Moms Demand Action angry
She isn't at all happy with the state of Georgia right now. (AP Photo/John Hanna)
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Open carry is legal in Alabama. Just about any adult who isn’t a prohibited person can carry a handgun for all to see without a permit. But if you want to put a shirt tail or a jacket over your pistol, that requires special permission from the state.

Yesterday the Alabama Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill to eliminate the permission slip. That would make the Yellowhammer State another constitutional carry jurisdiction if it becomes law.

You can imagine how happy that made a few (incoherent) law enforcement officers and red-shirted hoplophobic harridans.

Montgomery County Sheriff Derrick Cunningham and Lee County Sheriff Jay Jones spoke in opposition to the bill, saying the permit requirement is an important tool for law enforcement.

Sheriff(s) also depend on pistol permit fees to help support their operations.

Dana Ellis of Hoover (not pictured above), a volunteer leader with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which promotes policies to reduce gun violence, and Sonny Brasfield, executive director of the Association of County Commissions of Alabama, also spoke in opposition to the bill.

“Lawmakers who support eliminating the permitting system that keeps us safe don’t stand for Alabama voters,” Ellis said in a statement released by the organization. “What this comes down to is responsible gun ownership. If you want to carry a concealed gun in public, you should go through a background check.”

– Mike Cason in Committee approves bill to repeal Alabama pistol permit requirement

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  1. How did the Sheriffs ever fund themselves before the permit system? They must have had it so hard!

        • Kind of like how gun control began as a means to deny non-whites their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms (thus denying them the means to defend themselves and their homes and families).

          Jim Crow laws saw to that.

        • Which is kinda funny.

          They believe Voter ID is racist because people like me are too stupid to get an ID.
          Yet they fully support special ID (in some cases genuinely expensive ID) to carry a firearm. I guess I’m genetically incapable of higher thinking required to carry.

          But CLEARLY that’s not racist because they’re CLEARLY not racist…

        • Interesting to note…

          I’ve voted in every election since I turned 18 long ago, and always here in L.A. County. For the first time, this week’s voting procedure was converted to electronic voting. No more paper ballots. It seemed to go well, so no complaints from me so far.

          However, for the first time ever, the check-in stations were requiring ID(!!) to get a blank ballot. Everyone had to present proof of identity that had the ability to be scanned by barcode. About 1 in 5 (such as me) were presenting their Voter Packet, while most were using their CA driver license. That info was scanned into the system as proof that you are, indeed, YOU. So far, so good.

          What bothered me, though, is the fact that the blank ballot was then run through a printer which added additional information about you before being given to you. The entire reason why I’ve never voted by mail was because I believe the actual votes themselves should be “blind” and anonymous. In the past, once I signed in, I was given a random paper ballot to use in the classic “punch” booth. Anonymous. Now, your identity is scanned in, and your blank ballot is augmented with this information, making it possible for TPTB to link your vote to your name. I do not like this at all.

          Voter ID to check in? Yes, I’m fine with it.
          Removing the anonymous privacy from my vote? No, I’m not fine with it.

        • I haz a question, in TX the votes are still anonymous even though ID is required. I’ve never understood the resistance to ID voting (unless your not eligible, and want to vote anyway) but you just gave the first legitimate reason for not IDing voters I’ve ever heard.

        • That’s exactly why “May Issue” carry laws were passed. Most gun control was passed to disarm the intended victims of the Klan lynch mobs. The original magazine bans were intended to keep magazine fed weapons, such as the Henry and Spencer rifles, out of the hands of the freed slaves.

        • @IHazAQuestion:

          Perhaps you could perform an act of Irish Democracy, and totally deface the barcodes (or whatever) that identify your ballot. First get an OK from some legal foundation that is willing to sue if they don’t accept. Ballots are to remain secret.

  2. BIG Govt has PROVEN to NOT BE THE ANSWER to just about everything.

    BIG Govt background checks included.

    BIG Govt cannot be expected to fix everything wrong with your little lives, Snowflakes.

    “Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.”
    Thomas Jefferson

    • Quotations attributed to any of the Founders always require careful checking. Jefferson did not say that. It is a quote from “Crimes and Punishments” by Cesare Beccaria, published in Italy in 1764.

      Jefferson included an excerpt from Beccaria’s essay in his own notes as a young law student. He called these notes his “Legal Commonplace Book”, in which many thoughts and observations on common law were made. He continued to use the book and add to it for many years.

      So he agreed with it, but he did not say or write it.

        • Yes, Jefferson quoted another writer. That is very different from originating the statement himself.

        • It is better that we get our story straight. Clearly TJ agreed with the sentiment and translated it in 2A friendly manner but was not the author. Facts matter. If we don’t vet them ourselves the errors will be used against us.

      • The reason it is attributed to Jefferson is because he repeated it and he wrote it in his book. The originator is a relative unknown to most people, especially Americans. Many of the thngs attributed to our founders came from other people, for example, the majority of the Constitution was taken from Vattel’s book, “Law of nations”.

    • She probably wouldn’t be interested unless you’re an outraged, intersectional “female”.

    • “After twenty years of wanting to speak to the manager, Karen reached her final form”

    • That redshirted ‘mom’ pictured in the article and all the rest of the ‘moms’ can go pound sand. They can be disappointed until the cows come home. Let them wallow in their bitterness. Glad to see the push back and a win for the 2A crowd.

  3. “It’s legal in Alabama to openly carry a handgun. But to carry a concealed gun or a loaded gun in a vehicle requires a permit from a county sheriff.”

    Then there’s essentially no way to carry in cold weather without the permission slip. You would also have to unload your firearm every time you got back into your vehicle because reasons?

    Even in the so called free states the endless list of laws and regs can become confusing.

    • If it is like PA, unloading a gun before getting into a vehicle does not make it legal.

      To legally transport a firearm in a vehicle in PA without a license to carry, or a license from any other state if you are not a PA resident, you have to be going to a very small set of specifically listed places such as the range, gun shop, or gun smith.

      Not sure about Alabama law on that though.

      • And I should add that you have to be going directly to and from those places. You can’t stop to use the bathroom or get gas on the way there without breaking the law.

        You certainly can’t get away with “Well officer, I was heading to the range after I go to the grocery store, the hardware store, drop the kids at the mall, and stop by my cousin’s house for a bit.”

        • Pa also has open carry without a permit, castle doctrine which considers your vehicle as part of your domicile, STYG, shall issue, a strong preemption law. We are a pretty free state with room for improvement. I think Legal Heat gives pa a 4 out of 5

          • But you need an LTCF (or license permit from any other state if non resident) to carry in a vehicle and to transport in a vehicle you have to be going to specific places.

            You can OC on foot in PA all day long without an LTCF but you cannot get in a car, on a bicycle, on a riding lawn mower, or even a skateboard without one unless you are going to the range, gunshop, gun smith, etc.

        • Alabama is weird on this one. Open carry is legal, but vehicle carry is not. It has to be unloaded and locked away from driver (glovebox doesn’t count). So when you go somewhere you have to open your trunk, insert mag, rack slide, and holster. Not to mention the safety implications, I’m sure it won’t get the cops called on you in a busy parking lot.


          I wouldn’t carry guns in a car without a permit since they technically can do you without one should you not be directly going to a range or hunting. Not as stringent as MD but if the cop wants to do you he can.
          in actual practice if you don’t look up to no good most will just ignore it. In Philly you’re going to need a permit to keep out of trouble.

          Drive like you’re on your drivers license test in any case.

        • GS650G the cops can and will bust you, and many people have gotten in trouble for having a gun in a vehicle without an LTCF.

          In Philly an LTCF is required for any carry of a firearm, open or concealed, excpet for going directly to range, gun shop, gun smith, etc.

        • “GS650G the cops can and will bust you, and many people have gotten in trouble for having a gun in a vehicle without an LTCF.”
          I think I said that and you agree with me.
          In general traveling with firearms far from home in other states is always a risky move no matter what the laws are. Local law enforcement view outsiders with guns as suspicious and looking for trouble.

      • certainly does if you’re hunting…but PA usually applies that “firearm” moniker to pistols….

  4. Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Got action on gun sense, but not the kind of action they were expecting.

  5. I like how these people are always saying “the majority of the people want…..”. As if that’s supposed to trump the Bill of Rights.

    • Even if the majority wanted this, it’s a Constitutional Republic and requires 2/3 of congress and senate or 2/3 of the state. Until the moms and Bloomie control 2/3 they can kick rocks.

    • they are referencing the people they know and numbers in polls conducted by those who support them.

        • Well of course can’t have the rubes having a say in how their betters run their lives. Oh and tyranny of the majority is totally made up unless it impacts obviously beneficial progressive issues.

    • Bryan 1980, “Lawmakers who support eliminating the permitting system that keeps us safe don’t stand for Alabama voters,” Ellis said.
      How does Ellis know What Alabama voters want? MSM says similar things almost daily using words like: majority, most of the people, everybody knows etc
      They don’t know and this equates to just more “fake news”, half truths, whole lies etc!!

  6. Did those MDA’s (More Dumb Americans) have to undergo a background check if they wanted to speak? They should need special permission from the state if they want to exercise their 1st Amendment rights in public.

  7. Whenever law enforcement officers are unhappy about advancements in the free exercise of the 2nd Amendment, that makes me happy – it makes me very, very happy. Why is that the case for me? It’s because that means the Constitution is working. That document does not exist to make lives of Government agents easier. The Bill of Rights, and the rest of the Constitution exists for the People, not the police. If LEOs want to live in a country where they can exert as much power as they want over the population, may I suggest they move to China, because they certainly don’t belong here.

  8. All these old and ugly women who are trying to force their biological predisposition to nannying onto the people via controlling the state and its hordes of stolen resources from we the people.

    Pass that Constitutional carry! Next up, sanctuary states that nullify the GCA and NFA!

    • There used to be a tshirt with the communicator insignia on the left chest and on the back it said “He’s dead Jim. You take his tricorder, I’ll get his wallet”. That shirt came in blue and only in blue.

      Made me chuckle.

  9. Oh how I wish Maryland’s gun grabbers simply argued for shall issue permits with a background check. Here in the so-called “Free State,” Bloomberg’s moms fight to the death in defense of Maryland’s may issue rationing policy. Except, of course, elected officials exempted themselves from having to demonstrate a special “need” for self defense. With veto-proof liberal majorities in both houses of the state legislature, relief can only come for the Supreme Court. Perhaps someday, SCOTUS will establish constitutional carry nationwide.

    • Every state that signs on is one step closer. Personally I would love to see Pennsylvania if only for the hilarity it would cause around Philly.

  10. “Gun Sense in America, which promotes policies [that aspire] to reduce gun violence” would have been more accurate.

  11. And maybe they should vote for sheriff’s that will uphold the constitution like the majority of them do.

    • Depending on election system and population density this is sometimes impossible without expending pyrric amounts of resources. I do not expect my state to ever vote for more liberty but I fully support anyone trying to.

  12. Is it just me or does the lady in the pic look like the Church Lady from SNL?

    My county in Va just dropped $35 off the cost of cc permits. Gonna hurt budget a little but iirc the sheriffs office was open to the change and I think endorsed it. Now cc permits should cost $15.

  13. Too bad, so sad, Demanding Commie Mommy’s will have to pound sand, the Constitution wins again.

  14. The vindictive part of me would love to walk up to some of these demanding moms and say “This is what Democracy looks like” just to spite them.

    But, sadly, the double and triple irony of that statement would likely be lost on them.

    • I wouldn’t call it democracy, more like rule of law and order of men.

      Say MEN very loudly, that’s bound to set her off and you can then defend yourself properly.

      • “I wouldn’t call it democracy, more like rule of law and order of men.”

        Part of the irony I was referring to.

  15. Fixed properly:

    “What this comes down to is responsible speaking and opining. If you want to carry a book, paper, writing instrument, opinion and speak in public, you should go through a background check.”

    • Further, “If you wish to use a full-auto distribution system such as the internet, you must pass another background check and pay $$$ for a tax stamp.”

      If any part of the Bill of Rights can have restrictions, then ALL of them must have the same restriction.

      Aside: I am only saying this to tweak the leftist media.

  16. Beth Alcazar, USCCA trainer and Associate Editor of “Concealed Carry” magazine, and member of BamaCarry, gave a great testimony that helped carry the day against the Demanding Mothers and the greedy Sheriffs.
    The battle isn’t over here, though. This the 3rd time BarryCarry has led the charge through the committee, only to see it shunted aside by parliamentary maneuvers to keep it from going to the Senate floor for a vote. The Sheriff’s Association is powerful, and only a minority are in favor of Constitutinal Carry.

    • I’m in Bama and all for Constitutional Carry but will prolly still get a CCW for reciprocity when I cross state lines. I’m only 15 miles from TN and our youngest son and his family live in Nashville. All of the adjoining states recognize our CCW’s and we theirs. Although not adjoining, an exception down here is SC. Not sure what’s up with that.

  17. “If you want to carry a concealed gun in public, you should go through a background check.”

    Like, when they bought the gun?

    • “If you want to LEGALLY carry a concealed gun in public, you should go through a background check.”

      There is no law that can force violent criminals to get permits before they carry a concealed weapon in public.

  18. The article is really inconsequential. It has no bearing on the November election. In November Biden will win by the biggest margin in the history of politics. As we speak, Betois capturing the entire state of Texas and many of the southern states including Alabama. One Obama endorses Biden, it’s over. No need to vote in November penis envy owners. The new gun czar Beto will have all your guns in his back pocket.

    • “No need to vote in November penis envy owners.”

      That’s *exactly* what I’m counting on.

      You Leftist scum being so convinced Trump won’t win, a healthy percentage of you just won’t bother to vote, handing victory to Trump.

      Because that’s *exactly* what bit you in the ass in 2019. You were so convinced Hillary would win in a landslide, lots of you decided to stay home.

      Believe those polls, boy… 😉

  19. So, I guess “If you want to carry a concealed gun in public, you should go through a background check” means Ellis was daydreaming through part of this and missed the part where this ruling pertains to OPEN CARRY. Concealed carry still requires a permit.

  20. That woman doesn’t look too happy.

  21. Good for the people of Alabama!!.. the BOR says people have a right to arms, yet the sheriff and politicians see the citizens as a cash cow. So they raped the people they work for by requiring them to get a permit that the citizens shouldn’t have to have in the first place.

    Sad state when the head LEOs don’t realize that citizen are more safe than before. They say open carry is a distraction, but put red tape on hiding the firearm from public view?….INSANE practice!!!

  22. You posted the perfect photo of the poster child for the group , nice smile on her . maybe if she tried a shooting sport she could smile and be happy like the rest of us .

  23. That red-shirted thing up front in the picture looks like a man dressed as a woman, with a scarf hiding it’s adam’s apple … “Not that there’s anything wrong with that!”
    So they rely on fees to keep sheriffs on board?? They probably also set up speed traps in weird places simply to make money and not to prevent traffic issues.
    I’ve been to Alabama and maybe the problem is there are too many short, fat, red faced, dumb as a turnip sheriffs already wasting Alabama’s oxygen supply. What kind of law enforcement officer would rather have people open carrying instead of carrying discretely? If felons and other prohibited persons are caught with a gun they should be pressed between big stones until they say they are sorry… and then pressed some more…on TV, livestreamed on Facebook, at the City Center.

  24. I don’t support gun control and background checks. I support the death penalty. It has always worked without flaw.
    It guarantees the criminals will not ever cause harm to people and animals again. And others will think twice before causing harm.

  25. A little progress is better than none. And there is none in New Jersey or California. It’s amazing how two former Slave states. Kentucky. And one, Mississippi, a member of the Confederate States of America. Both now have Constitutional Carry. Blacks and everyone else don’t need a permission slip to carry concealed anymore.
    In the Liberal states racist gun control is alive and well. Supported openly by the white Liberals who run the states.

    The times sure have changed. For the good.

    It was white liberals who traveled down south to help register blacks to vote in the 1950s. Those same white Liberals told the local blacks who were surrounded by the KKK, to disarm. Years later those same white Liberals would support the KKK marching through black neighborhoods while carrying guns. I think white Liberals are the devil. As Steven Crowder says, “change my Mind”.

    Please read the following if you have any questions:
    1. Negroes and the Gun, the black tradition of arms
    by Nicholas Johnson 2014

    2. Negroes with Guns
    by Robert F. Williams 1962

    3. The Deacons for Defense: Armed Resistance and the Civil Rights Movement
    by Lance Hill 2006

  26. Received my renewed Driver’s License a few weeks before the primaries (TX) and it indicates I’m a registered voter, a veteran. When I went to the polling station, I signed in, showed my ID, which was barcode scanned, given my paper ballot and off I went to vote. No problems, no issues.

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