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A “Gun Buyback” You Can Believe In

Cinninnatti Street Rescue GunRecycle
The term “gun buyback” is anti-gun agitprop. For one thing, a government can’t buy back a gun they never owned. For another, there isn’t a shred of scientific or even anecdotal evidence that “gun buybacks” do anything to reduce firearms-related crime, suicides or negligent discharges. But the basic concept isn’t without its advantages. Forget “buybacks.” Think recycling. As reports, Deer Park City, Ohio councilperson Charles Tassell goes there . . .

There is no regulation of gun buybacks in Ohio.

There are no laws that determine what happens to the guns after they are collected.

Typically, the guns are destroyed in buybacks conducted by cities and police departments.

Deer Park City Councilperson Charles Tassell, who is pro-gun and holds a concealed-carry permit, didn’t think that was the best way to run “Street Rescue,” his gun buyback program.

Instead, he turns in the collected guns to federally licensed firearms dealers to be sold to the right hands.

“It’s not my determination of the ‘right hands,'” Tassell said. “It’s the federal government’s decision.”

Buckeye Firearms explains why the system works so well:

Allowing the guns to go back into the secondary markets is a much better solution than simply destroying the firearms,” said Joe Eaton, treasurer of the Buckeye Firearms Association. “It protects the historical and collectible guns and makes families safer by making less expensive firearms available to them.”

Stolen guns are returned to their rightful owners. “Normal” guns are returned to the legal market to be sold to legal, responsible gun owners. Valuable guns — including important historical artifacts — are sold to dealers at a fair market price. The funds are used to continue the program. It is a win – win for all concerned.

©2016 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.
Gun Watch

24 thoughts on “A “Gun Buyback” You Can Believe In”

    • The one on the bottom right looks like an FN 1922. Absolutely would along with the Colts and S&Ws. The Jennings/relatives and the Rohm/Clerke guns can be taken or left. Could always use em to weigh papers, or give them to someone you didn’t like.

  1. Not to mention the lucky guys who are able to stand outside the buyforwards and offer better deals

    I approve of all of those things, and I hope the whinging from the morons who just want to see all guns destroyed moves beyond the frequencies of human hearing sooner rather than later.

  2. Just curious…does anybody know for sure that police “buybacks” are legal if no one ascertains the seller is not a prohibited person, and that the buyer is not a prohibited person? Do all these police departments that put the guns back on the market have FFLs ? I can understand a state giving legislative permission to violate state-mandated background checks, but what about federal law?

    • I’m thinking that if they’re legal, it’s only because of the dreaded “gun show loophole” (I prefer to call it the garage-sale loophole) that lets any private party sell his own personal property to anyone else.

      But regardless, any laws the government makes are applicable to you and me, but never to the government itself.

  3. Still not sure if that’s money well spent. Police should still make themselves available to anyone that wants to turn in an unwanted gun.

    • Most departments do, you can always give the gun and ammo to the police. They just tend to follow the officers home.

  4. “It’s not my determination of the ‘right hands,’” Tassell said. “It’s the federal government’s decision.”

    These statements concern me. Federal Government employees, aren’t they the same folks who leave their pistols in public bathrooms and have ND’s? Yeah, never done either.

  5. I still have a problem with these “no questions asked” turn-ins. The problem is they imply the gun is the source of evildoing and not the criminal. The idea is if we get the gun off the street, the former gun owner will commit no more crimes. Meanwhile, a criminal turns in a gun to distance himself from the evidence. Oh, but at least we’ve solved the problem…

    I don’t care for this sort of consequentialist codswallop. I’m fine with clemency in return for confession, restitution, and turning in evidence. But we’ve already dismantled the rule of law so much and transferred our individual responsibility to “society” and foods and objects, I want no more of it, and the very people who are tasked with enforcing the law shouldn’t be part of it, either.

    If you inherit or otherwise find a gun you don’t want, take it to Bass Pro Shops or a LGS and sell it to them. You’ll get more than $50 (maybe) and maybe learn that guns aren’t icky or scary. Maybe if the gun is worth nothing, they could disassemble it for you if you request.

    • The theory behind these events is, “If we buy back enough, eventually the criminals will run out of guns, and we will end gun crime.”

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