Home Defensive Gun Use of the Day 95-Year-Old Man Stops Home Invasion With the Best Tool for the Job

95-Year-Old Man Stops Home Invasion With the Best Tool for the Job

Timothy Ray Jordan
Timothy Ray Jordan (Courtesy Covington County Sheriff’s Office)

How can a 95-year-old seasoned citizen possibly defend himself against a strapping 40-year-old career criminal who’d just smashed his way into the old man’s home in broad daylight? You probably know the answer to this one.

Timothy Ray Jordan broke through a window in a Covington County, Alabama home and began rummaging through the house. The sound of breaking glass was enough to wake the nonagenarian from a perfectly good nap. Then . . .

[Covington County Sheriff Blake Turman] said the homeowner armed himself and caught Jordan ransacking the kitchen. He said Jordan also hurled a chair through the dining room window at some point.

According to the sheriff, the armed senior citizen did not run away. Instead, he ordered Jordan to leave. The suspect did, and the homeowner called 911, Turman said.

Deputies arrested Jordan later after chasing him into another nearby home.

As for Sheriff Turman, we weren’t previously familiar with his work, but he has a job here as a TTAG contributor if the whole law enforcement thing doesn’t work out for him . . .

“The victim protected himself and his property from a career criminal. The victim was at a disadvantage physically, but his weapon enabled him to protect himself. The investigation revealed that Jordan fled the residence because the homeowner had armed himself. Thank God this had a good ending, and the victim should be commended on his courage and quick thinking,” Turman said.

Couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

Nothin’ to see here. Move along. Just another successful defensive gun use. It happens thousands of times a day across the country, usually in the same way…without a trigger being pulled. We hope the homeowner in this instance is able to enjoy lots more un-interrupted naps in the years to come.


  1. Nothin’ to see here. Move along. Just another successful defensive gun use.

    That you WON’T see on any media reporting…

  2. “Nothin’ to see here. Move along. Just another successful defensive gun use. It happens thousands of times a day across the country, usually in the same way…without a trigger being pulled. ”

    Over 6,000 time a day nationwide in case anyone wants an idea.

  3. Yes, he’s 95, but he’s also highly trained — in fact, he’s spent tens of thousands of dollars on training from the country’s best and most expensive firearms trainers. Because, as we all know, an untrained person cannot possibly defend himself. It’s science!

      • Reading your comment and taking this gentleman’s age into account, I thought that you may have been referring to him as a WWII vet and his training came from the army!
        I just got through watching Band of Brothers again and my imagination hopes that this is an Easy Company vet!

    • I bet he operates operationally, placing his freedom seeds within three minutes of bad guy at bad breath distance. His booger hook is never on the go pedal until he press checks his six and gets off the X, that’s for dang sure.

    • “Because, as we all know, an untrained person cannot possibly defend himself. It’s science!”

      Bang on, Laddie. The poor, misfortunate victim of poor choices (brought on by others not taking responsibility for him) might have taken the gun away from the homeowner and killed the homeowner with the gun. It is also possible the homeowner might have tripped and fallen, causing the gun to go off. Or maybe the old dude may have fallen to cardiac arrest brought on by all the excitement of the misdirected and misfortunate victim of poor choices. Of course, the home owner ran an inexcusable risk of even shooting himself after the gun fell from his grip, slammed against the floor and had an accidental discharge.

      (Is there place for “If it saves only one”, somewhere in here?)

    • Jim from LI,

      On a somewhat related note, I want to point out that there is no perfect ending even though the homeowner successfully drove the home-invader out. “How is that,” you ask? The homeowner now has to deal with the emotional aftermath of this event where someone violated his person/home.

      There is a very good chance that he will have trouble sleeping at night–quite possibly with frequent nightmares about this event–for several weeks or even months. And he could very well find himself very stressed even during the day while at home.

      Most people fail to realize how much such a violation messes you up emotionally.

      • “On a somewhat related note, I want to point out that there is no perfect ending…”

        Would be if the homeowner had chased the perp away while pointing a pink gun at the perp.

      • I don’t know- at 95 he may already have forgotten about the incident. Certainly would’ve if he was Biden…

      • Solution would be a trip to the range, insure you can still perforate a target, clean and reload with fresh BBs, sleep tight!

      • This is very true. Even a justified self defense shooting can weigh heavily upon one’s heart. The perp, God help him, has the opportunity to change his ways and learn to live more wholesomely, which is difficult if he was in Hell.

  4. So he apologized for his privilege, peed his pants, made himself throw up then called the police after the fact?

    That’s what all the MSM experts say are the best tools.

  5. I wonder if he was a WWII vet? He’s old enough to have been, and may have brought back a GI 1911a1, which might be the weapon he armed himself with. Be nice to know. 🙂

    • Maybe, but we’re *rapidly* running out of WW2 vets… 🙁

      • We have an annual reunion of Vietnam vets, and at our 2021 event it was reported that only one-third of our fellows are still alive. We are rapidly disappearing, so if you’re a vet with an opportunity to attend a reunion, do it. You’ll be glad you did.

        • Hard to believe there are only 900,000 of us left (RVN 68-72 USMC)… Too many drug ODs, suicides, in country related diseases and risky lifestyles/employment… Just turned 72, plan to have my obit say “natural causes” aka old age about 30 years from now…

      • At local Legion we’re out of Korean War vets and as Wumingren the Vietnam are past 70/dieing office.

        At least DOD is again able to send out a flag detail (2man) and a REAL bugle.

        For the last 20yr most legions have had to handle all entire ceremony and using an electronic bugle recorder. Have just been too many WWII vets expiring for DOD to handle.

      • Yeah, my Dad, father-in-law, and 4 uncles, all gone for years now. I’m Vietnam ’71-’72 and now 75 and not real healthy, still plan to make it another 10 years (good genes), but not real loud about it, Legion had no use for Vietnam vets when I returned, later I had no interest in them, likewise VFW.

        • Legion had no use for Vietnam vets when I returned, later I had no interest in them, likewise VFW.


  6. “He said Jordan also hurled a chair through the dining room window at some point.”

    That raises all sorts of questions in my mind. All pretty much connected to ideas that this guy was out of control and probably of a mind/temperament to use violence had the home owner not been armed. Be interesting to see a tox screen on this guy.

    BTW, I know you will all be incredibly surprised, but the perp was already on probation when he broke into the old-timer’s house (and the next door neighbor’s house too, apparently).

  7. Clint Eastwood is only four years younger than this guy and how do you think he would have responded? Just because someone is in their 90s does not mean that they are brain dead and helpless. This guy was living alone, independently so that says something about his overall fitness. And his weapon made up for all of the age disparity.

    • Messing with a man’s Metamucil is dangerous work… 🙂

      • Messing with a man’s Metamucil is dangerous work

        Messing with a mans nap could be deadly… 🤣


    • Sounds like that line in the Eastwood movie “The Unforgiven” after Eastwood shoots an unarmed man. Paraphrasing after a pal says the guy was unarmed:

      “Well, he should’ve armed himself”.

    • Probably would have ended up saving the taxpayers (and God knows who else) a lot of money over the perp’s projected lifespan.
      On the other hand, the Old guy can stand before his Maker with no man’s death on his hands. Even a justified self defense shooting can weigh heavily on one, glad this guy doesnt have to go thru that.

  9. We (POTG? need a big public “Gold Medal” award program for instances such as this. Include replacement ammo for the homeowner.

  10. Glad it ended well all around. Hope that should I make 95, I will be able to do the same.

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