5 Dead, 18 Injured in Colorado Springs Gay Nightclub Shooting


According to media reports at least five people were killed and eighteen wounded in a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs last night. It isn’t yet known whether the club was targeted because it is a gay nightclub or not and the shooter was reportedly wounded and is undergoing treatment.

As is always the case in these situations, initial reports are frequently confused and often contain errors and politically-driven assumptions that prove to be wrong. More will no doubt come to light as police complete their investigation.

From the Associated Press . . .

A shooter opened fire in a gay nightclub late Saturday, killing five people and wounding 18 in the latest mass shooting to befall the country in a year in which anti-gay rhetoric has been amped up among extremists.

Lt. Pamela Castro of the Colorado Springs Police Department said police received a report of a shooting at Club Q at 11:57 p.m.

Castro said there was one suspect who was injured and was being treated. She said it was not immediately clear whether the attacker had been shot by officers. She said the FBI was on the scene and assisting in the case.

The police department tweeted that it planned an 8 a.m. news conference at its operations center.

Club Q is a gay and lesbian nightclub that features a “Drag Diva Drag Show” on Saturdays, according to its website.

“Club Q is devastated by the senseless attack on our community,” the club posted on its Facebook page. It said its prayers were with victims and families, and “We thank the quick reactions of heroic customers that subdued the gunman and ended this hate attack.”

Colorado Springs is a city of about 480,000 located about 70 miles (112 kilometers) south of Denver that is home to the U.S. Air Force Academy. The city has long been an epicenter of American evangelicalism. Focus on the Family, a prominent evangelical Christian ministry, is based in Colorado Springs.

In November 2015, three people were killed and eight wounded at a Planned Parenthood clinic in the city when authorities say a man opened fire because he wanted to wage “war” on the clinic because it performed abortions.

The motive behind Saturday’s shooting was not immediately known but it brought back memories of the 2016 massacre at the the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, that killed 49 people. And it occurred in a state that has experienced several notorious mass killings, including at Columbine High School, a movie theater in a Denver suburb in 2012 and a Boulder supermarket last year.


  1. So the police haven’t indicated a motive yet but the reporter is happy to imply right-wing and/or religious motivation anyway.


        • I’m still waiting to hear the details surrounding the paul pelosi debacle…Until the facts are all in for Colorado it’s never mind the dead and injured it’s going to be knee jerk propaganda intended for political gain.

        • Here’s what we do know about the Pelosi situation. The DOJ lied about the attack. The initial police reports were intentionally vague about who opened the door. Now it has finally been confirmed that Paul opened the door. We also know that Nancy’s first reaction to her husband being attacked was to craft a narrative that it was a QAnon Ultra MAGA man. Did that lie change any votes for the midterms? Maybe. Why aren’t these lies a scandal? They just move on to the next lie without ever paying a price. Why wouldn’t they lie?

      • Hmmm, I wonder if the shooter was motivated by religious delusions?

        “In November 2015, three people were killed and eight wounded at a Planned Parenthood clinic in the city when authorities say a man opened fire because he wanted to wage “war” on the clinic because it performed abortions”

        • According to his former neighbors and family members, that guy was really weird, but not particularly religious or political. He is, however, totally batshit crazy. He’s been declared mentally unfit to stand trial several times. If you look at his booking mugshot and every picture of him published since, it’s pretty clear that the lights are on but nobody’s home. I’m not at all a fan of the insanity plea, but I truly believe that this guy is incapable of making rational decisions. Still, try him and fry him.

        • troutbum5: One of the problems with this country is that batshit crazy people are not confined to secure psychiatric hospitals as long as they are dangerous. It’s expensive and nobody wants to pay for it.

        • Who said religion had anything to do with it? Maybe the guy just wanted to kill murderers. Something most sane people would do in a situation like say… a crazy bastard trying to murder innocent people at a mall with their AR15.

        • @muckraker

          Miner49er only has two things his confirmation bias will accept as relevant to any situation…one is Trump and the other is religion. No mater the situation or incident or event… to Miner49er the cause is always either Trump or religion.

          I suspect the day he dies his last words will be he is dying because “SCREECHHHH RANT TRUMPPPPP SOMETHING SOMETHING cause RELIGION spit drool spit TRUMP RELIGION”

        • people are not confined to secure psychiatric hospitals as long as they are dangerous. It’s expensive and nobody wants to pay for it.

          Yes it IS/was expensive. But it is far less so than the continual pecking away at inncent uninvolved folks one or three at a time when these nutjubs go berko and kill a paeesl of people. The overall costs ot responding to these incidents, the property destruction, lives lost ,medical costs to put folks back together again, the legal costs to prosecuete, try, convict, sentence, then warehouse these ,misfits , and the overall cost to society responding t the lack of trjst security, safety, etc, add up to a far higher toll than to put these unstable people in a place that is safer for them and the rest of us.

        • 40oz sez:

          “Miner49er only has two things his confirmation bias will accept as relevant to any situation…one is Trump and the other is religion“

          I’m sorry, you’re right, no one ever uses religion to justify killing.

          Wait a minute, is the Bible part of some religion?

          November 20, 2022 At 15:06
          BO. He would appear to have murdered several innicents, and harmed many mre than he killed. The biblical punishment for that behaviour is death“

          Silly me, I thought under the United States Constitution oor legislative bodies determined punishment for criminal behavior, but apparently for some on this list their religion determines punishment.

          I guess the United States Constitution just isn’t relevant to many on this list.

          Weird, it seems religion is relevant inany situations.

        • “Silly me, I thought under the United States Constitution oor legislative bodies determined punishment for criminal behavior, but apparently for some on this list their religion determines punishment.”

          Damn straight bitch! Our legislative bodies may wish to determine punishment but in the end Jesus Christ will decide.

        • Here’s a question that’s actually on topic, Mr.Racist49, why wasn’t he in jail for kidnapping and menacing? Holding someone hostage with a pipe bomb and causing the evacuation of an entire neighborhood seems fairly serious…

        • Hmmm, I wonder if the shooter was motivated by religious delusions?

          Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I’m guessing, NOT!… The more you learn about this clown the worse the Lefts narrative looks… Not only is IT a non-binary “they/them”, turns out he has not had a relationship with the church for over a decade AND his father is an ex-MMA fighter turned porn star with an extensive criminal record… Does not really fit the profile of either a “right wing zealot” OR a “delusional RELIGIOUS nutcase”, actually just a delusional nutcase.

    • At least some people fought back. This probably lessened the toll dramatically.

      Give the perp a Cuban holiday with watersports and electrifying night life. That’s Guantanamo Bay with waterboarding and electric shock interrogation.

      • BO. He would appear to have murdered several innicents, and harmed many mre than he killed. The biblical punishment for that behaviour is death. As long as we continue to refuse to administer justice according tin God’s principles these things will continue

        Inventing other forms of torture as you suggest puts YOU in the same place he now occupies.

        • “As long as we continue to refuse to administer justice according tin God’s principles“

          So Donald Trump should’ve been stoned to death for adultery 3 different times?

          Obviously, you’ve mistaken the USA for a religious dictatorship like Iran…

          Feel free to join them, they worship the god of Abraham so you’ll feel right at home.

        • Pr0gressives will admit “Confession is good for the soul”. It is why their M@rxian predecessors worked so hard to get the confessions they wanted to hear.

        • THe Bibilical punishment for masturbation is also death si what to do with all the total wankers in the USA or anywhere else form that matter? Where in you Bible have any. Multiple wives plus as many concubies [ if you call them servants or slaves I believe] as you can wave you Dickk at MEN been stoned to death for ADULTERY. Incest perfectly OK – see LOT and his daughters. HOMOSEXUALITY Perfectly OK. as long as you do notb treat men as women -in other words you DO NOT actually LIVE WITH THEM. Afghanistan& Pakistan Turkey especially are homosexual heavens. Ask anybody who’s been in any of them for an extended period of time

    • “They” are already doing this, I’ve seen two different commentators link this ti January 6th I shit you not.

      • “I’ve seen two different commentators link this ti January 6th I shit you not.“

        You are sadly uninformed about the situation, the shooters grandfather is a Republican politician who praised the January 6 attack.

        And in the case at hand, grandpa used his political influence to make the earlier charges “go away” and prevented his grandson from receiving the mental health help he needed.

    • Just another violent right wing extremist whose previous violent acts were made to “go away” because of his republican politician grandfathers unlawful influence on the judicial system.

      It’s clear that the Mormon Church’s hardline condemnation of same-sex relationships played a part in the right wing killers motivations to attack the Q club.

      “Heavy has confirmed that Aldrich is the grandson of outgoing Republican State Assemblymember Randy Voepel, the former mayor of Santee, California. Voepel represents the 71st district in the San Diego area. There were calls to expel Voepel from the state Assembly after he made comments comparing the January 6 attacks to the Revolutionary War. Aldrich’s mother, Laura Voepel, has written posts praising Randy Voepel on Facebook and confirming he is her father.”


      I guess we can put the bullshit claims that all mass shooters are liberal Democrats to rest now, right?

      • It’s clear that the Mormon Church’s hardline condemnation of same-sex relationships played a part in the right wing killers motivations to attack the Q club.

        You tell em Minerva, nothing like jumping to conclusions before all the information available… Just because his grandfather “identifies” as a Republican does not make him one…

        The individual suspected of perpetrating a deadly shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado last weekend identifies as NON-BINARY.
        “Anderson Aldrich is non-binary. They use they/them pronouns, and for the purposes of all formal filings, will be addressed as Mx. Aldrich,” a footnote in a court filing states.


        • I live 30 minutes from Colo Springs and have several friends on the PD there. They knew the next day, the perp ID’S as Non-Binary and has preferred Pronouns. That he left the LDS church a long time ago, and a search of his computer revealed a fascination with Gay culture.
          This dude is about as Right Wing as Dacian, Albert and Miner are. Which is to say, “NOT.”

  2. I really hope that the shooter in this case was shot by a patron of the establishment who was carrying illegally. It’s going to be funny if we find out that the killer wasn’t an NRA member, a normal muslim, or a maga hat wearing Trump supporter but instead with some gay guy that was mad at his boyfriend for cheating on him, giving him hiv, or stealing his drugs.

    • I get the idea that this joint serves alcohol. I am quite certain Coloado prohibits arms in private hands when in such establishments. So if a patron DID return fire, the local gendarmerie will likely want to knw WHO did that and want to “have a chat” with him. Some states allow guns in such venues as long as the one carrying it is not imbibing.DOn’t know CO’s laws but my guess is if any member if the public fired back he cojuld well be in trouble once identified. Which would be sad……

      • Colorado does NOT prohibit carry in places that serve alcohol, including nightclubs. But you’d better not be intoxicated, and the limits are the same as for driving impaired. So if you’re packing, you shouldn’t be drinking, which holds true regardless of where you are.

    • According to the latest report, the bartender grabbed him and put him in a headlock, A couple of other patrons joined in and beat the living schit out of the guy.

  3. Now, if some public figure had tried to connect a high profile crime to, for instance, BLM, or Antifa, or trans activists, or pro-life activists, before there was a scintilla of evidence, the news would qualify such accusations with labels like “baseless” or “without evidence”.

    • Just like they did every time they mentioned anything about fraud or cheating in the 2020 election.

      • “labels like “baseless” or “without evidence”

        Wow, that’s exactly what this guy said about the 2020 election fraud claims:

        “And the statements were made very conclusory, like, ‘These machines were designed to engage in fraud,’ or something to that effect. But I didn’t see any supporting information for it,” Barr said in testimony aired Monday during a public committee hearing.

        “And I was somewhat demoralized because I thought, ‘Boy if he really believes this stuff, he has lost contact with — he’s become detached from reality, if he really believes this stuff,’” Barr continued.

        Barr, in his deposition to the House committee, repeatedly dismissed Trump’s claims of fraud as “bullshit,” “nonsense” and “crazy stuff.” But he told the panel Trump did not show an interest “in what the actual facts were.“


        • Several states “coincidentally” stop counting in the middle of the night when Trump is ahead, then when they start counting again with observers not allowed, all of a sudden he is behind. Hundreds of mules on video dropping off thousands of ballots in drop boxes. But nothing to see here folks, it’s all unfounded.
          It reminds me of Lieutenant Drebin in Naked Gun, in the scene where the car has gone out of control. He’s standing right in front of a calamity telling people “Nothing to see here folks.”

        • Trump has nothing to do with this story, nice try.
          but since you brought up the election, guess when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that the mail in ballots was a violation of the Pennsylvania state constitution and the democrat governor and company had no authority to do the mass mail in ballots, especially without any controls or security to prevent interference, you would call that ok ??
          because any other time that would be called rigging things.

        • for cripes sake Miner49er

          give it a rest

          Look, we get it about Trump. You assume we don’t. We understand you are upset that Trump didn’t send you a personally autographed MAGA hat and that make Miner49er mad and throw temper tantrum…. but unless ya got something other than …


          … and repeating the same old tired rant temper tantrum obsession like a 5 year old child, maybe you could spend a little time posting something intelligent that’s worthy of discussion and ya know maybe on topic instead of having nothing on topic and just want to post something Trump rant temper tantrum obsession like a 5 year old child to get some attention and troll with.

        • When other states brought lawsuits against Pennsylvania the Supreme Court denied them for not having standing. When Pennsylvania’s unlawful election laws compromised a national election where the hell else are you supposed to turn. The 2020 election was stolen and Biden was installed. The brain dead bastard even gave it away when he accidentally told the truth twice. Once when he told a gentleman “I don’t need your vote to win” and another when he said
          “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” his exact words. And he was correct.

        • Yes Bill Barr is a RINO POS. IF you want confirmation see this week PBS “Firing Line” with Margaret Hoover (smart, very easy on the eyes but also a clueless rockefeller RINO).

  4. Didn’t CO just give shrooms the green light? Maybe the shooter thought with all the bright colors, weird outfits and robotic music the earth was under attack from aliens.

    • Yeah maybe Paul. The Leftard baby butcher & happy loving media will spin the “reason” irregardless just like the Pulse nightclub bs. Not a word about violence against Christian & pro-baby folks…

  5. Going to climb out on the thin branch here and speculate that this probably did not involve a scary black rifle…

    • “The killer isn’t white“

      Now there is a clear prophecy, thanks for the info!

      It is entertaining to see a comment regarding non-white folks coming from someone named ‘Johnny Leblanc’.

      It literally means ‘the white toilet’.

      • Maybe the shooter is a white gay man??? That is why his name has not been announced. You see a white criminal gay man is the wrong Demographic.

        or a white Muslim.
        or a white Hispanic.
        or a mixed race.

        All of those are the wrong demographic. If the shooter is one of them, the press will let the story die. Just like all the other non white or gay mass shooter stories died.

      • Miner49er

        The only person here who doesn’t recognize sarcasm and thinks its fact. that’s what confirmation bias will do for ya.

      • Aside from your douchebaggery calling Johnny a white toilet do you have anything that disproves his statement?

      • you are messing up your mixaphores.

        LeBlanc certainly does mean “the white one” in french. But “johnny” does not mean “toilet” in french. Nor anything remotely like it.

  6. That AP report is one huge piece of biased propaganda. When (not if) it is revealed to be a leftist who did the shooting, they will make zero mention of all the previous leftist extremists who have done shootings in the past, nor of the Democrap politicians who actually encourage it-Piglosi, Schumer, Maxine Waters, to name just a few.

  7. i don’t care what firearms he used, or even the magazine capacity. I don’t what pronouns he used. I care less about the individuals politics.

    What I do care about is the inevitable knee jerk reactions that lead to attempts to disarm those not responsible for the act. These acts disarm everyone but criminals.

    Other things I care about is this individuals past record, what prescribed medications they take or if they were on illicit drugs. Were they “known ” to law enforcement?

    • Colorado’s red flag laws didn’t work, and the shooter was arrested for threatening with a home made bomb and firearms, yet no charges were filed. Now we get to hear about how red flag laws and magazine capacity bans would have prevented this tragedy…

  8. Get ready the gun control soldiers will start mass shooting in the gay community…The Dims and rinos will try to pass gun control in the lame duck session…

    • The Dims and rinos will try to pass gun control in the lame duck session…

      Nahhh, not enough time, recess a week for Thanksgiving, come back for a couple of days to clean up unfinished stuff then Dec off for Christmas/New Years and back with the NEW Congress Jan 3rd…

      • The main priority will be giving amnesty to illegal immigrants. Some Republicans are interested in helping. It’s probably a long shot, but who knows?

        • If it’s not already on the table there’s not enough time left to get something out of committee, do a round of amendments and get it on the floor for a full vote then the bill would need to be reconciled with anything the House came up with…

        • The USA should never give amnesty to the parasitic scum illegals again. The only help they need is being deported and forced to resolve their problems at home. Giving amnesty never “helps” the USA, only the useless scum that can care less about living lawfully anywhere and everywhere they may go. Any politician that supports amnesty deserves to lose their career.

      • You can carry in a bar in Colorado, but the blood alcohol level restrictions are the same as for driving. 0.05% is the limit for legally impaired.

    • kidnapping is almost certainly a disabling crime, so thos freak was a Prohibited Person”.
      They want to take away MY gun and I’ve never even had to brandish it let alone fire it but they still want ME disarmed. Nope. I may well be one who returns fire.
      ALL their worse than unseless laws obviously did NOT prevent this guy from possessing the gun he is prohibited from having, nor from having it in a place where I’m pretty certain everyone was prohibited from having one and carrying it for a purpose that makes such carrying a crime in itself. NONE of their laws prevented any of this.

    • Just saw a local news story in Nashville, apparently we’re having an epidemic of people arrested for DUI and DWI having charges dropped. The news station is positively baffled as to why, but the city has a Soros funded DA named Glen Funk, surprise to nobody here, Nashville has had a massive crime wave since Funk’s election, and now ranks as the 13th highest murder rate per capita in the US… Libs lamenting the high crime are completely without explanation for it, and they continue to vote for more of it.

  9. When are people gonna learn?? Buy a gun, learn how to use it, and carry it. Not only are criminals killing people, virtue signaling is, too. There should be a designated carrier, the same way there are designated drivers, if a group is going to imbibe alcohol.

      • You can do this in Oregon.. IF, that is, you can actually buy and take possession of one. One of the reasons I sometimes enjoy going with friends to an “establshment”.

    • According to Michael Moore, who calls everyone else a conspiracy theorist, it has something to do with MIC firms in the area. Nothing else in Bowling for Columbine held up to scrutiny so that theory probably won’t either.

      • I work for one here in Colorado and I have no intentions of murdering anyone so “fat bastard” is wrong again as usual.

      • Anyone ask whale shit exactly what Mortgage Investment has to do with making someone a mass fucking murderer?

  10. According to reports now … at least two “heroic people confronted” and stopped the guy. Not sure who these are or what they did to stop the shooter but the shooter was injured and taken to the hospital.

  11. Gee, I sure hope this doesn’t cause the cancellation of today’s planned all-ages Drag Festival… think of the children !!

    • Don’t worry heavily armed very liberal ANTIFA members will be there to protect the d̶r̶a̶g̶ q̶u̶e̶e̶n̶s̶ children.

    • A game they have for the kiddies at these “family friendly” events is a d i l d o toss. Seriously. That’s why they’re correctly referred to as groomers. They’re obsessed with sexually indoctrinating children. It’s government sponsored in the name of inclusion.

  12. It is just like the Pulse Nightclub massacre. A reticent bisexual became butt hurt because the gay guy who seduced them didn’t use K Y Jelly.

  13. Why did TTAG feel the need to include the Imperial Progressive Flag, with a snake superimposed on it, at the end of the article?

  14. Just another reason to raise the minimum age to buy guns, alcohol, tobacco, join the military etc to the age of 25.

  15. First thing. I offer my condolences to the families and friends of those needlessly killed and hopes those wounded and injured recover quickly and fully.
    Now, I don’t give a freckled rats backside about the shooter’s motives, politics, skin color, sexual habits, or social status. Give him a fair trial and a fair public hanging immediately afterword.

    • I tend to prefer te firing squad for such cases. Let him feel what it was he visited upon others.

      No hood, face the shooters.

  16. Never forget that it was a Libertarian Democrat. A proud gay man married with kids who signed the repeal of preemption in the state of Colorado. His libertarian philosophy guides him to believe that such decisions about gun control should be made at the local level. He is a gay libertarian who is comfortable with gun control, as long it is exists at a local level.

    May God Bless The Atheist victims and their failies. And thank God there were some strong gay men around for a change, to beat this guy in a submission.


      • If, by “pathetic FREAK”, you mean the POS who shot a bunch of people who were doing him no harm, I would agree with you.

      • Go away with your attempts at creating distractions. Stay focused on the subject matter of this post. Part of which is the failure of the patrons of this establishment to carry firearms in order to protect themselves. Instead of waiting for the police to show up.

        • Go and learnnColorado’s laws about guns in such places.

          My state prohibitscitizens carrying arms inside ANY establishment that qualifies as a bar tavern etc and in the sections of food establishm3nts designatedas for har liquor cosumption.
          One of the main reasons I just dont GO into those places. I have to leave mine out in the car where car prowl and theft of guns is rampant. They KNOW we can’t bring our guns inside which means they will be left in the car. Available to the thieves

        • WHINER CHRIS GO SLASH YOUR WRISTS … I’m not going anywhere and will say what I feel the need to stay. DONT LIKE IT – DONT READ IT.

          Everyone knows you can’t carry or otherwise possess in any sort of bar.

        • Has anyone on TTAG ever heard of the phrase “I will not comply”???

          If you have not, it means that you will carry a gun regardless of whether it’s legal or not. To protect yourself.

  17. Protesting the idea and practice of drag queen shows being conducted at public schools attended by children is not “anti-gay rhetoric”; it’s protesting the moral compromising and decrepit influence on our children. Of course sentiments run contrary to the twisted and disgusting behavior of the FREAKS desiring to promote such garbage but we are not in debt to these turds that want to force acceptance of them by rule of law and social perceived pressure. We don’t need such scum in our society to begin with.

      • He’s Mormon? You have a source for the shooter being LDS, or is it just because a relative of his is Mormon, so you’ve decided that’s the only brush you can paint with?

      • ‘Mighty Men of God’

        Actually, they are “mighty men of Joseph Smiths VERSION of God”… The Mormon movement began with the publishing of the Book of Mormon in March 1830, which Smith claimed was a translation of golden plates containing the religious history of an ancient American civilization which had been compiled by the ancient prophet-historian Mormon (no one else EVER saw those “golden plates”). Smith claimed that an angel had directed him to the golden plates, buried in the Hill Cumorah. Proof that people can be led to believe anything in spite of a lack of any tangible evidence…

  18. Lot of speculation here. Think I will wait a week for info. Sister who lives in Denver says nothing is for sure except people are dead and shooter is in custody.

  19. Anderson Lee Aldrich made gun and bomb threats, the cops came, evacuated a city block around his mother’s house, located him at another house a mile away, where he refused to surrender. The crisis/hostage team negotiated with him and he eventually gave up.
    The POLICE ARRESTED him for the death threats, bomb threats and kidnapping.
    NOTHING HAPPENED and his court case file is sealed.

    So much for “Red Flag laws”, OBVIOUSLY disturbed, MUST be an ULTRA-MAGA guy in the heart of liberal country…

    • “NOTHING HAPPENED and his court case file is sealed“

      Yep, his right wing extremist Republican politician grandpa made the charges “go away” and refused to provide the mental health care his grandson needed.

      Sorry boys, this one is on you.

      • No miner. It’s on the perp and his family.

        You fascists always want to machine gun the whole village for the actions of a few.

    • Mom on facebook has said in the past he has mental health issues.

      he had a bomb thing he was arrested for in the past … that much is history someone already posted about but more current

      Then in February 2022 she wrote (on facebook to her church group) “Hello Sisters. Can anyone please recommend a great trauma/ptsd therapist?” – but in May 2022 (on facebook to her church group), she writes “Can anybody refer my son to a private boxing coach? He’s 6’6” tall and hits like a freight train. Cannot find a good gym or anyone serious. He has made huge life changes and needs this!”

      Typical pattern for someone with mental health issues – the roller coaster…start acting out a mental health issue (the bomb thing) …takes a while for family to wake up needs help, has an aggressive anger streak that needs to be channeled (the boxing thing)…then makes changes trying to improve and then hits the mental health issue wall again and goes over the edge. About the same mental health issue roller coaster all mass shooters display in some form.

      • he had a bomb thing he was arrested for in the past

        That “Bomb Thing”? He threatened to kill his mother with that bomb thing and for some reason the charges went away…

        • yes I know that… someone already posted it so didn’t see any need to go through it again so I started at more recent

  20. “do you have anything that disproves his statement?“

    That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence…

    But OK, I’ll take your word for it and follow Colters law and accept your claim that the shooter is not white.

    There’s no way you folks could be wrong, right?

    • @Miner49er

      the OP was being sarcastic, not stating fact. what you are trying to argue is yourself because its you that started relating the original as though it was fact when it wasn’t.

      as usual your mind is in its own little confirmation bias echo chamber.

    • “There’s no way you folks could be wrong, right?”

      If they’re still “investigating the motive” & won’t release a mugshot, it’s a pretty safe bet.

      • “If they’re still “investigating the motive” & won’t release a mugshot, it’s a pretty safe bet“

        Yes, it is a safe bet that his grandfather is an extremist Republican politician who used his horsepower and unlawful interference to prevent the shooter from getting the mental health he so desperately needed.

  21. I wonder if a politician had the charges dropped, like perhaps this guy?

    Aldrich is the grandson of outgoing Republican State Assemblymember Randy Voepel, the former mayor of Santee, California. Voepel represents the 71st district in the San Diego area. There were calls to expel Voepel from the state Assembly after he made comments comparing the January 6 attacks to the Revolutionary War. Aldrich’s mother, Laura Voepel, has written posts praising Randy Voepel on Facebook and confirming he is her father.

    • “Aldrich is the grandson of outgoing Republican State Assemblymember Randy Voepel“

      Another violent white Republican extremist Mormon.

      Of course, just as Coulter’s Law predicted.

      • @Miner49er

        “Another violent white Republican extremist Mormon.”

        Aldrich is another person with mental health issues the liberal extremists democrats one-party-elite-rulers refused to address in society is the actual cause of all mass shootings. The same liberal extremists democrats one-party-elite-rulers who facilitated such mass shootings by making sure the shooters got their 15 minutes of fame in the media and politics to inspire others leaning towards such in their mental health issues. The same liberal extremists democrats one-party-elite-rulers who waged a war against the constitution and political war and lawfare against over 33% of the law abiding American public. The same liberal extremists democrats one-party-elite-rulers who ran the economy into the ground and flirt with nuclear war with Russia. The same liberal extremists democrats one-party-elite-rulers who used threats, violence, illegal searches, intentional violations of 1st, 2nd, 4th and 14th amendment rights, and weaponized federal law enforcement and agencies against over 33% of the law abiding American public while trying to install a complete anacro-tyranny.

        Yeah, The same liberal extremists democrats one-party-elite-rulers you want to see in power Miner49er, the same liberal extremists democrats one-party-elite-rulers you are trying to help achieve their goal.

        Yep, Aldrich conducted a mass shooting just as predicted by what every mass shooter in the last 30 years has done in their mental health issues and just as predicted has absolutely nothing to do with your very ignorant and contrived “violent white Republican extremist Mormon” story.

        • “mental health issues the liberal extremists democrats one-party-elite-rulers refused to address in society is the actual cause of all mass shootings“

          The facts prove otherwise.

          The shooters mother and grandfather are right wing Republican extremists who supported the attack on the United States Capitol on January 6 and in this case at present, not only failed to provide the mental health services to their offspring that their wealth could have provided, they also used their conservative political influence to make his earlier charges “go away”.

          Do you really think that the Mormon Church’s hardline condemnation of same-sex relationships played no part in his violent attack on gay folks?

          No 40oz, this tragedy lays directly at the doorstep of those responsible, conservative Republican Mormons who failed to address this situation when it began with the shooters violent acts years ago.

          Your sad attempts to somehow blame the liberal Democrats for this tragedy are nothing but more conservative Republican disinformation.

        • @Miner49er

          “The facts prove otherwise.”

          100% false. The facts do prove what I wrote that you quoted.

          Forensic psychiatrists James L. Knoll IV, MD, and George D. Annas, MD, MPH, of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse New York, both leading authorities on the mental health aspects of mass/school shooters, summed it up for the mental health community various studies on various aspects in terms of mass/school shooters…. Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder, “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment,’” – in other words, mass/school shooters do have mental illness but not something clearly defined and for which the mental health community has no immediate quick-acting treatment, such treatment includes diagnosis so its a mental illness that has not yet been diagnosed.

          These are not the only researchers to come to the mental health illness conclusion. Interviews with mass/school shooters in the last 30 years indicate that 100% of mass/school shooters were under going at the time of their crimes a mental illness “ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment” that is not defined in the DSM-5 (thus is not applicable for a legal defense of ‘insanity’ concept because such is not defined in the DSM-5).

          And everything else I wrote is born out by the fact in the very words and actions of the democrats, and in various studies, and in the media, and in various bills they have introduced, and their political rhetoric speeches and words both before, during, and after campaign for the presidential and mid term elections and all while in office. Its all a matter of public record and even directly said by some of those democrats.

          Learn what the word research means you fool.

          Yes, the facts do bear out what I posted.

        • “Interviews with mass/school shooters in the last 30 years indicate that 100% of mass/school shooters were under going at the time of their crimes a mental illness… “

          100%? Bullshit.

          You’ve made the claim, the burden of proof is upon you, show your hand.

          And in the case at hand, what evidence do you have that shooter was never diagnosed with a mental illness, he was able to buy his AR 15 murder weapon so there probably wasn’t any sort of prohibition through the mental health system.

        • @Miner49er

          There ya go again with your confirmation bias. It blinded you to the fact that I already gave your your proof in what I wrote. All you need to do is take what I posted and do a little research. But no, I’m not going to hold your hand and spoon feed you. Your problem is your confirmation bias doesn’t let you go beyond the shallow surface of what you read, and you don;pt know how to really do research.

          “And in the case at hand, what evidence do you have that shooter was never diagnosed with a mental illness, he was able to buy his AR 15 murder weapon so there probably wasn’t any sort of prohibition through the mental health system.”

          I never said he was “never diagnosed with a mental illness”. One does not need to be diagnosed with a mental illness to have a mental illness. Over 75% of people with a mental illness are never diagnosed or treated.

          And once again…

          Forensic psychiatrists James L. Knoll IV, MD, and George D. Annas, MD, MPH, of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse New York, both leading authorities on the mental health aspects of mass/school shooters, summed it up for the mental health community various studies on various aspects in terms of mass/school shooters…. Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder, “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment,’” – in other words, mass/school shooters do have mental illness but not something clearly defined and for which the mental health community has no immediate quick-acting treatment, such treatment includes diagnosis so its a mental illness that has not yet been diagnosed.

          Stop being such a duped confirmation biased fool Miner49er. You jump into discussions thinking you are making deep thoughtful points and always ready to jump to demand “proof” like you think you are entitled to it and most of the times the proof is right in front of you but you don’t know how to read beyond your confirmation bias or research so you never see it. You are not making the intelligent points you think you are, they are very shallow and inane and you seem to think you are entitled to have someone feed your confirmation bias. You can’t even recognize the many times others have purposely fed your confirmation bias just to see you jump so they can laugh at you. You’ve got the thought patterns of a 5 year old very evident in your posts, very linear, predictable, and incapable for extrapolation of whats presented to you. Learn to do some actual research and stop it with your obsessive confirmation bias which in its self is a form of mental health illness.

        • Minerva still thinks the Pulse shooting in Orlando was an attack on gay people when in fact his original target was Disney he didn’t even know what Pulse was til he walked in, in fact just before he started shooting he was asking “where are all the women?” Guy was pissed off over the war in Afghanistan killing too many civilians and had nothing to do anyones sexual identity.



      • Democrats, the good communists that they are, cheer every time something like this happens. They love it; they get another chance to take away freedoms, raise taxes, or both. Democrats don’t care about people shot or maimed in these incidents. they only care about power.

      • @Miner49er

        also to add…

        I was saying your…

        “Another violent white Republican extremist Mormon.

        Of course, just as Coulter’s Law predicted.”

        based on zero fact at all, is 100% contrived lie. It had nothing to do with it at all.

        But the democrats created the society environment in which such is facilitated by their actions while at the same time refusing to do anything to address the mental health issues that are the cause of such. While government funded mental health treatment programs deceased in funding, programs and information and training that could have been made available to the public at large and helped identify these people before they went off the deep end… money was diverted from those programs to ‘gun violence’ programs over the last 40 years and a political war on law abiding citizens. There is a direct correlation between that funding being diverted/removed by democrats away from government funded mental health treatment programs to democrats ‘gun violence’ programs and a rise in mass/school shootings, suicides, and crime.

        The number one preventable and/or treatable cause of suicide and mass murder and crime is adverse mental health issues.

        Mental illness can exist without a diagnosis of mental illness, and mental illness is not necessarily ‘insanity’ (as in the DSM-5). Mental illness can be long term or short term, it can happen in a moment and be gone the next, it can be elusive or occasional, it can be noticed and not noticed, sometimes the person is the last one to know they have a mental illness, and it can manifest in various forms that the medical mental heath community recognize as a disorder of some type but can’t define it or treat it but they know it exists even if its not in the DSM-5 as a mental health disorder. And indeed the vast majority of individuals with such impulses to murder mostly continue to function in society (marginally) and do not typically seek out mental health treatment so their mental illness is not diagnosed or treated and society sees their marginal function in society as, basically, just them being them with no thought of they being mentally ill so overall these people are not recognized as being mentally ill until an incident happens such as violence that says something is not right if such an incident happens. Unfortunately, that violence may be murder and that murder may also come in the form of mass/school shootings.

        So we end up with basically two broad classes of mentally ill, those that have violent impulse mental illness and those that do not have violent impulse mental illness – in either class there can be diagnosed or not diagnosed. So not all people with mental illness are the violent impulse types and they should not be stigmatized as such and its theses who do not become mass/school shooters – but there are people with violent impulse mental illness in society and they mostly are not recognized until they begin to exhibit something that indicates the pressure is building for them to act on the violent impulses.

        Unfortunately, all to frequently that violent impulse mental illness person is not noticed or not stopped before they can act on the driving forces pressure of the violent impulse – and this matches the mass/school shooter profile exactly. Suddenly one day, after time dwelling on it they give in to the violent impulse and do it.

        Forensic psychiatrists James L. Knoll IV, MD, and George D. Annas, MD, MPH, of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse New York, both leading authorities on the mental health aspects of mass/school shooters, summed it up for the mental health community various studies on various aspects in terms of mass/school shooters…. Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder, “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment,’” – in other words, mass/school shooters do have mental illness but not something clearly defined and for which the mental health community has no immediate quick-acting treatment, such treatment includes diagnosis so its a mental illness that has not yet been diagnosed.

        However, ~90% of mass/school shooters and suicidal people and criminals very obviously and ‘publicly’ (e.g. in public view, social media, in front of family or friends, at work, etc…) exhibit preventable and/or treatable mental health illness by some sort of diagnosis indicating “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind” even if there is no “immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment’” and such is not defined in the DSM-5 as a ‘recognized disorder’, to quell or resolve or treat the mental health illness directly. The number one preventable and/or treatable cause of suicide and mass murder and crime is adverse mental health issues, even if that “preventable and/or treatable” is a diagnosis of an “ill-defined trouble of the mind”.

        Aldrich also very publicly exhibited such a “ill-defined trouble of the mind”.

        Not saying he needs pity for what he did, he did it plain and simple. But the democrats more than created the society environment in which such could flourish undetected before its too late.

      • Another violent white Republican extremist Mormon.

        You make that sound like a BAD thing. The reality is that only about 10% of ALL of these lunatics have any political affiliation and even fewer do what they do from a political motivation. This moron being a Mormon might have influenced his decision however it is more likely that some inner conflict brought this about. It doesn’t matter if he is left, right, center or none of the above nor does it matter if his entire family goes to church daily or if he is even “active” in that church, what matters is that this idiot made the conscious decision to go shoot a bunch of people because they were different and/or possibly because he felt drawn to that lifestyle and was conflicted over those feelings. Your desire to paint everything either with a political or a religious brush is sadly pathetic, the truth is there are some really fucked up people in this world some are Democrats some are Republicans some are Libertarians, but most don’t engage in politics. About 240 million Americans identify as Christians another 3.5 million as Muslim and about 7.5 million Jews… that leaves about 75 million individuals that are either non-affiliated “religious” or atheist. Mental issues can happen to anyone from any economic, political or religious background, but you’ve got YOUR bone to chew on with none of the PROOF that you constantly demand. Enjoy this one UNTIL the facts are known.

        • You could write a novel if you wanted, but it would still be at odds with the facts which show the Republicans do their best to cut mental health funding at every opportunity:

          “How Trump’s Budget Will Affect People with Mental Health Conditions”

          “Reduces funding for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Programs of Regional and National Significance by ~$600 million.
          Discontinues funding for the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment program.”


          “Gov. Abbott has been governor since 2015, and since then, there have been roughly 13 mass shooting events in his state. Yet he has done nothing to expand access to mental health care. Texas has the highest uninsured rate in the country, with 17.3 percent of its population without health insurance. This is roughly twice the national average. Furthermore, Texas also has the most uninsured children in the country—roughly 1 million. Mental Health America rated the state dead last for overall access to mental health services.

          But Gov. Abbott hasn’t just failed to expand access to health coverage; he has actively cut it. In April he slashed $211 million from the Department of Health and Human Services and redirected it to border security, and this despite the fact the state has a record surplus, in part from federal funding allocated by the American Rescue Plan Act.

          Worse, there has been an easy solution available to Gov. Abbott the entire time he has been in office: Texas could expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act and reduce the number of uninsured Texans by almost 1.5 million adults, roughly a third of the uninsured population. Though many children are already eligible for health insurance but not enrolled, as the state enrolled their parents, it would also cover their children.“


        • Republicans do their best to cut mental health funding at every opportunity:

          They ALL do that L, R, C… Nobody wants to actually SPEND the money to address the problem because there is NO political return. Dems won’t touch it because they get more out of the “side effects” such as the current spate of mass shootings which in turn feeds THEIR “guns are baddd Umhummm” narrative which they hope will eventually turn into enough votes to put them in a position to disarm American citizens which will make their agenda of total control much easier. The Republicans (aka Dem lite) want to spend that money on things they deem more important like the military, Veterans health care, tax relief and improving the lives of the people. I am neither a Democrat or a Republican, I am not a Libertarian, a “Greenie”, a Soshulist, a Kommie or a member of any other fringe political party I am an Independent so I really don’t give a flying fuck what you say about any of them, but I will hold you accountable for your abject dishonesty. If you must engage in the incessant blather that YOU describe as “logic” at least be honest enough to tell the WHOLE story.

          Republicans’ overall philosophy: Self-reliance. It is the choices that I make that impact me and my family. It is not about what another (the government) can give to me.

          Democrats’ overall philosophy: People are in need of help and support. They are disadvantaged due to no fault of their own. They are the victims of bad luck. Society should pick up others that do not have.

          I am a firm believer in the former of the two, but I am also aware that there are people who just cannot help themselves. Are you aware that Dems in the Senate defeated two separate bills that would increase security in schools and the LAST comprehensive mental health bill prior to 2021 was introduced in 2016 by a Republican and passed nearly unanimously in a Republican controlled House with a handful of Dems voting AGAINST it… The Democrats have been on the wrong side of history on everything from Slavery to women’s rights to National Security and the Welfare System…

  22. Still no photos of the alleged shooter yet we have a post asserting that Aldrich is the grandson Republican State Assemblyman Voepel. How could such a connection be discovered?

    • “Heavy has confirmed that Aldrich is the grandson of outgoing Republican State Assemblymember Randy Voepel, the former mayor of Santee, California. Voepel represents the 71st district in the San Diego area. There were calls to expel Voepel from the state Assembly after he made comments comparing the January 6 attacks to the Revolutionary War. Aldrich’s mother, Laura Voepel, has written posts praising Randy Voepel on Facebook and confirming he is her father.”


  23. One witness in interview with the news said his first action was to run to the backstage dressing room of the drag performer named ‘Del Lusional’ and lock himself inside with ‘Del Lusional’.

    Yeah, some first rate thinking there… “Someone is shooting at us! Protect the drag queen!” while others tried to get away and a few counter attacked and stopped the shooter

  24. Well we have a name and his history. Anderson Lee Aldrich, age 22-year-old.

    From facebook.

    “Last June, he made a homemade bomb at his home residence where he threatened to kill his mother. Luckily his mother was able to escape and alerted police while driving to safety away from the residence. Police were informed that he was chasing after her car and didn’t know where he was. So of course the police went on a manhunt right….well, no, they just sent a squad car with one officer. The officer located a man seen walking one mile from the residence that fit Aldrich’s description who refused to be compliant with orders and evaded the arrest.”

    “There was stand-off with police officers and bomb squad unit of the El Paso county sheriffs department discussing negotiations to his surrender at his home address. Aldrich walked out and surrendered to police after an hour of negotiations and bomb squad went into the residence unable to locate any explosives. (He had already disassembled them during the negotiations of course) He was arrested and charged with 2 felony menacing charges because the police had to evacuate all the residents within a quarter mile of his residence to safety; the entire neighborhood had to be evacuated.”

    It seems to be another mental case. Red Flag law??? 5150??? or Twinki Defense???

    • Twinkie defense?

      No, it’s that grandpa is a right wing extremist Republican politician who had the in-state horsepower to sweep his previous crimes under the rug so he could continue to purchase firearms and be a danger to our community.

      • You must really hate all of those new Democrat DA’s who are letting criminals off the hook and allowing them to plead down from felonies.

  25. Call me suspicious or a conspiracy theorist, but I find it highly suspect, that just as McSniffy Schitz-His-Pants starts pounding his chest for an Assault Weapon Ban, there’s a string of shootings to get the public in an uproar.
    Sorry Resident Leftards, Dacian, Albert and Miner, but this is just too obvious this time to just be a coincidence. This has Groomed written all over it.
    A False Flag.

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