Cori Bush AOC
Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., (AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades)
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Missouri Rep. Cori Bush, the radical leftist Squad member who represents part of the city of St. Louis, issued a threat to Mark and Patricia McCloskey on CNN as she reacted to news that  the McCloskeys had been pardoned by Governor Mike Parson. “Your day will come,” she promised . . .

Bush claimed to be among those who broke down a gate and stormed onto the McCloskey’s private Central West End neighborhood last year. Interestingly, despite her claims, no images exist to support her claims of being there that day.

So-called “peaceful” protesters smashed a gate and stormed onto the McCloskey’s private neighborhood during a “mostly peaceful” protests in June 2020.  Image via Twitter / Mark McCloskey.

You’d think that someone who craves the camera as much as Rep. Bush would have made sure to place herself front and center in at least some of the photos taken in the McCloskey’s neighborhood, including threats to burn the place down and murder the McCloskeys’ pets.

One thing remains certain. While Cori Bush travels the nation advocating for “defunding the police,” she does so with lots of armed private security.  In fact, she spent almost a third of her campaign expenditures on security in the past quarter on security.  The Daily Wire has the story, compiling reports from multiple sources:

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), a member of the progressive “Squad” and an advocate for the “Defund the Police” movement, spent $70,000 on private security for herself and her team last quarter, according to a report from Fox News…

‘The $69,120 in security payments accounted for more than a third of Bush’s $197,000 in campaign expenditures during the second quarter, the FEC records show. It’s also nearly double what her campaign spent on private security during the first quarter of 2021,” the outlet said.

That $70,000 represents almost 1.5 times the $50,163 median annual income of residents in her Congressional district.  That’s right:  the little people on the urban plantation in Bush’s district could never pay for the security that Bush enjoys, courtesy of her campaign contributors.

Meanwhile, in St. Louis, efforts by left-wing, gun-rights hating radicals to defund the police have achieved success – at least when it comes to cutting the number of police and slashing the police budget.  And Cori Bush cheered the vote to slash $4 million from the police budget and to eliminate roughly 100 police officers.

From FoxNews . . .

As St. Louis moved to eliminate millions in police funding, Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., applauded the ‘historic’ vote to ‘defund’ police. 

“Today’s decision to defund the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is historic. It marks a new future for our city,” Bush said in a statement.

“For decades, our city funneled more and more money into our police department under the guise of public safety, while massively underinvesting in the resources that will truly keep our communities safe, the ‘Squad’ member continued…

Mayor Tishaura Jones proposed a move that would cut $4 million from the St. Louis Police Department and eliminate 98 vacant officer positions. The plan passed the Board of Estimate and Apportionment 2-1 and now goes to the Board of Alderman, the legislative body of the city, for hearings and possible amendments, before it’s set to take effect July 1. 

While the residents of St. Louis — Cori Bush’s constituents — cope with more violent crime and fewer police officers to maintain order, Cori Bush doesn’t have to worry. She’s got her own private security blanket to keep her safe.

Some might say that those who voted for Cori Bush are getting exactly what they voted for, but that would be cynical.



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    • This political persecution of the McClosleys needs to stop.

      With all of the rioting, burning, looting and murders going on across the United States and in their hometown of St. Louis; the McCloskey’s did what any reasonable person would have done.

      The rioters broke down the gate and stormed private property, we know that. The protesters were on the McCloskey’s property, there is video evidence.

      The McClosleys were pardoned, never happened in the eyes of the law.

      As the McCloskeys did nothing in the eyes of the law.

      Cori Bush the left-wing, gun-rights hating radical is only being a hater.

    • I am gratified that the Fake Miner is using my moniker, imitation is indeed the sincerest form of flattery.

      But unfortunately, this fake persona is not being truthful:

      “The rioters broke down the gate and stormed private property, we know that. The protesters were on the McCloskey’s property, there is video evidence.

      The McClosleys were pardoned, never happened in the eyes of the law.“

      Not one of those statements is accurate, they are just right wing propaganda points.

      The protesters did not break the gates down and “storm” the enclave, the majority of protesters had passed before some vandals damaged gate.

      The protesters were not on the McCloskey’s titled property rather but on the HOA-owned streets.

      And the fact is, the pardon does not expunge the conviction, which still stands, and the McCloskeys aren’t getting a refund on their fines.

      • 1. The protesters did break the gates down and “storm” the enclave. The “vandals” were “protestors” and calling them “vandals” does not make them any less so. The protestors performed an act of vandalism (a wilful destruction of property) when they broke down the gates.

        2. The streets the protestors were on are titled private property HOA-owned streets. This was not public property. Its the home owners that form the home owners association, and all in the association collectively own all land property associated with the HOA, which in this case were the streets as well in the “enclave”. Collective property ownership of the grounds outside and surrounding the home, in a defined private property area, is what is what allows a home owner association to be a home owners association. Home owners that are members of the HOA share the ownership of the grounds common to the home owners and within boundary of an “enclave” or area established for that HOA purpose delineated by walls, fences, or gates, or signs thus the McCloskey’s also owned, under title, that property the protestors were on. This was not public property, it was private property jointly held under title by the McCloskey’s’ and the other members of the HOA. Thus the protestors were on the McCloskey titled private property.

        Trespassing on their (McCloskey titled owned via membership in the HOA) private property, breaking down the gate, threatening to kill their dogs – all of this pretty much forms the intent to invade a persons private property by force and present a threat.

        My guess is that Cori Bush specifically chose this area to try to provoke or make some kind of point.

        • Jack,

          Both of your points are spot-on and are correct.

          My apologizes.

          The McCloskey’s did what any reasonable person would have done.

        • “Trespassing on their (McCloskey titled owned via membership in the HOA) private property“

          Nope, the McCloskey’s name is not on the title, the property is titled to the HOA and the Trustees of the HOA have the authority. The Trustees declined to file trespassing complaints, end of trespassing claims.

          It’s unfortunate that you folks just want to parrot the echo chamber talking point, without conducting any actual research into the matter.

          So let me help you with 15 minutes research results.

          Here is a 2017 lawsuit by the McCloskeys, against the Portland Place Assn trustees, in which the McCloskeys admit that Portland Place trustees own the roadway:

          “Portland Place property owners claim association failed to fix sewers

          By Lhalie Castillo | Nov 10, 2017

          ST. LOUIS — Property owners are suing homeowners’ association trustees, citing alleged breach of fiduciary duty and constructive fraud.
          Mark T. McCloskey and Patricia N. McCloskey filed a complaint on Oct. 23, in the St. Louis Circuit Court against Sanjay Jain, Russell John and Richard Gemberling, Portland Place Association trustees, alleging they breached their duties to maintain the sewer lateral in Portland Place.
          According to the complaint, the plaintiffs allege that as a result of the debris and obstructions at the sewer lateral, water backed up and flowed into the plaintiffs’ home. They paid to repair a collapsed portion of the sewer lateral at their property but were unable to repair those that pass through defendants’ roadway. They claim they have suffered damages to real estate and personal property, annoyance, inconvenience and emotional distress. 
          The plaintiffs hold the defendants responsible because they allegedly wrongfully ignored their legitimate request to repair the storm or fowl water sewer system at Portland Place.
          The plaintiffs seek judgment in their favor in a fair reasonable amount that will compensate their actual and consequential damages, plus interest, costs of this action and all further relief the court deems just and proper. They are representing themselves.
          St. Louis Circuit Court case number 1722-CC11570”

          In case you missed it, here’s the relevant acknowledgment of roadway ownership:

          “ …those that pass through defendants’ roadway… “

          I thought some of the people claim to be attorneys, not familiar with real estate law?

    • Honestly who cares what this shit bag says. The fact she is a politician it’s clear we need background checks for all voters.

  1. LMFAO! I lack the necessary diction to put into words how frustrating situations like that truly are. All I know is that I hope all of these places and people suffer for their immeasurable evil or stupidity, whichever is most applicable. And I would love to stop suffering for it.

  2. So she is threatening the McCloskeys because they were protecting their own property. I would say they have suffered plenty for the misdemeanors they were found guilty of committing. Maybe the government should make all gun crimes the major crime and enhance them with the added felonies(like rape, robbery, murder, etc). The government should never use the gun charge as a plea bargaining chip.
    If Guns are such a dangerous item, any violation of misuse should be prosecuted.

    • rt66paul,

      “I would say they have suffered plenty for the misdemeanors they were found guilty of committing.”

      I don’t believe a jury found McCloskeys guilty. Rather, I believe the McCloskeys pleaded guilty to their misdemeanor charges.

      That is an important distinction. I know of people first-hand who did not commit crimes and nevertheless pleaded guilty in exchange for lesser charges or guaranteed short jail/prison sentences. They obviously chose a strategy to eliminate the risk of felony convictions and/or long prison sentences.

      Thus, pleading guilty does not at all guarantee that the defendant actually committed a crime.

      • For all purposes, a guilty plea is the same as being convicted in a trial. Maybe it’s actually worse, since any appeal rights for a person who pleaded out are usually severely restricted.

        Yes, as you noted, it’s correct to say that a guilty plea does not guaranty that the defendant actually committed the crime charged. But neither does a conviction.

        • Ralph, I just hope the Mrs. uses this as an opportunity to seriously upgrade her carry piece…

      • To be pardoned of a crime, you have to be convicted of a crime. The McCloskeys pled guilty to misdemeanors so they could be pardoned.

        • They took the plea because it was the equivalent of a moving violation.
          They would pay a fine and in turn face no legal ramifications.
          Mark McCloskey had to give up his AR but wasn’t prohibited from buying another one. Which is exactly what he did. The handgun that Patricia McCloskey had was inoperable until someone at the PD made it operable.
          misdemeanor fourth-degree assault is the legal equivalent of spitting on someone and harassment is telling someone you are going to beat them up w/o actually touching them. They are petty misdemeanors.
          The only reason they were charged was St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner who was legally removed from the case.

          “Cori Bush claimed to be among those who broke down a gate and stormed onto the McCloskey’s private Central West End neighborhood last year.”
          Between that and the threat shouldn’t Cori Bush be charged with a felony or at the very least be forced to resign? Wait, I forgot she’s special.

        • Don’t you think a better strategy would’ve been to do what every other neighbor in the subdivision did, just stay in your home and not come out waving firearms and yelling?

          Now, the McCloskeys both have a criminal record of admitting guilt to a crime of violence involving a firearm.

        • Even if that was because of a Soros political hack, who was completely wrong and politically persecuted the McClosleys.

          Now that “prosecutor” St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner is facing a disciplinary hearing that could result in the loss of her law license.

      • “For all purposes, a guilty plea is the same as being convicted in a trial. Maybe it’s actually worse, since any appeal rights for a person who pleaded out are usually severely restricted”

        The McCloskeys, both being multimillionaire trial attorneys with decades of experience, knew this when they voluntarily pleaded guilty to the charges.

        • Hopefully they get their guns back.

          McCloskey sued Wednesday in St. Louis City Circuit Court, citing the pardon in demanding Missouri give back a Colt AR-15 rifle and Bryco pistol.

          In his petition, McCloskey writes that the pardon absolved him of “all wrongdoing” and nullifies all judgments and orders in the case. He is also seeking to have fines against him repaid.

          “The politically-motivated charges that were used to seize our guns were dropped and now the Governor has granted both Patty and me pardons,” Mark McCloskey said in a statement. “I filed a lawsuit today to demand that the Circuit Attorney return our guns immediately.”

          According to the Missouri Department of Corrections, a full pardon removes any “punitive collateral consequence stemming from the conviction without conditions or restrictions.”

        • Thank you Ragnar,

          The McClosleys were pardoned, to which I agree, their political persecution never happened in the eyes of the law.

          The McCloskeys did nothing illegal in the eyes of the law or the nation.

          May the one and only God, and his son Jesus, go with them.

        • “May the one and only God“

          So which god are you speaking of, Zeus, Thor, Shiva, Oden, Ozymandias, Crom?

  3. When you have Gun Control you have the threats that come along with it. With that said the McCloskeys should take the Gun Control Zealot’s words to a DA and demand a Restraining Order.

      • ant7,

        That depends on the prosecutor.

        What Representative Bush stated is a veiled threat. And while a prosecutor may not be able to get a guilty verdict from a jury, it could be enough to drag Bush through the process–which is the punishment.

        Of course whether or not that comes to pass depends on the political affiliation of the prosecutor and the two parties involved. Assuming that the prosecutor is a Democrat: he/she will do nothing since Bush is a Democrat and McCloskeys are Republicans. If it were the opposite, then the prosecutor would jump all over it.

        Remember how Democrats operate: something is only a crime if a Republican does it to a Democrat. (And the corollary: Democrats cannot possibly commit crimes against Republicans because Republicans are stupid/crazy/corrupt and deserve whatever maltreatment comes their way.)

      • text messaging ant7…The McCloskeys should ask for a Restraining Order based on what was said to them. “Your Day Will Come” is a recorded verbal threat and not exactly a wedding invitation. Such words are clearly an abuse of power spoken by a disgruntled public servant/hot head to private citizens who she has no business with in any shape, matter or form.

        And her threatening words came following a pardon from a Governor. That is more than enough to take it to a DA and demand a Restraining Order against someone who previously has shown they have no respect for private property, residents, etc. In other words…Yes They Can.

    • “demand a Restraining Order“

      For someone saying “your day will come”?

      What a mess of outraged snowflakes, got your panties all in a wad over such a vague statement.

      • My rainbow pink panties are NOT in a wad, and firmly wedged between my gigantic ass-checks.

        The sight of which will melt any snowflakes around.

    • Affirmative Mr. Boch. And I just can’t muster any feeling about it except a desire to see it shoved up their orifices, even harder. I just cannot find any empathy or sympathy today.

  4. Exactly how long are we gonna tolerate vile, threatening, stupid people in our governing bodies!? Now everyone MUST be able to see what “identity politics” gets us!

    • Try talking to some of them Dennis. They’ll read that and outright deny it says what it says, or they’ll excuse it because you’re just being too sensitive, or reading into it too much, or something. But I have consistently been disgusted by the reactions I have gotten, just to get a simple condemnation of these types of behavior by people who are not “on my side,” be they ignorant or opposed.

      • looks like they did a pretty good job on that gate…if that isn’t breaking and entering what is?…

        • Oh Frank, haven’t you heard? That gate was already like that. That wasn’t done by this group, there is no evidence of it. That was staged. That was done by a small group of trouble makers AFTER the main group was through.

          Pick your lie amigo, those are ones I’ve heard or read personally. In fact, that last one was posted by one of this site’s resident Commie scumbag liars mere days ago.

    • “Exactly how long are we gonna tolerate vile, threatening, stupid people in our governing bodies“

      Well, Donald Trump was president for four years so I guess it kind of sets the number.

        • “a vile, child sniffing“

          Yes, remember the day when Donald Trump publicly discussed dating his daughter Ivanka…

        • …there is a woman I could never have.

          Well any woman really.

          Apparently…who knew… women frown upon Miner’s “proclivities” with chickens.

          Come to think about it, “out Wayne” also frowns it..

      • so a “small group of troublemakers” followed the larger group of trouble makers???????

    • “(shrug) ready.”

      Ready for what, exactly?

      She did not address that comment directly to you…

      • I disgaree. The McCloskey’s are a proxy for all of us who would dare defend our rights, property, and lives. That threat was meant to let us know that the commies will not let us escape unpunished.

    • All three specifically WERE threatened by that mob of thugs (let’s just call it what it is). If the Mccloskey’s hadn’t done what you hey did, the threats very well could have been carried out and they might be dead and their property destroyed, like a multitude of other victims of blm and antifa.
      There is an actual objective reality, son. Welcome to it.

  5. “Today’s decision to defund the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is historic. It marks a new future for our city,” Bush said in a statement.

    Sounds about right. And here I thought politicians were always lying if their lips were moving.

    Of course the key point here: Representative Bush is strongly implying that St. Louis will have a better future as a result of reducing the police force. I have hunch that just the opposite will come true.

    • It seems to me that the biggest reason those like the McCloskey’s aren’t defending themselves more forcefully is because of those police treating self defense as though it’s a crime. If that’s actually the case, celebrating the weakening of that restriction strikes me as intensely ironic.

      These are people who have never heard the term “Pyrrhic victory”.

  6. So many of these politicians are disconnected millionaires who have no idea how the “other” lives or they are the “other” themselves and behave like a Jerry Springer guest who just won the lottery.

    I don’t know which is worse.

    • “disconnected millionaires who have no idea how the “other” lives“

      Yes, I would say that of both the McCloskeys and Donald Trump.

      • However, I can speak to the fact that Donald Trump is an American Hero, the greatest president in my lifetime, and likely one of the best presidents ever.

        Trump 2024

  7. “strongly implying that St. Louis will have a better future as a result of reducing the police force. I have hunch that just the opposite will come true.”

    nonsense, st. louis will have a wildly better future.

    for the ones pushing this. for everyone else not so much.

  8. “Some might say that those who voted for Cori Bush are getting exactly what they voted for”

    they are. no police -> party time! she represents her constituents well.

    jefferson (?) said that he didn’t think democracy was a better form of government, but that he did think it was more just.

  9. “…eliminate roughly 100 police officers.”

    “…eliminate 98 vacant officer positions.”

    Ok, I’m against “defunding” the police as the blm crowd pushes it. Generally, I’m against inflammatory language of any sort. How many cops actually lost their employment as a result of this action? There’s a difference between eliminating vacant positions and firing people.

  10. I’m old enough to remember when TTAG ran articles on this defund the police movement, and commenter enuf said it was just talk, and would never actually happen. Last fall, commenter Miner49er felt so confident that Joe Biden wouldn’t open our southern border, he bet me $20 bucks that it wouldn’t happen. For whatever reason, Democrat voters refuse to believe reality. In other news, propaganda works.

    • “Democrat voters refuse to believe reality”

      rather they think that what they believe is the reality.

    • And I bet Miner49er welched on his bet didn’t he? LOL
      I notice he hasn’t been as “prolific” on TTAG as of late.

        • Nope, I never post under any other handle.

          Of course, there are quite a few who use my moniker because subconsciously they wish they had my dashing good looks and debonair charm…

        • …with the “chicks”.

          And with the roosters too!

          I don’t discriminate, I “love” them all.

    • Nope, Joe Biden did not “open the borders”.

      You are just being silly with your wild claims.

      • Biden did far more, he actually invited them in, then illegally opened the borders so that millions have invaded the U.S.

        Infected with Wuhan-Covid or not, Biden wants them in, so they can vote and replace you people.

      • Immediately after Puppet Joe took over, his handlers dismantled all policies that help keep the border in check. We have experienced one of the largest, if not the largest surge in illegal immigrants in the history of this country. The word is out, and some people are even flying from other continents to enter the southern border and bypass our immigration system. 1,000,000 illegal aliens have been let in within 6 months. Just because you choose to bury your head in the sand, and refuse to acknowledge reality doesn’t actually change the reality of this situation.

        A question worth asking is why would they do this at anytime, but especially during a pandemic, when they’re trying to restrict the freedom of movement of actual citizens. I could tell you the answer to that, but you would just refuse to acknowledge reality. Oh, and you owe me $20.

    • Dude, please provide a source or citation for your claim of Biden dismantling “all policies” or “opening the borders”, Thanks!

      • Biden signed an EO on his very first day revoking an EO signed by Trump that outlined how they would enforce our existing immigration laws. Now why would they do that? Do you enjoy playing dumb Miner? What benefit do you derive from that?

        Biden EO:

        Revoked Trump EO:

        Biden dismantled the stay in Mexico policy which was very successful in curbing illegal immigration. Then the Puppet Joe & Que Mala administration shamelessly blamed the Trump administration for the surge in illegal immigration after Puppet Joe dismantled the Trump policies. They can lie like this because the propagandists and bootlickers in the media don’t push back against it, and people like you refuse to acknowledge what’s happening around you because you’re highly invested in silly tribalism. Why aren’t you crying about the kids in cages now? Do you enjoy playing along with the lies?

        Biden Suspends Deportations, Stops ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy

        Now where’s my 20 bucks?

      • I almost forgot about this part.

        Biden spending over $2B to halt border wall construction amid migrant crisis

        Remember when we couldn’t build a wall because it would cost too much and we just can’t spare the funds for it? That’s a good one! Yet another lie! A border wall is real infrastructure that pays for itself. Now they want to blow BILLIONS, some of which I provided them, to NOT build it! That only makes sense if you want immigrants to pour across the border. I look forward to more of your playing dumb responses. Unlike other people here, I don’t think you’re really dumb. I just think you’re invested in being a partisan.

        • “I don’t think you’re really dumb. I just think you’re invested in being a partisan.”


        • Dude, thanks for your detailed reply!

          I took the time to read through each of your links, and none of them qualify as “opening the borders” or “dismantling all policies”.

          Yes, Biden did change some policies instituted by Trump, but they didn’t lead to the “open borders” as you claim. In fact, from the source that you linked to note “record numbers” of migrants being stopped by the Biden administration:

          “More than 800 unaccompanied kids stopped at southern border in single day
          By Samuel Chamberlain August 5, 2021 | 8:39pm | Updated

          “US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) stopped a whopping 834 unaccompanied minors at the US-Mexico border Wednesday, the most since the Biden administration began releasing a daily tally of apprehensions of children earlier this year.“

          That’s nowhere near having an “open border”.

          Face it, you made a blanket statement that is not supported by the evidence.

          We rate your claim of “open borders” and “dismantled all policies” as unsubstantiated.

        • “I took the time to read through each of your links, and none of them qualify as “opening the borders” or “dismantling all policies”.”

          Like I said, you refuse to acknowledge reality. I gave you specific policies that were undone by the Puppet Joe Administration. Why do we have 1,000,000 illegals being welcomed in within six months? Why wasn’t that happening last year? Puppet Joe says it’s because he’s a nice guy. He’s allowed to say stupid things like that because our media isn’t interested in holding a particular political party accountable.

          Miner said: “That’s nowhere near having an “open border”.”

          Yes it is Miner. I’m going to hold your hand again and take the time to explain this to you while your head is firmly in the sand. They didn’t catch these children and send them back where they came from. They “caught” them and released them into our country. This is another policy that was undone. The Democrat preferred policy is called catch and release. The kids just walk across the border. Border patrol takes them to a holding location until they can place them somewhere IN THIS COUNTRY.

          From the article you’re quoting: “Under current DHS policy, illegal immigrants under 18 who are not accompanied by a parent or guardian when apprehended by CBP are required to be transferred to HHS within 72 hours. The child is then tested for COVID-19 and quarantined until it can be placed with a sponsor in the US.

          DHS says that more than 80 percent of unaccompanied children have a family member in the US, and more than 40 percent have a parent or legal guardian in the US.

          Last month, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra notified Congress that the administration was reallocating $860 million of funds designated for COVID relief to help cover the cost of holding unaccompanied minors stopped at the southern border.”

          They aren’t “catching” people, Miner. They’re welcoming them in and transporting them across the country on my dime. Not only that, but they’re also grabbing COVID relief money to help them do it! This is how you let people bypass our immigration system. Do you understand that we have an immigration system and borders that are being ignored? This is an open border whether you like it or not. Why do you insist on playing dumb?

        • What’s that Dude…”Grass is green”?

          No it’s purple-orange!!

          Dude…”And the Sun is hot”?

          No it’s icy cold!!

          Still haven’t figured out I am fcking troll among trolls.

          Paul Joseph Goebbels is my hero.

          I am a disingenuous, ignoramus shill that is a proven liar.

          My agitprop and disinformation is boundless.

          Integrity and honesty? Meaningless to me.

          Forthright and upstanding? Are those real words?

          I am a moral-less self proclaimed chicken “lover”.

          I have no honor.

          Still want to debate me, Dude(s).. TTAG?

        • True. I’ve occasionally caught a fleeting glimpse of a real person, but the resistance to having an honest, rational discussion is too much to bother with. I don’t understand why anyone would want to live like that.

        • “I don’t understand why anyone would want to live like that.”

          There are unmistakable flashes of intelligence- it’s just so bizarre how it juxtaposes with, and is hopelessly outnumbered by, frantic unsoundness… the thin line thing, maybe?

          Perhaps the manic typing helps drown out the chorus of unhinged voices…

  11. Typical BLM black nationalist thug.

    It cuts both ways: Her day will come, too.

    Shove your threats.

  12. No class, loud mouthed, non thinking, non logical, rude and obnoxious and threatening. Phrases and words in the dictionary that have Cori Bush’s name under them.
    Where did the dems find this idiot?

    • “No class, loud mouthed, non thinking, non logical, rude and obnoxious and threatening.“

      I know, and it’s still amazing that Donald Trump got elected.

  13. “Let my little people eat cake! I will live like a Queen!” ~ Cori Bush Probably

  14. It might be Time for the citizens who’s police were de-funded to Curtail their representatives use of security, both public and Private by de-funding it !….

      • Ideals, morals, integrity, honesty, being forthright and upstanding, These are things not allowed in the demonRAT party or the current hierarchy.

        • … are those things actively driven out, or do they just fail to advance in any competitive system?

        • ant7, I would say they are actively being driven out,,, that is the Communist way dontcha know

        • As a devout Marxist-Fascist who votes Democrat (naturally), Rick is completely correct ant7.

          We will not tolerate any of those ideals.

  15. “He has spat on my name. And because of that, his day will come.”

    He spat on her Bush? If he had to endure that he’s probably suffering from ptsd. Definitely an eighth amendment violation.

  16. If that comment this evil woman has made does not show the reason for needing weapons to defend oneself, nothing will. A comment like that just makes some want to go out and buy more ammo (and guns). If you can find them, that is.

  17. I’ve been born and raised in stl. I say yes allocate the funds to something else as the police have enough resources and knowing quite a few high ranking officers, I know they have enough. I do think police need way more mandatory training as civilians are way more accurate. Those mc people were reckless as fuck. But hell it is what it is and if they were wrong then God will get them. No one will ever 100% agree with the courts all the time so that’s to be expected but I say fuck all the political parties, racists etc. Live and let live I say!

    • “Live and let live I say!”

      ‘t’d be nice, but there’s a certain group out there whose life consists of running yours, so that approach just won’t work with them.

    • “I say yes allocate the funds to something else as the police have enough resources”

      If they have enough, then why don’t they allocate the funds back to the tax payer? Some of this defund talk is typical leftist brain dead ideology, but I think some of it is typical leftist expansion of government. They always want more money. They always want to expand the government. Some of this defunding is an easy way for them to fund their pet projects, like hiring “social workers” AKA highly partisan SJW’s. This is just another one of their tactics to amplify their power. When the citizens beg for more police, they’ll just add money back to the police budget, but they will never decrease the budget for their new SJW force. And who do you think will pick up the tab?

      • “They always want more money. They always want to expand the government.“

        Yes, that was certainly true of Donald Trump:

        “Despite campaign promises to the contrary, Trump opened the contract and grant spigots instead, adding more than 2 million jobs to the blended federal workforce, including 1 million in the Departments of Defense, Transportation, and Health and Human Services alone.

        Figure 1 shows the rise, fall, and rise again of the true size of government.[1] Despite Trump’s recent claim that the Pentagon brass was responsible for keeping the military-industrial complex “happy,” he has rarely missed an opportunity to celebrate his commitment to increased spending. According to a recent Washington Post analysis, under Trump’s tenure, the defense budget will have grown almost 30 percent by end of the 2021 fiscal year, even as estimated defense contract employment has surged by 20 percent. Although the Pentagon has been a grateful partner in the run-up, Trump has been front and center in keeping the defense industry happy.“

        • So you’re against increasing the size and spending of the federal government now Miner? Oh that’s right, you’re just trying to win an argument by bringing up something unrelated that Orange Man Bad did. Another straw man. Let’s see your criticisms of Democrats spending too much. You don’t do that because you can only view things through the lens of a partisan. I’m against Republicans spending and increasing government as well. I was highly critical of the Republican Covid spending spree from day one. I posted plenty of comments about it right here on TTAG.

          I’ve also made comments about the Military Industrial Complex, and I’ve said that fiscally conservative Republicans are a myth.

  18. Someone should stick two birds in her bush.
    Typical bad weather? No that’s tickle your ass with a feather .

  19. Mark and Patrcia McCloskey want their guns back now.

    As part of their plea deal for a lesser misdemeanor, one of the provisions of their deal was they would forfeit the firearms they displayed last summer.

    This past Wednesday, 4 August 2021, in St. Louis City Circuit Court, Mark McCloskey filed a law suit citing the pardon in demanding Missouri give back a Colt AR-15 rifle and Bryco pistol. In his petition, McCloskey is acting as his won attorney and says the pardon absolved him of “all wrongdoing” and nullifies all judgments and orders in the case. He is also seeking to have fines against him repaid.

    You can read the initial complaint here >

    Although a pardon (for misdemeanor in this case) does not remove or reverse or nullify a conviction, it does remove punitive collateral consequences of the original conviction judgement. The punitive collateral consequences in the McCloskey case are the guns forfeiture and the fines.

    • From the McCloskey’s filing:

      “Bryco .380 pistol, serial number 1250579 with a value of $400.00”


      Looks like they might be liable for attempting to defraud the court regarding the value of Patricia’s fine handgun…

      • You can pick them up for less than $100.00, I’ve seen them for around $50.00.

        But, the value on a gun is not always what the market will bear or what it may be worth on market. The value to the owners is what they put into it. This particular firearm had previously been rendered inoperable by a gun smith, it would not have fired anything the day Pat McCloskey held it.

        The gun had been rendered inoperable because it had been used previously in a court case as part of a demonstration for the court. The stipulation was the gun had to be rendered inoperable by a “trained and experienced” person which meant a gun smith (at the time) who charged a pretty penny for that work. So to the McCloskey’s it could very well be worth $400.00.

        • That Bryco is the reason they were allowed to plea down, and what eventually resulted in the pardon.

          The prosecution claimed that Patricia McCloskey had altered the gun to make it inoperable in order to tamper with evidence. In reality the gun had been previously rendered inoperable prior the brandishing during the protestor thing.

          The prosecution after taking the gun into evidence turned it over to the crime lab and instructed them to make it operable by reassembling it correctly.

          When the prosecutor did that he actually destroyed evidence because he changed the true state of the evidence which was how it was on the day Pat used it and it had been rendered inoperable prior that day and was inoperable when Pat held it the day of the protest.

          However, without that true evidence the prosecutor still presented the case to the grand jury and misled them on this point claiming that Pat had disabled it to tamper with the evidence and that was not true. Thus an abuse of proprietorial power by the prosecution.

          This led to them being able to plea down despite being indicted by the Grand Jury for the felony charges. It also resulted in the eventual pardon by the governor for that abuse of power.

  20. @Miner49er

    You said in reply to what I posted:

    “Nope, the McCloskey’s name is not on the title, the property is titled to the HOA and the Trustees of the HOA have the authority. The Trustees declined to file trespassing complaints, end of trespassing claims.”

    No, their names are not individually on the land title nor do they need to be in an HOA situation. They are members of the HOA and all members of the HOA share ownership rights for all the common property in the established HOA area (the enclave in this case is the established area). The HOA members are represented by the trustees and the title is placed under the HOA name. The trustees are appointed by the HOA membership (the home owners) to represent them and act as the members proxy’s in the HOA. When the Trustees exercise this power its the same as the HOA members doing it.

    By declining to have the protestors arrested for trespassing they performed an ownership right by proxy. A person without ownership rights or representing the owners can not have someone arrested for trespassing on property. In other words they were carrying out the wishes of the owners of the property which are the members of the HOA which are the home owners in the area designated to belong to the HOA. One of the home owner members was the Mccluskys.

    HOA titles are unique. In name the land is titled to the HOA but the underlying ownership is always members of the HOA, its not a requirement they be listed in or on the HOA title, only that they be members of the HOA. The reason its titled to the HOA name is, basically, because the owners (the HOA members) change over time and to prevent the task of having to change ownership in city/county/state records and for tax purposes its simply titled to the name of the HOA which is the name of the legal entity that represents the owner members.

    The trustees perform their duties according to the bylaws of the HOA, which in this case gives them the authority to make certain decisions already pre-defined (e.g. routine care taking for the grounds) but some decisions need decisions according to vote by the membership proxy which is the trustees which represent the home owner members of the HOA. They decided to not go with trespassing because the majority proxy decided not to do so.

    The Mccluskys do indeed hold title to the property the protestors were on, every member of that HOA holds title to it – in the title they are represented as the HOA name and represented by the trustees as proxy for them.

    You misinterpret your lawsuit reading. It says nothing like you want it to say.

    Mark T. McCloskey and Patricia N. McCloskey Property owners (in the suit) sued homeowners’ association trustees, citing alleged breach of fiduciary duty and constructive fraud. Now read carefully… in their complaint against Sanjay Jain, Russell John and Richard Gemberling, Portland Place Association trustees, alleging they breached their duties to maintain the sewer lateral in Portland Place. “Portland Place Association” is the name of the HOA.

    Look very carefully.

    1. The lawsuit is bought by property owners. You can’t sue an HOA in any state in the U.S. unless you have an ownership in the the property over which you are suing.

    2. They are suing Portland Place Association trustees for “breach of fiduciary duty and constructive fraud”. In all 50 states for an HOA the trustees do not have a “fiduciary duty” to anyone but the owners of the property at issue.

    Further you misinterpret this

    “ …those that pass through defendants’ roadway… “

    It is the “defendants roadway” – because they are responsible for it on behalf of the HOA membership and exercise that membership ownership proxy, not because they actually own.

    Remember, an HOA is an collective ownership. When you as a member of an HOA sue your HOA you are actually suing all the other members of the HOA – all members of the HOA own the property and are represented by trustees in that ownership. If you sue an HOA instead of listing the individual members you list the HOA, if you list the individual members you can’t hold them all responsible individually so you sue the collective legal representative entity which in this case is the HOA called “Portland Place Association” and specifically the trustees. That’s why “Portland Place Association” is indicated to be the “owners”, because they are the proxy’s for the member owners not because they actually own it as a separate entity.

  21. There are gun owners who will, in the end, support Corey bush. And there are gun owners who will never support Marjorie Taylor Greene.

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