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65-Year-Old Texas Woman Shoots, Kills 19-Year-Old Home Invader

Here’s a newsflash for you. Criminals don’t really care about lockdowns, shelter-in-place orders or social distancing. They’ll attack law-abiding people no matter the circumstances, time of day, or infection count in their area.

Cleto Neri Solorzano a 19-year-old man from Fredericksburg, Texas, was just such an example of that fact. Was. 

Just after midnight Saturday morning, he began pounding on the door of 73-year-old Curtis Roys.

As KVUE reports . . .

Officials said the homeowner, 73-year-old Curtis Roys, was asleep when he heard a loud banging noise outside. He then discovered a young man on his back patio who, when confronted, pushed his way inside through the patio door and began to assault Roys with a blunt object. Reportedly, he then put Roys into a chokehold, causing him to lose consciousness.

Roys’ fiancee, 65-year-old Melody Lumpkin, pleaded with Solorzano to stop his attack. When that failed, she retrieved a handgun from her bedroom and fired a warning shot. But that didn’t make an impression on the intruder.

When she noticed Roys was not moving, Lumpkin then reportedly fired another shot, striking the man in the head. When Roys regained consciousness, officials said they then called 911.

Solorzano began to assume room temperature not long after the cranial ventilation. In a surprise development, police believe Solarzano may have been under the influence of some sort of drug at the time.

Long story short, the two seasoned citizens would likely have been overpowered had they not owned an effective means of self-defense. One that’s easily wielded and can be employed by a 65-year-old woman under high stress in the middle of the night.

Remember, according to hoplophobic harridans and other gun control advocates, a firearm in the hands of a woman is more likely to be used against her. Because women are far too meek, weak, and incompetent to handle the responsibility of firearm ownership.

We’d guess that Melody Lumpkin would disagree.

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149 thoughts on “65-Year-Old Texas Woman Shoots, Kills 19-Year-Old Home Invader”

  1. in my new home state of Arizona one third of my CCW class were young petite ladies and all of them shot like seasoned veterans I would not want any of them drawing down on me

    • young ladies I have found, because they don’t have any ingrained bad habits, are much easier to be taught the right stances, holds, proper gripping and aiming technics nor do they have a man’s macho attitude towards firearms they are much less likely to be harder to unteach these bad habits

      • It has been likewise, my experience that women make better shooting students. They don’t assume that they dropped out of the womb, knowing how to shoot, drive a car very fast, etc.

        As a result, like you, I don’t have to un-do umpteen years of bad or incorrect training.

        They also often have better fine motor skills.

        The one downside of teaching young women is having to quietly tell them that their boyfriend/husband/father/uncle/etc didn’t know jack when he told them to buy some cute little .380 or .25 ACP mouse gun. One of my students back in the mid-90’s started class with a little Beretta tip-up, and ended with a S&W Model 29 with custom grips. She handled that .44 like a pro, too. She positively loved the muzzle flash. Dunno why she was such a fan of muzzle flash.

        • Not to start a ‘caliper war’ or anything but a .380 is a perfectly fine suggestion as a starting gun; just big enough to get the job done and mild enough to be easy to handle and learn with.
          Now, if some jack-wagon suggests .380 because “women are too weak to handle anything bigger’ or some such BS then it is indeed bad advice or at least (inadvertently) good advice from a bad source. Women can handle any size they want, I’ve seen it over and over. Heck, my 120lb niece was over just this weekend shooting 12ga like a champ.

          My wife shoots well with everything from .22lr to .45acp, but she prefers her .380 as her ‘Goldilocks’ round because of its combination of mild recoil and easy concealability.

        • Oh god this non-sense again. Women that are interested in firearms or self defense and have a specific self determined intention of achieving some level of mastery with a firearm may, for about the first 10 hours or so of instruction be slightly more naturally proficient than the average novice male. That gap quickly disappears after about 10 hours of instruction in a law enforcement or military context, but that wont be exposed in a one day or even weekend CCW or NRA familiarization course. In the average population of people who have very little self initiated interest in firearms there is no comparison ( ie. just inviting some one to come along to shoot casually) in that context without much will full intent on their part 90 percent of women are unsafe even holding the gun and cant perform basic manipulations even after instruction, they definitely can’t hit anything. 90% of men will demonstrate at least safe handling and minimal competency at manipulation after 15 minutes of instruction.

        • VicRattlehead, most full size 9mm pistols have an extremely manageable recoil. I would also encourage anyone to try a full size .45acp, yes the legendary “it has too much of a kick for you” .45acp. I am not saying a .380 is not a good choice, but folks shouldn’t be afraid to try any of the commonly used calibers. I felt no difference in recoil when I shot a Glock 23 (.40sw) in comparison to a Glock 17 (9mm), my only issue was that, after reloading a few mags, that last round of .40sw was a lot more painful to push than a 9mm. It could have been the magazines I am not sure.

        • Yeah…. men ar naturally proficient with firearms…. women, NOT so much….
          Any idiot saying differently is either a moron or lying… and these so called “instructors” need to quit spreading false information trying to white knight for women…(it makes you look pathetic in the eyes of real men, btw)…

        • George. You’ll be the first one to fold under pressure. Anybody counting on you when times get tough are going to be sadly disappointed. All blow, no show.

        • My daughter has helped other ladies buy their first gun. Her flashpoint is where the boyfriend/ spouse/ significant other comes to “help” but really wants to buy the gun for himself. The thinking is the lady will tire and let him have the gun.

      • I have been teaching for close to 20 years.

        My experiences mirror both of yours. The major factors are:

        1) “I know how to shoot. I shot my friends .22 rifle when I was 8 once”. This is really just an attitude problem.

        2) I played with nerf guns for 10 years – It is impossible to untrain these people from keeping their finger on the trigger.

        3) I need to look macho in front of my friends / girlfriend.

        Its interesting because at the beginning of the class I will in a humorous way say. “check your ego at the door”. You paid me money to take this class. That means you are acknowledging that I know more about this than you do.

        I then tell them that that is the mindset that I USE when I go take a class. Check my ego at the door. Even if its a fundamentals class, I will always learn something as well as catch some bad habits that have crept into my technique.

        I once did a class for a woman who was a rock climber and generally very athletically built. Essentially five foot four inches of muscle.

        She was fantastic. The grip strength of a man. The mental attitude of a women. The perfect student!!! Ha.

    • @ Otto Lode
      I have a longtime high school chum who a number of years ago served on a jury in a civil case. During some time not in deliberation but while he was with the other jurors, he was shocked to learn that of the 12 folks that served during the trial, seven were women and ALL seven women had permits and carried firearms. Of the remaining men, only a few didn’t carry a firearm and at that time, neither did my friend. He does now though.
      At the time, he was just floored that all the women were carrying. He had no clue.

  2. Equalizer. Old people do not have to fear young, strong aggressors.

    Now that everybody is on lock down every burglary is a home invasion.

      • What? And take all the fun out of things?

        For reference, I’m a maintenance guy. People make work orders all the time that I’d have to be a mind reader to figure out. “Somethings broken somewhere, and maybe it doesn’t work.”

      • If the writer/author can’t find/fix the mistakes himself, he shouldn’t be writing! It’s extremely tiring these days trying to figure out what people are actually saying, when 90(+)% of them are such poor writers! What’s even worse is the ignorant fools who make excuses for them!

        • What’s worse yet is people who over-use exclamation points! Tends to be mostly women…

        • Poor quality of public education turning out a generation of mentally lazy illiterates that expect technology to do everything for them.

        • You mean like people who use synonymous terms right next to each other as if they had different meanings? Or drop special characters like / into sentences repeatedly instead of using actual words?

    • Quite frankly, I find “fixing” to be a strange word choice when asserting an article/essay needs correction(s).

      • I don’t know what kind of arrangement Dan has, if any, but I do know that writers and copyeditors are often different people. Lawyers have a reason for not representing themselves, and it’s likewise difficult for writers to catch all their mistakes whenever proofreading their own work.
        Perhaps Otherwise… is implying that John Davies could benefit from such an arrangement with a copyeditor?

  3. After reading the article, all I can think of is that the gun’s barrel shown in the photo isn’t perfectly centered within the slide. OCD

    • It’s okay. The camera isn’t perfectly aligned with the sights, which explains the offset. Sleep well.

      • Only if it’s an extended barrel protruding from the slide, though it doesn’t look threaded. If it’s flush, then it’s off center.

        • “Only if it’s an extended barrel protruding from the slide, though it doesn’t look threaded.”

          Now that extended, non-threaded Glock barrel is burned in your brain for all time, isn’t it?

          Extract wallet, remove plastic, call Lone Wolf, and order… 😉

    • Are you sure? The weapon is pointed directly at the camera. I thought I just saw the barrel and slide from a slight angle, making it appear to be “off center”.

      • The fact this out of alignment photo is the central point of discussion tells me that all y’all yahoos have been cooped up way too long. Time to plant that herb garden your better halves have been nagging you about.

    • You jerk. Now I can’t stop seeing it. Now I have to go back up and see what kind of gun it is.


  4. Another one bites the dust!! Hey Hey!

    The barrel is shifted to hit those of the ‘left-tard’ persuasion’

  5. Excellent example of why someone should Never fire a warning shot. Beyond wasting good ammo. It as in this case allowed for further harm to come to Mr. Roys. When faced with this or a similar situation. Don’t waste time pleading for Mercy or Issuing a warning shot. Shoot the perp as many times as need, To stop the threat. With luck they’ll be room temperature by the time law enforcement arrives. Keep Your Powder Dry.

    • It may have missed the perp, but it didn’t miss the upstairs bathtub, or the roof, or a wire behind the drywall, or the neighbor, or some such. But, I don’t think I’d upbraid her too severely unless significant damage was done, or unless she happened to repeat the performance if another perp happens to go dimwit on her. She’s got sand, which is worth celebrating.

    • She did something, which is usually better than doing nothing, and then she was apparently capable to move to step #2 to end the threat.

  6. Aside from the wasted shot, she did good.
    One less resident of the prison system that taxpayers will need to support..

    Let’s get a nice cheesecake delivered to this lady for doing the taxpayers a favor.

      • Well, it could have been a buttermilk pie. But cheesecake is too fancy for us. Besides we put cheese on our hamburgers, not our pie. 😛

  7. “ according to hoplophobic harridans and other gun control advocates, a gun in the hands of a woman is more likely to be used against her.”

    But if you do a YouTube search for “home invasion”, “break in”, “homeowner shot” etc. nearly every local newscast is of a burglar springing leaks. That tells me that a woman’s gun being used against her is a likely fallacy. I tried looking for some stats to back up that a firearm is likely to be used against the owner. Maybe for suicide – because gun control advocates always include suicides by gun in every analysis that they produce, but I’m not finding any stats to actually back up the statement. Thus “lies, damn lies and statistics”.

    • Ah, the liberal conundrum: Are women equally competent to men in all things, or are they incapable of handling guns as well as men? Should a true liberal feminist eschew guns, but then call a (male, armed) officer to save them from attack? Are they strong, capable and prepared for anything? Or disarmed damsels in distress?

      It’s really not a difficult pill to swallow. A feminist owns a gun. Or several. Because she doesn’t rely on a man for her defense, just as she doesn’t rely on a man for her identity or self-worth.

      • I used to love to cram that logic down feminists’ throats when I was in California and surrounded by the feminist ‘type’ who was anti-gun.

        You could see the challenge “So you’re saying that women are not competent to handle a gun… because they’re women?” utterly derail the hamster from the hamster wheel in the heads of the feminists.

        Quality entertainment.

    • When she noticed Roys was not moving, Lumpkin then reportedly fired another shot, striking the man in the head. When Roys regained consciousness, officials said they then called 911.

      Nice logical excuse for ensuring that the guy bleeds out.

  8. Somebody comes into my house and chokes out my mate, the first warning shot will be the cranial shot.

  9. I know someone who had to drop a bad guy. It messes with one’s head, no matter how right it was, unless or until they understand they didn’t make the decision. The bad guy made the decision. I don’t want those sleepless night or flashbulb memories, but I’d take them over the forever box surrounded by flowers. I have drawn, but the display was persuasion enough for my bad guy, thankfully.

  10. I would always assume the perps buddies are right outside so I’m not interested in wounding any perp and at the very least would prefer the Mozambique insurance before I head out to have a talk with the get away driver

  11. “she retrieved a handgun from her bedroom and fired a warning shot. But that didn’t make an impression on the intruder….When she noticed Roys was not moving, Lumpkin then reportedly fired another shot, striking the man in the head.”

    I like to think the last thing going through the perp’s head – other than a bullet – was to convince himself the woman would never actually shoot him .

  12. Why was that old lady thinking that she would be able to properly use such a dangerous, specialized piece of equipment? If only she had listened to the smart people, and sat on her ass, and waited on the professionals to rescue her.

    • You are not paying attention to what others are saying. She would of been the one in the box had she waited to be saved.

      • Hi Crazy Lady and welcome to the forum.

        Dude’s comment was “tongue-in-cheek” so to speak. When you’ve been around for awhile you’ll learn when we’re serious and when we’re being sarcastic.

  13. Headshots are the best, no worries about the bad guy’s story trying to confuse the police when they arrive!

  14. The lesson here is to bring your gun with you when you go check out the disturbance! Don’t assume you’ll have the chance later to go get it.

    Better to have and not need….

    • I”ve started to do this, even here in Wyoming.

      My wife, who has been utterly sanguine about my gun habit for our entire marriage is now wondering why I do this, even in such a remote area.

      Well, ain’t nothing the same as we assumed any more, so I’m no longer operating on assumptions. As Dan said above, criminals don’t obey shut-in orders… any more than they obey stop signs or laws against B&E, assault or murder.

      So now when I walk between the shop and the house at night, my buddy John Moses comes along for the walk.

      • In a remote area its not just bad guys. I lived remote and one evening I went from my house to an outbuilding, 15-20 yards away, and met a bear. It’s a toss up to which of us was more surprised. Large animal encounters were not at all uncommon.

        Aggressive dumped dogs were a problem, also.

        • You never know. I live in the county, but very close to city limits. There’s quite a bit of wooded acreage around my house. I routinely see deer, turkey, foxes, and coyotes. Two different people have seen a bear in my backyard, separated by several years. I dismissed the first one (ex), but the second person (renter) was an experienced hunter, so at that point, I believed both.

        • wife and daughter laugh at my exiting the shower with the bedside arm.
          my only comment quelled some of the giggling at dumb old dad, from dan z. i think, “100% of home invasions occur in the home.” i think i saw a couple of synapses being bridged.

        • M. At that time I owned a .22, .25acp and a .32 acp. Shortly after I bought a Ruger .357 and some reloading kit. That was about 40 years ago.

          We only had black bears around.

        • Best use for a warning shot is when you meet a bear and have only a 9mm. Hopefully the noise will chase him off.

      • And as you well know, when you call the Calvary they can be up to an hour away or more. As Jefferson stated, carrying a firearm gives peace of mind.

  15. All well that ends well , finally she made the shot , that counts , weapon owner ship , and frame of mind

    , have made my mind up a long time ago in a far away galaxy , on a planet called earth ,

    in my garage , ok have at it , however once inside the house , my home is my castle , will shoot to stop the

    threat . . .

  16. Alright, another one outta the gene pool! Just remember granny, first warning shot should be to the torso, if that fails go directly to the brain pan!!!

  17. Someone bangs on my door in the wee hours of the night there won’t be any ‘retrieving’ my gun, it will already be in my hand, condition 0, and the person at the door had better choose their words/actions wisely.
    I will not turn away a person who GENUINELY needs help in the middle of the night (had a younger girl run out of gas literally right in front of my drive, in the country, at 1am one night; she was scared to death and I happily helpped her) but those looking for trouble will find more of it than they bargained for. My wife and I both have ‘nightstand guns’ at the ready.

    • “when are you due?”
      “i’m not pregnant!”
      you don’t have any gas yet…”
      (one of my old pals dad was a jagoff tow truck driver).

      glad she didn’t have a friend named lurk…

    • Someone bangs on my door in the wee hours of the night I hope they’re bringing beer or something to smoke.

  18. ah finally some good news being reported. criminals we are sick and tired of your criminal activity. you will be shot until you can no longer present an issue

  19. I searched the web for the perpetrator “Cleto Neri Solorzano” and he came up on this web site as a victim of Gun Violence? I assume that this is a website funded by Bloomberg. It goes to show you that Bloomberg and the Gun Lobby will do anything to push their agenda. Check out the link below for yourself….

    • It sure looks like they listed him as “Type: Subject-Suspect” and said he was committing a home invasion and attacked the victims. Not saying they won’t lump him in with everyone one that died of a bullet wound when they speak of how many died from gun violence this year though.

      • That is my point of my post !! Although he was the perpetrator committing a crime and his actions could have caused severe injury or death in this case. The use of Deadly Force was valid and justified! But unfortunately, if you click on the main page of the site you will see that his death will be used as just another statistic of so called Gun Violence.

        • And there’s also this: “Shot – Dead (murder, accidental, suicide)” under Incident Characteristics. So they’re calling it murder since it clearly wasn’t one of the other two. Murder certainly has negative connotations! Why wasn’t it classified as “justifiable homicide”?

    • They list anyone perforated while criminalizing as a victim of gun violence. Missing of course is the damn good reason for the new holes.

  20. Never say women cannot handle firearms. When I was at my agency’s academy training there were two people in my class that shot a perfect score. Me and a woman who had not fired a firearm until a couple of months before and she was hired for a clerical job in the agency. After I retired I returned to the firearms business as a salesman. The last time I had been behind the counter was thirty years. I was surprised at first how many women were actually buying serious personal defense and concealed carry arms. Here in Texas I found the number of women obtaining Licenses to Carry out number the men. One memorable incident was a lovely young woman with her daughter of about 6 were looking at the handguns. The young lady finally decided to buy a subcompact Springfield XDm. The little girl looked at her Mom and said “Mommy what are you going to tell Daddy about your new pistol?” Mommy said “What Daddy doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” I felt like Obiwan for a moment there when there was a shift in the Force. I was used to hearing this exchange between Dad and Son. Times have changed. One of the best shots I ever saw was a teenage girl at a SASS competition firing a pair of Colts in a building clearing type match. She was one of the fastest I ever saw with those Colts and had solid hits on every thing she aimed at and she could fire them quicker than most men could fire an automatic. I never doubt women’s ability to handle and defend themselves with firearms.

  21. I guess the woman had 100+ hours of training, bought the latest high tech pistol and used the most expensive ammo.

    Or maybe she saw her boyfriend get choked out by a scumbag on drugs and just popped him.

    Next time Curtis should arm himself and talk to the dirtbag through an window.

    • Well, here’s the thing, when Curtis was growing up things were way different. A knock on the door in the middle of the night meant someone needed help, not “let me in so I can kill you and take what you have”. Back in the day even criminals had more couth (interesting that “couth” isn’t in Microsoft’s dictionary) and would try to stealthily enter your home and kill you and take what you have. Nowadays you just can’t trust anybody!

      • Ya know what? That’s a darn good point. I’m old enough to remember when the automatic reaction would be that somebody needed help, and I also remember the first time I heard the advice that if your doorbell rings at 1 AM, call 911 and don’t open the door. At the time that seemed amazingly stupid.

        • Yep, now it’s either a couple of thugs serving a red flag order or a couple of thugs looking to take what you have. Either will kill you if you resist.

    • This is why I want a gun, l also am concerned having Paladin, my 10yr old son around a gun.
      He’s why I want a gun also, being single living alone.

  22. Gosh I hope and pray I don’t have to shoot some errant lowlife being 65 myself. “OFWG shoots punk”. I handle my AR just fine and also my pistols. Still pretty strong if less mobile. Don’t need Viagra! My wife is an astonishingly fine 60year old who wouldn’t hesitate to send a punk to the morgue…😏

    • if the guys were bangin’ the models in the ed pill ads they wouldn’t need ’em either!

      pops told me, “son the problem with wimmenz is, when they gets old they gets ugly.” mom was 25yrs his junior.

      half yer age plus seven seems about right.

      • MY 60 year old chocolate bunny seriously doesn’t look 40. Former actress and dancer. And she still gets hit on by men(and gals!)young & old…unless my enormous son is accompanying her😏

  23. My wife, 65, does not regularly practice with a firearm. However, at the range with my favorite weapon, SW 586 .357 magnum she will put the first shot in the center of the bullseye every time. If she did not hit dead center, the noise would scare the perp into submission. Go Ladies.

  24. Where were those pompous anti gun zealots while a real woman defended herself and a brutalized loved one? The answer is where anti gun zealots always are…NOWHERE.

    • They were in their ivory towers, inside access controlled gated communities, and protected by armed private security.

  25. @ Otto LodeI have a longtime high school chum who a number of years ago served on a jury in a civil case. During some time not in deliberation but while he was with the other jurors, he was shocked to learn that of the 12 folks that served during the trial, seven were women and ALL seven had permits and carried firearms. Of the remaining men, only a few didn’t carry a firearm and at that time, neither did my friend. He does now though.

  26. At least the second shot was on target. This is the reason why the gun run happened. It’s something that Alyssa Milano does not want people to have.

    Criminals be warned….you could get shot.

  27. “Lumpkin then reportedly fired another shot, striking the man in the head”

    She was aiming at his foot but was way too high. Just like the perp.

  28. Ole Curtis made a mistake by opening the door. In Florida under the castle doctrine, it is legal to shoot a guest in your house if it turns crazy and hell in Texas you can shoot someone in your yard. Most other states won’t allow either. Know your laws. Curtis’s young chick could be in the hoosegow on a murder charge if not for being in Texas.

    • There is no law anywhere stating you cannot open doors to your home. The perp made many mistakes when he pooped on numerous laws including asault, attempted murder and he paid for it with his life. Some mike nyfong types in a few states may stoop to bring a charge but good luck with a jury conviction for this particular case in any state.

      • Debbie, Nifong was even worse than we all thought.

        The Duke case led to a reexamination of all Nifong’s prosecutions. One involved a man who had been in prison for 20 years on a murder conviction. The man was granted a new trial because Nifong had withheld evidence in his first trial. Later, the man’s murder conviction was thrown out because exculpatory DNA evidence had been withheld from the jury.

        Some of Nifong’s cases are still being reviewed. The man was a monster.

        • Wow. I didn’t know Nifong was that bad. I’m not surprised the MSM is avoiding talking about his old cases. Now I’m gonna have to look these stories.

        • Yeah, that Nifong was a little bitch and he deserves the chair if anybody had one. Hope he dies slow.

    • Mack,
      Gotta go with Debbie on this one, once he clubbed Ole Curtis she had reason to fear for there lives and, therefore, even here in the “Free State” the use of deadly force is justified. I can’t think of a single state where you cannot use deadly force if you have a reasonable fear for your life or the lives of your loved ones.

  29. Despite all the propaganda put out by Libertarians. Drug use does have some very nasty side effects. People under the influence believe they can do anything they want. To whoever they want to do it to. And whenever they want to do it.

    Fortunately we can still shoot drug users dead when they violate private property rights.

  30. Never waste ammo on a warning shot. These idiot criminals have made the decision to die. In the immortal words of the poet Tuco (from Breaking bad) “When you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.”

  31. Hannah B. Richard, Looking for hook up with a stranger! ?? Ready for any experiments! ?? –==>>>

  32. I have known Curtis for over 25 years. He is one of the kindest and generous people I know. I have known Melody for a shorter period of time but she is also a wonderful person. I have stayed at their ranch many times. It is a remote area and they are people of the gun. I’m sure Curtis was thinking the intruder was one of his many friends or family that for some reason needed something at a late hour. Otherwise Curtis would have been armed himself. He is not very tall but he is a scrappy Texan in the best sense and I’m sure he defended himself pretty well but age does make it tough. Melody did what had to be done and it’s a tragedy all around but thank God they are both safe.
    Please pray for both of them. They would appreciate that.

  33. clearly this story cannot be true, because the mainstream media tells me that the “good guy with a gun” is a myth…

  34. I, also, have know Curtis for many years and know him to be a man of faith and generosity. He is well-trained in fire arm use (a necessity when living out in the country here in Texas) and was, I feel sure, thinking that a friend was needing some help. Curtis’ Facebook report of the situation will give you and insight to his personality. He reported that he and Melody were doing fine and then asked that everyone pray for the family of the young man who was committing the crime. That is who Curtis and Melody are!

  35. Un-possible. There can’t be any extra-curricular crime with lock down orders forbidding people from leaving their homes.

  36. Being a woman and I guess elderly or so they tell me. I love guns, shoot everything from a .380 to .338, 12 & 20 gua. lots in between. I taught my children safety and how to shoot. The idea that women are to fragile to shoot anything is stupid. A woman who doesn’t carry however is even dumber. Very few women can overpower the smallest man, this is the equalizer. I conceal carry not one but 3. ankle, waist and purse. thats not over kill , someone snatches my purse, got a waist gun, some one knocks’ me down I have the ankle possibly the waist gun. If I have the time to my 45 in purse is first choice. I find 380 perfect for ankle, 9 mm for waist and my colt officers special 45 a heavier gun great for my purse. and know if I have to grab and go I always have one… of course extra clips. Just because we are the weaker sex and some of us are over 65 doesn’t mean we should be vulnerable.

  37. Actually, because women are meeker and weaker than men, that makes them more dangerous and more likely to shoot before their weapon can be taken away from them… If you see the muzzle of a gun and a scared women behind it, you better run in the opposite direction as fast as you can.

  38. I own 2 gun ranges and have taught an all women’s class for years..I always ask my students why they are there..the stories I get would make u want to barf. Some women have been sexually assaulted. Some have been pjysicall abused. They want an equalizer to protect themselves and they wont talk about this in a coed class. That’s why we have done an all women’s class taught by a woman. They feel safe and can open up about their experiences. Women who were afraid of guns and wouldnt touch one before the class come away with confidence..and they know how to shoot..yes..women can handle any gun they set their mind to carry but I recommend a hamerless 38 or 357..they r easy to carry in a gun purse, dont have to worry about a slide getting hung up..and in a 357 u can shoot 38s..I carry a 357 in my gun purses..I did carry a 380 in my waist band but like the 357 best…I own a 45. A 9 mm fact most of my guns r for conceal carry..i do advise my students to practice and i give a one month free pass plus advise they get their cow permit. I disagree with the gentleman who says he cant tell the difference between a 40 and a 45..we have female security guards that hate 40s..they r known to have too muvh.kick..a 45 shoots smoother than a 40..we dont sell many 40s, even to men..40s have fallen out of favor in our..9 MMS r good and it’s not the gun..its where u place the bullet in the perpetrator. Do yes
    .women r easier to teach..a wise woman who was once president of the national NRA says she finds that most men believe they are born knowing how to dress, how to drive and knowing how to shoot..and this was said in gest..


  39. I own 2 gun ranges and have taught an all women’s class for years..I always ask my students why they are there..the stories I get would make u want to barf. Some women have been sexually assaulted. Some have been physically abused. They want an equalizer to protect themselves and they wont talk about this in a coed class. That’s why we have done an all women’s class taught by a woman. They feel safe and can open up about their experiences. Women who were afraid of guns and wouldnt touch one before the class come away with confidence..and they know how to shoot..yes..women can handle any gun they set their mind to carry but I recommend a hamerless 38 or 357..they r easy to carry in a gun purse, dont have to worry about a slide getting hung up..and in a 357 u can shoot 38s..I carry a 357 in my gun purses..I did carry a 380 in my waist band but like the 357 best…I own a 45. A 9 mm fact most of my guns r for conceal carry..i do advise my students to practice and i give a one month free pass plus advise they get their cow permit. I disagree with the gentleman who says he cant tell the difference between a 40 and a 45..we have female security guards that hate 40s..they r known to have too much kick..a 45 shoots smoother than a 40..we dont sell many 40s, even to men..40s have fallen out of favor in our. area…9 MMS r good and it’s not the gun..its where u place the bullet in the perpetrator. So yes…
    Women r easier to teach..a wise woman who was once president of the national NRA says she finds that most men believe they are born knowing how to dress, how to drive and knowing how to shoot..and this was said in gest..


  40. Myself, I carry a .45 ACP and my wife carries a.380. But don’t think for a second that she can only handle the .380. Let me tell y’all, she can handle every single weapon we have and extremely accurate. Just because she’s a little woman don’t mean she can’t handle what ever comes her way

  41. Good for her! I carry a Charter Arms 44 spl. Bought 42 years ago on advice of a deputy friend. My husband is a “big bore” man and history reenactor (we met at an event). He believed a woman could handle any large caliber as a man. So he taught me shooting skills with his mkVI Webley 45acp along with BP percussion 1860 Army .44 Colts, .58 cal percussion and flintock pistols as well as muskets. He was proud I learn so quickly, loved shooting And outshot him.

    In my turn, I have introduced female friends to shooting, starting with .22s. As they grew more comfortable, I lead them into larger calibers. It gave them more confidence, learned gun safety and appreciate guns as “tools” rather being scared of them.

    Over the years, I’ve seen my share of men thinking a 45 or 44 is “too much” for a woman to handle. Going onto gunshops, a male worker trying to direct me to a 25 or 380 as a “proper woman’s piece”. That, as a woman, I didn’t know squat otherwise.This attitude changes very quickly when I “clear” and examine a large cal semi (checking the action) or a revolver correctly and open my mouth to ask intelligent questions.

    Our children were taught gun safety at an early stage using the same modern and BP guns.

    • If what is written on the Gofundme site is correct the young man may have been fleeing some kind of violent situation. If there are records he had tried to call 911 multiple times he may well have been scared out of his wits and seeking shelter when he was killed.

      Follow up reporting on this incident would be called for.

  42. I live in the UK, and guns are not legal on the street.
    They are not really legal anywhere for 99% of the population.

    I, and many of my friends grew up in the country side of Wales and we had a farm next to us and we grew up with Shot Guns, and Air Rifles.

    When I was 12, I joined the Army Cadets and I got to use a 303 and a .22 and fired a bren gun a few times too!

    All in fun.

    When I was 18, I joined a gun club. I wanted to have a Shotgun licence and legally have mine ( I had 2 12 guage ( one single shot and and a side by side ) and one 4-10 single shot but I was never legal. So, I joined the club, and I joined at the same time as 2 other guys.

    The club has a good 80 or so members, but this night was only about 15 in there.

    The guy running the club asked us to introduce ourselves and we did, and he asked each of us in turn whather we have used guns before. The first guy said he once held one but never fired it. Ok that is I suppose the experience of 1% of people in the UK and even less for those who have shot one. They are that rare.
    But the second guy was seemingly on some wierd trip as he started to name a few few guns and sure, I have not heard of most of them, but then I hear of certain guns that the UK simply dont have. He must have named 10 guns easily and a few that were simply bulshit.

    I said that I do own 3 shotguns and 2 airguns and a crossbow, and, that I wanted to join the club as I used to shot on the farm, but I have not shot for a while.

    Anyway, it was clear taht mouth almighty had never shot a gun in his life, and it makes you wonder.. What people get out of lying like this?
    They get caught out and if they still keep the pretending up, then you simply lose respect for them.

    The other guy who started, also saw through him and we got talking over the next few weeks and he looked up to me as someone who is both knowledgeable, but at the same time, no expert.

    The other dick left after about a month.

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