proper pistol grip
Courtesy NSSF

[ED: We ran this post back at the beginning of the pandemic, in the days when gun stores were jammed and lockdowns had just been ordered. There were lots of first-time gun owners who couldn’t get even basic training IRL. Over two years later, we now have millions of new gun owners who can, have and are getting out there. But we’re under no illusions that everyone has the inclination, time, or disposable income to train they way the should. And in a time of rising inflation, disposable income is shrinking. So here once again is that earlier post. The tips in the videos are still just as valid and valuable. Send a link to someone you think could benefit from learning (or re-learning) the basics.]

First, the good news during a tough time. As a result of the declaration of a national emergency, America now has thousands, maybe tens of thousands of new gun owners. Not just owners of new guns…people who are brand-spanking new to gun ownership.

Whether that translates into more support for gun rights down the road is a matter of debate (see this post if you want to discuss the point). We certainly hope so.

The bad news, though, is that very few of those new gun owners can get out to shoot their new guns at a range, let alone get basic safety or marksmanship 101 type instruction. Like most of us, they’re stuck at home for the foreseeable future.

That doesn’t mean, however, that they can’t do some things to prepare themselves for success and learn some basics before they ever fire a live round.

YouTube has thousands of training videos — some good, some, well, not so much — that new gun owners can watch and begin to learn the basics. There are also plenty of at-home drills (featuring lots and lots of dry fire practice) to start learning the basics of safe gun handling, the proper grip, and good trigger finger position.

Here are five short videos to get you started, beginning with the late, great R. Lee Ermey and Team GLOCK going over the all-important Four Rules of Firearm Safety. Watch and learn these rules first before you go any further.


Once you have that down, you need to know how to properly grip your new handgun.


Getting the right grip on your gun is good, but trigger finger placement is important, too.


“Dry fire” practice is something every gun owner can and should do at home. It costs nothing and is a great way to practice and improve your draw, presentment, trigger pull and shooting from the comfort of your own home.


Finally, this one has good overall coverage of stance and other basics.




  1. These are decent videos to use for a beginner. Been showing them to new people for a while, usually have them watch while on way to range with them for the first time.

    • I am a student and I do work part time on this website to meet my needs. One who is jobless or want to earn more money for himself, (buc-49) should must try this because this is really very easy and less time consuming and also advantageous
      without investing any amount…

  2. The Dry fire video

    This guy was an idiot. Dry fire without using a “quality” snap cap is idiotic. Striker and firing pin breakage is often quite common in firearms. The last thing you want to happen is a parts breakage when you need a gun in an emergency which means the intelligent firearms owner should never shoot his carry gun in practice without a snap cap.

    Also use a substitute handgun for practice when live firing it because guns are a machine and machinery wears out the more you use it including guns. If cost is a problem use a .22 rimfire to save money on ammo.

    The Far Right have an idiotic harlequin view of firearms and they have been taught that guns never wear out, malfunction, or break. You can dry fire them or live fire them all you want and they will never wear out or break at a critical moment. Of course this is pure stupidity but this has always been a hallmark of the Far Right mentality.

    • Dacien,
      You are an idiot. I was a member of the United States Marine Corps Pistol Team. I am Double Distinguished, made the President’s Hundred, and have busted 2600. We dry fired all of our weapons, M-16s, M-14s, 1911s, M-9s and my Marvel conversion unit with no problems, thousands of times, without any snap caps. I do not understand why you are even on this blog since you hate America and firearms so much !!!!

      Semper Fi,
      Ssgt. Tracey D. Leavell USMC YAT YAS

      • To Tracy

        You Far Right people live in your own fantasy world. You believe that anyone who does not tow the jackbooted storm trooper political agenda is not an American but in reality you are the minority. It is beyond your mentality and comprehension that the majority of gun owners are not like you or that liberals do not own guns.

        I might add how do you think the Red Army beat the White Army, by throwing cream puffs at them? They won and their social programs are now standard operation procedure in every industrialized country in the world including the U.S. Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and aid to education (to name only a few) came originally from the Far Left political parties in the U.S. We Socialists are winning and we fight to make America a civilized country that actually cares about the welfare of its own citizens.

        • If the socialists are winning then America is losing.

          Thankfully you couldn’t buy a clue as to what is actually happening here.

        • If by winning you mean swinging from the nearest lamp post…

          Go ahead bitch, start it. I look forward with relish for the moment your head rolls.

        • Wow Dacien,
          You just assume that I am a “Jack booted storm trooper”? Just so you know, I served and continue to serve my country as I have since 1982. 23 years in the USMC and I am now a government contractor that teaches anti-terrorism and force protection. The Red Army “social programs”? Oh, like the NKVD shooting people in the back of the neck, the systematic killing of Jews before Hitler started that “social program”, starvation, forced relocation, seizing of private property and the list goes on. I wonder how the Ukaranians like the Red Army social programs? If you had your way, I am sure Americans would be confined to urban areas (concentration camps) and not be allowed any type of firearms and be totally dependent on government social programs. I will fight your vision of your Utopia till my last breath.

          Tracey Leavell

        • “It is beyond your mentality and comprehension that the majority of gun owners are not like you or that liberals do not own guns…”

          Dacian. Those people are just liberals in the process of transitioning to conservatives. Once they learn to be self sufficient and can stand on their own two feet, they want to be left alone. And that means they want to left alone. Left alone from government, and whiny libtards that want things like gun control and free stuff.

        • We Socialists are winning and we fight to make America a civilized country that actually cares about the welfare of its own citizens.

          Socialists do not care about their citizens. They are generally incompetent individuals looking out for #1 by using the government to throw their harness on hardworking people to pull their wagon, because they lack the ability to pull their own wagon. Back in the day, they achieved this why controlling the means of production. Today however, they achieve this by controlling the money controlling the means of production. Neither of which is “civilized.”

      • SSgt. Leavell,

        Thank you for your service. What a hell of a career you’ve had! I hope we’ll be reading more of your posts.

        And do you miss the Gunny as much as many of us do? Another hell of a Marine!

    • @dacian

      “Dry fire without using a ‘quality’ snap cap is idiotic. Striker and firing pin breakage is often quite common in firearms.”


      Dry fire with snap caps is recommended but its not always necessary. Its routine in organized commercial training classes for ‘dry fire’ to be practiced without snap caps when dry fire is included.

      You obviously do not understand the use of snap caps or how guns actually work.

      Without snap caps, pulling the trigger CAN POSSIBLY exert stress on the firing pin and trigger OVER TIME (a verrrryyyy long time). Yes, firing pins do occasionally (very rarely) break with or without snap caps but the majority are when live firing. It usually happens with a new firearm that has a defective material flaw firing pin.

      Mostly, its a myth that dry fire without snap caps will cause damage especially in the very isolated cases of the training environment shown in the video.

      “The Far Right have an idiotic harlequin view of firearms and they have been taught that guns never wear out, malfunction, or break. You can dry fire them or live fire them all you want and they will never wear out or break at a critical moment. Of course this is pure stupidity but this has always been a hallmark of the Far Right mentality.”

      …. said no one ever on the right or left or middle.

    • Mediocre trolling at best. Disappointed. Sub-par performance. If you are going to half-ass it, just leave.

      • Unfortunately, you’re seeing his best work.

        And he never leaves. He’s a pathological liar — he needs the audience. We really should refuse to give it to him, but his idiocy is so damn tempting to ridicule.

  3. The myth that trigger finger placement matters has been busted repeatedly. Stop perpetuating fuddery.

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