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Matt’s EDC includes a GLOCK 43 with a Streamlight TLR-6. I’ve had great success with various Streamlight products on different guns (my current favorite is the TLR-8, the light and laser combo has been awesome for hunting.

It’s the tactical pen I’m most interested in, though. Seems quite a few of you carry tactical/defensive pens. Do you guys have experience wielding them or is this a case of assuming you’ll nail it if the time comes?

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  1. Tactical pen??? Seems to me that a good folding knife (assisted, flipper opening) is more useful as well as more effective. Just my opinion of course.

  2. Talk about *paranoid*.

    Mr. Matt blurred out his keys so no one could copy them…

    • Not sure if joking, so just going to point out that keys are indeed trivial to copy from a decent image.

      What I don’t get is the guys that blur out the firearm’s serial number.

      • Between finding out where he lives and knowing what keys to copy it would probably be easier to just break a window.

        What I do find stupid that happens all the time is when someone on facebook buys a house they inevitably post a picture of themselves holding their key up to the camera. Then their address is either written in the caption, written on their profile, or in the background of the photo. You can also usually figure out from facebook when they work, when they are going on vacations, and what nice things they bought recently.

        • “Between finding out where he lives and knowing what keys to copy it would probably be easier to just break a window.”

          Absolutely, if the enemy is a stranger. The nightmare starts when a bunny boiler he jilted gets hold of the image.

        • Rather safe than sorry right? Especially on the internet. Who knows who is looking. Are you really going to hate one someone for taking preventative measures on a gun forum?

  3. I would have assumed the pen was larger penlight.

    Nice dump. I find the coin holder amusing.

    This guy likes his stuff organized.

  4. A former Special Forces guy used to go into the bars and start fights, after beating his opponent he would state what martial art he used and where he learned it, ” Ju Jitsu, South Korea, Karate Japan” ect. One night he picked on a little guy, kerwhack down went the special forces , little guy says Ball Peen Hammer Sears and Roebuck. No I wouldn’t waste my time with a tacticool pen

  5. If you read this guy’s EDC post the pen makes sense. He’s a federal employee so he may/probably enters places where it’s the only self-defense tool he can carry.

    Tactical pen or kubaton… different flavors of the same food. Both are effective compliance tools that can seriously bust someone up or kill them if the user knows how to use the tool, which isn’t difficult but takes a bit of practice.

    The difference is that the kubaton is classified as a weapon by most authorities and therefore banned in places like courthouses or the “secure” area of a airport. The pen on the other hand is generally considered to be a writing instrument and doesn’t attract attention as a weapon. I’ve carried a tactical pen past TSA checkpoints more times than I can remember.

    There is no way that the authorities don’t know about tactical pens but they haven’t banned them. I suspect this is a “loophole” where they don’t like tactical pens but really don’t want the bad press/legal issues that confiscation would create due to a difficulty in defining the object. I can see someone suing when they lose their “tactical pen” but someone else gets to keep a metal Mont Blanc pen that’s “just a pen” but can be used exactly the same way.

    I like the clipper compass, I have one on my watchband too. The Masonic coin though… that kinda freaks me out.

  6. As a fella that can’t carry everywhere, I don’t hate that tactical pen. As a fella with daughters in High School,.. we’ve found that a Parker Stainless is perfect for EDC in places that don’t allow you any defense.

  7. The term tactical when referring to a pen is a bit of a stretch. I have had one of these pens, and returned it. It was a very nice pen, but it was huge. If you can carry it, go ahead. Why not have a glass breaker for the fuck of it? It’s a gerber pen… the marketing is tactical. Get over it.

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