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They don’t make ’em like the rest, which is why Crimson Trace is considered the best.

There’s a certain type of advantage you’re instantly receiving when you start using laser sights with your firearm. It may come with a small adjustment period, but when you find out how well they simplify things, you’re going to wonder why you didn’t use one to begin with.

But where are you supposed to look when it comes time to learn about and possibly buy one? Since we’re scouring the availability of gun accessories on a regular basis anyway, we thought we’d help increase your knowledge base on Crimson Trace, our pick for the ideal laser sight and light brand.

Why are they ideal, and a better choice than the multitude of other choices? Glad you asked, because we have a good collection of reasons that will help make it clear. After that, it’s up to you what you choose, but you’ll at least have a better understanding of what to look for.

1. The best sight alignment and picture

Count on Crimson Trace’s laser sights to give you unprecedented sight picture, and a clear, obvious alignment that’s easy to achieve.

2. More training options

When the company that makes your laser sight invests in so much education and training, it’s pretty easy to see how they’re helping you become a more prolific shooter.

3. Tactical confidence

The one true sign of a reliable gun accessory is confidence gained, and Crimson Trace delivers in spades.

Despite what you may hold in the experience category, a laser sight that works and works well has proven human physiological advantages. During a crisis many of us will default to our lowest level of training, but lasers are an equalizer when there’s a threat to your life or the lives of your loved ones.

4. A benefit to both ends of the spectrum

By both ends, we mean the absolute beginner level, as well as aging gun carriers whose eyesight may be waning. Both groups stand to gain a lot from using a reliable laser sight, and if they can disregard the iron sights while just focusing on their target via laser point, they’re better off in a stress-filled situation.

5. Instinctive Activation

Crimson Trace didn’t want to build a laser sight system that required extra effort. They aimed for a more direct approach: In fact, they like to say “If you’re holding it, you’re aiming it.”

It really is that simple. Crimson Trace’s patented Instinctive Activation process beams the light where you need it by merely holding your gun with a normal grip.

6. More than just lasers

Tactical lights, custom holsters, and the world’s first completely wireless sight and light system round out the specialized and extremely beneficial Crimson Trace lineup. Oh, and they’ll supply you with batteries for the life of their laser sights. Sweet, huh?

7. Full on support

Even though they’re easy as pie to set up and start using, Crimson Trace supports the customers of their gear with full service instructions for installation, operation, and maintenance on their website. Their warranty policy stands above the rest, and they’re ready, willing, and able to give educated answers to any questions you may have.

8. Unaccepting of failure

Every single one of Crimson Trace’s products is subjected to exhaustive user testing, which includes thousands of rounds on their test range under a myriad of conditions. You can count on a reliability factor unmatched with everything they make, before things even leave the factory. They’re durable, long-lasting, and high-quality products, period.

There are even more reasons why Crimson Trace sights make a good choice, but these eight are pretty clear cut. Check out what they’ve got for you and your guns by going to their website and browsing around. You’ll probably learn a few more things, and be that much better off when it’s time to make a pick.

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      • Dan, I understand. I saw that before reading, and chose to continue.
        And I understand what is appropriate in today’s marketing landscape.
        It’s the fact that this story looks like all the others, as part of the brand.
        And I know ya got bills to pay.
        So pay the bills, I’ll keep the content in perspective.
        It is what it is.
        Maybe just space out those “sponsored content” drops a little further apart from each other. Otherwise TTAG will become another Harper’s Bazaar of the gun culture.
        We don’t need that.

        Thnx for the personal response BTW. I appreciate it.

      • I don’t mind sponsored content, but I do have a suggestion:

        Ask the authors to improve the quality and information content. It should read more like normal content with product placement and less like a brochure.

        I was thinking about getting a laser. Why are some red and some green? How do you use a laser to improve practice at the range? What’s all this about “wireless” (isn’t it obvious that nobody would use wires)?

        I should have answers to some of these questions after reading two laser-related posts in two days, and maybe I would have already bought one.

      • But just think how efficient TTAG will be after all their ‘articles’ are written by sponsors and they’ve gotten rid of all the staff! Why the costs will drop to almost nothing! I’m sure the 12 guys left reading will more be than enough to satisfy the corporate administration’s demands for ever increasing salaries and benefits…

  1. I never use sights of any kind. I just mag dump after mag dump in the general direction

  2. I have them on all my ccw firearms. My only concern is that they seem to have a failure rate of about 3/7. I’ve had 3 defective ones shipped to me so far. Damn near 50%. They always replace them free of charge, but dang guys. could ya do a little better?

    • In researching my first laser purchase, it seems that failures and problems are common, no matter how much you spend or from whom you buy. Just look at the thousands of reviews on Optics Planet, Amazon, etc.:

      – Works out of the box, but laser fails within minutes.
      – Not enough adjustment – can’t zero.
      – After a few rounds fired, laser failed; won’t come back on.
      – Won’t hold zero – needs to be re-zeroed every X rounds.

      Regardless of price or manufacturer, you generally have at least a 20% failure rate. So, you just take your chances.


      • Plus they are a useless gimmick anyway. You can’t see them in the daytime, and in the dark they give away your position to the opponent. Unless he’s close enough to make all sights irrelevant.
        The best use for a laser is on a toy gun for a newbie to practice point and shoot without sighting on. And on nerf they don’t fail so badly. Think of them as a training aid, NOT a shooting aid. For that they aren’t so completely useless.

      • Ahhh? Exactly how do you Zero with a Laser! Unless you’re shooting at Point Blank Range, it would be Impossible to use a Laser as a Zeroing Point. Lasers aren’t subject to Barrel Dropping when they get hot…

    • Sooo, that’s Your Personal experience, which may or may NOT reflect CT’s overall rate . . . btw, are you satisfied with the CTs that you currently carry ??? . . . if so, what’s your bitch, other than minor inconvenience(s) ??? why have you NOT switched to another mo’ betta make/brand ???

    • It’s already knocked it down a notch in less than a week’s time. Doesn’t help that there were at least 2 non-sponsored content articles that followed the same “x things that blah blah blah” pattern.

      This is similar to the sudden rise and (thankfully) fall of the weird video articles TTAB did for half a month, or so. What is motivating you to change the site? People are here because they like it as it is.

      • I’d like to see more on ammo innovations and tweaks we can do on existing firearms without buying stuff. But I guess if I told you how to tweak a trigger to 2 ounces and you did n screwed up I could get sued ? Maybe a disclaimer, :I’m full of shit so don’t do this:.

    • I have both … a guide rod (red only, so far) by LM & both (green) grip & pic rail CT … I’ll never buy red again !!!

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