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“Parents wake up everyday and bring their children to school on blind faith that their kids will return home safe. Unfortunately the current system continues to leave our children as sitting targets for criminals intent on doing harm.” – Columbine survivor and Colorado legislator Patrick Neville in Former Columbine student wants firearms in schools for protection [at]

[h/t Pascal]

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      • To clarify a little – “State House” was maybe misleading. Usually, I think, statehouse is the combined (in the 49 states with bicameral legislatures) legislature. In Colorado, the Dems retained control of the House, but lost control of the Senate, in the last election. Which is why what you said was a bit jarring, at first, until I worked it through a bit.

  1. Yeah, they load them up on buses and trust the bus driver, and drivers, who are total strangers around the school bus to obey traffic laws while they are transported miles away, then they have to consider their safety with respect to the teachers who enjoy molesting their students…..

      • Buses are much heavier and stop much slower in an accident. They use padding on the seat in front instead of seatbelts because buses don’t need that level of security. That’s why the shortest buses have seat belts but the longer metro ones don’t.

        • Good story, but I have also never seen padded seatbacks. And when busses hit cliffs or tractor trailers, they stop instantly, seat belts are not intended to protect us from normal braking.

  2. I thought the definition of insanity is doing the exact same f#cking thing, over and over again, expecting sh*t to change?

  3. I suspect that I am prejudiced against “tragedy launched” politicians even when I agree with them. People with beards (except maybe real ‘operators’) too. And the Irish:-)

  4. I don’t have solid numbers, but I’m willing to bet the actual percentage of gun crime victims who support gun control is pretty small. When they survive, that is. Must be why MDA loves it so much when the victim dies, since now they can display their family’s grief and claim secondary and tertiary victimhood. Same thing was at play in the earlier post about that woman’s sister.

    BTW, maybe I missed it but I read no reference to the man quoted being a legislator, though his father is.

  5. What is the Matrix, Neo. It is a system of control. Have you ever thought why do we send our children to public school in the first place? If you discover the answer for yourself you won’t do it anymore.

  6. I’m always glad to see more people step up and take responsibility for their own safety, and even for the safety of innocent others, but “allowing” teachers and others to be armed in government schools is truly straining out the gnat and swallowing the camel.

    The major danger to children in government schools is what they are being taught. They are being indoctrinated daily into socialistic slavery. They are systematically taught NOT to think for themselves, not to question, not to think critically… and any departure from the sick PC “norm” is punished, one way or another.

    Get the children OUT of these indoctrination camps and arrange to truly educate them somehow without government “agenda” or stolen taxpayer money. There are so many viable and healthy alternatives.

    And I don’t care how dedicated, wonderful and caring the teachers are in these death camps… they need to get out too.

    • “And I don’t care how dedicated, wonderful and caring the teachers are in these death camps… they need to get out too.”

      This is an excellent point.

      There are private schools and co-ops all over the country that welcome dedicated, qualified teachers.

      Problem that I’ve observed (personal observation not scientific study warning!) is that too many public school teachers display allegiance to “public education.” One has to question which really is the higher priority…the education part or the public part.

      Folks are waking up to the realities; school choice is gaining popular support.

    • They are systematically taught NOT to think for themselves, not to question, not to think critically… and any departure from the sick PC “norm” is punished, one way or another.

      Precisely. When young Ralph was in grade school, at a parent-teacher conference one of my teachers chastised my parents for raising such a non-conformist. When my parents arrived back home, they congratulated me for being able to think for myself.

      I sure as hell didn’t learn it in school.

      • “When my parents arrived back home, they congratulated me for being able to think for myself.”

        Horse and buckboard or model A? 😉

        The very thought of a little Ralphie…

        (It was probably a Studebaker)

  7. And then there are the big yellow things packed with kids pulling up to the school the same time every day and afford no ballistic protection whatsoever.

    Drive your kids to school and pick them up.

  8. I wish he would come to Ct. And N. Y. And tell the lawmakers how it feels to know you may be the next one to be shot and know that no one is able to stop the insane person doing the shooting due to the law not slowing guns in or on school grounds. Just sitting waiting to hear the cops to come must feel like a lifetime.

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