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Another Mayors Against Illegal Guns Mayor Sentenced in Federal Court


“Mount Vernon Mayor Ernest Davis was sentenced in White Plains federal court on Friday to one year of probation and a $10,000 fine,” midhudsonnewscom. “Davis, 76, pled guilty last October to two counts of willfully failing to file federal income tax returns.” Mayor Davis was a member of now-former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s first foray into gun control politics: the Mayors Against Illegal Guns. He’s hardly the first MAIG Mayor to come a cropper ’cause of criminality. Davis’s wrist-slap gave TTAG reader PetitionForRedress a moment of clarity. “Now I get it! MAIG is a union of like-minded elected officials whose mission is to protect criminals … you know, as a professional courtesy.”

14 thoughts on “Another Mayors Against Illegal Guns Mayor Sentenced in Federal Court”

  1. Of course they want to disarm the citizenry.

    Wouldn’t want to the proletariat to be able to revolt against the political class when they make their injustices into law, now would we?

  2. Oh, come on, Robert. A little more digging and you would have found many more gems in the man’s past:

    From last October:

    “• A 2006 audit by the Department of Housing and Urban Development found Mount Vernon overbilled the agency by nearly $2 million. The audit led to a wider probe and the indictment of Davis’ former planning commissioner.

    • In 2007 federal investigators subpoenaed records related to Davis’ financial transactions and real estate holdings. That included a 47-49 S. Fifth Ave. office building that housed his private architecture firm and an apartment building at 14-16 E. Sandford Blvd. he sold in 2003. Proceeds form that sale were part of the tax-evasion charge.

    • In 2012 federal agents scrutinized several charities founded by Davis. One, the Mount Vernon Disaster Relief Fund, gave no money to victims for six years, until a woman who had relocated from New Orleans received $1,500. Four other charities were registered at Davis’ home and had been stripped of tax-exempt status.

    • Then-city Corporation Counsel and Davis’ Chief of Staff Nichelle Johnson last year was found to be driving a $45,000 BMW owned by controversial newspaper publisher and strip-club owner Sam Zherka, who twice sued the city in cases defended by Johnson — an apparent violation of city ethics laws. The city Ethics Board later cleared Johnson of wrongdoing. Zherka was indicted last month on unrelated federal tax fraud and other charges.

    • The city Board of Ethics also probed Davis’ link to an apartment owned by City Council President Roberta Apuzzo. Davis listed Apuzzo’s Mount Vernon apartment on official property records for his Delray Beach, Fla. condo, which meant the mayor’s tax bills were sent to Apuzzo’s home. The ethics board found no wrongdoing.”

    And of course, NB the lack of any party affiliation on the above. When a Democrat, particularly a black Democrat, gets into these “ethical lapses of judgement,” the press assiduously avoids any party label next to their name.

    • That’s all right–they make up for it by printing an ethically-challenged Repub’s party affiliation multiple times…Actually, tho, to be fair, most mayors that I know of do not run as Dem or Republican, at least not technically.

  3. Corrupt hypocrites = Politicians ! I think that about sums it up? Nothing new here just keep it moving.

  4. The response above lists a bunch of charges. The Feds spent a lot of time and money looking for dirt on Ernie. “ALL THEY GOT HIM FOR WAS A MISDEMEANOR CHARGE WITH PROBATION” and he’s still in office. he’s been teflon so far – respect his gangster….mt v is a mess though,,

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