Oathkeepers’ founder Stewart Rhodes writes [via]

An article posted in the morning hours of June 09, 2016, [HERE] is titled: San Jose Undercover Cops: “Trump Supporters were running for their lives – We were unable to help”. In light of several key factors arising from the article at Conservative Treehouse, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes wishes to issue a statement, which I will post below. In addition to posting the above video in their article, the “Conservative Treehouse” also has furnished some police reports from City of San Jose, California, which include –

Under Cover San Jose Officer #1: […] Throughout the afternoon and evening I watched several individuals wearing “Trump” articles of clothing getting punched, kicked and pushed.

Under Cover #2: […] I was assigned to the Covert Response Unit and dressed in a plainclothes capacity. … As time came closer to 18:00 more protesters arrived; mostly younger males and females between the ages of 14 to 25. … some began burning the United States flag in the middle of the street. It became inherently dangerous for anyone wearing a hat or T-Shirt in support of Trump.

I observed Trump supporters being spit on, objects being thrown at them, punched, kicked and even robbed of their personal belongings. In these instances I observed victims running for their lives because protesters began adopting the mob mentality and attacking people. I was unable to make contact with any of these victims due to my undercover capacity and fear for my own safety as well.

I strongly recommend going to the original article and following their embedded links, where readers will learn about the Mayor’s complicity in the police stand-down and the official policy for police to allow this to take place outside a Trump for President rally on June 02. Example:

San Jose Police Chief Garcia admitted his officers were instructed not to stop violent protesters from beating the Trump rally attendees. In addition the San Jose Mayor has openly admitted to approving the San Jose police departments plans, and blamed Donald Trump for having the audacity to have a rally in “his city“.

Do go to the original site and check the other embedded links to get yet more insight into what transpired, and did not transpire but should have. And if you want to go up a level or two in your perception of today’s America, check out Michael Shaw’s outstanding work on the Globalization of California.

Message From Stewart Rhodes

No American, anywhere, whether you agree with their views or not, should be attacked for expressing their God given (and Constitution protected) rights of free speech and assembly, and their right to participate in our political process.

And no police officer, who has sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution, should obey any order to not protect the rights of people to peaceably assemble and express their views, and should refuse any order to stand by and do nothing as violent, criminal thugs assault Americans who are simply exercising their rights. It is a disgrace to have the police obey such orders, and an act of treason for the politicians to give such orders.

If officers are so outnumbered that they are concerned for their own safety, that is one thing, but to not intervene because some oath breaking, partisan scumbag politician orders them to stand down, so the politician’s thuggish foot-soldiers have a free hand to terrorize and assault other Americans, is inexcusable.

Whatever happened to “Protect and Serve”? The fundamental justification for having police, or having government at all, is to protect people against predatory violence. These violent communist and La Raza racist thugs are the true “Brownshirts” of modern America, attempting to use violence and intimidation to shut down free speech and assembly.

If the police will not protect Americans from violent assault meant to punish them for their political views, and meant to silence them by force, then Americans will have to protect themselves, and each other, from such violence.

I call on all patriotic Americans to step up and protect the weak, the elderly, the vulnerable among them against these thugs, wherever they strike. Veterans, you have a particular obligation and duty, under your oath, to step up and protect your fellow Americans by stepping in between them and these thugs.

In the absence of police protection, Veterans need to step in the gap and form up five to eight man security teams who can serve as escorts and rescue people from being beaten.

As anyone versed in defensive tactics or combatives will tell you, whenever anyone is sucker punched there is a very real and serious risk that they will fall and then hit their head on the concrete, on a parking block, on a curb, on a parked car, etc and that secondary impact can, and does, result in death. A person can also be stomped and kicked to death by a mob in short order. These are deadly threat mob assaults and must be treated as such.

Anyone attending any event targeted by these radical leftist extremists needs to realize they are in a tactical situation that requires them to prepare for the worst and to take steps to protect themselves. They should go in groups of four or more, and among them needs to be people who are fit enough, and trained enough, to hold their own in a melee. If you are a fit, strong veteran, you have a duty to be the “sheepdog” and walk with those who are less able to defend themselves. Go in groups, and be ready to defend yourselves and others.

Any Oath Keeper who goes out and protects people who are under such threat of assault is doing the right thing. And we need to be willing to do that for ANY American under such threat, even if we disagree with their political views (for example, even if you disagree with Democrats who will be attending the DNC, or any other Democrat gathering, you should be willing to protect them if they are assaulted by violent radicals, and the same for Republicans attending the RNC). This org is non-partisan for a very good reason. We must stand for the rights of all Americans, at all times, in all places.

When we stepped up in Ferguson, MO and protected Natalie, of Natalie’s Cakes and More (who happens to be a black woman), and her neighbors, we didn’t ask them what political party they belonged to, or what their politics were. It didn’t matter. We protected them because it was the right thing to do, and because no American should be assaulted, murdered by arsonists, or raped, robbed, or looted. Same here.

I will be holding an urgent Oath Keepers BOD and leadership call tomorrow night to discuss this situation and how we can help. But all patriots, regardless of what group they are in, need to step up and protect people against such violence and attempts to use force to chill their speech.

These are intolerable acts of thuggery that must be stopped.

For the Republic,
Stewart Rhodes

PS – the San Jose Police Department has issued a statement, defending their inaction, saying:

While several physical assaults did occur, the police personnel on scene had the difficult task of weighing the need to immediately apprehend the suspect(s) against the possibility that police action involving the use of physical force under the circumstances would further insight the crowd and produce more violent behavior.

What a load of bull. I just got off the phone with veteran police officers and tactical trainers Greg McWhirter (former Indianapolis cop and current Montana corrections) and John Karriman (Missouri Police Academy Defensive Tactics instructor) and both of them stated that standing down is exactly opposite of what the San Jose police should have done, and only emboldened the thugs, producing more violent behavior, since the thugs could clearly see that the police would do nothing to stop them. The right answer was to drop a hammer on the first thugs to commit assault, including using less than lethal rubber baton shotgun rounds if needed (thugs hate and fear shotguns) and pepper balls. Make an example of a few, and the rest tend to back off (just like any gaggle of bullies). The excuse given by the department is akin to a cowardly husband saying “don’t resist Martha, or it will make them angry, just let them have their way” which usually results in rape and murder of both of them. It gives the thugs a green light and the thrill of doing as they wish right in front of the police. What’s next? Will “politically correct” cops let someone be beaten to death in front of them out of fear of inciting the crowd to more violent behavior?

Given how fast someone can be beaten to death by a mob, that nobody was killed here was just blind luck, and certainly not because of anything the San Jose Police Department did.

About Oath Keepers:

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution.

For more information, visit:


  1. “San Jose Police Chief Garcia admitted his officers were instructed not to stop violent protesters from beating the Trump rally attendees. In addition the San Jose Mayor has openly admitted to approving the San Jose police departments plans, and blamed Donald Trump for having the audacity to have a rally in “his city“

    Reminds me of the previous Baltimore strategy of “just give those who want to destroy space to do it”. This must be the Utopia they keep referring to 🙂

    • “In addition the San Jose Mayor has openly admitted to approving the San Jose police departments plans, and blamed Donald Trump for having the audacity to have a rally in “his city“”

      Anybody got that mayor and his police chief’s work and home phone numbers?

      Let them know what you think of their bullshit…

      • “Anybody got that mayor and his police chief’s work and home phone numbers? Let them know what you think of their bullshit…”

        More like, anybody got that mayor and his police chief’s work and home ADDRESS? Let them know what you think of their bullshit.

  2. Beating someone is certainly in the “fear of death or serious bodily injury for myself and others” category. Wait for bill mahr and the cnn freak shows to talk about how racist white, oath keeper, teabags are. This world is rapidly eating its own tail.

  3. “These are intolerable acts of thuggery that must be stopped.”

    Get them back into bank boardrooms where they belong. Americans don’t want to see how sausage is made. Only when it’s on sizzling on the grill.

  4. There just might be enough actual evidence of official malfeasance to support civil suits against the mayor. Maybe even the police leadership. Just making San Diego defend about, oh, say, 1000 law suits would be a start.

    No city belongs to the mayor, or even the city council. The declaration of “my city” harkens to the Dalys of Chicago, and other mob-infested urban zones. In addition, “my city” smacks of El Patron ruling his campesinos.

    • I don’t think a lawsuit would get anywhere because of qualified immunity and no duty to protect.

      This is further documented proof that you are responsible for your own protection.

  5. Damn, that pisses me off.

    Trump supporters going to a Trump rally, if legal, tool up with 30-foot range bear spray in the 8 oz. size.

    Then aim for their eyes, and then kick them in the head with steel-toe shoes…

    Fight. Back.

    • well, you have to admit this is startlingly similar to the civil rights movement in the 50s/60s. Police inaction, violence towards activists.

      Now if a bunch of Hillary supporters got beat on the streets, I can only imagine the media fireball from that. Worse that that stupid mother/gorilla story at any rate.

  6. Chief Garcia gave the rioters room to destroy, because that’s the way it’s done in Mexico, even when Mexico is in San Jose.

    Viva La Raza!

  7. Yup, shooting time about to start. We won’t make it out of this election cycle without a major political unrest/shooting.

    • Unfortunately, from a history repeating itself perspective, yes, we are close, but we aren’t there yet. It requires a critical mass of injustices and We The People reaching a point of no return, which can easily take a few more years. I hope to God we never get there, but what can you do to stop it? First, we can win this election. The way we win is by denying Hillary her coronation, and the only way to do that is if Trump wins with a clear majority. I do not like Trump, but by God, I will not throw away my chance to stop Hitlery to male some wasted point.

  8. Those individual officers need to resign.
    Effing pvssies. Man that really pisses me off.
    “But I was too scared to intervien, I might have gotten hurt”.
    You’re paid to get hurt you deplorable sacks of sh!t. Man up already.

    • Reminds me of tge CPD officers who eere ordered to stand down at the Milo event at DePaul a few weeks ago.

      Since when does a university administrator order a cop not to enforce the law? Said another way, since when would a cop witnessing an assault do nothing just because some lady standing there tells him to?

      Our nation is turning into a major shitshow of stupidity.

      • It turns out mrs. “Watch me naynay!” is the daughter of some high ranking police official. Milo is a US citizen now, he should definitely pursue a civil rights case. Seems like that ubiquitous “deprivation of rights under color of law” would fit quite nicely.

        Wouldn’t it be great if the “Dangerous F@$$#t” ended up with a nice big Laquan McDonald sized check courtesy of the CPD!?

        • I hope that doesn’t surprise you. The Chicago PD is the most corrupt in North America, INCLUDING Tijuana.

          Any police department which could have a home invasion, armed robbery, and kidnapping ring operating INSIDE it’s most “elite” unit (SOS) is literally capable of ANYTHING.

    • Yeah, pathetic. People physically assaulting people as they walk to their cars, and the police just watch. Those people don’t respect even simple laws for actions that easily reach a moral conclusion. The police and mayor don’t either. This ranks extremely high on my corruption gauge.

  9. The absolute best thing Trump supporters could do for their candidate is nothing.
    Let the raging loons pelt them with eggs and even punch them and damage property.

    The instant a Trump support draws on or shoots a protestor no matter how “in danger” that supporter is it’s over.

    It wouldn’t surprise me to see an SJW or other Bern feelers to Reichstag themselves to make the Trump people look like the villains. They’ve already been caught repeatedly making fake racial threats against themselves.

    • The problem is this non-response, instead of humiliating the protesters like it should for any mentally balanced individual, is emboldening these psychopaths to be more destructive and cross the line into physically harming the DT supporters. When their lives may be in danger for attending a political rally, it is asking a lot for them to just lay down their lives.
      By the way, the actions of these protesters is a textbook definition of domestic terrorism.

    • “The instant a Trump support draws on or shoots a protestor no matter how “in danger” that supporter is it’s over.”

      Not if there is video from multiple angles backing them up.

      Trump supporters need to organize. When they go to rallies, a number of them need to be on the peripheral, in neutral clothing, with smartphones videoing from multiple angles. If possible, stream it off-site, if they steal their phones.

      When attacked, let the thugs get their first licks in, then hose them in the face with bear spray, if legal. If knife carry is legal, defend yourselves.

      Those on the peripheral, get good pics of the thugs faces and press charges.

      Thugs that are identified, well, use your imagination on what you can do later, especially if their identities are posted on-line somewhere, for all the world to see…

  10. His city?

    It’s like the sheriff’s deputy who issued me a citation who called the park I was in “My park” — no, it was MY park, since I was the citizen and he was my employee (the citation was dropped; they darned well knew they couldn’t prosecute against freedom of expression, but the harassment served its purpose of making me waste my time).

    These people need to be taught they have it backwards; if anything, they are owned by the citizens they’re supposed to serve — definitely not the other way around.

    I’m going to keep an eye out for rallies by either side close to me, and see if I can get some others to show up to protect. I don’t care if it’s a Trump rally or a Hillary rally; the man is right, citizens need to protect citizens.

  11. I think it is time that we started forming “Son’s of Odin” groups here in the US. Show up to these lawful gatherings with riot shields and keep the SJW’s and LaRaza supporters back ourselves.

  12. Well California you got what you wanted.
    You got legal Marijuana intoxication.
    You got homosexual marriage.
    You got most of the military bases closed in the state.
    They protested the opening of a Marine corps recruiting office in Berkeley a few years ago. But no organized protest in support of the last gun store in San Francisco.
    Homosexual erotica is ok for public display. But displaying picture firearms art in a gun store window is against the law.
    You turned a beautiful place open to everyone, the Presidio, a former army base, into a toilet.
    Now soon you will have no guns.

    I suggest everyone read “Negros and The Gun” by Nicholas Johnson. You will see gun control history repeating itself in California.
    I’m glad the oath keepers also stood with Ted Cruz and others when homosexuals put a kentucky woman in jail for her first amendment views.

    There is no liberty in California the place of my birth. Tyranny is what California has become.
    I pray for the rural more conservative counties and their sheriffs. The battle is now down to each individual county.

  13. Fight back-a lot. No fan of donnie but this shite pushes me to campaign for the orange dude…

  14. Shouldn’t the title Police INaction….. or– police standing around lack potted plants vice protecting citizens…

    Oh, BTW, I don’t think any injured will be able to sue due to CA government code 845.
    845. Neither a public entity nor a public employee is liable for
    failure to establish a police department or otherwise to provide
    police protection service or, if police protection service is
    provided, for failure to provide sufficient police protection

    And of course, it appears the legislature is exempting themselves from all the gun laws,

    If you’re in California, now is the time to write the governor and stress that part—- he shouldn’t be signing laws the legislature itself think are such bad ideas that they are exempting themselves.

    • If their actions violated your civil rights then its a federal issue, not a state issue. In that case, you should be able to sue them for denial of your Constitutional Rights. Just my 2 cents.

      • Desert Ranger,

        The key word in your statement is “action”. In order for law enforcement to be guilty of “Deprivation of rights under color of law”, those law enforcement officers themselves have to interfere with your rights, such as arresting you without probable cause or an arrest warrant. The officers themselves have to be the individuals acting against you.

        When law enforcement officers fail to act, perpetrators (in this case “protesters”) are the entities who have violated your rights.

        • I think a credible 1983 Federal case could be crafted on the basis of a conspiracy to violate the victims’ civil rights.

          Police have no duty to protect you as an individual. HOWEVER they may NOT conspire to place you in avoidable harm as a CLASS.

          The city can no more conspire to allow attacks on Trump supporters by leftists than it can conspire to allow attacks on Blacks and Jews by the Klan.

  15. I am no fan of Trump and have no use for Hillary. I was going to abstain from this presidential election, but shite like this is pushing me to vote for the guy anyway.

    • Now take a deep breath and try to realize that wanting strong borders, pointing out the negative aspects of illegal immigration, and legitimately questioning the partiality of a judge’s bizarre rulings are NOT RACIST. If a blue collar hispanic like me can figure it out I don’t believe Paul Ryan and Newt Gingrinch can’t.

      This whole spectacle is the establishment eating itself. It’s about time.

  16. This is great. The SJWs are so pants-pissingly afraid of opposing viewpoints that they’re finally showing their true colors. First comedians on stage, now political rallies. Anyone with the funds or connections available should make reservations to stay far from your nearest urban center, especially if you live in a blue state. That way if Trump wins, you can sit back with a cold beer from a safe distance and watch the riots.

  17. The Fall of Rome is now well and truly in full swing. One candidate a snake oil selling, carnival cryer…step right up ladies and gentleman…and the other identifying as female, pantsuit wearing version of the rotund communist leaders of old. The good news is, for those alive today, you will have experienced the best this civilization has had to offer.

  18. The Fall of Rome is now well and truly in full swing. One candidate a snake oil selling, carnival cryer…step right up ladies and gentleman…and the other identifying as female, pantsuit wearing version of the rotund communist leaders of old. The good news is, for those alive today, you will have experienced the best this civilization has had to offer, and Rome fell over a thousand year period, so we’ll be dead and gone before things get really effed up.

  19. And no police officer, who has sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution, should obey any order to not protect the rights of people to peaceably assemble and express their views, and should refuse any order to stand by and do nothing as violent, criminal thugs assault Americans who are simply exercising their rights.
    Well, this statement is a total fictional fantasy in this day and age, but don’t worry, we have brave patriotic military men such as General Petraeus watching our six.

  20. I have no doubt the left is hoping and pushing for some Trump supporter, or a defender of a Trump supporter, to pull a firearm and use it. It doesn’t matter how serious or justified the attack being defended against is, as soon as one rioter is shot the entire libtard anti-gun movement will come crashing down on us.
    Trump’s candidacy will be over, his supporters will be labeled fanatic right wing lunatics and anyone slightly right of center will be considered a domestic terrorist.
    I hope it doesn’t happen but if someone pulls a trigger in self defense against one of the rioters the rest of us better be ready to take it to the streets. Just my humble opinion.

    • “It doesn’t matter how serious or justified the attack being defended against is, as soon as one rioter is shot the entire libtard anti-gun movement will come crashing down on us.”

      No it won’t, with HD quality video and multiple angles recording it.

      • I hope you’re correct, I truly hope I’m wrong but the left doesn’t seem to allow for evidence or truth unless it supports their agenda. A video will show us what happened but probably won’t get any play on main stream media. Most of the country will never see it or even know it exists.

        • Then it is a good thing the msm is essentially dead and ‘new media’ can get that video evidence out there.

          This is a piece of why the proggie/commie/sjw factions are getting more violent lately. They are losing control…of info. They have to control the various narratives to retain power; they have lost that control and thus their monopoly on power is threatened.

          MSM no longer sets the message. There is simply no way they can stop such video from getting out.

          You can’t stop the signal.

  21. People are alreay brainwashed. They think government knows what good for them, government will take care of them, we should vote for more government or politicians that want to take more control of our lives. How dare you oppose the government and think for yourself?

  22. The best revenge against this kind of behavior is to vote for Trump no matter how much you dislike him. I just wish he would temper his words to avoid needlessly alienating people who are on the fence.

    Riots like this hurt the progressive cause. An excellent example of this is the 15% drop in enrollment at the University of Missouri following the disruption there last year. Riots disgust and frighten the silent majority who, at the same time, see that Trump supporters don’t riot at Hillary’s events.

  23. San Jose PD is one of the most professional in the country.
    These accusations are rumor because we will never know what was said to the officers behind closed doors prior to the rally.
    Often times, the best course of action is to show restraint to keep from escalating a situation and not having the personnel to handle the escalation since the officers that escalated it are already tied up.

    Oath keepers, on the other hand, just want to fan the flames and watch the world burn. The world could do without their conspiracy and rumor mill.

  24. It’s not oath keepers job to step up. It’s the sheeple of Kalifornia job to step up and quit getting their b…. kicked. Look at that guy. He tall and in great gym shape. He could have easily waxed the floor with that scrawny little American hater but instead chose to whine and smile for the camera. His buddy also did nothing so there ya go 2 capable (men?) that got handled. Oh and where were the other capable kalis? Recording with their cell phones instead of being human and helping.
    No it’s time for Kali to step up and handle their own business FIRST

  25. Oath Keepers needs to tone it down, as they are delegitimizing themselves in the eyes of average Americans.

    Give the Bernie Bro’s and LaRazan’s enough rope and they will hang themselves, as they have hung the Democrat Mayor of San Jose.

  26. There’s a word I’m trying to remember. What’s the word for when the state enforcement folks become the arm of one particular party and their agitators? Like when they use, or decline to use, force to tip the outcome of franchise?

    There’s a word for this, I’m sure. Maybe several

  27. Face it brothers and sisters, the Liberals are in power right now because they control the press and social media, and the person in the White House does everything in his power to stoke social hatred and violence. They are terrified of Trump and terrified of us, and when you are afraid of something you try to destroy it.

    The police and the government will not protect us or our Constitutional rights to express ourselves.

    • Liberals are in power because they guilt stronger people into abdicating power. Don’t give in to it.

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