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Anti-Anti-Gun Agitprop Contest Winner Revealed

Choosing a winner in our little contest was particularly tough given the impressive amount of creativity and talent put forth by TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia. A brick of .22LR is apparently a mighty powerful incentive. But choose we must and the winner of our little competition was Don N. for this gem that was at the same time apt and hilarious. Have fun with the ammo, Don. We know you’ll put it to good use.

34 thoughts on “Anti-Anti-Gun Agitprop Contest Winner Revealed”

  1. “Look at this baby” made it. Reminiscent of the Old Spice adverts 🙂

    Snarky and serious all in one. I approve of your choice!

  2. THANKS!

    I’m going to use this brick to fuel my ongoing 2A mission to take as many new-shooter/non-gun people to the plate range as I can!

    Convert! Convert!

    • Well played. That would have been my move, too, if they’d picked mine. You deserved this one, though. Congrats & thanks for the laughs. 🙂

  3. Congrats Don! Nice work… I have to go buy my own .22 – if I can find it that is….

  4. This was my choice as the best also. Congratulations Don. It’s wonderful to hear that you’ll be using the ammo to help introduce new folks to the fun of shooting.

  5. All of these anti-anti gun submissions should be put into a single article for future reference. These “posters” have a cumulative educational value that is greater than the sum of the submissions individually. For example, “Look at this baby” is sharp satire which goes well beyond sarcasm but its meaning really jumps out after the reader becomes familiar with the “for the children” meme. Each one adds context and together, they could make a good “slide-show’ shining light on current culture while adding some historical perspective.

  6. Congrats Don.

    TTAG: How about a calender for next year with this years entries?
    The proceeds to be given to TTAG?

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