Larry Krasner
"I agree with The Trace...gas stations are to blame for Philly's violent crime problem."(AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
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Philadelphia really seems to want to give Chicago a run for its money among big city shooting galleries (521 dead with three weeks to go). Chicago’s still the reigning champ, of course, but you have to like the contender’s chances given who’s running things and their persistent state of denial they’re living in…at least publicly.

The City of Brotherly Love’s Soros-backed District Attorney just wants to waive off any talk of a crime problem. In fact, he did just that earlier this week. Doing his best Baghdad Bob imitation, D.A. Larry Krasner sputtered . . .

“We don’t have a crisis of lawlessness, we don’t have a crisis of crime, we don’t have a crisis of violence,” the district attorney told reporters at a Monday press conference. “It’s important that we don’t let this become mushy and bleed into the notion that there is some kind of big spike in crime. There isn’t. There is not a big spike in crime. … There is not a big spike in violent crime. Neither one of these things is true.”

Unfortunately, no one was buying what the “prosecutor” was selling and he’s since had to backtrack. He blamed the whole kerfuffle and all the clearly false information he was spouting on a misunderstanding and a Strother Martinesque failure to communicate.

“I know that some inarticulate things I said earlier this week have offended people. The message conveyed through media sound bites is not at all what I meant,” Krasner said in a statement released Thursday.

For a little perspective on Philadelphia’s crime situation, perhaps D.A. Krasner could ask some of the people who have to live with it every damned day. People like the son of the owner a pizza restaurant who was working the counter with his father last night when a man who had just held up a pharmacy down the street and came in looking for some more loot.

[T]hree men robbed the CVS pharmacy at North Broad and Spring Garden in the Spring Garden section of the city.

Moments later, police say at least one of those men went a block away to rob the Bold Pizza Shop at 15th and Spring Garden.

Employees say the man forcibly reached over the counter and tried to take cash from the register.

A struggle ensued between an employee and the robbery suspect when the offender started to strangle the victim. The victim’s 14-year-old son grabbed a handgun from under the counter and shot the offender one time in the face, police said.

That, as you might imagine, ended the robbery attempt.

Philly’s finest followed a trail of blood and cash to a nearby subway station where they found the wounded suspect. He’s now in critical condition.

We’re sure the pizza store owner and his heroic son were happy to hear from the District Attorney earlier this week that their city doesn’t really have a serious crime problem. For his part, however, Philly’s former mayor didn’t appreciate the gaslighting.

“It takes a certain audacity of ignorance and white privilege to say that right now,” [Former Mayor Michael] Nutter said. “I have to wonder what kind of messed up world of white wokeness Krasner is living in to have so little regard for human lives lost, many of them Black and brown, while he advances his own national profile as a progressive district attorney.”

You apparently have to break few eggs to make a successful “progressive” career.

In the mean time, as gun sales figures continue to show, more people like the Philly pizza restaurant owner and his son are arming themselves as it becomes ever more clear that those who were elected to enforce the law and prosecute those who violate it have little or no interest in doing so.

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  1. D.A. Larry Krasner: “I didn’t mean what I said I meant when I said what I said. Right, Mr. Soros, sir?”

  2. Ignorance & White Privilege,
    Wow… Just Wow…!
    Somebody might want to tell Larry that he’s also white.
    Maybe he should give his job to a so called person of color as reparations for HIS whiteness.

    • He’s the worst kind of racist. POC can’t function without the benevolent hand of an understanding white big brother to guide them.

    • The white privilege comment came from former Mayor Nutter, who is black. And who is now beginning to realize that his woke white allies are nuttier than fruitcake. Maybe his next epiphany will be that his nominal enemies, conservatives, are the ones grounded in reality and they are capable of solving the problem.

  3. This story highlights the destructive outcome of the, “Let violent criminals take the money/merchandise–that is what insurance if for,” crowd.

    When you let violent criminals operate unopposed, they will increase the frequency and severity of their raids which increases everyone’s risk substantially.

    That concept might be okay for large herds of prey animals since predators cannot possibly maim/kill all of them–it is NOT okay for human beings.

    • ” we don’t have a crime problem “. No it’s not a problem when it’s exactly what you planned on doing as per Soros plan.

    • somewhat relatable to your comment

      According to Kleck’s “Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America” – the leading authority on the subject of compliance and referenced by the DOJ:

      1. Any form of resistance, except with firearm, carries with it an injury rate of 52%.

      2. Resistance with a firearm carried with it the risk of injury of 17%, but use of a firearm early in an encounter carries with it a risk of injury of 6%.

      Overall, in Kleck, you have a minimum of a 25% chance of being injured if you comply, but you are 4 time less likely to be injured if you have your firearm and are prepared to use it.

      Take away here summary: compliance may still result in injury (which includes death), resistance without a firearm carries a 52% chance of injury (which includes death), resistance with a firearm lowers chance of injury (which includes death) to 17%, resistance with a firearm early in the encounter further lowers risk of injury (which includes death) to 6%

      If you are armed are you willing to gamble that you are not in the 25%?
      if you are not armed are you willing to gamble that you are not in the 52%?

      Compliance or not, resistance or not – is not a decision one needs to make. The answer is already provided, non-compliance via firearms resistance offers the best chance of less injury.

    • Our local Lowes told their employees not to try and stop shop lifters. I wonder if anything would happen to me, an old White dude if I decided to walk in and carry out a new pressure washer. Would I get treated the same way?

      • I sold guns in a big box store and was told not to interfere with shoplifters. I told them not to worry about it — I didn’t give a sh!t about their stuff, only my own.

        I don’t think they appreciated my candor.

    • the difference is that CVS are a large corporation with plenty of “depth” to spread their losses accross the entire operation. A one off pizza joint losses money Boss and kids don’t eat. This young MAN understands that in ways the roving bands of mauraders do not. Further, since he WORKS for his cach, he understands the value of time and sweat. What his mouth gets to enjoy is closely connected wo what his hands do daily. Very biblical perspective, and rapidly being lost these days.

  4. 14 years old, huh? Did he know to shoot for center of mass, or was it just an awkward position to shoot from? Either way, the perp won’t soon forget that he was punked by a 14 year old kid. He has something in common with Grosscrotch!

    • He did shoot for center mass, center mass of the head. The bad guy was strangling another employee at the time, so a head shot may have been the least likely chance of hitting the victim but I wasn’t there and the kid was. Anyway, the bad guy went down, victims life saved, kid is basically a hero, and had to make a very responsible adult decision he will need to live with the rest of his life … so face shot is good here in my book.

    • My guess is that to shoot for the perp’s torso may have put Dad at risk. The higher trajectory of punk’s ugly mug (now most likely considerably uglier) gave better assurance that Dad can’t catch a miss. I’d say he done just about pluperfect. May sound cruel but I’d have rather seen the one shot take this miserable lout off the planet and face to face with his Maker to ask a few pointed questioins. Now in hospital the dollars are flying off the shelf to try and mend him. Then will come the public expense of charing, trying, warehousing, this lout for some time to come. But things fall as they have. Better this than dad getting choked to death by this dirtbag.

  5. I bet that barrel looked pretty big coming up point blank to his face.
    A penny for his thoughts right before the flash.

  6. Life Hack!
    You can walk into a California home, help yourself to what you want to take, and walk out the door. As long as you present yourself unarmed and peaceful the only thing the occupants can legally do is call the police and wait for them to show up. If they as much as throw a punch you can then she them! It’s a beautiful state they have made out there.

    • ” If they as much as throw a punch you can then she them!”

      she them? You throw the wife or daughter at them?



    • All that law achieves is a reduced likelihood of surviving intruders. No conflicting stories when there’s only one.

    • That is not true at all.
      California has an excellent Castle doctrine law.
      Intruders who actually break something to enter your house, are presumed under the law to be deadly force attackers.
      You are privileged to use deadly force against them.
      While you cannot shoot them while they are fleeing, or leave your house to pursue them, you do not have to let them walk around your house and steal your stuff.

  7. I wish we had the pizza place surveillance video. I know is sounds sort of ghoulish but a helicopter view of a bunch of cops standing around doesn’t really do this story justice.

    But watch the video after that one too, the increase in car jacking video.

    • This young MAN is surely no “babe”. He is far more a man than all but a ahndful roaminb atout Kenosha that night.. or any of the dirtbag rovvers of that CVS up the block. He is also far more a man than nearly all of our “pawl a TISH uns.”

    • News flash: this was INSIDE private property. ANYONE can possess any weapon in suchplaces. Fixed place of business provides the same safety and sanctuarly and right to defend as does a private home.
      If this pinko DA even thinks of bringing charges against this young MAN he should be instantly impeached.

      I hope this incident goes viral in his town, and that his “subjects” take to heart this incident as contrasted with his recent blubberings aobut “no crime problem.

  8. to my understanding the young man did not have any legal weapon the gun was registered and all people should protect themselves in small businesses in anywhere due to the crime rate in our city. The judgment of a young teen protecting his mother from a criminal scum bag that was choking her while trying to steal from her hands should not be an issue to you or anyone else. If it were you in the situation I bet your opinion would be much different. So before you comment on situations like this about a young teen who is not out there with any legal gun shooting up the city for no reason and protecting his family at his place of work you better watch your tongue because you’re looking for negative comments And you look like a fool with the comments.

  9. to my understanding the young man did not have any legal weapon the gun was registered and talked away is all people should protect themselves in small businesses in anywhere due to the crime rate in our city. The judgment of a young teen protecting his mother from a criminal scum bag that was choking her while trying to steal from her hands should not be an issue to you or anyone else. If it were you in the situation I bet your opinion would be much different. So before you comment on situations like this about a young teen who is not out there with any legal gun shooting up the city for no reason and protecting his family at his place of work you better watch your tongue because you’re looking for negative comments And you look like a fool with the comments.

  10. Under the best circumstances, children raised with a mother and father. With love and discipline. Can handle Firearms quite well. And when properly trained they will know, when it’s time to use that weapon to defend themselves and their family members.

    Several years ago, I believe it was a 13 year old boy trained and disciplined by his father. Who got his father’s AR-15 rifle and used it to stop two or three home Invaders.

    • I remember the account of the Mom and three kids home in the afternoon, Dd still at work. Kids are six, eight and eleven. Perp rushes Mom, shoves nher into the kitchen, grabs a big kitchen knife, and holds her up against the counter, knife to her throat. SHe is wiggling and shouting, he persists. Threatening her. Elevenyear old son rushes ups tairs to his bedroom, grabs his Daisey BB gun, dashed back wodn and into the ktichen and begins peppering the perp’s face with BB’s at close range, as fast as he can crank that lever on the Daidey. After a few ruonds, perp decides he’s had enough. Lets her go and flees. Eleven years old and HE knows what to do with what he’s got availble. No charged were even imagined against him. Prep was later arrested when he showed up at a local hospital to get his “accident” taken care of. His sotry made no sense, nurses called in the coppers. They had had the report about the breakin and assault, and Hero Son and his Daisey. They put the clamps on the perp. Bet that went down real well in the Crowbar Hotel.. big touch guy bested by an eleven year old kid wiath a pump actioin BB gun. Har de harr harr harr…. Bet he will NEVER forget What’sizname.

  11. On the flip side of progressive DAs is the apparent tough on crime prosecutor that has a great conviction rate because they pick and choose cases they can win easily or have a high profile to help boost their ego.

    I’ve seen how that attitude causes cops not to pursue investigations of certain crimes that effect the middle and lower classes because they know the cases won’t be taken to court.

    I was actually involved in such a case where I perfectly identified the perp and his vehicle, but because he wasn’t in the same county in which he committed the crime by the time investigators found him, they gave the case to a soon to retire Detective and that was that.

    I think a DA with a 50% conviction rate who fought like he’ll to make it very uncomfortable for criminals to be in his county is better than a good old boy smuck with a 95% conviction rate who likes to see himself in the TV and the mirror way too often.

  12. Years from now, somebody’s going to ask that clown (if he survives) how he got that hole in his face, and he’s gonna say he got it from pizza.

  13. Nice! I applaud the quick reaction and judicious marksmanship of the youth, and hope his future mental/emotional state isn’t significantly hindered by having shot a scumbag in the face. That would be a stressful and difficult situation for a grown and trained adult, let alone a boy of 14. Even so, good for him!

    • I am confident that the character and rational thinking he demonstrated in this incident is a strong indictor he is a well blaanced, secur,e and confident individual. I dou;bt he’ll be having much mental trauma in the wake of this. Remember, the guy was, to all appearances, trying to kill his Dad. Had he stood there, mouth agape, and watched as the perp had his way with his Dad, then he’d have good cause for feeling like a rat. But he did the right thing in the face of evil.

  14. many of them Black and brown,

    WHY oh why is “Black” capitalised here and “brown” not? Both or neither.
    some woke agenda oozing out from under the rug here.

    • Check out Andrew Sullivan’s article “The Woke: On the Wrong Side of History.” He covers it all in detail.

  15. Your grammar is not correct: RE “US” and “WE”
    “We sometimes think that God is like US, [ARE] [It should be WE are].. We think because we have not been thinking of Him, he has not been thinking of us. But God is not like US [ARE] ——-[Should be ‘WE are’ not US are]

    You wrote, “we sometimes think that God is like us,—–” [like US are???] [should be: “that God is like WE are” [NOT ‘US’ are]

    Correct grammar: “We think because we have not been thinking of Him, He has not been thinking of us.

    Not correct: “But God is not like US: “[“not like US are????] [should be, “God is not like:”WE are”]

    GRAMMAR “We sometimes think that God is like us —– [SHOULD BE “like we are” not, “us” and “are”],

    And again your bad grammar you wrote: “distracted from us. We think because we have not you wrote: “been thinking of Him, He has not been thinking of us. It should not be “God is NOT like US are —–” [it should be “God is not like WE are”. ——–[NOT: “US: are” but “WE are”]

    grammar corrected

    Joell Burville

  16. Media script:
    14 yo kid is a MAGA wearing, Kyle Rittenhouse supporter whom ILLEGALLY USED A WEAPON. He’s also a racist
    Thug was a good teen, with a troubled background, but was “going” to go to college. He had 5 kids, and was unfairly served with 4 no contact orders. He also had several warrants to his name.

    Learn it, love it, repeat it, and post it

  17. Shitbag got what he deserved. To bad he didn’t collapse & circle the drain in exquisite agony while the cops & EMT’s stood around and laughed at him until he bled out. That would be Justice.

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