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A Construction Worker and his Fountain Pen: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Construction guy Kyle sends his daily gear for today’s profiled submission to Everyday Carry.

I like his “green” GLOCK 19.  All the ones I’ve lost to boating accidents have been boring, basic black.

It sort of complements his Benchmade Propper blade, which he carries in addition to a Microtech Dirac auto knife.  Throw in a SureFire EDCL1-T light and he’s fairly well equipped.

Not sure what the Karas Kustums Mini K thing is.  Nevermind.  I googled it.  It’s a fountain pen.

So, no doubt Kyle is the first construction guy I know who carries a fountain pen on a daily basis.  Interesting, to say the least.


17 thoughts on “A Construction Worker and his Fountain Pen: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day”

  1. That auto knife is very light and a bit silly. Add decent leather and a spare mag and it’s a decent carry.

  2. Nice light.

    Slip joint pocket knives have always struck me as odd in the modern world but whatever.

    • ?????.
      Cant imagine the extra complexity of a locking blade just to cut open a box, letter, cut twine or wire or slice an apple.

      Locking blades on knives are for fighting or mis-using a knife for menial tasks.

      Just saying……

      • Plus…my stockman has 3 blades for different tasks. If it were a lock back, it would have only two…at most.

      • The problem isn’t a lock and I’m not thinking about it as a weapon. It’s the lack of one handed opening combined with the single blade that bothers me from a utility point of view.

        I spent a hell of a lot of time in former jobs doing something with one hand while holding a flashlight in my teeth and reaching for the knife clipped to my pocket. The inability to open the knife with one hand would have made the whole operation quite a bit harder.

        Therefore I’m not a fan of slip joint knives with single blades. A Swiss Army knife is a different beast because it comes with other tools the increase it’s utility so I’m willing to overlook the slip-joint nature of most of those knives. I’m also not a fan of the Opinel Farmer’s knives even though they have a lock, again, they basically require two handed operation, which is my reason not to like them. I have a couple that my dad gave me and they sit on a shelf in favor of knives I find more useful day-to-day.

        Not every knife is a designed as a weapon nor should they all be considered as such unless for some reason you need a weapon and have no other choice.

        • I was seeing your point until you craw fished on Swiss army.

          Seems like you just dont like traditional knives.

          The cattleman or stockman knife was the original multi-tool.

          The main blade was for larger work like rope or duck. The spey blade was for nutting cattle or minor cattle surgery involving flesh.

          The sheepsdoot was for precision dimension cutting of mainly leather pieces for tack or harness.

          While i dont do much tack work….I use each for a different purpose. And will admit that the sheepsfoot gets used as ampipemream from time to time.

          But… I also carry a Griptillian or Spyderco for one hand opening in a situation like you mentioned. Hopefully I will never need it for much else.

      • Define “misuse”. If you need a small pry bar and the knife fits, it’s as good a use as any. That’s one of the reasons I don’t buy expensive knives. They are tools that will get put to work and will need to be replaced.

        • Easy. Using a blade as an awl, screwdriver, or punch.

          Where pressure is exerted forward toward the tip of the blade.

          Obviously a slip joint knife could fold up, but also happens with traditional lock spine knives.

        • Understood on the tool part. Using a knife as a pry bar often results in a chipped or bent blade which limits the usefulness of the knife.

          I try not to replace tools that often. My main cattleman knife is right at 30 years old and probably has 85% blade left. The spey loses blade the fastest as its thinner than the other blades and I like it super sharp.

      • Even though I love the old vintage styles I no longer carry a non-locking folder, except a tiny Midnight manager which basically is carried for the screw driver and ink pen. The possibility, albeit slight, that it could close and the carrying in a pocket or belt pouch both relegate all my older folders to the knife duffle. The utility of the one hand opening and closing when the other hand is occupied, or out of service, coupled with the ability to carry with a clip in the top of a pocket make them just to handy.

        I carry two folders, one available to each hand and both can be used with one hand only. I find the being left handed liner locks are pretty much out of the picture except the one used strictly in my right hand, liner locks used in the left hand CAN and DO, ask me how I know, close with used in the left hand. My main heavy use folder is used in my left hand and uses something like the Blackie Collins Bolt Action lock, the Axis lock, or several other similar variations which can be easily manipulated one handed with the left hand and do not close accidently in use with the left hand.

        I always loved the old SAK Tinker, I have several. But now days a belt carried Gerber Multipliers takes over the roll of UPT.

  3. Fountain pen. Aaah… Brings back memories of blue ink stained fingers when the cartridge leaked. Mom had a cool rubber ball bladder/sac filled one that we couldn’t use.

    • I have a bladder pen…and still have ink.

      Kinda fun to play with and show people.

      Of course, most people cant imagine needing a pen in the modern world…..let alone one that uses raw ink.

  4. Fountain pens are terrible for a left handed writer. No matter how hard you try you always seem to end up getting your writing hand in the wet ink.

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