarely comes back and provides updates in cases like this. And if this would not have involved a gun, say for example, the kid stabbed the man with a knife instead, its likely the media would not have covered it at all like they don’t cover the thousands of domestic and other assaults that happen daily across the country where the perpetrator uses a weapon other than a gun to kill/injure.

        • possibly despite the attack, the boy becomes the suspect after a gun is used. or it’s just poorly worded.

      • Dear, Perp:
        Signed: Little Johnny

        Probably have warrants issued for the perp’s arrest when he is released from hospital…if he leaves other than in a body bag. Perp may be cuffed to the bed in ICU as a detainee, thereby city avoiding hospital bill responsibility.

  2. And just next door in Virginia, the hate-filled Democrat majority of the General Assembly passed and sent a bill to the Governor that, if in force in a similar situation, would have made that mother a criminal. Or, if she had chosen to obey that law, she likely would have been dead.

    They hate guns so much, they would rather you DIE than be able to protect yourself.

    Read them for yourself, and send Governor Youngkin a note asking him to VETO!

    • North Carolina also has a Safe Firearm Storage law. Fortunately provision (c) covers just this type of scenario allowing for the minor to access and use the firearm legally.
      GS 14-315.1 Storage of firearms to protect minors
      (a) Any person who resides in the same premises as a minor, owns or possesses a firearm, and stores or leaves the firearm (i) in a condition that the firearm can be discharged and (ii) in a manner that the person knew or should have known that an unsupervised minor would be able to gain access to the firearm, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor if a minor gains access to the firearm without the lawful permission of the minor’s parents or a person having charge of the minor and the minor:
      (1) Possesses it in violation of G.S. 14‑269.2(b);
      (2) Exhibits it in a public place in a careless, angry, or threatening manner;
      (3) Causes personal injury or death with it not in self defense; or
      (4) Uses it in the commission of a crime.
      (b) Nothing in this section shall prohibit a person from carrying a firearm on his or her body, or placed in such close proximity that it can be used as easily and quickly as if carried on the body.
      (c) This section shall not apply if the minor obtained the firearm as a result of an unlawful entry by any person.
      (d) “Minor” as used in this section means a person under 18 years of age who is not emancipated. (1993, c. 558, s. 2; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 14, s. 11.)

      • So the two Virginia bills (identical, one from each house) also SAY they have an exception if the minor is under the supervision of an adult, BUT… the bills require that in order for a gun to be stored LOADED, the lock must be biometric.

        So that means in real life, if the mom is under attack, the son would never be able to get into the required safe storage device to retrieve it.

        She’s dead.

      • This reminds me about the fight over the s0dmy laws that went on back in the seventies and eighties. Back then, the argument was the government shouldn’t tell you, what consenting adults could do. inside your own house.

        But now many of those same complaining people. They still want to tell you what to do, inside your own house.

  3. Story seems to be missing the Chapter about the HUSBAND/FATHER. Or this another immaculate conception?

    • Well according to the libertarians liberals and the left. A father/husband is not necessary.

  4. only good scumbag is a dead scumbag! Kid deserves a glock if his own! lots of vermin that needs to be eradicated.

  5. Could possibly be better for the kids future, mentally, that he didn’t actually kill the guy, but now knows the feeling, what it took and certainly could act defensively again.

  6. No doubt this young man has the heart and eye of the tiger.

    But he is 11. Years. Old.

    Every one’s brains are wired differently and everyone will have a different response to killing.

    But the disgusting venom of the progressives on the internet informs me that it will be that this 11-year-old boy will soon be vilified.

    Examples? The Covington Kid. The Kansas City Chiefs Kid.

    I pray that some professional, who counsels LEOs, or perhaps a Dave Grossman type, can offer some professional assistance to this young man.

    I’m no professional in this regard but I do know there is an effect for killing.

    Say a prayer for this young man’s well being.

  7. Where are our resident “Anti” trolls to lecture us on how introducing children in the proper use of firearms is “bad”?

  8. “Imagine for a moment if she had secured her gun, unloaded and locked away as Big Gun Control, Inc. would have us all store our guns.”

    Then no one would have been shot.

    • Sam:
      The point is that had the assailant not been shot, the mother would have been murdered. It is difficult for me to fathom that YOU DON’T GET THAT! What’s the matter with you?

  9. TTAG has done several stories where home alone children used real guns. And used BB guns to defend themselves. An educated and disciplined child. Is not in potential danger, when around unsecured firearms.

    • I saw a documentary in which a child slightly younger than the child in this one defended his home against two dedicated home robbers. He used a BB gun… and a torch… a paint can… some cars… marbles…

  10. As far as I know this story was NOT covered in the local Charlotte Observer newspaper. This is not surprising at all as any story with a black assailant is either ignored or published with no name and no photo. The editors who are also black have this as their commandment to all the writers and lesser editors. Sickening and sad. If anyone wants to challenge this as being incorrect, please do so.

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