ACLU STAND magazine cover (courtesy
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How does the American Civil Liberties Union count to ten? One, three, five, six . . . The ACLU’s antipathy for the Second Amendment is well established, by both word and lack of deed. To that list we can add hypocrisy . . .

Over at, longtime Second Amendment advocate Alan Korwin clocked this little bit from the ACLU’s STAND magazine:

Speaking of Lyft policy, “The company consistently advocates for fair hiring practices regarding background checks.” Apparently, “traditional processes often create inequitable practices that block it from hiring potentially great talent.”

Joseph Okpaku, the VP of government affairs for Lyft said, “We quickly uncovered an institutional bias in favor of background checks that both rely on fingerprints and also look indefinitely into an applicant’s past. We’ve taken a stand against reliance on fingerprint-based checks that have repeatedly proven to be biased and inaccurate.”

A stance that the ACLU supports. For drivers-for-hire. Gun owners? Ha!

Regarding the Second Amendment in general and firearms purchases in specific, here’s what they have to say about that . . .

The American Civil Liberties Union does not oppose gun control laws. As an organization dedicated to defending all constitutional rights, we believe the Second Amendment allows reasonable restrictions to promote public safety.

The ACLU is not a friend of ours. In case you didn’t know.

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    • I drove for Uber for about 4 months – there was ALWAYS someone in the car who was carrying.

      Company policy be damned – no one ever came around to check if I was or not and I for damn sure was not about to ask any potential rider. If he had a permission slip I didn’t care and if he did not I sure didn’t want to piss him off.

  1. So…fingerprints find arrested persons…no surprise there.
    Sometimes the smart crooks never get caught, so their prints are not on file.
    So…you never know…do you?

  2. No, they are not friends of the 2nd amendment, HOWEVER they are slowly being pulled into opposing some gun control ideas and bills simply because they have implications for rights they care about. Hence, they opposed the “no fly, no buy” initiative because there was no due process involved. Due process is a right they care about. I would expect there to be other cases like this in the future. It should also be said that there are local ACLU chapters that are friendly to the 2nd amendment, but they are few and far between.

  3. What the fuk. Of all the god damned things to worry about. My neighbors pit bull is running loose and we don’t know where it went not afraid of the dog, but around here stray dogs gets wasted

  4. “Blocked from hiring great talent”…for driving a car? Geez driving a car doesn’t take great talent. I’m no fan of the ACLU but I’d USE them if I had no alternative-their hypocrisy and antipathy towards the 2A notwithstanding…

    • Well, most (not all) millennials are horrible drivers — on a par with Ma Kettle after her lobotomy.

      Personally, I think everyone in the US should be fingerprinted, DNA’d and inserted with a chip. Including persons with visas from other countries and illegal aliens whenever they get caught. No chip — no vote, Welfare or SSI.

      • “…Personally, I think everyone in the US should be fingerprinted, DNA’d and inserted with a chip. Including persons with visas from other countries and illegal aliens whenever they get caught. No chip — no vote, Welfare or SSI. /sarc”


      • Have you read the Orwell book 1984? Otherwise known as the Obama handbook for ruling the world.

  5. So, let’s see here:

    Because fingerprint-checking is error prone, in the ACLU’s opinion, then I should be able to get a CCW and FFL with no prints. Do I have this right?

  6. The ACLU in general opposes using even accurate criminal histories for housing and hiring.

    I think virtually all of us believe in second chances for minor offenses. But in my jurisdiction the ACLU is fighting to force me to hire felons, and rent out housing to even career criminals with violent offenses.

  7. “The American Civil Liberties Union does not oppose gun control laws. As an organization dedicated to defending all constitutional rights, we believe the Second Amendment allows reasonable restrictions to promote public safety…”

    Therefore the ACLU has pre-determined that every gun control law is ‘reasonable.’

    Funny that they don’t think the same about police searches no matter what public safety is being promoted.

  8. The only things the three L’s Libertarians Liberals and the Left support in injecting crystal meth to improve their sexual experience. And walking around in public with a well fitted strap on dildo. That includes the ACLU. These groups have never supported the Bill of Rights.

    If anyone disagrees please tell me where it says there is a “separation between church and state” in the Bill of Rights?

    And are you the same people who say the Second Amendment is only for the national guard? Or that only the military can have rapid fire weapons?

    • Bill of Rights, Amendment I
      Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…

      US Constitution, Article 6
      …no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

      There’s your separation of church and state.

      Of course the lunatics who call themselves liberals have twisted it into the opposite of what it really means… No surprise that the same people who think “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” means only the gov’t should have guns also worship government itself as their own religion and will allow no other to be present in the public sphere.

      • The USC does not mandate government be free of all religion, it only stipulates Congress cannot establish a church lime the church of England. Atheists have twisted the 1st for 2 centuries as a result

  9. First “real job” was with a Savings & Loan. Got fingerprinted there and every home loan company after that for over 35 years.

    Fingerprints for CHL was last time fingerprinted.

    • You people are the some of the hardest to fingerprint. Apparently counting out all that money rubs your fingerprints off.

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