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In case you’ve just joined us, Mexican civilians have formed citizen militias to protect themselves from cartels and the Mexican military. These autodefensas are armed — illegally — with whatever firearms they can scrounge. Neither the cartels nor the Mexican government are OK with that; both prefer a compliant populace. In response to the autrodefensas, the Mexican government formed the fuerza rural – a sham force of government-paid and controlled “security force.” The autodefensas could either join or be tortured/die. The cartels adopted a similar policy, minus the join bit. The following story from chronicles a hit on the citizen militia and the government’s [non] response . . .

Apatzingán, Michoacán, April 23, 2016— Three men traveling onboard a truck and who were about to pull out of a gas station in Cuatro Caminos were massacred by a group of heavily armed men. The dead were allegedly former autodefensas of the city of Apatzingán, according to reports from the authorities at the scene. Two of the men died on site while the other one died on the way to the hospital.  The former autodefensas were armed with AK-47’s.

It was learned that around 6:00 hours, a Chevrolet Silverado, with California license plates, was pulling out of the gas station Mafer, located at kilometer 153 in the Siglo XXI Freeway, however only managed to move a few meters before being intercepted by the armed group. The armed group sprayed them with bullets at close range.

Members of the federal police arrived at the scene and cordoned off the area. Minutes later, personnel from the Regional Prosecutor’s Office of Apatzingán arrived, who conducted the removal of the bodies and collected dozens of spent shell casings of different calibers.

Even though the corporation recently stopped existing, local people said that the deceased claimed to be members of the Fuerza Rural and that is how they identified themselves with the population, however, RED 113 inquired about the subject to sources of the Ministry of Public Security and they denied that the deceased were discharged from the corporation or ever had belonged to it; they were former autodefensas, they said.

So that’s that then. The slaughter of the innocents — and the not so innocent — continues.

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  1. Indeed, and these are the people our government is bringing north as fast as they possibly can.


  2. The autodefensas are willing to stand up against their oppressors and face death while doing so. Unfortunately that is mostly what they will be doing, dying. Until they are willing and able to go out and kill cartel members and corrupt government officials they might as well hide their weapons and keep their heads down. Defending the indefensible and such.

  3. Exacty what the PTB want here…only the police and criminal element armed, with public scared shit and compliant.

  4. The ‘Autodefensas’ need to embark on a campaign to assassinate the cartel’s henchmen, visit death on them as they travel about, true guerrilla asymmetric warfare.

    • The problem with that strategy, and the reason why organized crime is not quite as successful in the states, is that money owns all, and when you have essentially infinite wealth and the vast majority of the population thinks 100 american dollars is a fortune you can bribe information out of basically everyone. Couple that with the talk or die attitude that the cartels employ and it is basically impossible to hide from them. You have to sleep, eat, and piss at some point, and there simply are not enough trained, armed, capable people willing to put everything on the line to fight a death machine of this size.

      • They are literally outgunned—in so many ways. You listed two of the key points: money and weapons. Yes, the Autodefensas had some AK-47s. But really, we have seen way more firepower seized from Cartel Lackeys (to include Stingers, a .50 Barrett, and RPGs). I hate to say it, but someone who lacks the fortitude to actually *use* their arms will get stamped out. The group was clearly ambushed, but that could easily have happened while resting in their beds—like what occurred up near Piketon, OH. Not to say that was cartel-related…but a Mom-and-Pop marijuana growing business is likely to draw “unwanted” attention. The cartels back up their threat of use *and then some*. The Autodefensas have not (to my knowledge) engaged in force-on-force violence to prevent corrupt police and/or cartel activity in their villages. Organizing and arming for the defense of your hometown is a great step, but I’m afraid that they were set up to fail from the very start.

  5. The autodefensas are a poor, ragtag bunch armed with what they can scrounge, because their “government” has disarmed them in violation of Mexico’s constitution.

    Meanwhile, the government and the cartels are extremely well-funded and armed to the teeth.

    It saddens me to say this, but the autodefensas are probably doomed, and so is Mexico. The former are victims of their government, and the latter is a narco state.

    As for the cartels, thanks to our lax border policies they’re already here. The body count will rise as a result. And the headless corpses hanging from bridges will be our countrymen.

    How did the US get so stupid?

    • “The former are victims of their government, and the latter is a narco state” One in the same?

    • Is it not a fine measure of political correctness gone mad that we cannot identify the narco-money-motivated beheadings and other slaughters in Mexico for what they are, a cooperative joint venture between the political/military establishment and the cartels? Is it not revealing to see that as the utterly barbaric murder of dissent proceeds to a conclusion in Mexico, major US corporations, Ford, Carrier, et al, race to put their new factories in Mexico?

    • “…….a Chevy Silverado, with California license plates…..”

      They are here.

      Have always been.

    • “How did the US get so stupid?”

      By being too lazy and cowardice to heed the advice about a revolution per generation. Now it’s likely too late. 100 years of ever more rapid decline, followed by salvation by Sharia, is the best the wayward descendants of Jefferson can hope for.

  6. One more chance to get it right come November…if yet another lost election results, we need only refer back to the words of wisdom put forth centuries ago by Jefferson which frankly warned of the inevitability of Government corruption thereby necessitating the obligatory responsibility of the people to rebel against such…It’s really not that difficult to understand current events if first a fundamental appreciation of History exists…

      • Do the riflemen have to pay a fee? Can we have range lines, to determine winners of distance records? Or should we simply legalize drugs and end the problem in a week.

  7. Saw a great documentary on the Autodefensas recently. When not being massacred or arrested, they’re corrupted and/or co-opted.

  8. Hey, there isn’t enough violence along the border and in our cities, so lets bring back prohibition.

    Wait… I mean lets do away with the modern day equivalent of prohibition.

    Better that a few more a**holes here in the US die from a heroin overdose than perpetuate the violence and corruption born from a black market we have created. It has never been a supply problem, it has ALWAYS been a demand problem. Let the people who create the demand, suffer the consequences, so the poor people of Mexico can have a civilization again.

    Those naive Temperance League twits indirectly killed a lot of people and corrupted government through prohibition. The “War on Drugs” people are just as culpable today.

  9. I wonder if governments didn’t decide on what people could or could not consume; where people could or could not live; what weapons people could or could not own; and how people could or could not make a living, would we have all these problems?

  10. The war on drugs has been a total failure
    Locking up thousands of black men has had negative consequences for the current and future generation of black children
    The insatiable demand for drugs in the U.S. Is destroying Mexico and Honduras.
    If the cartels come here, I will join the local armed neighborhood watch.

  11. The war on drugs was never a war at all, it’s about money.

    There is good money in locking people up. Especially when you consider that almost all of the incarceration facilities in the U.S. are privately owned/operated.

    Our local city jail (which is owned by a private company (imagine that) ), gets paid (by the Feds) somewhere between $30 and $40 per day/per inmate! Oddly enough, those incarcerated for Marijuana, bring in a higher rate than anyone else…even violent felons.

    Considering it only costs them a few dollars per day to incarcerate them, that is a lot of profit to give up by ending the war on drugs (or )

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