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Greg, an analyst from Illinois calls this his “EDC with a PocKit pouch“.Ā  I call it is “Rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it” ensemble.Ā Ā  Via Everyday Carry.

It’s a lot of stuff.Ā  Yes, another person that carries more than my 10ish pounds of pocket stuff.

He explains:

Okay, yes, that is a lot of stuff to be carrying around all day. But indulge me and I can assure you that it all fits on my person.

The PocKit is the most important piece, as it does most of the heavy lifting if you will. What is it carrying? The Skeletool, pens, notebook, RUK, bit kit, nail clippers, and i3T EOS.

So what does that leave us with?

The Keybar with the Style CS, and the Kershaw hangout in the front right pocket. The wallet and hanky go in the back right pocket. The S1R II goes in the left front pocket along with my phone (not pictured), and the PocKit is in the back left until I reach my destination at which time I take it out to sit (usually at my office desk). Admittedly, the PocKit often ends up in my shoulder bag instead of my back pocket. Still easy to get to and keeps my smaller EDC items organized.

That just leaves the Glock, and watch. I carry AIWB (in a holster, not pictured). I think the watch is pretty obvious.

So there you have it, everything in its place! Is this a lot to carry? Yeah, sure. Am I gonna use it all everyday? I doubt it. But as the old adage goes, I’d rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.


Yes, there are (at least) three flashlights in there:Ā  An Olight S1R II Mini-Baton Light, an Olight i3T and a little 550-lumen keychain light (follow the link for the hundred word description).

He has a G26 and a spare mag, along with a blade.Ā  Or three.Ā  Wow.Ā  To each their own, I suppose.

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  1. Quite the load out.
    As you get older, you will start to carry less and less, till one day you look at your kit and all that’s there is a firearm, a knife and a light and spare mag that is optional depending on the day and place.
    The rest is “in the truck”.
    Still, nice.

    • I think a lot of sports and hobbies have a cycle to them as well. A novice backpacker doesn’t have everything they need, has to borrow gear from others with them and probably hasn’t spent enough to have quality so their stuff breaks down. Then they get a little into it and suddenly they’ve got two of everything and carry so much crap with them (just in case!) that they’re barely able to walk anymore. Then you meet an older guy who has been backpacking most of his life and he’s got half of that but he uses all of it and gets by just fine and can stroll on by all the gearheads up the trail.

      If I ever feel the need to carry so much crap around on my person when I’m going to the grocery store or other daily errands I think it’s time to re-evaluate my priorities or start carrying a purse (which I guess is basically what his “PocKit” is).

      • True. Streamlining happens in a lot of hobbies and sports. You see it with AR’s. People put a ton of “useful” stuff all over the rifle until it’s 12+lbs, then realize they don’t use half of it and strip a bunch off.

        It also varies with what you’re doing. Sometimes you carry specialized stuff for what you’re doing/your circumstances or you strip stuff off when you realize you don’t need it when you thought you might. Run the Darrin Fink and you’ll see a bunch of people rocking big heavy rifles in .308 Cheytac or .338 Lapua. 14+lbs for the base rifle plus optics, ammo, bipod, muzzle break etc. After hoofing that thing through half the course and dropping out they realize that maybe they didn’t really need a 22lb rifle on top of everything else they’re required to carry when they have to carry it 40+ miles and really only shoot it maybe 5% of the time that they’re there.

        That’s the kind of competition that regardless of your background or how well you think you’re prepared you show up, look at what other people have and immediately realize “Shit, these people have done this before. I have a ton of shit I don’t need and I’m out in the middle of fucking nowhere Wyoming missing a bunch of shit that I probably do need”. And… then you spend that night stripping out extraneous stuff and hoping you really don’t need the stuff you just figured out that you probably do.

        • @9, How did you know I live in Nowhere, Wyoming?
          Just so every one knows, Nowhere, Wyoming is half way between Someplace, Wyo. and Someplace Else, Wyo!

  2. I don’t need to read this to comment that IT IS MUCH BETTER TO HAVE IT AND NOT NEED IT than the other way around. That’s why my pants weight between 6 and 7 pounds WITHOUT a gun and/or ammo.

    • I disagree. I’d rather not have it if it means carrying 10+ lbs of stuff every day. Ill take the occasional inconvenience of having to walk to my car to get a screwdriver or a bigger knife/multitool.

  3. I see this as a pretty reasonable “business” loadout for a lot of people. I’m not sure what “analyst” means in this case but whatever.

    Most of it goes in that pocket organizer. The rest is pretty normal, even if a lot of EDCers don’t show us those items like watch and wallet, we just assume they’re there. At least I do, particularly for the wallet. A handkerchief isn’t common these days but it used to be and that’s not weird.

    Really the only “oddities” IMHO would be the redundancy in lights, multitools and those driver bits. The rest is normal even if it’s now shown much. That redundancy, he says some goes in his bag, adds what, maybe a pound to what he’s carrying?

    I mean, SoCalJack’s last EDC showed his pants. It’s not like we assume that every other EDC is from people who don’t wear pants just because they didn’t show them.

    Truth be told most people probably carry more than they realize and do so pretty regularly but not as part of their “EDC” in their way of thinking.

    • I carry 2 handkerchiefs on me at all times. One for my glasses and one for my nose. I have used the one for my glasses to apply pressure on a bleeding injury.

      In the boonies I carry large bandanna style bright red handkerchiefs. They are most useful and their bright color could serve as an emergency signal.

  4. Lots to unpack here, literally. Let me start by saying I got called out by criticizing so many here for carrying 2 knives. No you’ve gone to far. At least 4 knives, cant count the flashlights and pens, and who knows what the fuck else. This is absurd. Carry a gun, a knife, keep a flashlight and whatever else in the truck, or carry a goddamn purse. Son of a B people what are we doing here

    • What we’re doing here is calculated just to piss Art off. The whole reason for TTAG to be in existence is to piss Art off.

      Now you’ve got the memo.

      • The 2 knife thing was explained and kind of made sense. 4 knives? No way thats necessary. I. All fairness its more comic relief to see this than actual anger but godamn who hell needs all that shit

  5. I’d rather not weigh myself down 100% of the time with so much extra stuff so that in the rare .01% of the times I can have the exact tool I want. Seriously, what’s that point of more than one knife? I get sometimes different blade are better for certain tasks, but enough to justify carrying extras all the time? I keep one tiny knife on my person and a full tool kit in my car.

  6. Silly. Far too much to carry if it is even true that he does carry all of that.

  7. Another FannyNanny. 100 bucks says he doesnā€™t carry this stuff even when 25% of the time. Much less everyday.

    • Yep I call BS on this. I worked in IT field support before retiring and I had to carry around a pretty hefty laptop case with laptop and a bunch of other stuff for service needs. Only things in my pockets other than the usual was a Swiss Army knife or a small Leatheman type tool.

  8. So there you have it, everything in its place! Is this a lot to carry? Yeah, sure. Am I gonna use it all everyday? I doubt it. But as the old adage goes, Iā€™d rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

    Sure. And it has historically always been this way. Take this scenario from say Arizona Territory in the late 19th/turn of the 20th century. A omesteader, farmer, rancher, townsman, or even a traveler (with or without a wife or family) drives his wagon in Apache or outlaw country. Say he has a buckboard wagon, or even better a Surrey or larger wagon. His only firearm is a 10 gauge Parker, L.C. Smith, or Remington: Model 1874, 1882, or 1889 double-barrel “hammer” shotgun. The shotgun itself weighs a little over 8 lbs unloaded. A couple boxes of 10 gauge brass “black-powder” shells containing “double-ought” buckshot accompanies the big shotgun. Fortunately for the wagon traveler nothing happens. Yet the presence of that break open double-barrel 10 gauge not only provides armed security, protection, and a sense of peace and safety, but basically remains the only law, security, and protection available.

    My point: We remain no more civilized today vs. any other time in history. I again repeat, “and it historically has always been this way.” Bottom line: The individual is responsible for providing his/her own armed security and protection.

  9. Where are the hydration replenishment accessories ? So much has changed so rapidly. Remember, back in olden times, when people got thirsty? Nowadays folks are confronted with the dangerous and potentially deadly threat by quickly becomeing “dehydrated” and they need to quickly replenish their bodies with “fluids”. So much has changed so rapidly. Stay hydrated or you DIE !

  10. People carry so much. A knife, a gun with a light, a cellphone, wallet, and keys. Literally my EDC yet people out here rucking 30 lbs in their pants.

    And the whole two knives thing.. I carry two sometimes when Iā€™m feeling it but I also would do a Five Seven if I just ā€œfelt like itā€ too which I get. Guess itā€™d be nice to have ten knives and five guns and the backups to my backups to my backups but different people drawing different lines in the sand regarding their carry.

  11. Obviously a healthy young man. too much for this old retired guy to carry. But like I always say, if it works for him… It’s not my load.

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