Hawaii house of representatives asylum
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A gaggle of asylum escapees in the Hawaii legislature have filed a bill which will surely stop all future criminal activity in the 50th state:


Requires a personal representative of a decedent appointed under the Uniform Probate Code to notify the police department of the appropriate county of any and all firearms in an estate. Requires the police department to certify that all registered firearms in an estate and other firearms of which the police department has been notified are properly transferred or disposed of before the estate may close.

That may seem innocuous enough — allowing that registration and licensing are already bad ideas — but the backstory on this bill is the certifiable crazytown part.

Last month, a chumbucket who was a prohibited person due to a restraining order murdered his landlord, stabbed a woman, obtained a rifle from the landlord’s collection, and then fatally shot two responding police officers.

The landlord apparently inherited a number of firearms from her husband when he died. “ReporterLynn Kawano calls that a “loophole” which HB2907 will surely “close.”

Let me get this straight: these loons legislators believe their bill would have prevented Chumboy’s murderous streak. Because — stick with me now — a representative of the deceased landlord’s estate would have fired up a crystal ball, foreseen the murder by a future tenant, showed up at the crime scene, and taken the gun collection before the violent wack-o could get the rifle.

Call me crazy, but if precognition is a real thing in Hawaii, why didn’t the cops just show up and prevent the landlord’s murder in the first place?

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    • Remember (and stay with me on this, as I don’t agree with it but am only pointing it out), Hawaii doesn’t have the same pioneer streak that the the mainland had for 400 years. We (the collective mainland “we”) have an ancestry who either fought for our independence or came to this nation because of those new freedoms. We then expanded West across the continent, each vanguard generation striking out ahead of the reach of structured law enforcement, which meant those who founded new communities often had to handle their own defense, whether from predators, attackers, or criminals within their own midst. Most of us can recall stories from our own grandparents enjoying gun freedoms, well before today’s madness took hold.

      Hawaii, on the other hand, has its roots in a separate people/culture entirely, wherein firearms were not a mainstay of life.

      This, plus the fact that Hawaiian police are not friendly, especially to mainlander visitors, even though their state’s economy depends upon tourism. Over all the times I’ve been to the islands, all the police officers I’ve seen have always been Polynesians, and super rude. I once asked an officer for assistance on something (he was standing in the middle of a road to block passage, but was wearing a plain coat that completely obscured all department insignia), and he answered in the #1 rudest manner I’ve ever experienced. And I’ve had runs-in with NYPD, Border Patrol, LAPD, you name it. Hawaiian cops have the biggest 2×4 up their own rears of them all.

      That being said, I can totally see why they don’t feel the average American Hawaiian has any reason to own a gun.

        • Agreed, but those who made the deal for Statehood back in the ’50s are no longer alive today. Sadly, they’ve been replaced by SJW Lefties.

          Just like California (sigh).

        • Change Hawaii’s state status back to Protectorate or Province and give the state status to Puerto Rico.

        • I Haz A Question…actually in California its 3 generations of dumb anchor babies voting to be lead by SJW’s because the FEDS did not support the state in its prop 187 to rid itself of the vermin in 1994

      • They are a culture that was subjugated by men with guns. You would think they would want guns of their own.

      • I have a registered handgun with Hawaii as we frequently visit there from Seattle. I have had nothing but extremely professional and friendly contacts with the police there.

        • under the guise of friendship so they can steal your gun sucker. Police are not professional. They shoot innocent people. I see it on the news all the time. All cops are bad and the only people who defend them are whites sellouts. Honestly they are 100% racist. They only exist to arrest black people and disrupt their lives. The police are pretty much the worst thing in America. Since you claim police are professional you must be a racist. I don’t really get the point of this website. Bunch of right wing wackos and convicted felons. Or worse liars who are shills engaging in misinformation.

        • ^^^^^^ this ^^^^^^
          We’ll show all these loons when we vote vote Bloomberg in to office this November my friend!! Then we’ll take all their guns and nuke the one’s who resist!!

        • “I have a registered handgun with Hawaii…”

          A ‘registered’ gun is the very definition of an “Illegal gun”…

        • Wait…what there’s two of them? Sorry, but if the books don’t have any pictures their not going to read it. Pop ups seem to give them the biggest giggle, because it’s “magic” you know.

    • Well, if all of the Climate Change/Global Warming fanatics turn out to be correct, Hawaii won’t be there much longer.

      • Expect to see the anti-gun Czar Bloomturd fly Greta T into Hawaii (private jet of course), so she can tell the Islanders how disgusting they are for possessing all those firearm.
        Those firearms weigh SO much that the island is sinking, and WILL “tip over” within the next 12 years. All civilian firearms must be dumped into the ocean IMMEDIATELY.
        Dr. Hank Johnson, expert on island “inversions” will then take the stage to answer ALL questions on this very REAL and SERIOUS phenomenon.

        • Also expect Greta to INSIST she ACTUALLY got to Hawaii by train, having to sleep on the floor, while pro 2nd A Americans (who are all KKK members) kicked her in the head, with steel towed boots, every time she closed her eyes.

      • “Well, if all of the Climate Change/Global Warming fanatics turn out to be correct, Hawaii won’t be there much longer.”

        Wrong, Maxwell.

        If their direst prediction comes true, sea levels will rise a few hundred feet. Mauna Kea, the highest point in Hawaii is over 13,000 feet in elevation.

        So no, Hawaii will *not* down in rising seas…

    • @ GS650 The US more or less forced the Monarcy out and set up our own Government. We pretty much left them no choice but to become a state.

      There is very little violence and a lot of guns, most unregistered. Oahu is the only island with gun registration. Was stationed there a few years nothing was ever said to me about my guns but I also did not flaunt them. Only major thing that sticks in my head is pistols have to have 10 or less rounds. None of this is really enforced it’s mostly Hawaiians, Filipinos. Just don’t leave your car parked for several weeks, they will start taking it apart for you. Unless you are doing other things wrong they will never mess with you.

      A lot of Filipino girls I dated had never seen a gun let alone held or shot one. When I go back this year I was asked to bring my 9mm AR that seemed to be the girls favorite.

      • Actually all the islands require registration, on all firearms. Two week waiting period for handguns, yearly renewal permit for long guns. Getting caught with an unregistered firearm will put you in illegal possession.

        • It’s been a couple years Oahu was the only one at the time. So they catch you with an unregistered gun? Who cares at worst you have to register it and pay a fine. I shot about every other month and was as never asked for gun registration. I had to visit the police department once to get a police report about an accident and there were people lined up to register guns, most looked or are Military so the consequences for them are probably worse if they get “caught” with and unregistered gun. My Commander would of said screw um so I was not too worried. That’s assuming the officer I got didn’t tell me to just go register them if it ever got to that point. I had to make several trips both to and from Hawaii with 3 Pelican 1750 cases loaded with guns and no one even batted an eye. There really is no control and no enforcement was my point but most of you completely missed that.

          • They started tightening up the laws in the 90’s, and only gotten stricter since. See it in the local news a couple times a week someone got pulled over with a firearm in the car. I work with people that move in from out of state that refuse to register and all I can say is don’t get caught, someone breaks in your house don’t shoot them. No castle doctrine here anyway, duty to retreat. No doubt there’s a lot of them out there unregistered, but cops have been cracking down on it for years.

      • “We pretty much left them no choice but to become a state. ”

        Well they certainly chose to ignore the rules and constitution at this point.

        • Numerous other states do as well, getting mad about it won’t solve it. I simply ignored the laws, carried on and enjoyed my time there.

        • Whatever man. Like TTAG’s main man James Campbell, I gots more heat than the sun. Y’all don’t want this smoke!

      • Good for you islanders.
        Enjoy that “heat” (LEO and anti-gun) the first time you flash some of your “heat” in public.
        Me? I can walk into my local Home Depot with a 50AE DEagle in a drop leg holster without any issues.
        WTF good are gun if you can’t use or take in public?

        • I could never bring myself to purchase a DEagle until the stainless/ported MK XIX was released. I was at the range when someone a few lanes over started shooting one and knew I had to have one. There’s something about seeing it in stainless that made me have to order one.

      • Islander, if those tourist’s dollars dried up today; would you miss them? As a resident of the largest tourist driven economy in the United States; Florida recognizes the CCW of 34 different states (at my last count, or was it 38?) Anyway, anyone can carry a loaded firearm in their vehicle under very loose restrictions. We have more coastline, attractions, fresh and salt water fishing, hunting and, well, everything than Hawaii. And you can drive here. A friend owns a condo on one of the islands. Overlooks the ocean from a cliff. Charles has offered me use of it often. I always declined with thanks. His 1000 acres of hunting land in SC I’ve taken advantage of many times. It’s you that won’t be missed.

      • Stfu you savage…. The United States conquered that abysmal volcano you live on years ago…
        Nobody will envy you once you’re swallowed by PELE

        • Well, you’re not wrong. It damn near solely depends on it, and thinks federal funding is just an allowance from mom and dad.

    • Beautiful place to visit, Randy. I highly recommend taking a couple of weeks in Northwestern Maui. But live there?…

      When I got a tattoo there a few years ago, the parlor owner – who was born and raised in the Midwest but had moved to Hawaii for a dozen years – said “Gawd, I gotta get off this [expletive] island!”

      Great to visit, but unless you have a thriving business there and love what you do, it’s not a perfect place to live.

      • I loved it there. I didn’t want to leave, but I guess it would get old after awhile. I’ve heard that there’s some racism toward whites.

      • I haz:
        Right and right, it is beautiful here. Hell it’s a tropical oasis, definatly worth a look but save you’re pennies. To people thinking about moving here…..DON’T. It’s a trap, most people will give up a lot of freedoms and conveniences just to be over charged for everything and live broke.

    • “Hawaii, one more state (like California) I have no plans to visit or live in.”

      It’s a beautiful place, I lived in Pearl City as a kid in the late 60s.

      My parents had a chance to buy the house we were renting at the time, for $20,000. They passed on the opportunity.

      A few years back, my parents got a Christmas card from the folks who lived next door to them at the time. The house we rented had just sold for $360,000…

  1. Having the regular person being able to pass along family property to other family members is a cornerstone of the american foundation. And the Liberals and the Left have always hated it. They don’t want the rich to inherit property. They don’t want the poor to inherit property.
    And the Libertarian Socialists are just as bad.

  2. Back up a bit. My reading of the bill wouldn’t have really changed anything. The guns would transfer to her. IF she was legally able to retain them. So, the guns would still be “available” to the chumbucket.

    • Think of all the lives that could be saved if they had closed the stealing-guns-from-the-landlord-you-just-murdered-who-inherited-them-without-registering-the-change-in-ownership-with-the-police loophole! Registering the transfer in ownership with the police surely would have stopped this massacre.

      • Well, duh! Only unregistered guns are used for crime. Registration with the government (of course only after propper vetting and licensing of the the owner, background check and couple of weeks or months of cooling period) works like a Pope’s blessing – it repels all evil.

      • “Landlord killed by thieving murderers and inheritance law loopholes, but mostly thieving murderers. Details at 11:00.”

  3. Let me get this straight, if I die my firearms are not community property? How do they know they are not my wife’s?

  4. I own property on the Big Island but I certainly would not live there because of the ridiculous anti-gun laws. You would think that they are Californicators.

    • Or sell it to Japan (who really wants it anyway) and payoff the national debt, OR….Convert it into the greatest prison the world has ever seen! Think about it, there’s a natural inferno not 30 miles from where i’m sitting at the moment🤔

      • I always wondered why property was somewhat-reasonably priced down there, and then came all the cool eruption videos eating homes and cars.

        Has the lava waterfall pouring into the sea stopped yet?

        I have to admit I laughed when the tourist boat got nailed by a lava bomb, they wanted to see an eruption up close, and that’s exactly what they got, broken bones and all! 🙂

        • There’s always lava coming out somewhere along that coast, if the tunnel clogs up it back builds and pops out somewhere else. And that tour company did get sued over the whole lava bomb incident. Bad call playing that close to it, i can’t remember what the settlement went for though.

  5. I won’t go places I am unwelcome to carry, way too many magnificent places left on my list to care about those that are controlled by hoplophobes.

    • “Nobody wants to hear the truth.”

      What is not welcome here is promoting the dangerous health practices you espouse :

      “A Few Words on TTAG’s Comment Policy”

      “At the same time, completely off-topic comments for or against childhood vaccinations, the danger of water fluoridation, whether the moon landing was a hoax or not or similar non-gun related content will be zapped.”


      Notice who signed that post, ‘pee-gee’, it was Dan Z., who happens to be the guy in charge here.

      So keep your ‘truth’ to yourself… 🙂

  6. The intent and scope of that bill are extremely offensive. It is far from innocous. Innoucous is a word used by media when they are sucking up to gungrabbers.

  7. I am a probate attorney. The loophole in this laughable law is the term “close the estate.” Most estates are never closed. I have closed one estate in 27 years of practice. I would not have to do squat under this law.

    • Could happen i guess, but remember Hawaii law states you have to report lost or stolen firearms with in 24 hours of discovery (maybe it’s 48) whatever. Either way, they’ve got you by the balls for a criminal conviction. These Asians know how to set the deck

  8. VOTE in November. The Supreme Court, properly staffed, can and will strike down illegal, unconstitutional gun laws nationwide.

  9. Sicko anti gun zealots are laying in wait for the next nitwit to go on a rampage. Before bodies are at room temp anti gun zealots will be screaming for gun bans and restrictions that effect people who had zip NADA nothing to do with the crime. This programed response from these insane anti gun rats needs to end. We are sick of innocent people and the NRA being blamed for the criminal acts of individuals who obviously could give a poop about obeying the laws that state you cannot harm others using hands, feet, knives, guns, bats, etc. We don’t run to ban motor vehicles when a drunk driver kills a family, etc. Why? Because it would be totaly ignorant to do so and the same holds true especially for a Constitutional Right.
    Frankly sicko anti gun zealots should be held liable for giving gullible parents a false sense of security with Gun Free Zone Signs.

  10. NO, NO, NO, you all have got it all wrong, forget about gun laws, it is plain to see they need a law that prohibits killing people… if they had that law this would have never happened. That is what laws are – magical words written down to make people behave the way they should. Our state has a law making it illegal to drive drunk, now that we have it, as if by magic, nobody ever drives drunk anymore.

  11. Authoritarians gotta mandate.

    I’ve a theory that the closer you are to water the more insipid you become.

    Hawaii is surrounded by it.

    • Kyle:
      You must mean SALT water. Here in Michigan we are close to water, but it’s FRESH water, and we are not insipid (whatever that means).

      From the American Heritage College Dictionary:
      insipid adj. 1. Lacking flavor or zest; not tasty. 2. Lacking excitement, stimulation or interest; dull.

      I’ll skip the etymology of the word in the interests of brevity.

    • It’s ok to call it what it is bro, a gas station. A really expensive gas station, the prettiest place presidents and their wives have ever pulled over to pee.

  12. Not sure I understand the argument in the article or maybe I am misunderstanding or reading wrong?

    1) it states he was a prohibited person from owning a firearm due to a restraining order.

    2) it says the deceased’s widow simply gave him the firearms without any formal transfer process

    3) it states the new law would require such transfers be done via the police department to verify if he was prohibited or not

    So what’s the big deal here?

    Follow me here, #3 would have flagged #1 and prevented #2

    The precognition and crystal ball comments make no sense to me since he was already on a prohibited list and had due diligence been performed during a legitimate transfer process he would not have received the deceased’s firearms.

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