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By Jess Banda

If you’ve spent any time reading firearm blogs or forums, you’ve noticed that the subject of shooting speed is discussed pretty often. And the most popular recommendations for improving your speed include handgun slide cutouts and/or experimenting with recoil guide spring rods. I usually chuckle when reading these recommendations because however well-meaning, they overlook the most obvious answer: grip strength. Having a strong grip, not only aids weapon retention, especially in slick conditions, but also assists with recoil management. A strong grip can significantly reduce recoil, allowing your firearm’s sights to return on target considerably faster between shots . . .

After watching the video above, here are some additional pointers for your consideration:

Tip 1
This is also a great technique to utilize when a gripper exceeds your current grip strength capabilities. Perform as many normal reps as possible and finish with a few of these special reps.

Tip 2
You can perform reps with both spring positions back-to-back. Begin with the spring pointed downward, perform as many repetitions as possible and immediately perform additional repetitions with the spring pointed up.

Tip 3
This technique is strongly recommended for law enforcement officials. Recent advancements in non-lethal technologies have provided LEOs with a greater choice of safer use-of-force-options, but this technology comes with a price: it adds to the equipment an officer must diligently protect from a takeaway. Accordingly, law enforcement officers need grip strength capable of generating force in a multitude of positions, defending their weapons from attack in multiple directions. The grip strength required to defend an item located on the rear of your duty belt is considerably different than the strength required to protect your firearm located on your strong side. This difference in grip strength requirements is due to the different positions of the hands and forearms when generating strength.

If you feel your grip is lacking or if your shooting partners have sufficient time to go to the local Starbucks when you’re between double taps, give my three tips a try.

Jess Banda runs Banda Tactical Fitness

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  1. a strong grip is really important with these polymer frame guns. a good solid grip clears up most of the ftf and fte problems. at least in my experience.

  2. According to the highly scientific test (I’m sure…) I took at a display in OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science & Industry) last year, I’ve got above average grip strength in both hands for a 30 year old male. I can’t recall what the number was though, but I recall it impressively more than the grip strength of a bunch of 12 – 14 year old girls. (I was there on a youth group trip.)

    But I have noticed though that at some angles I can’t grip as hard as I feel I should be able to, I may have to work on that. Good article!

  3. 1 other point about strentgh training for your hands. us old guys start having a little friend called arthritis come to visit. regular exercise can help this. i’m right handed and of course that’s where i got it. keeping at the grip training and holding off on things like the 500 s&w helps a lot.

    • JWM, great point. Grip training promotes blood flow into the hands, bringing the muscles nutrients and hauling away all the left over metabolic crap.

  4. Stuck in the middle of an XL & a P320 X-compact internal debate. Leaning to the slightly larger & thicker 320, because manual safety conversion availability. Might be able to get a sweet deal with all the trolls on sig talk discarding via

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