Screen cap by Boch via ABC6
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Like many urban areas in the U.S., Philadelphia, thanks in part to it’s Soros-funded prosecutor who refuses to prosecute many crimes that are on the books, has a serious crime problem. Carjackings have become commonplace and more and more good people have decided to arm themselves for protection. Early Thursday evening, a man ran up to a pizza delivery guy and demanded his car at gunpoint.

The licensed good guy andswered him…ballistically. By the time the robber hit the ground, he had six new leaky holes he hadn’t started the day with. The victim of the attempted carjacking then drove away and called police.

Meanwhile, two of the would-be 23-year-old carjacker’s accomplices took him to the hospital in critical condition.

From ABC6:

It happened around 7:38 p.m. when the 39-year-old delivery driver was dropping off food on the 3300 block of H Street in the city’s Kensington section.

“I was just remodeling my kitchen and talking to my son, and he was about to come out the door, and as soon as he went to open the door- that’s when we heard the shots,” neighbor Eric Howard told Action News.

Police say the delivery driver was approached by a 23-year-old man who pointed a gun at the male victim and demanded he get out of the car.

“The driver of that car- when he saw that this male was pointing a gun at him, demanding that he get out of the vehicle – brandished his own firearm, which he was legally allowed to carry,” said Philadelphia Police Inspector DF Pace.

The victim, who police say has a license to carry, grabbed his own gun and shot the suspect six times.

While Chicago still seems like an odds-on favorite to retain its Murder City, USA title, Philly seems to by vying for the American city with the most defensive gun uses this year. That probably has much to do with Pennsylvania’s much less restrictive gun control laws.

With over 100 carjackings in the first two weeks of the year, there seem like lots of opportunity for Philadelphia’s good guys to fight back.

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    • Hope he keeps his gig. Having had the local po-leece run through my yard gunz drawn chasing a carjacker I’m pro-plugging😎👌

  1. In other news:

    Concealed Carrying Store Owner Confronts Armed Robber, Successfully Sending Him Running After His Brazen Attack – SAN BRUNO, CALIFORNIA

    Concealed Carrier Shoots Man Who Was Stabbing Woman At Convenience Store – WACO, TEXAS

    Woman Fatally Shoots Man Who Broke Into Her Home And Shot At Occupants – COLDWATER, MISSISSIPPI

    With the reported Philly incident and these three (4 incidents), they represent (slightly) less than 0.1% of the defensive gun use daily like these all across the United States.

    • Add to that the 1 reported here a few days ago. The vape shop employee in Illinois that shot 2 armed robbers. Seriously wounding 1 and rendering the other room temperature.

  2. Is the next pizza free (after 30 minutes) if the delivery person is detained by LEO for shooting a POS criminal.🤔

    Asking for pizza lovers everywhere.

    • I dunno, but if the delivery guy explained (police report) why he was delayed it would be worth a $20 tip from me and free replacement rounds for ammo expended.

    • If a pizza delivery guy takes a carjacker off the street, I’m not gonna give them any grief about how late the pizza is, I’m gonna ask if they they’d like their tip in ammo.

  3. I used to enjoy going into Philly for the museums and restaurants (especially China Town). But that was years ago. I just stopped. Not worth the trouble, not worth the risks. Once in a while I drop my daughter at the Philly airport when she is traveling to visit friends in Washington State. I tried to get her to switch to Newark, but no direct flights.

    Why do Dems love crime? Why do they promote racism? Why do they hate the nuclear family? Why do they promulgate sexual dysphoria? Why are they so enthusiastic about social disorder and violence? Why do they subvert the Constitution? Why do they subvert Christianity and Judaism?

    Because they are loyal to forces outside of the USA.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      “Why do Dems love crime?”

      Because it leaves the population in fear. You can make all kinds of promises you never intend to keep to someone scared, because frightened people want to believe things will get better…

    • “Why do they subvert … Judaism?”

      they don’t. somehow that subject just never comes up. ever.

      ever notice in the movies how it’s always the priest or pastor that is corrupt or perverted, never the rabbi?

      • And there is is. ‘dem ebil joooz’. You fascist never change tunes.

        You’re not a failure because of a vast jewish conspiracy. You’re a failure because you’re a boob.

        • “Why do they subvert … Judaism?”

          they don’t. somehow that subject just never comes up. ever.

          ever notice in the movies how it’s always the priest or pastor that is corrupt or perverted, never the rabbi?

        • “I don’t see the part where you refute what he said”

          what he said is a distraction from the facts. that’s why I repeated my post, to emphasize that he wasn’t refuting anything himself.

    • In the immortal words of Rahm Emanuel former Chiraq mayor. “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, and what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” Especially one that you create.

  4. I’m waiting for the D-Bot to inform us that the delivery guy would have been safer to surrender his vehicle, his wallet and his hope that the gangsta’ didn’t decide to cap him after their transaction.

    The jacker’s two accomplices should receive the same ventilatory treatment on their next business outing.

    • Back in college, a friend of a friend ended up dead in something close to that very scenario.

      A couple of townies set him up with a fake order and were waiting for him when he showed up to deliver. He gave them all his money and the keys to his car, did everything they told him to do. And then they shot him in the back of the head so there would be no witnesses.

      • Yeah, that’s becoming more common that the bad guys kill you anyway after you comply. Its something like over 75% of the time on average now.

        • correction:

          “Yeah, that’s becoming more common that the bad guys kill you anyway after you comply. Its something like over 75% of the time on average now.”

          should have been…

          Yeah, that’s becoming more common that the bad guys kill or seriously injure you anyway after you comply. Its something like over 75% of the time on average now.”

          and … its actually over 80% of the time on average now.

        • “Yeah, that’s becoming more common that the bad guys kill you anyway after you comply. Its something like over 75% of the time on average now.”‘

          is there a cite for that? would love to see it.

      • Where I used to live, three teenagers used a fake order to lure a pizza delivery guy to a vacant address. After they robbed him, one of them, fifteen years old, stabbed him to death.

  5. “Meanwhile, two of the would-be 23-year-old carjacker’s accomplices took him to the hospital in critical condition.”

    That’s a bit surprising in and of itself. It seems like most of these stories end up with the accomplices ditching the perp in order to make their own escape.

  6. Nine out of ten carjackers agree — they do not like their pizza with a side of lead. The tenth didn’t respond to this survey because he’s dead, so we’ll have to wait until the next election to hear from him.

  7. The ’80s called. They want their carjackings back.

    On the other hand, carjackers getting shot full of holes by people who wouldn’t have been allowed to carry back in the bad old days is somewhat of a silver lining…

  8. This is how things need to happen. More legally armed people defending themselves will send a message and will change things for the better. There is no telling how many lives were saved by doing this.

    • “More legally armed people defending themselves will send a message and will change things for the better”

      if the legacy “media” (propaganda outlets) don’t carry it, most people won’t know it.

  9. Thjere should be a central repository of these self-defense 2A applications that would capture them for Libturds to be pointed to when they claim guns don’t benefit society. Numbers between 500,000-2,000,000 defensive guns uses annually are thrown around, but there is no central repository to capture them.

  10. Can’t believe that we haven’t heard from the Oracle himself, Lil ‘ d as of yet….maybe his High School has resumed in-class ” learning ” ? Anyone care to guess what pearls of wisdom from MadMagazine quoted studies he’ll be foisting on us as the God-honest truth ? Come on now, Lil cartoon face, make it worth the wait.

    • Probably, a revolver. But it was a great way to tagged the criminal element. Too bad it was not a room temperature delivery to the local morgue.

      • A 380 LCP or LCP2 could be a contender as well if the carrier was using the smaller capacity magazine.

  11. Frankly I do not care or want to hear if the pizza delivery guy had a license to wear a coat or not…Drivers license, concealed carry license, fishing license all flies out the window when your behind is caught between a rock and a hard spot.

  12. Abysmal! Despicable! 6 shots I ask you?
    The dude really needs to start practicing Mozambique Drills and stop wasting ammo.

  13. Wow. Dindu Nuffin was turning his life around, graduating high school this year. He stopped a pizza delivery guy to ask for a ride to Bible study and gets shot.

  14. “Police say the delivery driver was approached by a 23-year-old man who pointed a gun at the male victim and demanded he get out of the car.”

    I’ve shot several in my life time, no other choice and no other way out. Sometimes the only way out is through. The first one was a robbery/car jacking thing. I was at the drive through ATM about 8PM and three guys approached very quickly. No demands, and very quickly one of them right up at the open car window with my arm out to take the cash the ATM had just dispensed. He bends down looking at me and grabs the cash while slamming the end of the barrel of his revolver into my head and pulled the trigger and ‘click’… I looked at him and he was looking confused and then surprised as he saw me bringing my gun up and before he could pull the trigger again I jammed the barrel into his chest and started firing. With the first round he fell back against the ATM pulling his hand with revolver away then tried to bring his revolver back towards me and I kept firing putting all 7 rounds center mass just several inches away. He died there, the other two ran away.

    When the police arrived they found his revolver hammer was on an empty chamber, the guy had not loaded all the chambers and the hammer fell on an empty chamber. Had he pulled the trigger again it would have been a live round and if I had not shot him before he could do that I would not be here today.

    One of the other two who ran away was later caught and he and the dead one were tied to a series of robbery and car jacking over a eight month period in which they had either killed or seriously injured the victims. I’m pretty sure this guy would have gone on to kill or seriously injure others if he had not been stopped. The third one to my knowledge was never caught.

    Although no one can tell the future, this pizza delivery guy probably saved another life besides his own.

    • in Philyk likely a few dozen lives saved by this one pizza guy. Glad HE came out alive and unhurt.

      Seems he was using a very small handgun wiht a single stack mag. I did for a while…. a Kahr .40, six and one. About two years ago when the covidioocy and BeeYellEmm.Auntia Fa started surfacing (and I live not too far from two “hot sots” for the latter two) I dcided seven chances was not enough. So I switched to a full sized double stack, and carry a spare poreppe mag. Now I have twenty weven chances to help the perp(sP make informed decisions concerning their present conduct and likelihood of survivial.

      Good job this punk was an idiot punk. He was too stuid to comprehend that he was playing Russian Roulette but with only one empty chamber.

      ATM’s at night are spooky. MY van has me sitting up real high, I always have the window down, idling in Drive, steerng wheel clocked so s to pull me slightly to the rigth as I exit the lane., left foot on the brake. Lift left push right, and Im gone. Leave the bucks, card, whatever else. Get ME outta there. I’v ealso got my eyes searching the lARGE rearview side mirror as I wait. A few ATM’s I wont go to t night, close cover of loose trees, Lots of places for dirtbags to hide I di=o know this, too.. if a gang DID decide totry and take me and any are inthe way, my four tonnes accelarting away would hardly even feel the cow pies in the road.
      as I pull up to the mchine I am caarefllly scanning the surrounding area constantly to see if I see any mvoeemnt in the bushes, other cars, etc. Still I don’t ike those machines.

  15. Well, the lesson to be learned here is if there were less restrictive gun laws in Blue Cities so people could defend themselves eventually a lot of this stuff would be minimized. Personally, I like the idea of good people with guns shooting, fatally, bad people with guns regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference. When you play the game you pay the consequences and if you can’t live with that, don’t play the game. This is one of the reasons you don’t see too much of this in suburban/rural areas because these criminals know they are not going to get away with that nonsense in those communities. Shooting them is a very effective way of keeping the prison population down.

    • The one absolute truth about the death sentence, it irreversibly reduces recidivism.
      It is extremely difficult, if not impossible to commit crime when cold, stiff and in the ground.

  16. No one would have been hurt, if the guy in the car just listened to the carjacker. It’s only stuff – a pizza and a car. But no! He had to be a macho man, and unleash a giant juicy load of toxic masculinity.

  17. and this he DID do, so well. Letter perfect, almost. It would have saved a lot of taxpayer money had the perp been hit in more vulnerable areas. But, the Good Guy escaped unhurt. Shocked, ys=es, but he will recover.

  18. I guess the pizza wasn’t the only thing the delivery guy was carrying that was “hot and ready”. 🤔

    The perp f’ed around and found out, the hard way.

  19. How do these armed citizens win the fight against someone with a drawn gun?
    The citizen has to draw and shoot, while the criminal only has to pull the trigger.
    Only if the perps gun is unloaded, fake or malfunctions can you win a fight in that situation.

    • Or they don’t expect it. They’re doing something highly illegal and time-sensitive, usually in view of potential passers-by, and it makes for nerves and distraction. And if they’re demanding something that requires you to reach into your pockets and waistband, they may not realize you’re giving them what they deserve instead of what they want until it’s too late.

      As for “never draw on a drawn gun,” I figure if some goblin is pointing a gun at me, he’s already decided to kill me. The only questions are when and how I draw.

    • @Docduracoat

      “How do these armed citizens win the fight against someone with a drawn gun?
      The citizen has to draw and shoot, while the criminal only has to pull the trigger.
      Only if the perps gun is unloaded, fake or malfunctions can you win a fight in that situation.”

      “Only if the perps gun is unloaded, fake or malfunctions can you win a fight in that situation.

      That’s a myth.

      It is true that its possible if you ‘DRAW TO THE DROP’ (meaning if you draw after the bad guys gun is already pointed at you) but even then in over 70% of cases the victim is still able to fire and hit the offender.

      For example, A recent article here > > in that incident the bad guy had the driver at gunpoint, the driver drew his own weapon and fired and hit the bad guy and came out of it unharmed.

      i had my own experience, gun pointed right at my head. I drew to the drop and I’m here today (I outlined it here yesterday > ) – granted in my case the first trigger pull went click but the gun still pointed at my head he was going to pull the trigger again and if I did not draw to the drop I would not be here today because the next trigger pull would have been a live round.

      If the bad guy has a gun pointed at you then you can only assume he intends to use it. If you do not draw to the drop you have a greater chance of being killed or seriously injured whereas if you do draw to the drop your chances of being killed or seriously injured decrease greatly. This happens thousands of times across the U.S. every day and the victims using DGU escape unharmed, and then sometimes they are harmed so it happens but its far less likely to happen if you employ DGU even if you need to draw to the drop.

      According to Kleck’s “Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America” – the leading authority on the subject of compliance:

      1. Any form of resistance, except with firearm, carries with it an injury rate of 52%.

      2. Resistance with a firearm carried with it the risk of injury of 17%, but use of a firearm early in an encounter carries with it a risk of injury of 6%.

      Overall, in Kleck, you have a minimum of a 25% chance of being injured if you comply, but you are 4 time less likely to be injured if you have your firearm and are prepared to use it.

      Take away here summary: compliance may still result in injury (which includes death), resistance without a firearm carries a 52% chance of injury (which includes death), resistance with a firearm lowers chance of injury (which includes death) to 17%, resistance with a firearm early in the encounter further lowers risk of injury (which includes death) to 6%

      If you are armed are you willing to gamble that you are not in the 25%?
      if you are not armed are you willing to gamble that you are not in the 52%?

      Compliance or not, resistance or not – is not a decision one needs to make. The answer is already provided, non-compliance via firearms resistance offers the best chance of less injury.

      Kleck is substantiated thousands of times every day in the U.S. It was substantiated for the pizza guy, it was substantiated for me, its substantiated for thousands daily in the U.S.

      If the bad guy has his gun pointed at you you can only assume he intends to use it, you have no assurances other wise even if you do not resist and comply so the best course is to use the best chance you have to place the odds of survival in your favor as much as they can be. Granted, that could be anything that works but the only thing you have that gives you some level of assurance is defensive gun use.

    • @Docduracoat…

      as for your question

      How do these armed citizens win the fight against someone with a drawn gun?

      1. Training or…
      2. Being faster than the bad guy can react or …
      3. Taking advantage of a bad guy being distracted for a second or …
      4. Taking advantage of an ‘over confident’ bad guy tendency to think he/she has everything under control and you are completely subjugated and in too much fear to try anything or …
      5. Sometimes its the circumstances or …
      6. Sometimes its guts and luck or …
      7. Any combination of the above.

      But it does work thousands of times a day across the U.S.

      • 3 and 4 are big factors.

        “3. Taking advantage of a bad guy being distracted for a second or …”

        Some perps are regularly consuming “situational awareness” reducing substances.
        Also, spending more time looking around (for LEO and such) then maintaining focus on the mark.

        “4 . Taking advantage of an ‘over confident’ bad guy tendency to think he/she has everything under control and you are completely subjugated and in too much fear to try anything or …”

        Some get lulled into a false sense of “I’m in total control” when I pull a gun. This is cause by previously being in situations where someone pulls a gun on a group of people (who are unarmed), and everyone does one of two things, runs or complies.

        Most have little, if any, firearm training/practice.
        I’ve said a few times, train like your life depends on it, because it does.

        Muscle memory rules the day.

      • They act and the bad guy reacts. Action beats reaction every time. The bad guy is waiting for the cash, not a gun. He is surprised by the appearance of a gun. That is not the scenario he is playing out in his mind. The appearance of a gun pointed in his direction causes a deadly brain fart. Have to remember, these guys are not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. They may be under the influence of central nervous system depressants such as alcohol or heroin or some other such chemical which slows their reaction time.

        Those are some of the reasons why drawing a firearm and shooting the instant you are on target has such a good outcome.

        Did you watch the video of the good guy putting one in the brain bucket of the shooter in the church in Texas. The b.g. already had is shotgun pointed and was already shooting. The g.g. drew and fired putting an end to what could well have been a significant massacre.

        Training and will to act is what enabled the g.g. to end the action. Plus damned good shooting in all likely hood from regular practice.

  20. Gentlemen, Thank you for sharing your comments. So much we hear and take to heart is from “Armchair Einsteins” who have neither experience, nor skin in the game.
    You make this site worth watching.

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