has issued the following statement . . .

On Monday, January 11, 2021, I received notice from our site registrar that had violated their terms of service and that would be shut down immediately. The registrar’s decision to de-
platform was final and no method to appeal was offered.

It remains unclear specifically what content allegedly violated the registrar’s terms of service. However, I am happy to report that we have found a new, First Amendment-friendly site registrar and we have begun the process of transitioning to the new registrar.

We expect the switchover to take up to 5 days. During that time, our famous “” URL will not be usable. Once the switchover is complete, will be fully restored to normal function.

In the meantime, I welcome freedom lovers and firearm enthusiasts to visit us at our temporary URL: We will post on the backup site when the normal has been
completely restored.

-Juan Avila, President & Co-Founder,


    • They would genocide us if they thought they could get away with it. Also, dump Mozilla.

    • If Arfcom can remove users for reasons they define, then why do we (they) criticize GoDaddy for the same?

      Over the last few days Juan Avila has posted several threads complaining about GoDaddy’s actions and even potential actions by AWS and others similarly situated. Again, if can set it’s own community standards and expel those they feel don’t meet them, then why should GoDaddy or AWS be held to a different standard?

      Sorry Arfcom, as is often said by the hive – their business their rules. And if you don’t believe that, okay, but then you don’t have any business ‘deplatforming’ users either. You want it both ways.

      • I don’t speak for ARFCOM, but I suspect this issue is 2 fold. First the timing makes it clear this is a pure PR move and not based on a violation of terms. Second, there was no explanation or attempt to rectify it, simply “you’re done, get out”. No way to do business, unless you are motivated by non-business reasons.

        Private business has every right to discriminate (for ANY reason, btw) but the hypocrisy and deceit aren’t acceptable. At least they didn’t used to be. I suspect we’re about to find out that in the new paradigm they are SOP.

      • this is why lolbertarianism is simply a joke in the end. Government and corporate interests joining together to enforce ideological purity is a real thing

  1. Kudos for having a readily available backup.
    Our nation’s situation grows ever more concerning as more people and companies decide they should be the ultimate arbiter of what can be said and thought.

        • Yeah, let’s make those private property owners do exactly what we want them to do!

          We can just discard our platform of private property rights when it suits us to dictate to others what they should do with their property.

          Smells like… Stalin…

        • The Stalinists crushed dissent at all costs. Demanding free equal access to the public square is the epitome of free speech.

          As the old saying goes –

          “Cutting out a man’s tongue doesn’t prove he’s a liar, it’s proof he’s afraid of what it might say…”

        • You mean like when the feds federalized all waterways like say a pond u may have on your property? minor your selective memory is sooo precious.


      Oohhhhh shiiiiiiiiiii-

    • No, but from what I hear, Gab is gaining almost a million users a day and their servers so far can’t handle the traffic. They’ll probably wind up being the go-to place for exiled conservatives when the dust settles.

      Also, check out Telegram in the meantime. It’s a bit different of a format that Parler, but it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite social media apps.

  2. I didn’t know barfcom was even still in business. I certainly don’t like the fact that they were shut down by their host, I do t agree with any kind of censorship at all but the site isn’t worth a damn for anything.

    • The Reloading forum on Arf is top notch. So are several of the specialist subforums like the Night Vision one.

      General Discussion is, has been, and always will be a cesspool.

  3. Well, we’ve had our Reichstag fire this weekend, and today the Kristallnacht. Chancellor Biden will be imposed with heavy military guard in a few weeks… the National Socialist Worker’s Party is moving right along.

    The Conservatives are our bad luck!

  4. For the most part has continued as a mature and experienced provider of information for the AR 15 and it’s use. Most of the site does exactly that for a wide variety technical subjects and it remains the go-to platform for in depth discussion.

    Of recent note, however, our continuing political degradation nationally had affected general discussion and despite the Admin’s wishes reality finally caught up with certain disbeliefs. Being deplatformed has certainly been a wake up call. Having an alt site is certainly a better position to be in than a certain social media site wrongfully accused of intemperate excesses which was unilaterally shut down by its host.

    Others are suffering the same deplatforming, DDOS attacks are ongoing, and it’s become apparent that Big Tech is doing whatever they can to quash conservative sites, such as Twitter eliminating thousands of conservative accounts, and now, Facebook censoring any mention of the illegalities in our last election.

    Make no mistake, they do NOT want communications to continue going forward. They are in absolute panic that information about to be released by declassifying data about their activities would become public. Note that there are over 225,000 sealed indictments in the Federal Court system still piling up.

    Most of you have heard this before. Watch Pompeo’s countdown of tweeting and see for yourself.

    Nothihg Can Stop What Is Coming.

    • tirod. I was terminated on for advising a fellow on how to tighten receivers by simply posting a link One of the resident brown nose busy bodies with 33,000 incomplete sentence posts did not like being upstaged so he reported the link and I was terminated. During the time I was there if you did not “fit in” you were blackballed. You were told who to vote for in NRA elections, etc. One pos boasted about shoving his girlfriend around and got all bent out of shape when I told him he could lose his 2A right if she rats on him.
      Then you had the armchair gunsmiths who trip over themselves to be the first to say, “good-to-go.” Perhaps now that got a taste of their own medicine they will be more open to protecting free speech on their own site.

      • Well that sux. I was going to go there just to check it out, but nah, already been to some of them fit ins or bye bye’s . Great thing about TTAG , Dan and whoever moderates this sight, they let a lot of shit slide.

      • Well Debbie I was also invited to leave ARFCOM and not come back. In fairness, I was given a warning or two and clearly did violate the code of conduct. Having said that, it is a free to join public site concerning a very polarizing and emotional subject (sound familiar?) So of course there are a lot of trolls, retards and inbred troglodytes there, just like here.

        Still there is an enormous amount of valuable info, both technical and general. You can browse it without joining or posting to glean lots of helpful information. As with almost everything, particularly online, be prepared to filter the crap from the useful.

  5. Avoid hosting providers owned by Endurance International Group.

    That is, HostGator, Bluehost, Ipage, Vdeck, Asmallorange and many many others (google it).

    Word has come down to flag and disable sites that use hate speech or incite violence.

    • So far I haven’t heard bad things about A2 hosting but I may be wrong. I currently pay them a lot of money for hosting and while it’s expensive, it’s also good.

      Going to have a m8 eventually code me a website so I can get off of wordpress. WP will deplatform people before your heart can beat.

    • Are you joking or are you literally out of your mind? Honestly can’t tell here anymore, because there’s so many of the latter.

    • I am astounded by the number of people who don’t recognize the Lin Wood/Kraken stupidity as the obvious psyop that it is. The left didn’t achieve it’s goals pinning it’s hopes on delusional white knight fantasies. It organized and worked for it.

    • That’s what they said last week, too. Something big did happen, but it was pretty much the opposite of good. Wishful thinking, leading to frustrated, foolish actions. I’d be willing to bet money this is more of the same.

      We’d be better off right now thinking about how to manage protests for the best possible optics and organizing to subvert the incoming illegitimate regime.

    • Yup. A different type of Red Dawn. No mistake about it. Their agenda is in full swing. No voice, no guns, no resistance, no freedom. Just slavery. It’ll be a Shit Show. Pass the Jiffy Pop. John Connor is around the corner. Where’s my popcorn?! Or should I say, THEM’S FREEDOM SEEDS! Stay frosty everybody.

  6. Well I can’t say I visit ARFcom often. Especially after the fat guy (patrick?)defended price gouging on his own page. But I’m kinda in a rage the last few daze so I’m OK them getting back on the horse…

  7. So, this is going to be a bit hyperbolic, and the argument is not fully fleshed and formed, but I was able to put some word to an inkling ive been having the past couple days.

    I feel like we, as a society, are staring down the barrel of Neo-Social Fascism. Instead of a protected race being focal to a state, for several years, the values of various intersectional qualities in people are being expounded beyond logical arguments about life experience. Also, instead of a unified dictatorial figure, there is a multi headed party. However, when it comes to an uncomfortable marriage between corporations and government, and censorship of opposition, the nail seems to be hit squarely on the head.

    Much like in fascism, certain corporations are granted favoritism from a government, in the form of financial security and legal protection. Censorship has been primarily occurring in one political direction (would need more stats on this, just a general feeling) and threats of future censorship are being made (govt figs demanding fox and newsmax be dropped by cable providers). All of the actions done, from the social value dictation to forcible diminishing of opposition is all touted as the interest of the state.

    Again, early in form, but I’m curious to hear any input.

    • Pretty much nailed it, from my perspective.

      But keep refining it…

    • “…certain corporations are granted favoritism from a government, in the form of financial security and legal protection”

      Also known as crony capitalism.

    • Not hyperbolic at all, and I’ve been thinking along the same lines for quite a while now. It’s not textbook fascism, but all the essential outlines are there.

  8. Ultimately this little web war will lead to a trend in running your own physical servers.

    At that point they’ll target the ISPs to try to shut down speech they don’t like.

    “Nice server. Too bad it’s not connected to anything external”.

    • Probably correct. The only thing we can hope for is either A. Courts hear lawsuits alleging discrimination against conservatives, and/or B. Enough people bail from services and servers that it’s not quite as profitable to keep the discrimination up. The former is much more likely than the latter.

      • But conservatives aren’t a federally protected class. I think political ideology is protected in some states.

        What is a protected class is the corporate class. They feel like they can do as they please. Democrats are the biggest defenders of capitalism. Crony capitalism. I’m sure they all have a good laugh about the young starry-eyed socialists.

      • Twitter may, in fact, have fucked up here.

        It’s not long ago that they were circling the drain in terms of investment. That could happen again.

        It’s interesting to note that Trump, whom they just banned, brought them an assload of traffic. 80+ million followers? There’s only like 68 million US users of Twitter. Then they go after anyone who’s shared certain things or done certain stuff, look at Gab popping… it’s actually possible that they cut their revenue by 1/3rd here. I mean, the markets didn’t like it. TWTR took like a 7% shit over this. If that continues @Jack may become known as one of the “Morons of Tech” up there with Akers, Pfeiffer, Kumar and Apothekar.

        • “There’s only like 68 million US users of Twitter.”

          Strych, *please*.

          Twitter and the Silicon Valley power structure would welcome a fifty-percent reduction in the user base (and profits) if it meant their world was ‘cleansed’ by wrong-think.

          They’ll cut back, downsize, and carry on smug in the knowledge of their ‘purity’…

        • “Twitter and the Silicon Valley power structure would welcome a fifty-percent reduction in the user base (and profits) if it meant their world was ‘cleansed’ by wrong-think.”

          Maybe, maybe not. Lot of institutional investors own those shares, like mutual funds and large corporate 401(k) plans. Even with all the ESG funds (invest in “green” companies) available, there’s a lot of pressure to outperform, let alone keep up. But give up profits? Those serious socialists who are pulling the strings know very well that capitalism is what provides the cash for their programs and power grabs.

        • Profits?

          Look, Twitter ping-pongs back and forth but even with the massive growth in users earlier this year still posted an operating loss of $124 million for Q2 2020. That essentially wipes out all of the profits from the rest of the year.

          Q3 was the best growth they’ve ever had. 2019 was their first profitable year, making $1.2 billion. However, 2020 had the most growth they’ve ever seen and they still just broke even.

          Twitter is basically based on Hopium-pipe smoking Silicon crackheads. If it takes a few big shocks the intestors keeping it afloat will walk away. Then it’s fucked.

          @Jack isn’t really a very good businessman. He manages to rake in $908 billion dollars in a quarter and still only have a 6% profit for that quarter.

    • You aren’t wrong about the escalation. The next step beyond that will be offshore deals to make shutting off the comms more difficult since a dot com can be anywhere.

      • They’ll just block those selectively the way other countries do. It’s not like an Iranian or Chinese ISP can’t get the data, they actively prevent the connection.

        Pressure will be placed on ISPs to do that as well if people move offshore.

        Then the next move will be distributed communications platforms. The counter to that will probably be to 1) treat them like the “Napster of Hate Speech” and go after the appropriate entities in civil court to kill the service the way the RIAA did.

        • “Pressure will be placed on ISPs to do that as well if people move offshore.”

          We have an interesting development in that, and by happenstance, the SCOTUS is deciding on hearing a Trump twitter case this week.

          “ACLU warns of ‘unchecked power’ of big tech for banning Trump amid calls for investigation of Amazon, Google and Apple

          The Supreme Court is deciding this week whether to hear a First Amendment case against the president for blocking users from his now-defunct Twitter account”

          What’s fascinating to me is the Trump Twitter case. If Trump can be forced to not block American citizens from reading his posts, it seems to me a consistent logic in forcing Twitter not to ban users because of their political free speech.

          I’d like to hear the TTAG Legal Corp’s opinion on this :

          Could this potentially be leveraged by the SCOTUS as a ‘Golden Ticket’ to force big tech to tolerate speech they want to stifle? An ideal ruling would be for the POTUS to not ban users he doesn’t like, and twitter to be banned from blocking users they don’t like. Fair is fair, after all. 🙂

          And if so, does someone like LKB have any contacts they can use to directly contact Justice Thomas on this issue? Time is of the essence here.

          I would find it hard to believe Thomas and Coney-Barret wouldn’t be interested in taking a big-assed swing at this… 🙂

        • (A) You don’t just contact judges / justices to lobby them to do something.. That’s ex parte communication, and both Thomas and Barrett aren’t gonna engage in it. The only way to get them to do something is to bring a case, or file an amicus brief in one that’s before them.
          (B) the Twitter case is based on the argument that because PDT’s official account was for a federal official, federal law says that official can’t block people from the stream. Twitter, of course, isn’t a federal official or agency, so whatever decision SCOTUS makes will have little to no impact on Twitter’s ongoing censorship.
          The best shots against Twitter right now are:
          (1) Antitrust cases against Twitter, which I suspect will suck in Apple and Google as co-conspirators. Hopefully a number of state AG’s will ramp up a bunch of them.
          (2) Twitter’s stock tanking (investors will depose Jack if the stock continues its decline),
          (3) possibility that SCOTUS will take up a section 320 case and find that immunity only extends to platforms that act as conduits, not publishers. (Thomas has expressed interest in having the Court examine 320, but I have no idea if anyone else on the Court shares his views.

      • It’s sad that your best bet is to use a company located outside of this country. Is half of the country or more okay with that?

        • A URL by itself doesn’t advertise where it is. The DNS servers do the routing between users looking for, and where the actual server is geographically-located…

        • I’m in error on that –

          You can do a trace route that will show the host’s IP addy. (Ping? Finger? something like that).

          Just looking at the plain text URL doesn’t reveal the server’s location.

          “” could well be hosted in Bosnia or near anywhere else…

        • Yes, you can do that a variety of ways. is a useful start point for lots of things.

          You can also do it from the CLI/Terminal on your computer.

          With Windows the tracert or ping commands will give you the IP address which you can then locate the actual location of with curl[IP you found].

          So, for instance:


          “Pinging [2606:4700:10::6816:3a72] with 32 bytes…


          returns (in part):
          “ip”: “2606:4700:10::6816:3a72”,
          “city”: “San Francisco”,
          “region”: “California”,
          “country”: “US”,
          “loc”: “37.7621, -122.3971”,
          “org”: “AS13335 Cloudflare, Inc.”‘,
          “postal”: “94107”…

          So *pArT oF TtAg* is in California, hosted by Cloudflare, Inc. with the server physically located at the lat/long specified in “loc” which corresponds to an address as follows:

          327 Connecticut Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
          Potrero Hill San Francisco California United States

        • Oh, and I should note that the lat/long usually isn’t super accurate. Like… it’s within 10-25 miles of the actual location of the server… in most cases.

          So don’t get all hyped about that particular data. That’s not Cloudflare’s actual address, mailing or otherwise. In fact, if you look it up, it’s a house. A $1.25 million dollar house at that.

          But it does tell you that the geo data isn’t bad. “city” returns San Fran and the lat/long are, in fact, in San Fran.

          So, long story short: The answer to your question here is “yes”, you can find the approximate physical location of the hosting server (in many cases) and do so quite easily.

    • The ongoing attack happening just below the surface is against monetization. It’s extremely hard to start a bank. Without a way to process payments, sites are unsustainable above a certain size because they simple can’t afford the cost of their own existence.

      • “Without a way to process payments, sites are unsustainable above a certain size because they simple can’t afford the cost of their own existence.”

        That’s why I can’t understand why wealthy right-wingers like the Mercer family don’t start a bank servicing the 2A industry…

      • THat’s one of the problems Gab ran into. Being unable to use any payment processors and blacklisted by Visa and several cryptocurrencies, they have to deal exclusively in Bitcoin and handwritten checks. They got a DNS host that isn’t likely to fold and own their own server hardware, but their ability to scale up is severely limited.

        You have to admire their determination, though; nobody has been targeted harder than they’ve been, and they’re still alive and kicking.

    • On the plus side this may be enough to finally push the decentralized net into the mainstream. The concept has been stuck in tech-hipster limbo for too many years now.

    • It wouldn’t have mattered. You can literally see the votes being deleted and switched on the live news coverage of the elections (both November and January elections). It miraculously benefited the democrats. No one has bothered to explain this. It doesn’t matter when you control the media and the platforms to reach an audience. They think they can sweep it under the rug and move on like nothing happened.

        • Hmmm

          The evidence of voter fraud and election tampering must continue to be repeated every day until it is acted up. Silence is the enemy of freedom.

          Your personal views on the state of other people’s minds not withstanding, Main Stream Media was reporting Joe Biden ahead in key States and cities starting very early on election day. The main stream media was calling races as won by Joe Biden. The reality of course was that, particularly in swing states President Trump was leading by a considerable margin, up to 10 point ahead in many cases.

          And this margin remained when those “swing” states all suddenly decided to “Stop the count” a little after 10PM on election day, with the announced plan to start up again between 6 and 6:30 the next morning. The problem of course is that during that roughly 8 hour period when supposedly no counting was being done those 10 point margins were magically erased. So much so that when the polls “opened” in the morning Joe Biden had not just erased his deficit, but out of thin air was somehow ahead.

          Never forget that the Main Stream Media started flashing headlines that the Democrats were preparing impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump NINETY MINUTES AFTER HE WAS SWORN IN. Therefore it is our Patriotic Duty to refuse allow the evidence of Fraud and Tampering to be swept under the rug. After all, what is more Patriotic than exercising our freedom of speech. Which also happens to have been one of of arguments put forth by the media justifying both their own and the Democrats nonstop 24/7 attacks against President Trump and everything he tried to do.

        • “You’re insane. You are at moon-landing levels of conspiracy nut. Turn back from the cult.”

          I brought up a concern and mentioned that it hasn’t been explained. Instead of explaining it, you just called me names. Are you on the unity committee?

        • Wow Hannibal, I never realized you worked for the Ministry of Truth (Founded 1984)

          Who would’a thunk it…

          Novelist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said:

          “In Our Country The Lie Has Become Not Just A Moral Category But A Pillar Of The State.”

      • Not insane, just ignorant.

        “You can literally see the votes being deleted and switched on the live news coverage of the elections (both November and January elections).”

        Do you really think the live news coverage numbers are somehow magically hooked up to the state election commission tabulators?

        Do you understand that the so-called vote dumps are just the increase when other precincts deliver their results in one large block?

        CNN, ABC, etc. aren’t somehow hooked up to every state’s tabulators and automatically update as the state elections commission updates.

        Those numbers are collected by reporters and assistant producers, talking with the state elections media liaison.

        There is a reason Trump and his allies’ lawsuits have been kicked to the curb five dozen times, in courts ranging from state superior courts, federal district courts, federal appeals courts to the United States Supreme Court.

        Honestly, I’m just a hillbilly up to the head of the holler in West Virginia and I have taken the time to understand the election and vote counting process in the battleground states. It’s not that different from most states and it’s easily comprehendible by anyone with an average intelligence.

        If they bother to avail themselves of the information.

        • Miner49, you said :…Honestly, I’m just a hillbilly up to the head of the holler in West Virginia…”

          I already suspected that based on your cripplingly faulty arguments.

        • “Do you understand that the so-called vote dumps are just the INCREASE when other precincts deliver their results in one large block?”

          Exactly. It’s an additive process. You add votes. You don’t take them away. One county in PA supposedly transposed numbers which accounted for a 20,000 vote switch. Guess who the switch favored? If it was all really just chance then it would be about 50% for each candidate. What actually happened was millions of Trump votes being deleted and hundreds of thousands being switched to Biden. This has not been explained or debunked in any way. I’ve posted this video before. Did you watch it? Also, did we see anything on this level in 2016 or before? Why wouldn’t we if it’s normal? It’s okay to ask questions.

          “Honestly, I’m just a hillbilly up to the head of the holler in West Virginia and I have taken the time to…”

          Miner, have you ever considered taking the time to have a conversation with someone without being so condescending? I get that this is the internet, so we aren’t face to face, and everyone’s a tough guy online.

        • @ miner49 – I’ve watched elections a long long time (42years) and I know how they work – #1 several of those national big cable stations “Were hooked up” live and several boasted about it. Your local station – No they were not.
          #2 What many of us saw “LIVE” was Vote numbers “SWITCHED”. Biden Jump = a Trump Loss. Yes his number of vote totals would actually Drop in a state. Now how is that possible with honest counting? That they Took Votes Away? We are not talking about the %. There is// or was- video’s posted on you tube of the incidents. My wife & I both saw this happen live -we even switched between CNN, FOX and MSNBC and caught it happening 2 X’s. The Crap that went on during this election was the most wide spread I’ve seen or studied. And Crooked electioneering has been around since the inception of voting.

        • Where do you guys get this stuff?

          Do you have more information on the PA county where the votes were allegedly miscounted because of a clerical error? I’m having difficulty finding any mention of that.

          Yes, my condescending attitude is wrong. And I apologize.

          But the ignorance and anger on this forum are stunning, I am threatened with violence and death multiple times every day on this forum so you can understand why I might get a bit of an attitude about the relentless violent death threats posted here.

        • I’m too busy with work today to put too much into verifying that fact check, but your fact check link doesn’t address the issue I brought up. Speaking of PA, another issue would be all of the mail in votes coming from NY. I haven’t seen a follow up to that story or any explanation. The problem now is that we aren’t being allowed to discuss this. The tech giants have decided what this country is allowed to discuss. Other businesses are promising financial retribution for anyone that has or will question election integrity, yet Nancy’s tweet from 2017 saying that the election was hijacked is still up. We’ve never witnessed anything like this before in this country. Democrats are cheering it on because it helps them politically. Try putting the shoe on the other foot. That’s why we need principles, and we should be consistent and treat everyone equally.

          A quick search didn’t locate that PA 20,000 switch article. I imagine these will become more difficult to locate. Basically, this WAS an explanation for a 20,000 switch. It was in a republican county. They accidentally listed Trump votes as Biden votes and vice versa. That was caught and fixed. Something similar happened in a small Michigan county that went for Trump but was listed as a Biden win. That one got caught and fixed as well. I’m still waiting for all of the counties that were supposed to go to Biden but went to Trump instead. You don’t flip a coin 100 times and expect to get heads 99 times. These accidents and vote deletions are going in one direction 99% of the time.

          We’ll never be able to move forward from this without a legitimate third party audit of the swing states. It should have bipartisan observers. There’s a reason they don’t want transparency. Like I said, I don’t get to audit myself if the IRS thinks I’ve been naughty.

        • *Something else to think about…it’s easy to catch these large errors when they’re in small republican counties. People already know what the answer will be prior to the election. How would you catch these changes in very large or swing counties? You would never know the difference.

        • Thanks for taking the time to reply!

          “The problem now is that we aren’t being allowed to discuss this.”

          But we are freely discussing it now, with no censorship, right? I’ve discuss this on other forums with no issues.

          I believe the problem is that Facebook, etc. will not tolerate posts that state unequivocally the election was stolen and advocate action to remediate the alleged loss.

          And honestly, before I can give any weight to any particular story of miscounts in Pennsylvania counties, we kinda need to have the county name.

          I see all these complaints, but they’re always vague and nonspecific, ‘a county’ or ‘a precinct’ but never specifics.

          And the fact that an insurrectionist mob attacked our United States capital during a joint session of Congress deliberating our presidential election under the rules of the constitution, based on these vague rumors and non-specific claims, is frigging outrageous.

        • “As Judge Stephanos Bibas, a Trump appointee to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, said in dismissing one campaign challenge last month: “Calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”

        • “I see all these complaints, but they’re always vague and nonspecific”

          It’s informal around here, and I provide a source when I quote something. The PA county transpose error was quoted from memory. It was a county near SW PA. A quick search doesn’t easily locate an article talking about that now because there are so many sites discussing the election. You’ll have to find it or take my word for it. I’m not quoting some vague comment, but several articles I read about it at the time. This was admitted by actual county officials as a mistake.

          The Michigan county error is easy to find. That’s when people began questioning the voting software.

    • It’s not always pleasant finding out you’re right- but I cannot say I’m surprised. The current imbroglio is precisely why I voted 3rd Party. It is the two-party system that has put us in this precarious situation. Be mindful who you vote for.

      Yet, I will still respect and defend your right to vote for whomever you wish.

      • People have been conditioned to participate in the two party system. I understand the argument for the throw away vote since there hasn’t been a viable third party candidate in years. I believe if people would have voted for sensible solutions over partisan nonsense thirty years ago for the last third party candidate to receive wide-spread support, then we could have finally trashed the two party power structure forever. Just think, we could have avoided that “giant sucking sound.” We could have manufacturing jobs, good trade deals, little to no debt, and lives and resources spared by avoiding stupid wars. What have the two big parties given us since then? They never do anything but make matters worse. We could have passed zero laws and orders since then and we would be better off right now. The two party system only exists to increase their own monopoly of power. It does nothing to help America.

        • Precisely…

          “…conditioned to participate in the two party system.” =
          “…there hasn’t been a viable third party candidate in years.”

  9. Never used or had accounts with Twitter and Facebook and never will. They just data mine you for their profits. All 2nd Amendment sites should drop from these vendors and seek safe haven elsewhere as soon as possible. Do not support these companies in any way that have taken down Parler. Parler should have made their own site to distribute their own software. Free speech is not free anymore. It is all out on the table now that the Commiecrats intend to do us all harm in a number of different ways a fast as they can by legislative action at the state and federal levels after Jan. 20, 2020. Just mark my word, numerous bills are in the works and have already been proposed to stripe us of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights for voting as they see it the wrong way. 1984 is in full swing now.

  10. Dan Z.: When is TTAG going to go on the offensive and rid the site of anything facebook and twitter (and whatever else related) going forawrd? Every little bit counts now. Pre-empt the situation.

  11. I’m not surprised by any of this. Most of these companies hate people who think for themselves and are independent. I guess either your a die hard Liberal or you must be silenced.

  12. These people actually believe they are on the correct side fighting against white supremacy and hate. They are convinced that nationalism equates to hate. That’s why MAGA is shunned. Anything pro-American means KKK to them. There is no way to hold any kind of conversation like that.

    The truth is that the KKK is the exact same thing as the NAACP, just opposite sides of the same coin. They are both destructive and become a danger to anything resembling freedom. The more years I live in this world, the more I’m convinced that the English language has been so completely bastardized that we can no longer communicate with any level of satisfaction. THAT is what liberalism did to us. Our society has not only withheld truth from our youth but has taught them to hate themselves and everything around them. The black race is particularly susceptible to this craziness. There are educated blacks that are productive members of society and present no problem or threat to anyone. The problem is that they get shunned by other blacks and called uncle tom’s.

    This must end. The only way to end it and have something worth having is through education. That cannot be achieved through burning books, destroying statues, and erasing history. The US constitution applies to EVERY citizen (regardless of race). The American dream is for ANYONE with enough motivation, drive, and spirit to work for it. That is something that is takin from people and held back from others. What the rank-and-file in the population does not seem to understand is that it is the political left that is most responsible for keeping them from their prosperity. The political right just sits there and lets it happen and THAT is what angers me so much. No one in authority cares enough to do anything about this. While huge portions of this country truly feel they can’t do anything unless they are given a handout from government, laziness sets in and happiness never gets realized.

    Guns are NOT the problem. They never were. People are being lied to from cradle to grave.

    • We are well beyond education as a solution. The left owns education, the government bureaucracies, and increasingly law enforcement and the military. By “left” I mean adherents of the particularly pernicious mutant strain of communist ideology know as critical theory. Core to this ideology is the belief that the West is inherently evil and human relations can all be reduced to dominance hierarchies.

      These people literally believe we are nazis/fascists/white supremacists. As you say “There is no way to hold any kind of conversation like that.”, and that’s precisely the point. They are creating framing that makes complete destruction of their opponents the only possible out come. Couple this with their moves to assure themselves a monopoly on political violence, and it’s not hard to see the writing on the wall. The question is, how do we avoid becoming kulaks?

  13. The left has always tried to hide who they are. The one thing about Trump whether you like him or not is that their hatred for him made them take their masks off and show who they are. That includes MSM and the big tech social media outlets. They don’t get us, and never will. We are busy working and taking care of our families and trying to live our lives as best we can. They take that as complacency and not being engaged. We are independent by nature, and we like to think for ourselves and not follow group think, or follow the leader as a collective like the left does. That independence causes us to be splintered and not always in agreement or working together.
    Not so much Trump as a person but his exposing the deep state, and their actions as a result of their hatred have served to unite the right. We are a hard working industrious people, and when motivated we can do a lot. By censoring free speech, the big tech companies have motivated us to create competing platforms that very possibly could lead to their demise.

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  16. Dan Zimmerman: Do tech companies think that ghetto-izing viewpoints and thought on the internet will somehow bring about the unity and brotherly love that the desiccated husk of Joe Biden keeps proclaiming is his one goal?

    Why do Dan Zimmerman and other Boomer-cons think they can shame the left into good behavior? The left wants to destroy you. It doesn’t care about fairness and procedural neutrality. It just wants to win and annihilate its enemies. When Biden says he wants unity and reconciliation, he is lying for tactical advantage. The left understands this. Why don’t you?

    If conservatives can’t figure out a better response than to complain about the left’s hypocrisy, then the right will cease to exist.

  17. If Arfcom can remove users for reasons they define, then why do we (they) criticize GoDaddy for the same?

    Over the last few days Juan Avila has posted several threads complaining about GoDaddy’s actions and even potential actions by AWS and others similarly situated. Again, if can set it’s own community standards and expel those they feel don’t meet them, then why should GoDaddy or AWS be held to a different standard?

    Sorry Arfcom, as is often said by the hive – their business their rules. And if you don’t believe that, okay, but then you don’t have any business ‘deplatforming’ users either. You want it both ways.

    • …why should GoDaddy or AWS be held to a different standard?

      Because it’s not just GoDaddy, it’s GoDaddy working in concert with other firms to collectively deny hosting and connectivity to people they’ve designated as unpersons. They are trying to drive their enemies off the internet altogether and silence them. If had lots of alternative service providers, this wouldn’t matter, but the entire point of this silencing campaign is to get the industry to coordinate so that no one does business with badthinkers. When bans someone, it isn’t trying to erase them from the internet.

      • “If had lots of alternative service providers, this wouldn’t matter,”

        They do. They moved.

        • They do. They moved.

          Are you new to the internet? Now pressure will brought to bear against the new registrar. Maybe it will stand behind, and maybe it won’t. I’ve seen firms/organizations (Gab is a good example) get chased from registrar to registrar and host to host as each collapses under industry pressure to deny service. That’s nothing like an individual site banning an individual user, and it’s disingenuous to pretend they’re similar.

        • Cry more.

          Individual registrar banning an individual user.

          You have an imaginary demarcation line where banishment is okay, and on the other banishment is not. Conveniently it serves your goals of controlling your private property perfectly, and denies other the same freedom to control their own private property.

          Just another example of wanting the boot on the neck of the other guy, but hell hath no fury if it’s placed on mine.

        • You have an imaginary demarcation line where banishment is okay, and on the other banishment is not.

          No, I don’t. If it were literally just an “individual registrar banning an individual user,” then I wouldn’t particularly care.

          You pretend “industry colludes to silence political speech” is similar to “individual site bans a user, but DGAF if he posts elsewhere” because that lie is ideologically useful to you.

        • lol @ “It’s a conspiracy”

          Seems a funny position to take given that Arfcom found a new provider right away, no issues.

          GoDaddy don’t give a flying F&#* if Arfcom uses other providers, so it’s precisely the same as Arfcom’s exercise of dominion over their own user base.

          Help, Help I’m Being Repressed!

        • BTW, this fantastic argument deserves highlighting:

          …it serves your goals of controlling your private property perfectly, and denies other the same freedom to control their own private property. Just another example of wanting the boot on the neck of the other guy, but hell hath no fury if it’s placed on mine.

          In other words: When I merely criticize GoDaddy’s behavior, that’s a “boot on the neck.” But when they cut off a registrant, that’s just “controlling their own private property.” Very weird that criticism infuriates you, but their action against a customer doesn’t bother you at all.

          lol @ “It’s a conspiracy”

          lol @ the pretense that other individuals and firms haven’t been chased from one service provider to another, each caving in turn to the witch hunters. Would be great if can stay put, but the insinuation that this doesn’t happen is a lie.

        • “Steve shouldn’t be able to not invite me to his birthday party because George and Bob may also later decide they don’t want me at theirs!”

          – “When I merely criticize GoDaddy’s behavior, that’s a “boot on the neck.””

          No, Juan. When you deplatform users, that is a boot on the neck. Which is no different than the boot on the neck that Godaddy wields when they deplatform their users. You want to be able to have your boot on others necks but don’t want anyone’s boot on yours.

        • When you deplatform users, that is a boot on the neck. Which is no different than the boot on the neck that Godaddy wields when they deplatform their users.

          The idea that all deplatforming is indistinguishable is deeply stupid. Banning a forum user because he spams gore in every thread is not the same thing as banning a forum user who merely reads the site. And neither is the same as a forum admin working in concert with others to prevent someone from joining any forum.

          “Steve shouldn’t be able to not invite me to his birthday party because George and Bob may also later decide they don’t want me at theirs!”

          Yes, that’s a great way to think of the problem of industry collusion against politically incorrect customers. Well done.

        • – “The idea that all deplatforming is indistinguishable is deeply stupid.”

          Nobody said that, it’s a strawman argument. This is a debate about deplatforming in general and what is acceptable and what is not. You seem to take the position that you should be able to deplatform at will, yet nobody should be able to deplatform YOU. Convenient, I would say.

          lol @ You’re mockery of self determination, freedom of association and freedom to control one’s private property. Why do you hate freedom? You don’t think Steve should get to decide who to invite to his birthday party… well, I guess that says it all, doesn’t it. Who, pray tell, then gets to decide who Steve does/does not have to invite to his birthday party, Juan? Let me guess… you do?

        • You seem to take the position that you should be able to deplatform at will, yet nobody should be able to deplatform YOU.

          I never said anything even vaguely like that. And you complain about “strawman” arguments?

          I’m offering a principle to distinguish between reasons to deplatform. If you interfere with others’ use of the platform, that’s one thing. If you’re merely unpopular, that’s different. My deplatforming or ability to deplatform others doesn’t enter into it, but for some reason you can’t process this except as a question of personal advantage.

          Me: The idea that all deplatforming is indistinguishable is deeply stupid.

          You: Nobody said that, it’s a strawman argument.

          You said, “When you deplatform users, that is a boot on the neck. Which is no different than the boot on the neck that Godaddy wields when they deplatform their users.” Do you have amnesia?

          Why do you hate freedom? You don’t think Steve should get to decide who to invite…

          Leaving aside the stupidity of the party analogy, I can criticize Steve’s choices without attacking Steve’s right to choose. Do you grasp that?

        • Of course you can criticize Steve’s choices. As you have criticized GoDaddy’s choices. However, when you criticize GoDaddy’s choice to enforce their community standards against Arfcom, when Arfcom enforces it’s own community standards against it’s users – you open yourself to arguments of hypocrisy if you cannot articulate why it’s okay for Arfcom but not for GoDaddy.

          Thus far, the argument I’ve heard thus far is that it’s okay for GoDaddy to do it —- BUT BUT BUT – it’s a conspiracy and GoDaddy is colluding with others to lock Arfcom out. There is no evidence of that, Arfcom high tailed it to another without delay and had no problems in doing so. In fact, GoDaddy cooperated with the transfer of the domain and facilitated it. If GoDaddy was big meanie and conspiring, rather than enforcing their own standards, why didn’t they hinder Arfcom’s ability to stay online?

          You also implied this was about political correctness, which also brings about hypocrisy as Arfcom has banned many users for speaking ill of the NRA for example, amongst other issues including Staff that proclaim they will ban on site people who subscribe to specific political ideals.

          Further, there isn’t any evidence that GoDaddy took this action over political correctness that has been made public, I am sure if that’s the case, you can provide that here, Juan. The threads moved and the content objected to is likely to be over talk that would appear to be supportive of the attack on on the capitol.

          Yes, we know Arfcom has rules that say you cannot encourage or support illegal behavior – but there is a a open code for talking about supporting otherwise illegal actives there that anyone with a room temperature IQ can decode. One staff member has continually responded with “Whatever it takes.” seemingly offering his support for virtually any action, including illegal, in order to maintain trump as the POTUS. That is how it reads in context of those posts. Others stroking each other off with their boogaloo posts which imply kill federal agents, overthrow of the government, etc. While a meme and half tongue in cheek, it’s clear from the complete context it is also a way for some psychos to openly talk about things they could not talk about in a meme free context so they choose to express themselves in thinly veiled meme ‘art’. Ad Nauseum.

          So, GoDaddy doesn’t want the liability of providing services to a website which amongst gun loving constitutionalist, also hosts a small groups of unhinged Qtards, people who want to kick off a civil war, Trumpanzees that think that storming the capitol leading to the death of an officer, etc was a-okay because their Dear Leader was ‘Cheated’ – deluded by Q and Trump himself.

          But that’s not okay, that’s a conspiracy against Arfcom. But Arfcom can ban you for shit talking the NRA.

        • You also implied this was about political correctness, which also brings about hypocrisy as Arfcom has banned many users for speaking ill of the NRA for example, amongst other issues including Staff that proclaim they will ban on site people who subscribe to specific political ideals.

          There’s nothing hypocritical about a political advocacy site (e.g., pro-2nd Am.) banning users for contrary political advocacy.

          You: Further, there isn’t any evidence that GoDaddy took this action over political correctness that has been made public, I am sure if that’s the case, you can provide that here, Juan.

          Also you: So, GoDaddy doesn’t want the liability of providing services to a website which amongst gun loving constitutionalist, also hosts a small groups of unhinged Qtards, people who want to kick off a civil war…

          Evidence that a domain registrar (lol) has any liability whatsoever for the acts of registrants? Evidence that GoDaddy was concerned about this imaginary liability, which you just invented?

        • Nobody said legal liability, Juan. There are other types of liability. They are free to associate with whom they choose.

          Sorry you hate freedom.

        • You: “I’m offering a principle to distinguish between reasons to deplatform. If you interfere with others’ use of the platform, that’s one thing. If you’re merely unpopular, that’s different. ”

          Also You: “There’s nothing hypocritical about a political advocacy site (e.g., pro-2nd Am.) banning users for contrary political advocacy.”

          Ah, so first you condemn others execution of deplatforming Arfcom by implying it’s because they or their opinions are unpopular, and defend Arfcom deplatforming their users by implying those Arfcom deplatforms are interfering with others use of the platform.

          But then… you say it’s okay for a platform to ban users for having unpopular opinions.

          LMAO. Okay, Juan.

  18. What is happening is quite a simple thing. After a failed coup attempt by disloyal scum the patriotic citizens of this Republic have had their fill on insurrectionist talk. Being privately owned, not government controlled property, there is no Free Speech issue to telling traitors, seditious filth, to fuck off.

    The bad part is that the Second Amendment is a victim in this thing. By the operators of web forums not deleting talk of insurrection, they endanger their own message about the Second amendment.

    With all the conspiracy theory Trump loving Twts on TTAG, and TTAG doing nothing to reign in their anti-America crap-talk, loss of platform could easily happen here.

    Id “deplatforming” happens to TTAG it will be the well deserved but completely ignored lesson you un-American anti-Democracy, anti-Repupublic, pro-autoritarian delusional Trumpists deserve?

    • It isn’t insurrection at all. The ones claiming insurrection are on the left. What happened was vandalism.

      • Horseshit. Seen endless videos, people screaming and chanting to find and hang Mike Pence. Staff cowering under desks in offices as the mob pounds on the doors. Cops beaten, overwhelmed, one killed. A woman crushed to death. Pipe bombs recovered. Moltov Cocktails. Guns recovered. They were there to overthrow a government and install their Dear Leader.

        I wish those cops had been armed with rifles and shotguns and stacked some bodies on the Capitol steps.

        • People that want to overthrow a government do not go in largely unarmed and just walk away with podiums. There was no reason to stop like they did. They took no hostages. Every single person envolved went in already knowing there was a very high chance of getting shot.

        • Sounds like you are describing a mostly peaceful protest to me. I was informed all summer that all those things you describe were legitimate expressions of outrage about “injustice” so you expect me to believe you over the media? Hah, they are on TV so must be accurate.

        • Glad to see you’re taking the side of the insurrectionists, who in particular did you want to see get covered with napalm and burned to death?

        • You can tell 2021 is going to be a total shitshow just by how degraded the quality of trolling on the webz is 13 days into the year.

        • S9, you complain I don’t condemn violence by BLM or antifa, but you have yet to condemn the individual who brought a dozen Molotov cocktails filled with homemade Napalm to a supposedly peaceful protest by Trump supporters.

          Since you apparently have no problem with improvised incendiary devices being introduced into a crowd of American citizens, was there a specific individual or group of individuals you hoped would get covered with Napalm and burned to death or was it just ‘to whom it may concern’?

  19. Investigating the exact nature of your “sins” might prove worth while. Of course, it might be that the owners of the site you were using can, for any reason or for no reason, cease or discontinue services, that being a guess on my part. I would think that they would be ready, willing and able to site exactly what your “sins” are though..

  20. Breitbart evidently feeling pressure big time now. They are delay posting all posts and censoring (deleting) most.

    • You bet BB is shucking & jiving.

      Fox News has not run this story so you may be unfamiliar with recent developments in the legal field:

      Jan. 8, 2021, 9:16 AM EST
      By Kevin Collier
      Dominion Voting Systems, one of the biggest election equipment manufacturers in the U.S. and the subject of numerous incoherent conspiracy theories about the 2020 election, has sued lawyer Sidney Powell, who pushed President Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn election results, for defamation.

      “Powell falsely claimed that Dominion had rigged the election, that Dominion was created in Venezuela to rig elections for Hugo Chávez, and that Dominion bribed Georgia officials for a no-bid contract,” the lawsuit states.
      Powell didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

      Dominion is requesting damages of more than $1.3 billion, saying it has spent millions on security for its employees and on damage control to its reputation, and risks losing future business.

      A Dominion employee who was harassed by Trump supporters previously sued Powell and others. In December, Dominion sent cease-and-desist letters to some conservative media outlets that pushed the election theories, including Fox News and OAN, which led to them walking back their claims.

      Claims of voter fraud have been widely rejected.

      Election experts have uniformly declared that the 2020 election was conducted fairly. A union of every senior federal and state official who oversaw the election declared it “the most secure in American history.” Election security experts, many of whom popularized the notion of hacking voting machines to increase awareness of the vulnerabilities in election systems, found that “in every case of which we are aware, these claims either have been unsubstantiated or are technically incoherent.”

      That has not stopped Trump and his supporters from making a variety of evidence-free claims that the election was stolen. Some of the most widespread claims targeted Dominion, which supplied voting systems to 28 states.

      More than $50 mil spent on political cable TV ads in D.C. this cycle, many targeting Trump
      Powell, who appeared with Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani in their attempts to challenge the election’s results, consistently pushed a slew of wild conspiracy theories that were embraced by QAnon followers, many of which Trump also promoted.

      Powell promised big and didn’t deliver, insisting she would “release the kraken,” referring to a bombshell revelation about election conspiracy that would result in Trump winning the election after he lost. Despite a number of bungled lawsuits that never came.

      Matt Masterson, a senior election security adviser at the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency until he left office in December, praised Dominion’s suit as a way to push back against deliberate falsehoods about the election’s integrity.

      “There’s no truth to any of the allegations about Dominion, and we know that because Georgia went back and counted all the ballots, and it was consistent,” Masterson said in a phone call.

      “The concern here is the court system was used as a vehicle for disinformation,” Masterson said. “So I’m glad to see Dominion responding back, because this is the avenue they have.”

      Kevin Collier
      Kevin Collier is a reporter covering cybersecurity, privacy and technology policy for NBC News.

      • As expected, another Miner49 quote:
        “A union of every senior federal and state official who oversaw the election declared it the most secure in American history.””

        HahahahahahahahahHeheheheheheheheheheHohohohohohohohohohohohho 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

        I do love a good belly laugh….

        • Trump-appointed attorney general William Barr did not find any evidence of election fraud, do you have evidence to counter the statement of this Trump appointee?

          The Republican governor, secretary of state and election commission chair all certified the Georgia elections were fair and free with no fraud. Do you have information that is contrary to their statements?

          If you have any information to support your claims, why haven’t you or others presented it in a court of law? Because so far no one has presented compelling evidence in court, and that’s how it stands in the constitution.

  21. The suspension/infringement of the 1st Amendment Right’s been ongoing, since shortly after I first got into the Web, some 12 to 13 years ago. After November 3rd, it’s worsened, and January 6th, its blatantlyy worsened even more. SWIPE and other payment processors are egregiously Obstructing Lawfull Commerce under 18 US Code § 1501- and 1954-. SWIPE exec’s could be looking at 5 to 20 years as someone’s Prison B***h.

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