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“(Robby) Wells said he had a bad feeling from the start, when a pizza order was called into Hungry Howie’s last week. ‘The call came in for a $74 order, first red flag. Second red flag: it was cash,’ Wells said. Wells was also suspicious because he said there was a similar call three weeks ago that ended with another driver being robbed.” The fact that the delivery address was a parking lot might have been a tip-off, too. “I saw the four young men sitting right there on the bench and the fifth one was right behind the pillar trying to hide.” Why that didn’t prompt the pie purveyor to drive off at that point isn’t really clear . . .

Wells said that when he got out of the car, the five surrounded him. That’s when he showed them he was packing and asked if they intended to pay for the the deep dish delights they’d ordered. When they admitted they didn’t, he got back in his vehicle at left.

He said the incident won’t stop him from future deliveries because “I knew that I was protected. I was completely protected.”

Another DGU facilitated without firing a shot. But it probably shouldn’t have gotten that far.

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    • Do those same police have anything to say about taking your personal security into your own hands since they weren’t there at the time? It isn’t like the pizza guy was making arrests. He simply made an escape with no shots fired.

      • I deliver pizzas for a major national chain. Corporate policy is no weapons ever, and in the event of a robbery to offer no resistance. I have a different personal policy.

        • On that note, from the article’s description that entire scenario sounded like a set up from the start, and the driver should have called the store and told his manager it was a terrible idea, falling back on the principle of not doing stupid things with stupid people in stupid places. But I’m glad it worked out for him.

        • Corporate HAS to say that to limit liability exposure. For some reason, juries haven’t figured out that stripping a person’s means of security and not replacing it with anything tangible is irresponsible.

          I think it should be the opposite. I think that any company that has a disarmament policy should be legally liable for failing to provide real security to replace it.

        • And of course it looked like a setup… in hindsight. Pizza delivery is an inherently risky job. You take a chance on every run.

        • I used to work for Pizza Hut as a driver. They also had a strict “no weapons” policy, but they never had any training on what to do if you were robbed. There were some weekend nights I had over $100 – $150 in cash (max). I know for some, a hundred bucks was worth the risk, that’s why I carried anyway.

        • I drove for dominos for a couple years, was entertaining enough I took up driving for another company later. Far as I was concerned their policy was don’t ask, don’t tell. My managers never asked if I was armed, and I never told them about the kalash I kept in the boot with the pies.

        • i applaud your personal policy, and with corporate “support” like that, mine would probably include changing professions. cheers 🙂

  1. I’m not getting why he is telling the media hookers this story. Shoot, shovel, shut up.

  2. There are a couple of jobs that violate all safety and common sense rules. The rules have to be broken in order to do these jobs. Pizza delivery guy and cab driver are very high on the list. Some jobs simply demand a spirit of adventure to do them.

    I have been on the other side of that pizza delivery equation. I ordered pizza’s to a parking lot at a high school at night. Delivery was made and tips, not shots, exchanged.

  3. If I might chime in on the theme that seems to be arising; A high speed low drag operator wouldn’t have gone into that situation for nothing more important than a pizza delivery and neither should have this guy. This sounds like a situation in which carrying has caused this person to put himself in a place he shouldn’t have been. I love the line that flies around here about stupid people doing stupid things. . . This was stupid.

  4. Shame he didn’t plug the crims.

    Also, fuck the pizza chains for loudly advertising that their delivery guys are unarmed.

  5. Five to one is still pretty bad odds; it should never have gotten that far.

    And I love the bit about “taking the law into their own hands.” That’s one LEO who doesn’t know the language.

  6. I worked in a convenience store for almost 7 years. Company policy didn’t even allow you to carry a pocket knife. I carried my S&W anyway, the local cops on the beat knew it, and so did the winos and gangbangers. If I had been killed on the job the company might have sent flowers. Maybe.

  7. I think it was a good thing this incident happened. Now maybe the 5 would be criminals will think twice and possibly will have been reformed by the fact that they almost got smoked.. The statistics that im about to make up say that at least one guy will tell the others when a great robbery idea comes up, “Screw that, do you remember what almost happened last time?”

  8. My company sent around a memo to sign that said “no employee is to have visible weapons on their person or vehicle at any time.” Probably not what they intended, but the only thing I got out of that was “VISIBLE”.

  9. I used to deliver pizza. Never carried (I was too young to buy a pistol in my state at that point) but I thought very, very seriously about getting a cap&ball blackpowder pistol for IWB carry.

    If I were the driver, I would have left when I got to the parking lot, if I got a bad feeling about the situation. But prior to that, there’s no way to tell. We used to have people order pizza in all kinds of crazy circumstances…. one time I drove out to a lake (that was the only description they gave) -turns out, the guys who had ordered the pizza were out in the middle of said lake, in a boat, fishing. Too, people seldom want pizza delivery at high noon. It’s usually late at night when they don’t feel like cooking, and more often than not, the customers aren’t living in the nicest part of town (where they could eat at some premium restaurant.)

    I never got robbed (but then, I only had the job for 3 months) but I did have a couple of close calls with large, vicious dogs. It’s an inherently dangerous job compared to many, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

  10. You guys may be too young to remember this, but speaking of pizza drivers, this happened in 1969. Below is from Wikipedia….Second Chance Body Armor

    Second Chance is a body armor manufacturing company and was the first one to use kevlar for body armor. The company was founded in the early 1970s by former U.S. Marine and pizza delivery owner/driver Richard Davis. Davis developed the idea of a bulletproof vest after shooting three armed robbers in self-defense during a delivery. This incident was later documented in a 1995 book written by firearms instructor Massad Ayoob called The Ayoob Files: The Book. According to Reader’s Digest
    April 2014 “Extraordinary inventions by ordinary people”, Davis did not do the shooting but was the victim, being shot twice.

    Davis started his company out of his garage. In early sales demonstrations, he would put on one of his vests and then shoot himself, usually with a firearm provided by whatever agency he was demonstrating for.

    In 1998, Second Chance introduced Zylon-based body armor (bullet-resistant vests), as a lightweight alternative to kevlar. The Zylon material used in the vests was supplied by Japan-based Toyobo.

  11. Official said … “Don’t take the law into their own hands”

    I agree!

    That’s precisely what the four teens did, but the delivery man prevented them from actually breaking the law.

    : )

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