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Courtesy Liberty Home Concealment
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“One possibility relates to a distrust of government or belief in freedom that contributes to both vaccination preferences and increased traffic risks.” 

As Sir Bedevere (Terry Jones) proclaimed in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, “who is this who is so wise in the ways of science?” Behold the authors of COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash, published by the American Journal of Medicine but authored by a trio in Canada.

Author Donald A. Redelmeier, M.D. (Doctor of Medicine), FRCPC (Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada), MSHSR (Masters in Health Services Research), FACP (Fellowship in the American College of Physicians) works in “evaluative clinical sciences” at the Sunnybrook Research Institute in Toronto.  

Author Jonathan Wang, MMASc (Masters of Management of Applied Science) is with the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) and the department of medicine at the University of Toronto. Which particular science Wang applies is not specified.

Author Deva Thiruchelvam, MSc, (Masters of Sciences) is also with the ICES and the Sunnybrook Institute, in Toronto. The profile does not indicate which sciences the author managed to master. Nevertheless, this trio set out to test whether COVID vaccination was associated with the risks of a traffic crash.

A total of 11,270,763 individuals were included, of whom 16 percent had not received a COVID vaccine and 84 percent had received a COVID vaccine. The cohort accounted for 6682 traffic crashes. Unvaccinated individuals accounted for 1682 traffic crashes (25 percent), equal to a 72 percent increased relative risk compared with those vaccinated.

“These data suggest that COVID vaccine hesitancy is associated with significant increased risks of a traffic crash,” …the authors contend. That does not betoken a strong case.

In their quest to apply science, the authors might have cited reasons why some people hesitate to take a COVID vaccine shot. Maybe it’s because the COVID vaccines don’t work very well. 

— Lloyd Billingsley in ‘Belief in Freedom’ Is Bad for You

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  1. all the people that trusted the government are falling over Dead from the vaccines. we have to trust in the Lord Our God not the government, especially the lying corrupt one we have now.

    • “all the people that trusted the government are falling over Dead from the vaccines”

      Tales from the Trailer Park, or Why I married my Cousin

      • I can tell you that in my line of work and current job the vast majority of people coming through filled with rapidly metastasizing cancer or blood clots of types and degrees that we have not seen in the 27 years I’ve been in the field are vaccinated and usually boosted. The vast majority of the people coming through with the ordinary falls and breaks we have always seen are not vaccinated.

        The signal is strong enough that even pro vax nurses and doctors are commenting on the trend and concerned for their own health.

        • Fingers crossed. Miner and dacian got the shots.

          I got a flu shot 30+ years ago that nearly killed me. No flu or any other shots unless I’m bleeding on the floor.

          I had the covid. I lived through it at home.

        • From CA to IL to quack doctors to pasty mouth pencil dicks like ricky bobby…It’s ignorance derived from Gun Control the history confirmed agenda deeply rooted in racism and genocide.

      • Ricky Bobby, splain to me the wisdom of taking an experimental genome modification, that doesn’t prevent you from catching or spreading the virus? Why exactly do I need myocarditis? The data is in, the vaccinated are dying from covid 19 @ a greater rate. You really think some man knows better what your genome should be, than your creator?

        • “The data is in, the vaccinated are dying from covid 19 @ a greater rate“

          “By Reuters Fact Check
          Statistics that show the majority of deaths from COVID-19 are among vaccinated people reflect the fact most people are vaccinated, not that the vaccines are ineffective, as implied in a social media post. Similar statistics show COVID vaccines continue to reduce the risk of dying and severe illness, an expert told Reuters.“


          “The data cited in the article show the majority of COVID-19 deaths are among vaccinated people, particularly the elderly, a group that is nearly 94% vaccinated in the United States. CDC Data cited in the same article shows that vaccination continues to reduce risk of death across all age groups.“

          “Data collected by the CDC from September 2021 to September 2022 and described in a Washington Post article shows that a majority of people dying from COVID-19 in the U.S. had been vaccinated because the majority of people in the U.S. are vaccinated, and does not reflect vaccine effectiveness.“

        • Laughable nonsense from Miner (as usual)

          Hint: Rutters would be even LESS valid a “fact checker” than the twits at Snipes.

        • The majority of Covid deaths are among the vaxxed but we’re still going to pretend it’s effective. Wow, okay. They can’t admit they were wrong even if it causes more young, otherwise healthy people complications or death. NEVER trust these people again.

      • After the second shot I was stricken with myocarditis that lasted for two months. On the worst day, my blood pressure shot up to 225/180 along with severe angina, but after that started to get better. My cardiologist refused to believe that the vaccine had anything to do with it, but he could not find a blockage to explain it either. No more boosters for me, as I fear they may kill me.

        • My 54 year old brother has had heart problems since his jab a little over a year ago. Enlarged heart was the start of it.

    • As soon as I saw the words “authored by a trio in Canada”, I knew what to expect from the rest of the article.

      Canada used to be considered as America’s polite cousin that could be regarded as a friend. Now it’s like the next door neighbor you always thought was someone you could chat with over the backyard fence, but turned out to be a psycho who’s been the reason why local pets have been disappearing. Oh Canada!…how you have fallen.

        • “Safe and effective” somehow has become “suddenly and unexpectedly”.

          We purebloods are glad we didn’t bend the knee.

      • Whoops thought we revised that out of the history books by now. But hey the New Deal was an economic wonder that ended the great depression……….

  2. NO what it signifies is that those who do not get vaccinated are more likely to be unthinking risk-takers with little regard for their fellow citizens. Because ALL vaccinations are to the benefit of ones fellow citizens and not just to ourselves as individuals – In fact that’s the whole point OF vaccinatiion – creating a short-cut to a HERD IMMUNITY. I’d bet that you would also find that proportionally the more radical GUN OWNERS of AMERICA have similar attitude to vaccinatiions’
    It’s not just in the USA though there are are similar finding in the UK and elsewhere like th non-wearing of seat belts, using mobile phones whilst driving, dangerous/careless driving and exceptional speeding.

    • Cool story you boosted yet? All 3? No then you are reckless and unvaccinated and need to go catch up. LOL you will never be vaccinated.

      • I had the mandatory shots. Never had the boosters because my employer, while saying we could take paid time off to get them, refused all applications to do so.

    • It doesn’t signify anything; it purports.The “facts” in the article have not been corroborated and are slanted to the left.
      Gun owners are the most careful and thoughtful of people. They have to be.

      • not so much anymore.
        just saw an article on breitbart re a group of armed ‘antifa’ types in masks and dark clothes, ‘guarding’ a drag queen show from ‘right wing’ protesters.
        not all firearms owners are your friends.

    • Exactly how am I harming someone else by not taking a jab that doesn’t stop the spread of disease? How does someone not wearing a seat belt hurt you? You start telling me about insurance, you better think it through. Why should the other subjects to the crown pay for your love of pork, eggs, hoisting a pint, going sky diving, on and on.

        • Tbone or run under, seatbelt kills you. Head-on it is good.

          30% the seatbelt hurts you, 70% it helps. Not so clear cut…

      • “30% the seatbelt hurts you, 70% it helps. Not so clear cut… “

        Interesting statistic, would you be kind enough to cite your source for this information?

        “Unbelted occupants can put other people in the vehicle at risk. In a frontal crash, drivers and front-seat passengers are at increased risk of injury from unbelted back-seat passengers, and in a side-impact crash, passengers sitting adjacent to unbelted passengers are at increased risk of injury.

        Exposure to unbelted occupants increases the risk of injury or death to other occupants in the vehicle by 40 percent (MacLennan et al., 2004). In a frontal crash, an unbelted rear seat passenger sitting behind a belted driver increases the risk of fatality for the driver by 137 percent compared with a belted rear seat passenger (Bose et al., 2013).

        In both the front seat and the back seat, seat belts reduce the risk of serious injury or death in a crash. Research has shown a 45 percent reduction in the risk of a fatal injury to front-seat car occupants when lap and shoulder belts are used (NHTSA, 2017). The risk of a moderate to critical injury is reduced by half. For people in front seats of SUVs, vans and pickups, the use of lap and shoulder belts reduces the risk of a fatal injury by 60 percent and a moderate to critical injury by 65 percent.

        In the center rear seat, lap and shoulder belts reduce the risk of fatal injury by 58 percent in cars and 75 percent in SUVs, vans, and pickups (Kahane, 2017).

        The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that seat belts saved the lives of 14,955 people in 2017 and more than 69,000 lives during the five-year period from 2013 through 2017 (National Center for Statistics and Analysis, 2019). An additional 2,549 lives could have been saved in 2017 if all passenger vehicle occupants older than age 4 had used seat belts.“


    • Yep gunnygene. “Trust the science”. I don’t want your gunz”. “Read my lips”. “Peace with honor”. “For the children”. “Yellow cake uranium”. Listen to Canaduh. Our new communist neighbor to the north🙄

    • Ho-lee crap!

      In that article, they literally went *there*, and no one here caught it yet?

      “Belief in freedom”.

      Translation, “Freedom is slavery”.

      They’re not even hiding it anymore, straight from George Orwell’s ‘1984’.

      “Freedom is slavery”, brought to you by their literal “Ministry of Truth”, the Leftist Scum ™ media… 🙁

      • Been that way for a while. Was seeing stuff like that for civil unrest training in the guard back in 2012 before I got out.

      • They haven’t been hiding it for a long, long while, dependent on where you looked. Been crowing at the top of my lungs about it since just past 9/11 when it was smashed into our faces, and too much to ignore or discount. Right there, writ by their own hand in ‘legal’ documents, presented publicly, and voiced blatantly right on the MSM nightly.

        I mean; Patriot Act, NDA 2011, O’bummah’s violation of Civil Rights in a blatant assassination of U.S. citizens sans trial of their peers during the IS days. The self declaration as the enemy of those freedom loving and self sufficient people like us as MVE’s. The wholesale discarding of the Checks and Balances system going on before our very eyes in the current moment, and a whole container’s ship worth lot more.

        • Was it that one or the NDAA fron a year or two later that authorized military use of propaganda (psyops) against US citizens?

        • I don’t recall offhand, believe that one was the later version. I’d have to look it up.

          2011 was the one where with a simple muddy accusation of being a ‘domestic terrorist’, it authorized the violation of all of your rights as a U.S. citizen to a public trial. And allowed for those to be absconded, again without trial or formal charges, to black sites, and authorized torture for those so designated.

          One of George Bush’s Sr. gifts that kept on giving. Was one the of provisions that SCOTUS squashed as unconstitutional, thankfully.

        • Likely should clarify, GB Sr. brought back (lesser) torture in the 2nd Gulf War. Water boarding, electrocution methods, and sensory deprivation tanks, and the like. Saying of course that it would only be condoned for use on terrorists.

          Of course, just like the promises of old around Civil Asset Forfeiture, the claims that it would only be applied to drug lords, and kingpins were soon forgotten. Then overstepping bounds once again & applied universally to college students, those trying to purchase vehicles, and little old ladies trying to buy restaurants via cash.

          Give them an inch, and they take the entire continent.

        • Neocons blur together along with the commies so no worries there is a lot of tyranny to keep up with.

        • That there is. My two fallacies of memory has always been names and birthdays.

          Never meant to insult the person, though a lot take it badly socially.

  3. “The cohort accounted for 6682 traffic crashes. Unvaccinated individuals accounted for 1682 traffic crashes (25 percent), equal to a 72 percent increased relative risk compared with those vaccinated.

    These data suggest that COVID vaccine hesitancy is associated with significant increased risks of a traffic crash”


    What about the other, ya know, all the other factors?

    Lets rewrite that to show how useless this is:

    The cohort accounted for 6682 traffic crashes. Coffee drinking while driving individuals accounted for 1682 traffic crashes (25 percent), equal to a 72 percent increased relative risk compared with those not drinking coffee while driving.

    These data suggest that drinking coffee while driving is associated with significant increased risks of a traffic crash.

    Now why did I use coffee drinking? It could have been any non-alcohol beverage so the coffee is just representative, but drinks in a cup that are tilted up to the mouth and not drinking by a straw. But here’s the point

    There just also happens to be, in real life; A ~72 % increased relative risk (of traffic accident – coffee drinking or any non-alcohol beverage) compared with those not drinking coffee while driving. And with a cohort that accounts for ~6682 traffic crashes, coffee drinking while driving individuals just also happens to account for ~1682 traffic crashes (~25 percent) out of that cohort. The reason: The majority of people drinking something while driving from a ‘cup’ type container tend to tilt the cup up into their line of vision at some point and tilt their head back a little thus not paying attention to traffic or their driving and tend to miss major cues that could have helped them avoid an accident during that drinking period.

    • When during any timeframe of the pandemic did any US related government provide any accurate information, research, data, study, or educated guess to the citizens?

      • “When during any timeframe of the pandemic did any US related government provide any accurate information, research, data, study, or educated guess to the citizens?”

        At all times, it was just their version of ‘accurate’.


  4. Expecting government to respect your civil rights and allow you freedom is only going to lead to disappointment, anger and stress.

    Stress and anger are unhealthy, mkay?

  5. It’s laughable that anyone thill trusts the government.

    -poisoning alcohol
    -broken treaties
    -constantly abandoning war allies
    -insider trading for Congress
    -chemtails are a crazy conspiracy but stratospheric aerosol injections are key to combatting climate change
    -everything in the Twitter files
    -toxic water and burn pits at military bases

    Our gov in Yancey and everyone programming him wants profit and power regardless of how many of us die.

    Anyone who trusts the government is a fool.

    • “It’s laughable that anyone still trusts the government.”

      I find it frightening, myself. Orwell’s ‘1984’ was supposed to be a dire warning… 🙁

      • The last few years made it easy to identify good doctors, if they offer the shot they are worthless outside of their specialty and should be largely ignored or have third opinions sought.

  6. Once upon a time there were three predatory Canadian doctors working for predatory governments and they wrote an article that was published in the American Journal of Medicine…

  7. Because we should trust:

    1. How the cohort data was selected.
    2. How vaccination status was assigned.
    3. How a crash was defined.
    4. How the data was filtered. Example : if you had only one shot, maybe you were counted as not vaccinated. Example 2: If your last shot was more than 6 months ago, maybe you were counted as not vaccinated. Example 3: If you were vaccinated and in a crash but the crash was deemed ‘not at fault’ maybe your crash was not counted.

    I’ve seen the CDC play wild games in filtering data related to vaccine injuries, filtering and filtering until they hid the signal.

    It is easy to do.

  8. Because we should trust:

    1. How the cohort data was selected.
    2. How vacksination (censors) status was assigned.
    3. How a crash was defined.
    4. How the data was filtered. Example : if you had only one shot, maybe you were counted as not vacksinated. Example 2: If your last shot was more than 6 months ago, maybe you were counted as not vacksinated. Example 3: If you were vackinated and in a crash but the crash was deemed ‘not at fault’ maybe your crash was not counted.

    I’ve seen the CDC play wild games in filtering data related to vacksine injuries, filtering and filtering until they hid the signal.

    It is easy to do.

  9. What a crock of sh!t. For me, freedom means being able to evaluate the available vaccines and treatments and make my own decision whether the benefits outweigh the risks.

    I’ve gotten and will continue to get every booster I can as soon as it becomes available. As COVID mutates away from the strain a version of the vaccine was designed to handle, the vaccine becomes less effective. However, at worst, it’s good enough to keep me out of the hospital and out of the grave. That’s more than the unvaccinated can claim.

    • I am unvaccinating for covid, have had it twice, and the only reason I knew that I had it was from a + test. I wasn’t even sick from it. Bee and wasp stings have a 3 to 4 times higher fatality rate and I get stung all of the time and I don’t freak out over that either.

    • You are expert at identifying a crock of shit, opening it up, and partaking of the contents. Why should I lose my livelihood for a shot that doesn’t stop the spread of disease? Is that how you spell freedom? On another note, rider shooter, what do you think of this?

    • Look at China. Their domestic shots weren’t even 50% effective against the original strain and completely useless against later strains.

      Now the lines to funeral parlors, who are cremating 24×7, are getting so long you have to pay a scalper to jump the queue.

      • “Their domestic shots weren’t even 50% effective against the original strain and completely useless against later strains“

        China does not have the much more effective MRNA vaccines that America and Europe are currently producing.

        “Beijing’s failure to import mRNA Covid jabs ‘mind-boggling’, says BeiGene executive

        Chinese biotech’s research chief calls decision ‘unfortunate’ as zero-Covid policy strangles economy“


    • Kendall, How do you make an educated decision on whether to take it when they constantly lie to you about it?

  10. Once upon a time people in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany had great “trust” in their governments and we know how that turned out for them…

  11. Anyone that takes the government’s word, or the word of their surrogates and useful idiots, is just living in a blinding fog of self-induced head in their rectum.

    when it comes to the dangers of the various experimental “medical” products people are being injected with to fight a virus with very low death rates, one should avoid the narratives of big pharma, large medical institutions, government agencies, and most politicians and their oress secretaries.

    One should be most interested in data from nations that didn’t violate Nuremberg protocols and either avoided the jabs in large numbers and/or employed refuse of existing drugs in various combinations.

    The metadata studies show the less the percentage of jabs and more alternative meds, the higher the survivability and less illness and hospitalization.

    The US protocol for ICU patients is a known killer, but it makes hospitals mega bucks.

    The VAERS system and the Vsafe data show significant short term and long term health problems and injuries.

    The “Not Cool” doctors, researchers and independent journalists across the planet, in conducting their independent and collaborative research are showing that these experimental jabs far exceed the injury levels allowed for any other med or jab in the past.

    But big pharma is making major dough with no liability for their knowledge of injuries or lack of proper safety tests. Ask yourself, who is the biggest sponsors of legacy media?

    The shutdown of ivhermektin? Because if a cocktail of cheap drugs could be demonstrated to have great effect, the Emergency Use Authorization could never be in effect.

    As Ron Johnsons several meetings of victims, independent journalists, researchers and doctors have shown, the government can’t be trusted.

    • When ivermectin and various anti malarial drugs went from multifunction medical breakthrough drugs to horse paste and malpractice despite vastly better treatment outcomes in any objective study I quit giving a single fuck about anything the government or their medical or pharmaceutical sock puppets had to say.

  12. “Joe Biden and advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci were shot up more times than a Toronto junkie, yet both tested positive.”

    OMG, now that is funny! Thanks for bringing us such an entertaining item, John Boch.

  13. I took the chance and took the first 2 shots and 1 booster. At my age, 77 then, I figured I’d rather take my chances with the shot rather than depend on luck not to catch the chinese flu and possibly die. Those who don’t take the shots and suffer no ill feelings are too few in number to make a generalization relative to take or not to take. Exceptions always exist be they due to good health or luck. Not everyone’s circumstances are the same.

  14. “Follow the science”
    From people that do NOT understand, believe in, or actually use science.

    These people are not interested in science.

  15. There is also a correlation that the more the government spends on science, space, and technology the more people commit suicide by strangulation, hanging, and suffocation. Maybe we should stop funding studies like this because it is leading to people killing themselves! If it only saves one life.

  16. Breaking news! Now you can get vaccinated for traffic crashes. Chant with me now: safe and effective. Safe and effective. If you get the thing you were vaccinated for, make sure to tell the world how grateful you are that you’re vaccinated.

  17. Hospitals and doctors are what’s bad for your health.
    400,000 Americans die each year from MEDICAL MISTAKES.
    That’s over ten times the yearly death rate from ALL gun deaths, police killing people, suicide, accidental, Chicago….etc.

  18. I am 63 and vaccinated for COVID(Moderna), no boosters. I now have an active case of COVID-Xbb.1.5. I can say, for me, a non smoker, its as bad as the flu, but no worse. Do to other health factors I was provided and did take PaxLOVID. By the second dose I had a bitter “crushed aspirin” taste in my mouth for five and one half straight days. NOTHING removed that taste, nothing. I am at day 14 of this infection and am feeling better. I believe the drugs did help. IMO, I would say for most adults of reasonable health, this virus is very survivable. My senses have returned to normal and since I work from home (legal profession) I did work 3 out of 5 days last week(my choice). Make your own choices.

  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oTaurIhGP4


    A group of FEDERAL PUBLIC DEFENDER offices have submitted an Amicus Brief in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals supporting the right to keep and bear arms in the pending appellate case of RANGE V. GARLAND. The Court of Appeals in the RANGE case will be considering whether the application of 18 USC 922g to non-violent felons violates the 2nd Amendment.

  20. I keep telling everyone, “There’s just too much freedoming going on around here”.

    Now I have scientific proof.

  21. My brother in law, a retired RN, took the jab. We were talking the other day, and he admitted he made a mistake. He then says to me, my friends that were in the military tell me they got so many shots they didn’t know what they were getting. I don’t understand why they care about this one. I replied, as someone who did go through the line in bootcamp getting shots in both arms, is it lost on you that’s the only one we bitch about?

  22. my wife is 53
    the only women
    that shes ever known
    to have had a pulmonary embolism
    had it in the last year
    one was 25 anf the other was 30
    and they both were vaxxed

  23. Humans need to take more covid vaccines, .gov will even pay you $50 to take the perfectly safe vaccine. I do not know why more humans dont get the euthanization shot?

  24. My mother is 88, never vaxxed.
    Went grocery shopping and caught Omicron from one of the store employees.
    She was sick for a few days in bed and then absolutely fine.
    The next time she went shopping she was told by the store manager that he and 3 other employees had caught it also so she better be careful. Mom laughed.
    Neighbors work as drivers for UPS and Fed Ex.
    Never vaxxed, see hundreds of people a day, never sick.
    Neighbor one house down was double vaxxed and boosted as was his wife.
    Wife got sick, was admitted to the hospital and had a month long stay.
    Me, not one to get sick got something bad in 10/2019.
    Thought it was strep, insanely sore throat, nobody had heard the word “Covid” yet.
    Two strep tests came back negative, alternating chills and sweats.
    Lost my voice completely on day two and was sick for 5 days.
    Part of my job is to cater to customers from Chicago’s Chinatown.
    A week off and I was fine. A few months later in 2/2020 the SHTF.

    “Jonas Salk injected himself, his wife and his three sons in his kitchen.”
    That’s how HE tested the polio vaccine.

    “Joe Biden and advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci were shot up more times than a Toronto junkie, yet both tested positive.”

    I’m not the conspiracy kind of guy but prove to me they weren’t given saline.

    • They finally admitted it won’t keep you from catching or spreading Covid. The CDC changed their definition to cover their tracks. They tried to pretend like they didn’t spend the past two years telling us we were going to kill grandma if we didn’t get the vax. If it doesn’t stop you from getting it, then why the government mandates? We’re led by sadistic fools.

      The pfizer CEO admitted under oath in Europe, that they never even tested if the vax would stop the transmission of the virus. They lied to us.

      I didn’t distance from one of my kids who caught it in 2020 around Christmas. Likewise, I never distanced from another one of my kids who just caught it recently. We were in close contact indoors. I never caught it. If I did, then I was asymptomatic.

      • They are experimental drugs made in haste with no prior testing. Regardless of where you fall politically, you would have to be blind not see understand that very simple fact.

        The population took the shots out of fear and Americas corporations, companies, and small businesses went with it for the same reason. Although many companies simply complied with Biden’s demand that it will be required of anyone that does business with the American government. This too is undeniable.

        If this were ANYTHING else, few would have complied.

        It wasn’t for some time later that it became more obvious that the shots didn’t actually work. But that never changed all the fear.

        Many people have died from Covid and more will likely lose their life to these shots. I simply cannot see this as anything other than a situation where the response was worse than the problem itself. Many would still be alive if not for government interfering in what is so very clearly a medical issue.

        The idea that the left will yell out “my body my choice” but then turn around and demand that it doesn’t matter if it’s your body that you have no choice is completely absurd. But then so is the idea the EVERYONE will so willingly agree to such ridiculousness is too. It’s obvious that it was NEVER about human health.

        • I do find it interesting though that before Biden took office, the entire Democrat party railed against the shots as it was seen as a ‘Trump accomplishment’. But then just as soon as we call Biden ‘president’, all that changes and all of the sudden…everyone MUST take the drugs.

        • “Democrat party railed against the shots”

          It’s the same reason they hypocritically chant, “my body my choice.” They don’t believe in anything except power.

        • OK no problem I’m glad you’re exercising your freedom by avoiding vaccinations.

          It’s working out for everyone.
          I especially enjoyed your philosophies impact on the midterm elections.

          “In a detailed examination of data from Ohio and Florida, the National Bureau of Economic Research has found that “political affiliation has emerged as a potential risk factor for COVID-19,” and that significantly more Republicans than Democrats have died from the virus since the introduction of vaccines in early 2021 to protect against the disease.

          By cross-referencing voter registration data and mortality figures, the study found that “excess death rates” — the number of deaths above pre-pandemic levels — for registered Republicans were significantly higher than for registered Democrats after the introduction of Covid-19 vaccines.

          “If these differences in vaccination by political party affiliation persist, then the higher excess death rate among Republicans is likely to continue through the subsequent stages of the COVID-19 pandemic,” the study, which was published in September, concluded.“


        • They didn’t even use Cov19 deaths as a guide. They used excess deaths as their guide. Some of those deaths could have even been caused by the vax. Look at the data they provide. There’s a spike in excess deaths after the virus is introduced. Then, there’s another spike in excess deaths after the vax is introduced. Now why would that happen?

          They also never note if the deceased was vaxxed or not. “Second, because we did not have information on an individual’s vax* status, analyses of the association between vax* rates and excess deaths relied on county-level vax* rates.”

          Some of those excess deaths were caused by despair. This was an unfortunate result of the lockdowns and constant fearmongering.

          We have no idea what the people in these two states died from. We also don’t know their vax status. So what’s the point of this study? Political consumption. “Lack of individual-level vax* status limits our ability to draw broad conclusions”

          *avoiding moderation

        • Dude for fun reading check out shingles, cancer, and t cell suppression re shots and boosters and try to see how big an increase cancer played in last year’s excess deaths.

        • “Some of those excess deaths were caused by despair.“

          Now there is a rocksolid claim, I’m excited to see what data you have that justifies your assertion.

        • Miner,
          This has been a concern from the beginning. You’re either playing dumb or living under a rock. I told you I’m done doing your homework for you, but this took me about two seconds to find. Here’s a start. Figure it out yourself.

          “Mortality in 2020 significantly exceeds the total of official COVID-19 deaths and a normal number of deaths from other causes. Certain characteristics suggest the excess are deaths of despair.”

          ‘Deaths of despair’ during COVID-19 have risen significantly in 2020, new research says

        • SAFE,
          I didn’t even mention all of the excess deaths that were due to lack of medical care because they stopped accepting patients for a time. Then some places refused to provide life-saving medical care if the patient wasn’t vaxxed. It was a total clusterF from the beginning.

        • Dude the problem is the lack of care re 2021 was questionable and the trend is continuing in 2022 with no such excuse.

        • Dude,

          This has been a concern from the beginning. You’re either playing dumb or living under a rock.”

          No, Dude, I assure you he’s not playing. In MinorLiar’s case, it’s the REAL THING. Boy is so dumb, when he’s told you howdy, he’s told you all he knows.

        • It was about human health. I had pneumonia in the last days of Jan 2020. I was released from the hospital and was still sick, went back in at the end of Feb. They put me in isolation and treated me for “Legionnaire’s Disease”, which is an issue in buildings with old fashioned cooling towers(I was only in a 10 year old hospital, so I had to catch it during my first stay). I am sure I caught it at the hospital during that stay. I almost died. When the shots came out I got one ASAP(my immunity is not good). People that are old and have suppressed immunity systems are the ones that need the shot, not healthy people.
          I caught it again in the following year(they had tests then) and it was not a big deal.
          I don’t like being forced to do something like this, but in my particular case, I think it was the right thing to do.
          Since our household has 4 generations in and out all the time, we get everything that is going around. We can’t just hide in our home and get everything delivered that we need.

  25. quote————–Maybe it’s because the COVID vaccines don’t work very well. ————quote

    The Right Wing Neanderthals never consider the fact that some protection is better than no protection and people who have pre-existing health conditions are very much more likely to die if not vaccinated. IN FACT THE COVID VACCINATIONS ARE VERY EFFECTIVE.


    Effectiveness in Adolescents and Children
    COVID-19 vaccines continue to protect against severe disease, hospitalization, and death in children and adolescents, including during Omicron variant predominance. While we have seen waning effectiveness against infection across all age groups, children and adolescents who are vaccinated are still less likely to get infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, compared to those who are unvaccinated.

    A CDC study published in August 2022 on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among children and adolescents.

    COVID-19 vaccination continues to protect against multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). MIS-C is a severe condition that can develop 2–6 weeks after infection with the virus that causes COVID-19.
    Children ages 5–18 years who were vaccinated with two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine were less likely than those who were unvaccinated to develop multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C).
    The estimated vaccine effectiveness of two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in preventing MIS-C was 84%. Among children ages 5-11, vaccine effectiveness against MIS-C was estimated to be 78%, and among those ages 12–18, it was 90%.
    This analysis provides evidence that vaccinating children and adolescents is highly effective in preventing severe COVID-19 related complications, including MIS-C, and highlights the importance of vaccination among all eligible children.

    Outcome Vaccine effectiveness* Age Group Vaccine(s)# Population Study period Monitoring System Publication Date/Journal/First author
    Hospitalization 61% for 2 doses during BA.1
    92% for 3 doses 7–119 days after 3rd dose during BA.1
    85% for 3 doses ≥120 days after 3rd dose during BA.1
    24% for 2 doses during BA.2/BA.2.12.1
    69% for 3 doses 7–119 days after 3rd dose during BA.2/BA.2.12.1
    52% for 3 doses ≥120 days after 3rd dose during BA.2/BA.2.12.1
    55% for 3 doses among ≥50yo ≥120 days after 3rd dose during BA.2/BA.2.12.1
    80% for 4 doses among ≥50yo >1 week after 4th dose during BA.2/BA.2.12.1
    mRNA 10 states Dec 18, 2021–Jun 10, 2022 VISION 7/22/2022 MMWR, Link-Gelles R
    SARS-CoV-2 infection 58% overall, without prior infection
    67% ≤150 days of receipt of the 2nd dose of Pfizer-BioNTech, pre-Delta period
    75% ≤150 days of receipt of the 2nd dose of Moderna, pre-Delta period
    33% >150 days of receipt of the 2nd dose of Pfizer-BioNTech, Delta period
    77% >150 days of receipt of the 2nd dose of Moderna, Delta period
    mRNA 4,315 residents in 105 nursing homes in 10 states Dec 14, 2020–Nov 9, 2021 N/A 7/20/2022 CID, Hatfield KM
    Hospitalization 52% overall
    70% against ICU admission
    47% against non-ICU hospitalization
    80% during Delta
    38% during Omicron
    69% for either variant when maternal vaccination occurred after 20 weeks of pregnancy
    38% when maternal vaccination occurred during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy
    Infants (150 days before illness onset (Delta†)
    88% after 2 doses, 14-150 days (Delta†)
    94% after 3 doses (Delta†)
    65% after 2 doses (Omicron†)
    86% after 3 doses (Omicron†)
    mRNA 21 U.S. hospitals Mar 2021–Jan 2022 IVY 3/9/2022 BMJ, Lauring AS
    Emergency department/urgent care visits 46% in children within 14–67 days after dose 2
    51% in children within 14–67 days after dose 2 (Omicron†)
    83% in adolescents 12–15 years within 14–149 days after dose 2
    76% in adolescents 16–17 years within 14–149 days after dose 2
    38% in adolescents 12–15 years ≥150 days after dose 2
    46% in adolescents 16–17 years ≥150 days after dose 2
    86% in adolescents 16–17 years ≥7 days after dose 3
    81% in adolescents 16–17 years ≥7 days after dose 3 (Omicron†)
    Children (5–11 years)
    Adolescents (12–15 years)
    Adolescents (16–17 years)
    mRNA 10 states Apr 2021–Jan 2022 VISION 3/4/2022 MMWR, Klein NP
    Hospitalization 74% in children within 14–67 days after dose 2
    92% in adolescents 12–15 years within 14–149 days after dose 2
    94% in adolescents 16–17 years within 14–149 days after dose 2
    73% in adolescents 12–15 years ≥150 days after dose 2
    88% in adolescents 16–17 years ≥150 days after dose 2
    Children (5–11 years)
    Adolescents (12–15 years)
    Adolescents (16–17 years)
    mRNA 10 states Apr 2021–Jan 2022 VISION 3/4/2022 MMWR, Klein NP
    Hospitalization 37% for primary series alone among immunocompetent adults
    65% for primary series plus one booster among immunocompetent adults
    76% 7-120 days after receipt of booster dose
    63% for primary series plus two boosters among immunocompetent adults
    49% for primary series alone among immunocompromised adults
    69% for primary series plus one booster among immunocompromised adults
    72% 7-120 days after receipt of booster dose
    mRNA, Janssen 21 U.S. Hospitals December 26, 2021-June 30, 2022 IVY 10/11/2022 BMJ Adams, K
    (Spotlight study above)
    Multisystem inflammatory syndrome 84% overall after two doses
    78% after two doses among children ages 5-11
    90% after two doses among adolescents ages 12-17.
    Children (5–11 years)
    Adolescents (12–17 years)
    mRNA 29 pediatric hospitals across 22 states July 1, 2021- April 7, 2022 Overcoming Covid-19 8/4/2022 CID, Zambrano L
    (Spotlight study above)
    Emergency department/urgent care visits 84% among pregnant adults 14-149 days after 2nd dose, Delta period
    75% among pregnant adults ≥150 days after 2nd dose, Delta period
    81% among pregnant adults 7-119 days after 3rd dose, Delta period
    3% among pregnant adults 14-149 days after 2nd dose, Omicron period
    42% among pregnant adults ≥150 days after 2nd dose, Omicron period
    79% among pregnant adults 7-119 days after 3rd dose, Omicron period
    124% among pregnant adults ≥120 days after 3rd dose, Omicron period
    Adults aged 18-45 years
    mRNA 10 states June 1, 2021-June 2, 2022 (site-dependent) VISION 9/26/2022 JAMA Open Schrag, S.
    (Spotlight study above)
    Hospitalization 84% among pregnant adults 14-149 days after 2nd dose, Delta period
    75% among pregnant adults ≥150 days after 2nd dose, Delta period
    81% among pregnant adults 7-119 days after 3rd dose, Delta period
    3% among pregnant adults 14-149 days after 2nd dose, Omicron period
    42% among pregnant adults ≥150 days after 2nd dose, Omicron period
    79% among pregnant adults 7-119 days after 3rd dose, Omicron period
    124% among pregnant adults ≥120 days after 3rd dose, Omicron period
    99% among pregnant adults, 14-149 days after 2nd dose, Delta period
    96% among pregnant adults ≥150 days after 2nd dose, Delta period
    97% among pregnant adults 7-119 days after 3rd dose, Delta period
    86% among pregnant adults, 14-149 days after 2nd dose, Omicron period
    64% among pregnant adults ≥150 days after 2nd dose, Omicron period
    86% among pregnant adults, 7-119 days after 3rd dose, Omicron period
    53% among pregnant adults ≥120 days after 3rd dose, Omicron period
    Adults aged 18-45 years
    mRNA 10 states June 1, 2021-June 2, 2022 (site-dependent) VISION 9/26/2022 JAMA Open Schrag, S.
    (Spotlight study above)
    Hospitalization 94% among adults <2months after 2nd dose, pre-Delta period
    96% among adults <2 months after 2nd dose, Delta period
    87% among adults 4-5 months after 2nd dose, pre-Delta period
    89% among adults 4-5 months after 2nd dose, Delta period
    73% among adults <2 months after 2nd dose, Omicron period
    57% among adults 4-5 months after 2nd dose, Omicron period
    96% among adults <2 months after 3rd dose, Delta period
    89% among adults <2 months after 3rd dose, Omicron period
    66% among adults 4-5 months after 3rd dose, Omicron period
    72% among adults ages 50-64 years after 4th dose, Omicron period
    76% among adults ages 65 years and older after 4th dose, Omicron period
    48% among immunocompromised adults after 4th dose, Omicron period
    mRNA 10 states January 2021-July 12, 2022 VISION 10/03/2022, BMJ, Ferdinands, J
    (Spotlight study above)
    Emergency Department/Urgent Care 95% among adults <2 months after 2nd dose, pre-Delta period
    93% among adults <2 months after 2nd dose, Delta period
    63% among adults <2 months after 2nd dose, Omicron period
    96% among adults <2 months after 3rd dose, Delta period
    83% among adults <2 months after 3rd dose, Omicron period
    46% among adults 4-5 months after 3rd dose, Omicron period
    57% among adults ages 50-64 years after 4th dose, Omicron period
    73% among adults ages 65 years and older after 4th dose, Omicron period
    mRNA 10 states January 2021-July 12, 2022 VISION 10/03/2022, BMJ, Ferdinands, J
    (Spotlight study above)
    Infection 25.8% against infection among adults <60 days after 2nd vaccine booster dose
    mRNA 19 states March 29–July 25, 2022 N/A 9/30/2022, MMWR, McConeghy, K.
    (Spotlight study above)
    Critical illness 73.9% against critical illness among adults <60 days after 2nd vaccine booster dose
    mRNA 19 states March 29–July 25, 2022 N/A 9/30/2022, MMWR, McConeghy, K
    (Spotlight study above)
    Hospitalization 60.1% against hospitalization among adults <60 days after 2nd vaccine booster dose
    mRNA 19 states March 29–July 25, 2022 N/A 9/30/2022, MMWR, McConeghy, K
    (Spotlight study above)
    Death 89.6% against death among adults <60 days after 2nd vaccine booster dose
    mRNA 19 states March 29–July 25, 2022 N/A 9/30/2022, MMWR, McConeghy, K
    (Spotlight study above)

    • The Left Wing Neanderthals never consider the fact that some protection is better than no protection and people who have pre-existing safety concerns are very much more likely to die if not armed. IN FACT GUNS IN THE HANDS OF AVERAGE CITIZENS ARE VERY EFFECTIVE.

      • Wouldn’t wish ade or vaids on anyone not directly mandating or profiting from this madness.

    • If you actually believe anything you posted God help you, if you are shilling a defective gene therapy drug you get what you deserve.

    • LMAO, dacian your a hoot.
      All that typing and all most of us do is scroll through your lines of sht.

  26. Paranoia runs deep
    Into your life it will creep
    Starts when you’re always afraid
    Get out of line the men come and take you away
    Excerpt from “For What it’s Worth” Buffalo Springfield, circa 1961

  27. Not a single person I know who has refused the vax has died, not so much for those I know who have been vax’d.

    • Have a 58 yr old cousin and a “since childhood” 64 yr old friend both died within 3-4 weeks of taking the “vaccine”. Both were doing fine until….

      • and I haven’t worn a muask nor been vaccinated since this whole shit show started and it’s been healthiest 3 yrs I remember…and I went everywhere.

  28. Propaganda….”American Journal of Medicine: Belief In Freedom, Distrust of Government are Bad for Your Health”

    Truth…. A Belief In Freedom,and The Distrust of Government And It’s Corrupt Politician’s are Bad for Your Tyrannical Government’s Health.

    And that ain’t just Whistlin’ Dixie.

  29. Someone very close to me had a car accident during a vacs induced stroke. I cannot express how much damage I would like to inflict upon those responsible for pushing this upon us.

    • Someone very close to me went into constant afib after the shot and it never stopped until a recent short stay in a hospital to restart the heart. Time at a hospital that was denied for the longest because since this all started, doctors seemed to no longer want to be doctors anymore.

  30. depending on pill-dindus can be hazardous to your life…we don’t prescribe ivermectin, etc….

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