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3 Dead, 11 Wounded After Multiple People Open Fire on a Crowd in a Philadelphia Entertainment District

From the Associated Press . . .

Gunfire killed three people and wounded at least 11 others in a popular downtown Philadelphia entertainment district late Saturday night, authorities said.

Police officers were patrolling the area on South Street in downtown Philadelphia when they heard multiple gunshots and witnessed several suspects firing into a large crowd just before midnight, Police Inspector D. F. Pace said during a news conference.

An officer shot at one of the suspects from about 30 feet (9 meters) away, but it is unclear if the suspect was hit, Pace said.

“You can imagine there were hundreds of individuals just enjoying South Street, as they do every single weekend, when this shooting broke out,” Pace said.

Two men and a woman were among those killed in the shooting, he said. Their names were not made public by authorities. The conditions of those who were wounded by gunfire remains unknown.

Philadelphia Shooting
Philadelphia Police investigators work the scene of a fatal overnight shooting on South Street in Philadelphia, Sunday, June 5, 2022. (AP Photo/Michael Perez)

Two handguns were recovered, including one with an extended magazine, police said. No arrests have been made.

South Street is known for its entertainment venues and night life with multiple bars, restaurants and businesses. Surveillance video from a local business posted by WTXF-TV showed scores of people milling about on the sidewalks and in the street who then suddenly began to flee en masse as the gunfire began.

Pace said police expect to be able to gather “a lot of video surveillance footage” from the many businesses along the street later in the day to try to identify suspects.

Eric Walsh, closing up the outdoor seating area of a bar along the block, told The Philadelphia Inquirer that the scene was “chaos.” He said he saw a young woman collapse to the ground on the corner.

“People were coming off the street with blood splatters on white sneakers and skinned knees and skinned elbows,” Walsh said. “We literally just were balling up napkins and wetting them and handing them to people.”

86 thoughts on “3 Dead, 11 Wounded After Multiple People Open Fire on a Crowd in a Philadelphia Entertainment District”

  1. Now, let’s see the mug shots of all of those “white supremacists” that perpetrated this crime.

    • …in a popular downtown Philadelphia entertainment district…

      …blood splatters on white sneakers…

      The math is not very complicated on this. Call me what you want.

      • This happened last Nov. in nearby St. Paul – up to six gangbangers involved, one bystander patron killed and fourteen injured. One of the few arrested obtained guns from a straw buyer whom was also arrested. From what I can verify, they are all currently out on warrants after failing to appear. Google the story if you can’t already guess what their mugshots look like.

      • ‘…..popular downtown Philadelphia entertainment district….. ‘

        Yes, this is how criminals who obtain guns illegally and are allowed to go unpunished by the ‘justice’ system ‘entertain’ themselves with firearms.

        The is the norm in numerous cities that have top to bottom demoncrapic leadership.

        • And you and all of us are presumed to be likely to commit the same crimes as the natives and the democrats would base gun laws on that. I’m not buying that shit.

    • already a given [black]…..but two of the three had gun wasn’t even charged…

    • WOW ! gunfire just breaks out in the city of brotherly love (crimes) ? Guns down here in Baton Rouge and New Orleans always have a person (with outstanding warrants) involved. I guess yankee guns, just shoot, all by themselves….. yankees would never kill other yankees (Gov. Cuomo)

  2. “South Philadelphia born & raised”…. Hmm. Philly is the new Chiraq??

    • Go about 40 minutes south to Wilmington and there was a city that beat Chicago percapita a few times over last decade. Philly can be bad but more because of riot issues and random gang violence.

      • I am making a real GOOD MONEY ($550 to $750 / hr) online from my laptop. Last month I GOT chek of nearly 85000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. You become independent after joining this JOB. I really thanks to my FRIEND who refer me this SITE…..,


  3. Philadelphia, another Demoncrat stronghold where criminals are set free, gangs flourish, and illegal immigrants are given sanctuary.

    Seems to me the city government is harvesting exactly the behavior they have cultivated.

  4. My wife and I used to enjoy the South Street Seaport entertainment district. That was more than a decade ago. We stopped going because…well, the city was deteriorating ( despite the investment around the convention center)

  5. As Niner49er says…more gun control will fix this.
    And M14 would be better than AR-15 and 9mm will blow your lung out so better use a 22.

  6. Be sure to specify ‘9 meters’ because everything changes when to 10th is reached.

    But we’ll it’s Philly.

  7. Chances are very good the shooters were known criminals who should have been incarcerated.

    A firearm is just one of the many everyday items criminals misuse. Making guns the center of attention is a sleazy tactic used by Gun Control zealots to advance their Gun Control agenda, an agenda history confirms is rooted in racism and genocide…Frankly there is little difference between nutcase violent criminals and Gun Control zealots hauling around the sewage left by racists and nazis.

    • it is only the semi-auto guns that are bad. Shooting others with a revolver, is not offensive. I love my H&R, nine shot .22 a well placed .22 will stop anything, and do it on the cheap

  8. Now that I’m retired and have the time (and funds) to pursue my interests in U.S. history I find that I have little desire to travel to the crime-ridden bastions of Liberal insanity many of the original States and cities have become. Philiadelphia has been off my “Bucket List” for a number of years.

    It’s odd that mass shootings were down under Trump, but how they spike under Joey, Progressive guidance and upcoming elections. Things that make you go “Hmmmm!”.

    • Com on Man, you know it’s the gunms, get rid of those and the violence will stop.
      Let’s Go Brandon

    • It’s not hard to figure out, midterms are a few months out and the Dims are so under water that they have to create a distraction.

  9. No names or descriptions given of the shooter(s).
    No one saw them or is it that the description doesn’t fit the narrative?

  10. Everyone want’s security everywhere, 24/7. What level of security can you afford?

    • Gunnygene,

      “What level….can you afford”
      And what level will we tolerate?

      When I was in Hungary, while the Iron Curtain was still up, security on the street was provided by uniformed soldiers carrying automatic weapons. They were not very approachable, and you certainly did not photograph them. Oddly, having them watch us did not make us feel safe.

    • “What level of security can you afford?”

      Not as much as someone in Congress. They’re very spendy when it comes to their personal security.

      • True. Btw, there was an almost identical shoot ’em up in the wee hours of this morning in Chattanooga. 3 dead, 14 injured. Google it for details.

    • the only functional security I have is what I carry on my hip verywhere I go. It is riight there if I ever should need it. The number is esy to remember. It comes right after EIGHT. The lagest single didit number. Never goes on strike, never demands pay raise, though its operational cost has gone uo signficantly these past three or so years, it is still relatively effordable.

    • Dang Amish gangs driving in from Lancaster County to raise a little heck fire. Horse poop in the streets.

      • Clip clop, clip clop. Bang bang. Clip clop, clip clop. Bang bang.


        Drive-by shooting in Lancaster, Co., PA.

  11. It’s all my fault and only by confiscating my property will Phillys gangs stop shooting each other over who gets to sell the most meth and fentanyl on Kensington Ave.

    I am truly sorry.

    • …supposedly started out as a fist-fight…then escalated…but then we all know blacks possess a high degree of self-control….right Will Smith?

  12. With illegal guns, I might add. Seems the Leftists don’t want to do anything about the violent people. they want to jail inanimate objects. It would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.

  13. Our society is in collapse and it’s not because of guns, the NRA, or Republicans. This is the result of 50 years of DEMOCRAT social policies.

    Like good little disciples of Saul Alinsky they want this chaos. It’s part of the plan. They’ve caused these problems so they can yell: “Do something!” It’s their excuse to force through more government power, more restrictions to our rights, and gun confiscation.

    Obama was up front about it, their goal is to “fundamentally transform” this Country; and they’re doing it right before your eyes.


    • Agreed. Most of my stuff is deleted. Apparently four letter words are frowned upon. Sometimes there is no better word in the English language than the F-word or S-word for making your point. But is this a surprise? if 2A is under fire, so is the 1A. Our country is truly done…

  14. Our society is in collapse and it’s not because of guns, the NRA, or Republicans. This is the result of 50 years of DEMOCRAT social policies.

    Like good little disciples of Saul Alinsky they want this chaos. It’s part of the plan. They’ve caused these problems so they can yell: “Do something!” It’s their excuse to force through more government power, more restrictions on our rights, and gun confiscation.

    Obama was up front about it, their goal is to “fundamentally transform” this Country; and they’re doing it right before your eyes.


    • the only real way to put a stop to this is checkpoints in certain areas of the city…the same set-up you see at ball games and concerts….

  15. SO exactly WHAT were all those armed people doing at this time? It stands to reason that there were at least one or two inn the immediate vicinity who were ‘carrying’ so once again wHAT WERE THEY DOING.
    I’ll tell you!
    Like most people in such a situtaion EXACTLY SWEET BUGGER ALL! And a good thing too because inn the hands of amateurs it’s likely the body count would have been much higher!
    This has nothing to do with ‘party’ politics but everything to do with the EASY availability of firearms and handguns in particular allowing them into the hands of the obviously seriously disturbed most of whoim are probably known to the authorities.
    AS far as I know there is no attempt to BAN firearms in the USA just as there is no absolute ban on firearms in the UK.
    What there is in the UK is very very stringent conditions of LICENSE including the demonstration of ‘useage’ ‘just cause’ and ‘nessessity’ and intensive ‘vetting’ procedures. and a ANYBODY with a criminal conviction of pretty much description will be unable to get license for life. The other point is that the UK electorate is pretty much 100% behind such measures and I have no cause to suppose that the UK is anything but the European average or indeed the civilised world average.
    I am in my mid-eighties and an ex-service man in both the Royal Air Force and the UK Infantry Reserves as an Armourer and smallarms instructor so I am more than familiar with most weaponry I have never seen in mky entire life any civilian carrying either an automatic weapon or a handgun aand know of not a single person that owns one.
    It is beyond the comprehension in most of the civilised world as just why a huge proportion of Amercans seemingly cannot wait to put a bullet into somebodies head. NOt onlybthat but America also seems to have an ARMS INDUSTRY that encourages that attitude

    • @Albert Hall – I will let you in on a little secret….the USA is really f-ed up! I am sure you figured that out by now. Hell most of the world probably has. We have a terroristic federal government that murders people all over the world and destroys many countries. Just look at the Middle East. The past 3-4 US presidents should be tried for war crimes for starters. It does not help that the UK is the US govt. bitch when it comes to fighting wars around the world. We live in an oligarchic technocratic fascist state where our government serves the corporations and the rest of us are just slaves using company script to buy whatever we need to make it through the week. Yes, our wonderful government shipped all the jobs overseas to India and China and just sent $40 billion to Ukraine of which $20 billion will cycle back into the hands of Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed, etc. And guess who owns shares of those evil companies…yes…our wonderful congress people. So there is your Arms industry…that is the only thriving sector in the US if you subtract all the Walmart and Mc D’s jobs. Meanwhile bridges crumble, schools are failing to teach, etc.

      The US inner cities have African tribal wars left and right and no one wants to address it lest one is called a “ray-cist.” Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have all the right words to say (white man’s fault) but no workable solutions. My hometown of Chicago literally has bragging rights as one of the deadliest places to be on the planet..especially on the south and west sides of the city. Why is that? Is it the fault of guns? Or is it the fault of people holding the guns? You add on top of this the failed war on drugs, it is a recipe for disaster. Europe has no concept of what is going on yet you seem to think you have all the answers.

      We also have the highest suicide rates amongst older white males. The cause of that is hard to decipher but I am sure the lack of societal cohesion and jobs is a big factor.

      What bothers me is you spend a lot of time in your screed implying that UK is more civilized and the people there are 100% against guns, etc. Well great for you! I am so happy that UK has it all figured out. A little island nation out in the pond…no gun violence but boy you guys like to play with knives and battery acid.

      So, unless you have some constructive criticism, you can as you Brits are fond of saying…”Bugger off!”

      • The thing about the UK is… Only cops, the government, and criminals have the guns. There is tons of gang violence over there. There are areas people like Albert avoid all the time, because they know about these gangs and the fact that they carry guns – and cops don’t patrol there either. Gangs own the cops over there the same as they do in the US.

        And also, there were no legit armed citizens in this crowd, Albert. This is a thug crowd at a thug club. Idiot…

        Imagine me going to Germany and ranting about how terrible something is over there and how it’s not like that in Austria or Switzerland… Lmfao. This is how we view idiots like you, Albert.

    • We have a lot of firearms because of your ancestors. And we decided to keep them.

    • You have a MUCH different set of demographics and lack of gang culture there.

      If you were to go to the south side of Chicago, Philadelphia, Kansas City or Baltimore, I can assure you that you would want to be armed.

      Unfortunately, the worst of those cities is spreading, like a disease to other parts of the country as well.

      If the gangs killed each other only, no one would care.

    • Ownership at the whim of the local police District Commissioner. You have the option of a) polishing the Commissioner’s nob, or b) having influence with someone more senior than the DC in the Establishment hierarchy.

    • You traded violent crimes with guns for violent crimes with knives – congratulations. What is mid-eighties you going to do against a twenty year old with a blade, homicidal tendencies, and amped up on drugs making him more aggressive and resistant to pain? “EXACTLY SWEET BUGGER ALL” sound about right?

      Even if you are the one in a million elderly fellow who can survive that, most would be doomed (many much younger, even fit people would be at a disadvantage there too – women especially). You know what is very useful in that situation, though?

      100 million Americans aren’t willing to embrace that “roll the dice that I’m not a victim, but if I am roll again to hope I survive long enough to call the police to respond too late” victim mentality. Maybe when you get to your mid-eighties you’re cool with shrugging at getting a couple snake eyes in a row there, but many of us have a lot more living to do & won’t easily trade it away & let some thug win the day to satisfy European serf fatalism.

  16. There is a lot of video available online of all of the lovely people hanging around at 11:30 at night before a bunch of gang members began unloading on each other.

    This isn’t a spree killing. It is gang violence. Where are the arrests of gang members?

  17. Over 50 feared dead in Nigeria church attack, officials say

    Gunmen opened fire on worshippers and detonated explosives at a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria on Sunday, leaving dozens feared dead, state lawmakers said.

    The attackers targeted the St. Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state just as the worshippers gathered on Pentecost Sunday, legislator Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole said. Among the dead were many children, he said.

  18. Another “mass shooting’ that will quickly disappear because it doesn’t fit the correct narrative of ‘gun violence’.

  19. Only in Ameri– wait, what?

    Over 50 feared dead in Nigeria church attack, officials say

    Gunmen opened fire on worshippers and detonated explosives at a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria on Sunday, leaving dozens feared dead, state lawmakers said.

    The attackers targeted the St. Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state just as the worshippers gathered on Pentecost Sunday, legislator Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole said. Among the dead were many children, he said.

  20. Anytime the media says shit like this you can be sure if two things:


    That’s not even racist. It’s the truth. They are playing this card so hard that every club shootout by the same people that have been doing it since the start of gangster rap is now a “mass shooting”. I’ve never been racist a day in my life, but they are trying so fucking hard to push that mass shooter narrative that anytime they say “multiple shooters” and “club”, you already know exactly what it is and the fact they are full of shit. If it was a white person – instant race baiting/political affiliation headline. Every. Single. Time.

    This shit is just sad. What’s even more odd though, is how they leave gang shootings in NY, CA, and CHI out of it… And they happen daily.

    Anything to blame the gun and not the person, because gang violence doesn’t fit their narrative and all those guns are illegal as fuck and always have been – in states that have the strictest gun laws.

    Prove me wrong.

    • You are right. And..that sad thing is by not addressing this deadly black pathology, the Dems and their media lackeys are perpetuating the killing fields. They are responsible for these deaths as they do nothing about it. It is NOT ray-cist to talk about the culture of death in the inner cities and figure out how/what to do about it. It IS ray-cist to ignore it and deny that the dysfunctional pathologies exists.

    • Yes this is black street gang violence. And people should be comfortable talking about it. And they should also be comfortable talking about the white Libertarians Liberals and the Left who supported the destruction of the traditional family of 1 man and 1 woman. Because they disagreed with the Christians. When the Christians said a father is necessary in the home.

      It’s just inconvenient for many white people of a Liberal mindset to admit, that a father is important in the daily life the children. Because Libertarians Liberals and Left do not believe a father is important, for the daily life of the children.

      They don’t believe a Father’s Love and discipline are necessary in the family. And they are comfortable replacing the father with a government welfare check. And replace the father’s guns with the guns of a big city police department.

    • 13.3% of Amerika is the problem. “WE” have no problem with other nationalities but Africa

  21. This, so far, has the traits of an organized, planned, terrorist type attack situation.

  22. the only real way to put a stop to this is checkpoints in certain areas of the city…the same set-up you see at ball games and concerts….

    • martial law is what “they” want frank. Don’t play into their hand. Amerika need criminal control

  23. Where’s Miner49er?
    How come he is not using this incident to push for more gun control?
    Miner49er? Where are thou?

    Could it be because this does not involve white supremacists and AR-15s he does not care?

  24. All that you Demoncrat and RINO career political criminals have to do to have EFFECTIVE GUN CONTROL is raise taxes in YOUR jurisdictions to hire enough police to STOP AND FRISK EVERYBODY WHEREVER THEY ARE AT ANYTIME. Until then shut up!

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