A man carries a gun as he walks during a march in support of vote counting after the Nov. 3 elections, Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2020, in Portland, Ore. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

A reader who wishes to remain anonymous writes . . .

Are Americans preparing for a civil war? I hear this question raised by people who have heard of the unprecedented number of private purchases of weapons and ammunition currently underway in the United States. This is compounded by a belief that some individuals are accumulating so much of this stuff that the weapons/ammunition supply chain can’t keep up with the demand. To me, this hoarding (especially of ammunition) is partially confirmed by comments I read here on TTAG.

My short answer to the question is: Some may be preparing for a civil war, but I cannot and will not. Indeed, the very thought of civil war gives me a cold chill and impels me to plead for peace. Here’s why . . .

When Americans think of civil war, they think of what has been otherwise known as The War Between the States, which was an unqualified disaster. But the American Civil War was an organized conflict between two well-defined of groups of states (even though some guerrilla activity did exist). I don’t believe that sufficient economic motivation exists for a thing like that now, at least not yet.

What could happen now is class warfare wherein large groups of people create civil disturbances in various localities because they are agitated or aggrieved by real or imagined wrongs, and opposing groups arise to stage defensive counter-offensives (all incited by nefarious leadership).

At least some of the motivation for this is racial, some is so-called toxic political polarization, and there is enough blame to go around on all sides. Others are innocently drawn into the conflict while only trying to defend themselves, and the aggregate of local skirmishing leads to a total breakdown of social order nationwide.

I remember how it happened on a fairly large scale during the riots in Detroit in the summer of 1967. It was a year of widespread unrest, and the night before, I happened to be returning home on Interstate 94 after dark from an urgent errand in Indiana. While en route, I observed large groups of people headed apparently from Chicago toward Detroit in a convoy of speeding cars and pickup trucks.

I knew then that trouble was brewing and, sure enough, the fracas started the very next day. Fortunately, this doesn’t seem to have happened again around Detroit in 2020, though there were demonstrations. But my memory of that long-ago incident has given me some insight into how these things can be perpetrated…deliberately.

In the event of civil war, this is what could happen:

  • Massive numbers of people are inhibited from going about their normal business because of danger in the streets. Businesses large and small are interrupted and/or destroyed, thereby disrupting many essential goods and services just like in 2020, but on a much larger scale.
  • Arson becomes a weapon of choice. Houses and other buildings are torched on a grand scale leaving large numbers of people without shelter, if they are fortunate enough to escape the burning buildings. Over many years in the Detroit area, we have been sickened by the phenomenon of arson as an offensive weapon.
  • Infrastructure is destroyed to the extent that the lifestyle of city dwellers (and the majority of us in America are city dwellers) is totally disrupted. Utilities such as electricity, gas, water, telephones, and cable are interrupted, causing the loss of air conditioning in the summer, heat in the winter, and communication any time. Without electricity there is no refrigeration for the preservation of foodstuffs and no clean water to drink. Diseases like typhoid and cholera spread due to the lack of sanitation, since sewage disposal and trash removal are also interrupted.
  • Disruption of transportation causes failure of the food supply chain and thousands, perhaps millions, of people begin to starve. Of course, there are some who have hoarded, or begin to hoard, large supplies of preserved food. This hoarding exacerbates shortages, and others who have become desperate, try to take that food away from the hoarders, which causes additional conflict.
  • With depletion of food supplies in the cities, strife spills into the countryside as starving people go there to forage. Eventually no one is exempt, and massive starvation ensues.
  • Hospitals become overwhelmed by the carnage and disease. They begin to fail, both because of the loss of utilities and because staff members are: a) overworked to the point of exhaustion, b) unable to get to work, or c) killed in the conflict.
  • The aged and the infirm begin to die in large numbers because of all of the above, and there is no one around to even dispose of their bodies.
  • Finally, the United States government manages to enforce marshal law leading to the complete suppression of violence accompanied by a total suppression of civil rights including the loss of all of the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. But disaster relief is not forthcoming, because the destruction is so massive that any possible government response is totally inadequate.
  • Alternatively, the United States government is so weakened by the ensuing disorder and destruction that it fails to bring the situation under control. The United States loses its status as a world superpower and becomes vulnerable to attack by its enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Not a pretty picture. Of course, this is only conjecture on my part, but some of the above has happened numerous times before.

At any rate, I believe that the end result, at the very least, will be arbitrary oppression unlike anything Americans have ever experienced. That’s you’d have to be out of your mind to even hope for such a thing.

There are selfish people in any society who think that such a conflict would lead to a cleansing and a better tomorrow. They are wrong; a modern civil war would fix nothing, and ruin virtually everything.

Many of us are spoiled from having had it too good for too long, and everybody seems to be peeved by something or other these days, myself included. Nevertheless, I believe that people from all walks of life have legitimate gripes about the way things are going and that there are things in our society that are dreadfully wrong.

But this country is too important to give up on. As an alternative to the unthinkable, I would like to suggest the following . . .

  • You and I, as ordinary citizens, get more interested in the governance of our country. We become better informed and make better decisions when we vote. If we can do that, we will improve the quality of our political leadership to the point where better decisions are being made by better, more responsible elected officials. We the People would then be less disenchanted with our own lots in life.
  • We engage in polite civil discourse with our fellow citizens over the mutual problems we face. We occasionally take the time to politely address our elected representatives to let them know what we really want and need.
  • As responsible parents, we take renewed interest in what our children are learning in school and hold their teachers and administrators accountable for any misconduct.
  • We stop amassing huge private arsenals of ammunition greater than what can possibly be needed for ordinary self-defense or recreational purposes, since amassing arsenals is not the answer to any of our problems.
  • We rely on our duly constituted civil authorities to deal with civil disturbances and insist that they actually do the job. This includes not de-funding police departments.
  • We give our country every chance to straighten itself out, instead of throwing the baby out with the bathwater in civil war.



  1. Civil War? No
    Civil Unrest, yes, as the left has already shown themselves of every form of violence up to and including murder, just ask Steve Scalise.

        • I believe in God the Father almighty,
          Creator of heaven and earth.
          And in Jesus Christ, His only Son,
          our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
          born of the Virgin Mary,
          suffered under Pontius Pilate,
          was crucified, died, and was buried.
          He descended into hell; the third day
          He rose again from the dead;
          He ascended into heaven, and sits at
          the right hand of God the Father
          almighty, from thence He shall come
          to judge the living and the dead.
          I believe in the Holy Spirit,
          the holy Catholic Church,
          the communion of saints,
          the forgiveness of sins,
          the resurrection of the body
          and life everlasting.

        • “Which god?”

          Me, you insolent mortal!

          Now, don’t wake from my sleep again, if you know what’s good for you!

      • Agreed, this guy sounds like a paid troll…

        Shortage or not, stockpile or not, I won’t have to fear for lack of food or water because like our ancestors I know how to get it from the world around me.

        Furthermore his contention that we can make things better by voting is asinine, we all have seen in 2020 that the Democrats have irreparably broken the system that our forefathers have laid out and stolen from the people their right to a voice in their governance, we must now show them the fail safe installed against tyranny in the bill of rights with the 2nd amendment.

        “…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.”

        Since these d*ckheads on the left seem so confused by a coma, let the new second amendment be worded in a way that cannot be misconstrued- “the right of the people to own and carry a gun in any manner they see fit shall not be interfered with in any way, shape or form, unless they have demonstrated sufficient incompetence to justify the forfeiture of their rights.”

        • “Agreed, this guy sounds like a paid troll…”

          Since this “TTAG contributor”‘s solution to everything is to be polite to your elected officials, vote, and “stop amassing large arsenals”, I personally think that this “contributor” is an FBI agent trying to pacify people, not just a mere troll, but who knows.

        • Anonymous, don’t be ridiculous.

          The very fact that this contributor’s solution is to be polite, we know the person isn’t from the FBI.

          I don’t know where the person is from, otherwise, but the person certainly isn’t from the FBI!

    • It’s not “class warfare”. We don’t have “class” distinction here. That’s why communism, socialism,marxism hasn’t worked here. You can be dirt poor and become a millionaire. That could never have happened in pre-revolution France, Russia etc. Those peasants were stuck.
      It will be the ideological distinction that will feed the violence. How many antifa fighters are college educated? I’d guess MOST of them. Are the George Floyd protesters victims of discrimination? Some. I’d guess most are paid protesters that arrived on busses from other cities. (in Chicago we used to call them outside instigators.)
      I judge a country by how many people are trying to get IN and how many people are trying to get OUT.

    • My short answer to the question is: Some may be preparing for a civil war, but I cannot and will not. Indeed, the very thought of civil war gives me a cold chill and impels me to plead for peace. Here’s why .

      Then stop voting on forcing your neighbor and other countrymen to partake in activities you want them to do when they don’t want it. Federal government should be voting on things the states all support. And if some states don’t support them, then those states can vote on it within their states. This broad blanketing of laws all over the US because “majority” makes me not want to live here at all. Let’s just put it this way. If your law forces people to partake in activities you want but they don’t – do us all a favor and STFU.

    • A list of features, not bugs, from some fudd, I imagine.
      This is going to be the result of leftist machinations. My memetics response is “That’s right bitch, you better GTFO!!!!”

    • Yeah I really don’t agree with this.

      Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

      Best case scenario: Things calm down, the next election goes our way, the economy improves ect…

      Worst case scenario: Civil War 2 triggers WW3, (a very real possibility) which escalates into nuclear war.

      Double worse case scenario: Nuclear war is actually triggered by one of the major powers AI defense system which has become self aware….

        • Joking about skynet is how you get terminators and skynet. Any chance I could get some H-K drones, though??

        • Any chance I could get some H-K drones, though

          Give Bezos a call, he probably has a couple of early models laying around that he might be willing to offload…

      • Saviour Machine
        David Bowie

        President Joe once had a dream
        The world held his hand, gave their pledge
        So he told them his scheme for a Saviour Machine
        They called it the Prayer, its answer was law
        Its logic stopped war, gave them food
        How they adored till it cried in its boredom

        Please don’t believe in me, please disagree with me
        Life is too easy, a plague seems quite feasible now
        Or maybe a war, or I may kill you all

        Don’t let me stay, don’t let me stay
        My logic says burn so send me away
        Your minds are too green, I despise all I’ve seen
        You can’t stake your lives on a Saviour Machine

        I need you flying, and I’ll show that dying
        Is living beyond reason, sacred dimension of time
        I perceive every sign, I can steal every mind

        Don’t let me stay, don’t let me stay
        My logic says burn so send me away
        Your minds are too green, I despise all I’ve seen
        You can’t stake your lives on a Saviour Machine



    • Nothing says geriatric schizophrenic like all caps. May not be the case but you are foolish to paint yourself that way.

      • “Nothing says geriatric schizophrenic like all caps. May not be the case but you are foolish to paint yourself that way.”

        Used to agree with that assessment, but I am re-calibrated. Now, I understand that posting/commenting in all caps is rational. It means:

        It is our obligation to recognize that “all caps” people are important.

        • “Duly constituted local authorities,?” There are none in major cities. There are Dem authoritarians there which tramplevon the rights of Americans. Arm yourselves!

    • I think he thinks all caps confuses the word press spys.
      That’s all I can come up with.

    • Nawth Texas ? is that like Dallas…. or Denton ( both are slums of the lowest order ) and neither are Nawth Texas. but they are where the all caps ‘tards live….

  3. Hopefully not in my lifetime, but I fear it’s coming. It will happen if we ever have another presidential election like the last one, where the fraud was so obvious, many Democrats admit it happened, and admit they were manipulated.

  4. It’s “martial” law, not “marshal.”

    Fight? No. Protect me and mine? Yes. The only side I’m on is mine, with help from a few similar thinking allies.

  5. Can we regulate Baofengs? I’m a ham radio operator, and I’m sick of people thinking that ‘Fengs are walkie talkies.

    But a civil war? Doubt it- J\/\/T hates anyone to the right of him, and would side with the Marxist Antifa. So as long a boomers are that brainwashed by TV, they’ll care more out their poorly-funded 401k.

    The conservative cries out in confusion as he strikes himself.


    • Can we regulate Baofengs?

      So regulate the item and not the misuse of the item by a person? You probably support “gun control” as well.

    • Well Ryan, I have no Idea what in the hell a bowel-fag is, but if you wish to regulate them then you should contact Commissar Cho Bai-din, first suckretary of the Democrap Socialist pahty of the United states. Ohh yeah and I got my Ham license back in the Early sixties, Still dunno what in hell a bowel-Fag is.

      • Quick Google will show you he is right and they are being banned because of their ability to be misused.
        In short, a powerful 2 way radio capable of easily transmitting on channels not meant for amateur users thereby increasing garbage radio chatter.

        • Or….
          They are an inexpensive and relatively easy to use communications tool that can be used by communities and individuals in times of emergency.

          Just like guns, there is some training required and rules on what is proper use.

          The reason they are being banned is not as much to misuse as it is that the government does not wish for the average citizen to have that much freedom (uncensored, unfiltered, uncontrolled) direct communications with each other.

        • Ragnar just nailed it… the REAL reason why the tyrants don’t want us to have guns or comms…

  6. In case the author hasn’t noticed, everything in the author’s list already happened last year and this year.. All one has to do is listen to the commie rhetoric coming out of the White House. One would have to be crazy to think it won’t get worse before it gets better. The communist Biden Regime is going to be the cause of a civil war if one starts. And the Biden Regime will be the instigator of it.
    Why are all the guns and ammo flying off the shelves? Communists in the White House, that’s why.

    • Part of the communist plan is to stir up everyone against each other and the government and have us tear everything down for them. This is the hint in the ” build back better ” mantra.

  7. I don’t think there’s any hope for peace. We are being driven to violence by a group every bit as dishonest, murderous and insidious as the old school German fascists.

    The new fascist left inherited their mantle of evil and they will not stop until we preside over modern day Nuremberg style trials.

    There will be a lot of grieving before that day comes.

    • Totalitarian/authoritarian left. Not fascist, by a long shot. If they actually were fascist, they’d be much more tolerable than marxists, which is what they are.

      No offense, but political literacy is not a strong point among conservatives these days. We need to do better.

      • They are fascists. Plain and simple. There is no longer any left or communists. They went so far to the left they’re popping up on the right.

        Look at antifa. They claim to be against fascism but they are nothing more than brown shirts in deed. How many of those businesses that the ‘antifa’ burned and looted this past year were owned by minorities?

        If there was a distiction in modern times between the marxists and the fascists, there are not, they would still be equally intolerable.

        A free nation has no room for either.

        • Fascism and Nazism, by definition, are on the Left. Those are two (slightly different) flavors of socialism, which, also by definition, is on the Left. It is the Left (very successful) attempt to re-brand Fascism and Nazism as being on the Right, but don’t fall for that ploy.

        • They are fascists. The corrupt corporations, corrupt banking system,. corrupt media, and corrupt government are bound together in a vile union of wickedness, deception, and tyranny.

          The empire is collapsing, and hurricane winds of change are upon us. It is prudent to prepare for hard times. The hour is late. Bad times are certainly here, and will get far worse. Look to Jesus Christ, and humble yourself before Him.

        • “Fascism and Nazism, by definition, are on the Left. Those are two (slightly different) flavors of socialism“

          Wealthy German mega corporations like BASF, Bayer, Siemens AG, etc. would be surprised to find out that the Nazis were socialists/communists.

        • Ignore me, I’m off my meds and the voices are back.
          Germans? I talk to Hiltlers ghost all the time.
          The Nazis own BASF, Bayer and Siemens AG.
          I’m going to jump off of a bridge now.
          I will NOT be ignored.

        • Well, if you understood what NAZI stood for, you would realize that they called themselves the National Socialist something or other. Fascists were Italian Black Shirts run by that failed pizza parlor clerk, Benito Mussolini.

        • Nazis, so literally national socialists, members of the national socialist german workers party, are on the left. Authoritarian far left. They only sat on the right side of the german parliament because of the historic seating order that comes from the pauls church national assembly in 1848, and the french parliament before that. There, pro emperor people sat on the right, and Hitler liked the emperor. That’s all. The germans had a different definition of “right” that had nothing to do with individual or economic freedom.
          That being said, a Nazi usually wants a fascist economy instead of outright socialism, he prefers the appearance of a free market – but due to government overregulations and big monopolies you have no real shot at it. Government programs and high taxes, but pretend like the worker gets at least some of the fruits of his labor.
          Sounds familiar? Yeah, the FED and the federal government and big tech send their regards…

      • Political literacy? You, and most people who have bought into the right/left = fascist/communist paradigm, wouldn’t know political literacy if it bit you in the face. (And trust me, at some point in the near future it will.)

        European fascism is an outgrowth of socialism. It may be right-wing in Europe, where everything starts and ends with socialism, but here in the US, *all* socialism is left-wing.

        Also, conservatives (aka “the right”) stand for a government that abides by the Constitution, protects the rights of the individual, and maximizes freedom. By definition, no conservative or libertarian right-wing American can be a fascist, because fascism is a totalitarian ideology.

        The current occupants of the White House and the corporate-fascist Democratic Party absolutely reek of totalitarian ambition, and if you had even the smallest amount of American political literacy, you wouldn’t be uttering nauseating platitudes about about how one oppressive system is “much more tolerable” than the next.

        Get this through your head: Fascism and communism are completely totalitarian, absolutely intolerable, and utterly unacceptable in the US. You’ll do a lot better here once you understand that fact.

        • Yeah, let me just post this again:
          Nazis, so literally national socialists, members of the national socialist german workers party, are on the left. Authoritarian far left. They only sat on the right side of the german parliament because of the historic seating order that comes from the pauls church national assembly in 1848, and the french parliament before that. There, pro emperor people sat on the right, and Hitler liked the emperor. That’s all. The germans had a different definition of “right” that had nothing to do with individual or economic freedom.
          That being said, a Nazi usually wants a fascist economy instead of outright socialism, he prefers the appearance of a free market – but due to government overregulations and big monopolies you have no real shot at it. Government programs and high taxes, but pretend like the worker gets at least some of the fruits of his labor.
          Sounds familiar? Yeah, the FED and the federal government and big tech send their regards…

      • “Totalitarian/authoritarian left.”

        Yes, but I’d say at least half of the common characteristics of fascism are present. The best one is the alignment of corporate and government interests. I find it hilarious because the dim voters think they’re against the wealthy corporations.

        The 14 Characteristics of Fascism


    • And China is also beating the war drums.

      They are looking for the slightest excuse to be outraged so they can say they were provoked.

      • Taiwan has good reason to fear the PLA…

  8. “…My short answer to the question is: Some may be preparing for a civil war, but I cannot and will not…”

    I don’t see anyone digging fighting positions or welding steel on daily drivers. So perhaps an alternative is that people are preparing for whatever comes their way. Be it a Tornado, flood, or Civil/Class/Economic War. There is nothing wrong in being prepared and everything right in doing so. Not being prepared is up to the individual. Learned Helplessness is a thing especially among city populations.

    It does not matter the reason. Preparing is Preparing for a situation you have no control over and having the best tools to mitigate the danger of said situation.

    The author describes a ‘Civil War’ in all it’s ugliness and states he can not and will not.
    prepare. That’s entirely up to you.

    As for me and mine, we prepare for bad times no matter the reason.

  9. Civil War, no. Civil Unrest, yes. We are fast nearing a breaking point where Antifa or BLM is going to stage a protest with guns, as they already are doing in some areas, and people will get shot. Honest citizens will defend themselves and all hell may break out. The democrats will not reign in their brownshirts calling them only an idea so they will be responsible.

    • The rank and file of BLM are showing great dissatisfaction and splitting off from the national organization, recognizing that they have been lied to an mislead, particularly after the graft of the leadership and its express adoption of Marxist positions that are anathema to most Americans or any race have been revealed. The national organization’s support of the Cuban communist regime over the protests of the population is just the most recent strike against it.
      Meanwhile, Antifa is up armoring.

    • I want to know where Antifa is getting all their ammo? The only crap I get get online would break the budget of your usual rabblerousers.

      • The only crap I get get online would break the budget

        You are evidently using some “exotic” calibers or you’re looking in the wrong places…. .223/5.56 @ 46/60 cents, 9mm under 50 cents, .45 and 10mm still a liitle high but under 70 cents (compared to a dollar plus not that long ago) .22 LR is still stupid high at .25/.50 cents but I don’t shoot .22 that often

    • The author has demonstrated god-level fuddery with their stupid comments about refusing to prepare for a conflict that’s inevitable, and their truly moronic notion that the government will be able to wrest control from the two warring factions and impose draconian control over the nation with sufficient manpower to strip us all of every liberty we cherish. He also ignores the fact that the Bill of Rights is 90% moot already because of people JUST LIKE HIM DOING NOTHING EFFECTUAL TO STOP IT.

      My guess is this guy is not only a fudd, but a RINO to boot. And speaking of boots, what this ahole will do when the day comes is LICK BOOTS.

      • I agree completely. The author lost me when he characterized stockpiling/prepping as hoarding.

        He also indicated we should give peace a chance. Well, if you are dead, then peace has come to you. That does not mean peace has come to your family or to the country.

        It appears the author is older and may be a city dweller. He strikes me as a “better red than dead” type. Now my age is showing.

        The article is really disturbing by the fact the author is advocating acquiescence to the totalitarian left.

        • Yep, makes me wonder if this anonymous ‘contributor’ is Little Quisling Harold from Ammoland. Especially the italicized ‘polite’ discourse comment near the end. Harold Hutchinson is totally cringe with his repeated demands that people POLITELY contact their selected Congressional tyrants and beg for their liberty to be restored…

          As for voting, yeah, I can do that. From the rooftops. Like a motherlovin’ KOREAN!!

        • Don’t even worry about it. The writer of this article refuses to make preparations and likely be the first to die / starve to death.

  10. Si vis pacem, para bellum

    Those who don’t prepare will be among the first to perish.

  11. French demonstrators have already erected a public guillotine and set the president’s house on fire. Americans are behind the curve on this one.

    • We’re still too comfortable. The French, and Europeans in general, are far more repressed than we are. They have been suffering under socialism for decades, though America is catching up.

      All the suburban tw@ts that voted for Biden will suddenly change their minds when they can no longer drive the Mercedes SUV down to Costco to get a few gallons of ice cream to shovel into their fat faces, or when little Ashleigh or Connor burn down the house screaming BLM.

      By then, of course, it’ll be too late.

  12. Being as the country is full of history illiterates who stand for nothing and fall for demoCrap then history is destined to repeat itself.

    Even so called Second Amendment Defenders are all over the map on Gun Control. Like it or not or tired of hearing me say it or not…Until Gun Control is defined for exactly what history confirms it to be and everyone is on the same page Gun Control and all of its baggage lives.

    • The term ‘gun control’ is itself a misnomer. It’s people control, and its purpose is to disarm those whom the gun prohibitionists intend to massacre. Every gun registration act made disarmament possible, and every major gun confiscation inevitably led to genocide.

      If I am wrong, then someone please introduce me to the armed Jew who was sent to a concentration camp, or the college professor who was released by the Khmer Rouge.

      The same Commiecrats that want to disarm you have already publicly said they want and intend to put Trumpers into camps, that Christians have no right to exist, and that in order to end racism, the white race must be exterminated.

      • “have already publicly said they want and intend to put Trumpers into camps, that Christians have no right to exist, and that in order to end racism, the white race must be exterminated”

        What a fascinating and colorful dream world you must live in.

        • What is factually incorrect with his statement?

          Oh, now I see after reviewing your posts. Are you paid to troll?

        • No, he’s just mentally ill.

          He has a habit of posting AFTER the article is done,
          most aren’t going to engage him in his sealioning or strawman posting.
          Just ignore him , yesterday he threatened to go up in a bell tower and shoot people Las Vegas style because he was being ignored.
          Don’t engage with the medicated wackos.

        • Dear Miner:
          Hi, tard! I have the documentary proofs. If image files were supported here, I’d have already posted them. You’re free to STFU now, biotch. Otherwise, I have an open seat on my helo just for you.

  13. The president of United States views deploying the nuclear arsenal on United States soil against United States citizens as a viable step to disarm and suppress the population. An opinion shared by more than 90% of all Democrats.

    Realistically the United States will not balkanize. However hyperinflation will destroy the economy. Massive civil unrest will come about on levels unseen. It’s best to prepare.

    • Bullshit. How will the Dems escape the radiation from the nukes going off? Not even Dems are stupid enough to think nukes deployed on U.S. soil will only kill those on the right.

      • Acceptable collateral damage? They didn’t have a problem with riots and looting so who knows what their limits are?

        • Acceptable to who? Who do you think will be left?

          Riots and looting didn’t touch 99% of the people in the U.S.

          There is no comparing the riots and looting that killed a couple of dozen too nukes that would kill millions.

        • too nukes that would kill millions.

          Hmmmm, ever heard of a “battlefield” tactical nuke?
          A tactical nuclear weapon (TNW) or non-strategic nuclear weapon is a nuclear weapon which is designed to be used on a battlefield in military situations mostly with friendly forces in proximity and perhaps even on contested friendly territory.

        • MAXX

          Should’ve been ‘to’. Oops

          I know what tactical nukes are. Even those would be too destructive to use on U.S. soil. Give me an example of a target where these weapons wouldn’t kill thousands on both sides.

          Plus, anyone that believes the military would follow orders to nuke U.S. citizens is a fool.

        • Cato, you are thinking like a rational person. Rational people do not believe in launching a nuke on their own citizens.

          However, many on the left are not rational in the same sense you and I are. Two prominent leftists have made that threat. As far as the military following thru, I doubt it.

        • anyone that believes the military would follow orders to nuke U.S. citizens is a fool.

          First of all anyone who believes those in power give a shit about a couple thousand lives here and there is a fool, and it’s not that hard to get someone to do anything you want… “General, push that button,” “Can’t do that”… quick gunshot to the Generals head…. “Colonel, push that button” “sir yes sir, right away sir”… can’t happen here? bullshit, the government has spent all it’s available resources convincing “Americans” that we are what they are doing, when the time comes we will be seen as the (non-existent) insurrectionists that they say we are… Anyway if you don’t have the time to research the development and “use” of depleted uranium in tactical nukes, I certainly won’t waste my time trying to explain it to you…

        • MAXX

          You have a low opinion of the military and there is more to releasing nukes than saying ‘general, push that button’. Who’s going to shoot the general in the head, Biden?

          I don’t need to cut and paste from Google to discuss how nukes work or how they will not be used on U.S. soil.

          As far as those in power not giving a shit about a couple of thousand people here and there. Are you really that fucking stupid to believe that the people in power will remain in power after killing thousands or millions of U.S. citizens?

        • @ Cato. If they said it, they’ll consider it, human nature.

          So basically @RepSwalwell wants a war. Because that’s what you would get. You’re outta your fucking mind if you think I’ll give up my rights and give the gov all the power.

          And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them. But they’re legit. I’m sure if we talked we could find common ground to protect our families and communities.
          — Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) November 16, 2018

          and Creepy Joe says…
          “Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government,” Biden said. “If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”

        • Manse

          So, you believe Swalwell will get the military to nuke the U.S.

          That is stunningly fucking stupid.

        • @Cato

          “If they said it, they’ll consider it, human nature.” As I said and I agree that it would be stupid. Having spent 23 years in uniform, 10 of that in Echelon above Corps, I believe there are plans sitting on a shelf somewhere for just that eventuality. To believe otherwise is hopelessly naïve.

        • I give up.

          Manse and MAXX convinced me I’m about to get nuked. Since Strategic Command at Offutt AFB is about 10 miles from my house there may be an issue with nuclear yield. Hopefully they’ll use one of those tiny tac nukes made of depleted uranium MAXX knows about from Google and everyone else will be okay. Most of my neighbors are Dems, except Larry-the-gun-nut who lives two houses down. Maybe they can launch a mini depleted uranium tac nuke ICBM (inter city ballistic missile) with dual MiRV capability to take me and Larry out at the same time.

          Dave and Joanie are libs that live between me and Larry, Joanie has cancer so maybe the extra radiation with be helpful. If not, they’ll be collateral damage that no one gives a shit about.

          Gotta go start building my bomb shelter before Swalwell and/or Biden nuke my ass.


        • @Cato. Nice strawman you got there and conflating subjects…wow!

          Why did those two say what they did if they never considered it? Answer=because they have thought about it. Now making that happen is a different subject but I can think of several scenarios where nukes might be used.

      • Yeah, the “progressive” left is crazy, but they’re not nuke-their-own-country insane. They want to profit from the destruction and chaos they cause, and nobody can profit from a couple million vaporized people.

      • “Not even Dems are stupid enough to think nukes deployed on U.S. soil will only kill those on the right.”

        One *tiny* detail the Leftists seem to be forgetting –

        The vast majority of those weapons are based in ‘flyover country’.

        The ones that aren’t are deployed on the soil of NATO-allied countries or near Navy submarine bases…

      • That is stunningly fucking stupid.

        So ALL you have is sarcasm and personal attack (pretty big on the “stunningly fucking stupid” thing) you lost your argument the moment you went there…

    • corona26 or something else
      the illuminati involved world wide not need weapon destroy building water agriculture vaccine some shot not work pick and choose deaths

    • “The president of United States views deploying the nuclear arsenal on United States soil against United States citizens as a viable step to disarm and suppress the population“

      Pure propaganda, you are just stoking outrage in order to authorize criminal acts.

  14. “We become better informed and make better decisions when we vote”

    If the last ten months has taught us anything, it’s that your vote is irrelevant…..Makes me want to puke when I hear people say, well, at least our guy isn’t as bad as their guy…..Really?…So vote for the person who is a garbage person but not as much as the other garbage person?….

    • The other alternative is?

      We become better informed and make better decisions when we vote”

      It would be a wonderful world if that were true unfortunately there are more uninformed voters today than ever before that just vote for the letter behind the guys name instead of actually researching the guy…

      • Not sure what the alternative is. Nearly every supposed “conservative” has turned out to be just that, supposedly. The GOP simply looks out for their corporate interests. Term limits is a good start. But that will never happen as that would threaten the entirety of the beltway and their hold on power, regardless of party. When it comes to voting for “the lesser of two evils”, I’ll just stay home. Research on the individual is fine and should be done, but, look at all the people we really had hope for and what they turned out to be. And even if you do get one really good person in, if they have no support and they have nothing going on but fighting the swamp the whole time. Yep, term limits would be awesome and somewhat of a band-aid to the travesty we currently have.

        • “Yep, term limits would be awesome…”

          How so? We already have term limits for elected representatives; elections. How, exactly, do you expect an additional set of term limits will change the game? The very voters who keep politicians in office term-after-term, will simply elect new representatives who are carbon copies of the politicians limited out.

        • term limits would be awesome and somewhat of a band-aid to the travesty we currently have.

          You are asking these people to vote themselves out of a cushy $175,000.00 a year part time job? NOT going to happen… Requirements like being knowledgeable on the Constitution would be a start (yeah a civics test) that would also prove that they can actually read and comprehend… how about session limits? A couple of months a year to do a budget and get the hell out, 535 men,women and its sitting around with nothing to do but make shit up and go to parties is a dangerous scenario and do away with ALL lobbying period… An honesty clause, allowing anyone not being true to their promises to be removed from office would stop a lot of lying dirtbags… But mostly start teaching “real” history in schools and stop all this racial bullshit… If there is a “civil” conflict in this country it will not be black Vs. white it will be ideological with people of ALL races on BOTH sides….

    • Especially when your vote doesn’t even count anymore unless it’s for a democrat. I won’t be voting at all anymore. Not letting dominion alter my vote

      • I know many including myself that 100% convinced that as long as dominion and the left are running things that there will never be another “election”. People had to retract any talk of malfeasance by Dominion or get hit with BILLION dollar lawsuits.
        If you aren’t up yo NO GOOD then what’s with BILLION dollar lawsuits?
        If was to sue someone for BILLIONS then I’m likely up to no good.
        By suing for BILLIONS I’m trying to scare people off because my company and I are done when they find out that my product was rigged to change my vote.

        • Voting is a test.
          The people still believe.
          However I still vote, “Morales Good Sir!” -Not-

  15. To be repetitive, redundant, pedantic and generally unpleasant….

    A new civil war would be Civil War 3. A revolution is a civil war. A civil war is a revolution. Thus, “The Revolution” was civil war 1. The War for Southern Independence is/was Civil War 2.

    While dazzled by the prospect of a third civil war, attention is diverted from the inevitable devolution into tribalism in the US. It is more likely we will see ethnic raids, than a full on attempt to overthrow the federal (or state) government.

      • “War of Northern Aggression.

        Actually, South Carolina was the aggressor; firing on Ft. Sumpter. Pierre Toutant-Beauregard ensured no political solution was possible (if a political solution was ever likely).

        • Would not keeping an armed, operational fortress in the middle of another country’s largest harbour, on what is now the sovereign soil of that other country, be sort of, ah, ‘aggressive’? How about maintaining that armed, operational fortress in the middle of that other country’s harbour and then sending a supply vessel to it in order to assure that it remained armed and operational, as a constant threat to that other country’s commerce?

          I suspect that if Mr. Lincoln had assured South Carolina that Fort Sumpter would be evacuated, its guns spiked and its personnel removed on the Star of the West on January 9, 1861, April 12th would’ve been another quiet springtime day.

    • Not so.

      A civil war is a war for control of a government. Both 1776 and 1861 were attempts to secede from the existing government, not take it over.

      If America has a civil war in the future, it will be Civil War I.

      • “A civil war is a war for control of a government. Both 1776 and 1861 were attempts to secede from the existing government, not take it over.”

        A civil war is when people of the nation take up arms against each other; as it always has been. This applies to both 1776 and 1861.

        Definition of civil war
        “: a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country”

  16. ” stop amassing huge private arsenals of ammunition ”

    Why? If none of this comes to pass, the worst that will happen will be you sitting on several lifetimes worth of ammo.

    However– if the shit does hit the fan – a more likely scenario – you’re likely going to need every round you can find.

    • Or, at the very least you’ll be well prepared for “Chipmonks” Zombie Apocalypse”…

    • And what if, for whatever reason, it’s no longer available? We’ve had a hint of that this past year. Who is to say it won’t happen again, and possibly be permanent?

      • “And what if, for whatever reason, it’s no longer available?”

        You improvise, choosing firearms initially chambered in black powder, like .38 Special and .45-70, for example. Others are out there, as well.

        Primers are a bit tougher, improvised priming compounds are available in ingredient powders. Wet, mix, dry and use. They are corrosive, so meticulous firearm cleaning after firing is a must.

        Bullets will be no problem, old car batteries are available and wheel weights at tire changing stores are out there…

        • “Bullets will be no problem, old car batteries are available and wheel weights at tire changing stores are out there…”

          With sufficient skill, and a modicum of ammo, one can obtain possession of the ammunition formerly owned by other persons…..according to what I have heard.

    • One could argue that “amassing huge private arsenals of ammunition” and arms is the embodiment of patriotic citizens doing their civic duty by personally investing in the future of our Constitutional Republic. One could even liken it to purchasing self-insured “Civil War Bonds” of a sorts.

      What could be better than stimulating our economy and supporting American industry by buying American-made arms and ammunition at record levels (especially during a pandemic)? And in so doing, not only are we investing in America- we’re investing in each of our own individual, personal security. Talk about “out of many, one”.

      It is the epitome of self-governance, self-reliance, and forward-thinking preparedness to act accordingly. When civil society teeters on the brink of collapse, what items have a greater value than food, arms, and ammunition? Exactly. And since the survivors do the rebuilding- it’s those planning on surviving that are preparing for this conceivable conflict prudently.

      Just seems like the American way to me. America is the people- not the government.

      • Well said. Put the way you ust articulated, it is clear to me that the author is a world-class RINO of a FUDD.

    • And when you are forced to bail out of the place that holds that mountain of ammo….you can weep about it.

      Don’t get me wrong I have enough ammo, to the point that I will not be taking all of it, if I am forced to leave for one of many reasons.

  17. I think this vision of war is some what near-sighted. A crap ton of violence can go down and people still function normally. We have recent history of a top-tier, first-world nation that has gone through this (still is to some extent) and society did not grind to a stand still: “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland.

    This was an international conflict BTW as some of the fighting took place in the Republic of Ireland, GB, but also spilled into mainland Europe. It was very much sporadic and somewhat localized. Like most sectarian violence, the bombings and assassination were carried out by a relatively small number of people. I would expect the same if such a thing happened here.

    Nations press on during some serious unrest. Heck, GB fought a couple of wars on the other side of the globe while it had an insurgency in its own borders. All the while holding on to vast amounts of far-flung territory. Even during the U.S. Civil War, many parts of the North and the Far West experienced business as usual. Maybe its just the Irish being stubborn but many sectarian parades and gatherings took place during the worst of the fighting.

    My advice would be stay out of the American versions of Derry and Belfast. You know – Chicago, Baltimore, and most of California. Still its with a heavy heart that I state that I am pretty sure we will have our own versions of Bloody Sunday and Bloody Friday.

      • Portland and Seattle are not rough; just pencil-necked white bois who know they have a pass in their cities and wouldn’t last five minutes down South. St. Louis, Oakland, D.C., Memphis, Newark, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Compton, and several others have areas on a par with Chicago/Baltimore. Portland/Seattle only looks tough because they’re allowed free reign.
        And I’d put a well-selected group of welders, pipefitters, brick layers, factory workers, longshoremen, roofers, diesel mechanics and farm boys against the lot of ’em.

  18. No matter how ugly a picture you paint of it, it’s coming. You can either make ready to ride out and face it, or stand by and wait for it to roll over you. For now, you’re still a free American and the choice is yours. For now.

  19. The first thing we must do to avoid a civil war or massive civil unrest is demand that our elected officials actually honor their oath to support and defend the constitution and the Rule of Law. No more judicial activism or skirting around the Bill of Rights, either.

    Citizens must become educated about the Founder’s design of our Constitutional Republic and the historical background that brought them to create the form of government that they did.

    Every time I hear someone in the media refer to “our democracy” or “freedom”, I cringe.

    We do not have a democracy, we have (or did have) a Constitutional Republic. We do not have freedom, we have liberty. Liberty is freedom with responsibility and is unalienable. Freedom alone is without responsibility and is something granted by an earthly authority.

    • …And you think that politicians and the Operation Mockingbird media don’t know the diff between Democracy & Republic?? No, that repetitive mention of democracy is deliberate and calculated to reinforce a BIG LIE just as Herr Goebbels explained.

    • “..demand that our elected officials actually honor their oath to support and defend the constitution and the Rule of Law.”

      OK, sure, I demand it!

      • There’s power (political and otherwise) in numbers.

        You will need to put some large numbers behind that demanding it!

        Where I grew up, when we didn’t like what our city councilman or the city government did in our neighborhood, we’d all get together and get the city councilman in a meeting and tell him in no uncertain terms (and with our usual threats of violence) what we wanted and he would deliver or be gone in the next election (or sooner). We got what we damanded every single time.

        Of course, in our neighborhood, we didn’t use firearms or kill people but we made good use of aluminum baseball bats. We didn’t take any crap from anybody. We even made the local police precinct commander tow the line.

  20. That’s really cute, you act like we have a choice… THEY are the ones looting and burning businesses, THEY are the ones “defunding” local law enforcement, THEY are the ones assaulting/threatening/killing innocent people, blocking streets and Interstates and commandeering whole sections of city downtown areas and they are the ones that have determined that every WHITE person in America is a “privileged” racist that needs to be exterminated… Sound about right so far? When Barrack Obama said “we are just two days away from the COMPLETE transformation of America” my radar went berserk, the next day I started a gun and ammo shopping spree that lasted eight years, I took him at his word and I was right and now when I hear “WHITE” people must die” and “kill ALL WHITE people” I take THEM at their word, this started in 1992 and has been rumbling under the surface ever since with small eruptions from time to time but now it is beginning to boil over and it won’t take too much more pressure to blow the lid off the whole damn thing… My stuff is clean, lubed, locked and loaded… I won’t fire the first shot but I’ll goddamn sure do my best to be there to fire one of the last… The rest of that crap is incidental, city folks get hungry they’ll eat their own before they venture out into the country and those that do won’t survive long enough to have an impact… Sounds like an opportunity for depopulation to me, too many people out there anyway… I have food and ammo to last a lifetime with hunting, fishing and farming skills and my little getaway has an unimpeachable spring fed underground water supply and is far enough away from “civilization” and high enough in the mountain that it could take any outsiders years to stumble across me… As Mr. Garrison said “Fuk em ALL, fuk em all to death”… Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler, how did that work out for him? “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” (George Santayana: The Life of Reason: Reason in Common Sense) , good luck with your “appeasement”…

    • “…THEY are the ones assaulting/threatening/killing innocent people…”

      And they think they’re righteous for doing so. Even Darth Vader thought he was the good guy.

      • It’s within the character of very few to wantonly commit a great evil. The great evils of history are oft made manifest by a multitude being convinced to each commit a small evil for the sake of advancing a “greater good”.

  21. A civil war requires opposing armies. There will be no such things. But there will be plenty of civil unrest. Just like in 2020. When the police where ordered to stand down. And the Libertarians Liberals and the Left all agreed on that. They are comfortable with random or organized arson. Because they don’t support protecting private property. No deadly force allowed.
    Very few Liberals have guns. They trust government. And if they have “a” gun, they don’t have much ammo for it. Liberals are new to this game.

    • I think you’re on the right track here.

      Anybody that hopes for a civil war is a fecking moron. For one thing, the author is right that a civil war would be a complete, unmitigated disaster, from which nothing good could possibly emerge. And all-out war isn’t going to happen. The would-be combatants are too intermixed and atomized, and neither side has anything like an army.

      Civil unrest, and maybe a real insurgency…or several…are almost inevitable. Heck, there’s already a leftist insurgency going on that the government refuses to recognize (and some of the government even supports it, or at least hopes to profit from it).

      Preparing for a civil war type of scenario, though, actually makes good sense. Preparing for one doesn’t mean you *want* one. And those preparations will be very useful in the civil unrest and localized violence that is actually likely to happen.

      Shortages of food and other items are likely as the economic and political situation continues to deteriorate, so I’ve got a couple/three months worth of just about everything in the basement storage room. And I’m continuing to “hoard” ammunition because I want to get to the point where I can practice (and generally just have fun shooting) without worrying that I won’t be able to replace what I’ve used.

    • Don’t rope the libertarians into the left or right bullshit us true libertarians want to be left alone and if I’m not that’s the other guys problem any left right or libertarian mainstream media is a bunch of bullshit

    • Actually, many liberals own or use guns now. In 2017 23% of liberals owned guns, as of May 2021 41% of liberals either own guns or have borrowed guns to carry (especially women) or live in a household where someone owns a gun that they also use (carry). As of February 2021 27% of liberals who did not yet own guns were contemplating purchasing a gun. 18% of gun stores in the U.S. (not the large retail chains) are owned and operated by liberals and cater to liberals.

      • To quote a movie: “Did you ever see a match-grade round traveling three thousand feet per second go through a window?”
        “Nobody does.”

        Let the liberals arm up and spend stupid amounts on ammo and pink guns.
        In the end it’s just more guns, parts and ammo for the right.
        “Look, a Glock 19 with about 50 rounds through it.” Cool.

        A liberal carrying a handgun in a fanny pack or purse that takes 30 seconds to present isn’t really much of a threat to most armed conservatives BUT you reap what you sow.
        “Please don’t shoot me”.
        Let me think about it – boom.
        Get Karen or Biffs gun, ammo and gold.

  22. Civil War 2.0 would be the bloodiest in human history. It isntbsomething to wish for, for sure. Peaceful separation between left and right is what I advocate for.

    • How are you going to achieve that? The Leftists believe it is perfectly fine to shoot anyone who stands in their way. Are you going to give them the Left Coast and the North East? Do you think they won’t tax you into oblivion and take your home when you can’t pay? They are already remaking the schools you pay for into re-education camps teaching Critical Race Theory, and teaching your kids to turn you in for not clicking your heels and saluting the New American Flag.

      Peaceful isn’t what we will get from the New Socialists!

        • That’s a good article, but it doesn’t say anything about how a separation could work. In fact, I think it says separation isn’t the way to go at all.

          The side of this conflict that actually improves life for the large, mushy middle is likely to win. Both sides of this existential question claim to be about improving life for Americans — but only one side can win. And although the other side has historically had Middle America eating out of its hand, and still has a huge communication advantage, the truth is that they’re making everyone but themselves miserable and that the more power they get, the worse life is for most Americans.

          The author makes a great point in that ours is the only side in this ideological conflict that actually *can* make life in America better for everyone, and that it’s the key to victory.

          As the lunatic left continues to go bonkers and spread hatred and unrest, it may be that all we on the American “not-left” (conservatives, libertarians, whatever we call ourselves) have to do to win is to position ourselves as the most reasonable alternative to the destruction. We don’t destroy anyone’s comfort or prosperity. We’re the ones who will help normal Americans prosper through the fruit of their own labor (as most people want to do), and if (when?) that becomes apparent, the left’s fate is sealed.

      • “The Leftists believe it is perfectly fine to shoot anyone who stands in their way.”

        Believing and doing are two different things. So far we have had no organized, sanctioned shootings from the officials on the left. Lots of crime and maybe you can argue that, but it’s not coordinated in any real way.

    • There wouldn’t be an easy divorce. There would be a fight over resources. There aren’t really red states and blue states. There are mostly just large blue cites, smaller red cities, and red rural areas.

  23. I fully expect the pearl clutching to begin when white people waving rainbow flags and throwing fire bombs get shot.

    • You know that YOU are the liberal right? The way you equate the phony “Libertarian” party with real libertarian philosophy. You are a big government-lover cheering for tyranny. Boot-licker. Read a book once in your life for fuck’s sake. I guarantee that I’m not the only one sick of your constant, ignorant, and repetitive idiocy polluting this website.

      • Eh… Chris T. does have a bit of an irrational grudge against libertarians, but he’s not entirely wrong about them. I would say “us,” but I usually avoid the label because I won’t associate with the large number (possibly the majority) of so-called libertarians who are merely mush-brained hedonists.

        Any libertarian worth his salt fully believes that looters should be shot in the face, and no one who supports liberty in any way would ever voluntarily associate with the repellent American left — which means that at least half of the people who call themselves libertarians aren’t what they claim to be, and are worthy only of derision. And on that I’m in full agreement with him.

        • to Ing, Congratulations!
          You have become a moderating influence on me. Yes there are some Libertarians who actually believe in Freedom and the responsibility that goes with it. When I see your comments I try to remind myself of that. Before I start typing about something about the Libertarians that bothers me.

          As far as I’m concerned the year 2020 was a very disappointing one for Libertarians and their libertarian philosophy. They seem to have flushed down the toilet the teachings of Ludwig Von Mises and the Austrian School of Economics education. I have not read much of Mises work. But I think I have read enough to know that his thinking was the right way to go. For a better world.

          What made the early United States so different from the rest of the world was the idea of individual property rights for the Common Man. That way of thinking seems to have been lost by so many in this country.

        • “Any libertarian worth his salt fully believes that looters should be shot in the face, and no one who supports liberty in any way would ever voluntarily associate with the repellent American left — which means that at least half of the people who call themselves libertarians aren’t what they claim to be”

          Well said, sir! This is a great time to be alive if you truly value truth! It’s pretty easy to find if you have the fortitude to do so and, love him or hate him, Trump ripped the mask off so many pretenders on all sides…

        • Most self proclaimed “libertarians” are as much libertarian as someone claiming to be a vegan who eats cheesy steak and eggs every morning. The mistake Chris T and many others make when they spit on the ideology is essentially a straw man. It’s a philosophy, not a party platform, and a fairly absolutist one at that. If you claim to be a libertarian but only support some malum prohibitum laws, or you don’t support private property or violent defense of self/property, you’re not one. Period, full stop

        • I’m glad to hear it, Chris. 🙂 You had a role in making me think harder about whether libertarianism really was what it claimed to be (and whether I could accurately call myself one), so it goes both ways.

          As Red in CO says, most people who claim the name have mistaken a party platform and personal comfort for the philosophy, and don’t have the slightest understanding of the principles it entails. It’s too bad, because a credible (real) libertarian movement could contribute to more freedom, liberty, and prosperity for everybody.

      • Wasting your time trying to explain it to Chris. He is one of those self hating Repuicans who honestly does not realize he is the problem. He also has some tendencies to the gay side which somewhat explains his self hatred.

    • You are soft and plump like a baby doe, right? It’s easy to tell from all your blustering bullshit. The government is always telling you just the tip? You are statist liberal scum.

    • You are soft and plump like a baby doe, right? It’s easy to tell from all your blustering bullshit. The government is always telling you just the tip? Statist liberal scum.

  24. I would not say it is a civil war that some people are preparing for. It is not a geographic area against another geographic area, such as North vs South. It more like our Revolutionary War. You do not know the person that is on your side and no clear geographic lines of support. That is what our Revolutionary War was like. It will be more like a Revolutionary War not knowing who the enemy is until the shooting starts because the enemy will be shooting at you.

  25. I do not believe this country will fall into a full civil war, but we will see continued riots sparked by BLM/Antifa/Leftists egged on by leftistist Democrats who will continue to divert LE funding to whatever communist inspired project they think will buy them more votes. There will be some outflow from cities responding to the riots and the massive crime spikes delivered by local district attornies looking for some Soros money by turning criminals lose with no bail, but the crime will mostly stay confined to the large cities unless we have a full on currency collapse.

    • WHEN our economy collapses the dollar will be useless.
      It is being propped up now with what HW Bush called voodoo economics.
      There is NO safety net, it’s not like the feds can cut the prime rate.
      It will take one horrible day of a selloff in the stock market to start a collapse.
      Within a week the economy will collapse. Be prepared.

      • We just blew through more money than we spent on WW1 & 2 combined with nothing to show for it other than inflation, supply issues, and a worker shortage. So what’s the plan going ahead? More crazy spending like we’ve never seen in the history of the world! 🤪 Sooner or later, the bill always comes due.

  26. Last night I had a discussion on the phone with a friend who moved to another state in 1999.
    I asked him if he ever heard of PMC X-TAC.
    I told him I was scoring 1000 rounds @ 46 cents shipped.
    He asked where and do they have .308?
    He also asked what happened to my Federal stash of 5.56 and .308?
    I told him I still have 90% of it but you have to get out and practice (train).
    I have 1000 rounds of this X-Tac coming along with another 200 rounds of HSTs.
    Inside of 300 yards the 5.56, past that .308 and for close encounters handguns.
    We have a bug out property set up pretty well in a different state.
    I have a Jeep XJ with a Chevy small block and some reinforcements to it.
    It has a 30 gallon fuel tank and some door and lift gate plating.
    We started planning this when Obama got “elected”.

    • I have a Jeep XJ with a Chevy small block and some reinforcements to it.
      It has a 30 gallon fuel tank and some door and lift gate plating.

      Mine is a “stolen recovery” H2 with Cummins diesel, 6-speed and lots of internal plating w two 30 gal tanks, cage, run flat/flotation tires, a relocated radiator and “stuff”

      • My only problem would be landmines, It was a bitch to get the XJ to run at high speeds with the “stuff” up front. Do you have a snorkel?

        • “Awesome that you both recognize that you need the ability to go where other vehicles can’t.”

          Give a serious look a a *quality* mountain bike with (highly) puncture-resistant tires.

          The tires cost about 50-60 dollars each, but won’t leave you walking it home with a flat…

        • Give a serious look a a *quality* mountain bike….

          My mountain bike is an old Sportster with a built engine, an extended swing arm, knobbies and a 5 1/2 gal fuel tank… My pedaling days went away a long time ago with my hips and my back…

        • I’ve got my Lambourfeetie, no gas, no tires, 4 feetie drive, tail winch, able to climb trees, mountains and cross raging rivers.

    • “Inside of 300 yards the 5.56, past that .308 and for close encounters handguns.”

      You and I think alike, friend, though I also have a cheap pump shotgun for the close encounters.

    • I live on my bug-out property way back in the woods where nobody goes without damn good reason. With my family all within five miles, I could start tomorrow and never need a thing from now on. Everything we need, we can grow it, shoot it, build it, eat it, skin it, hook it, filet it, trap it, snatch it, hatch it, catch it, pick it, smoke it, burn it, bury it, store it, dig it up, raise it, name it.
      A country boy can survive.

  27. I don’t fear a civil war. Why? WWIII is already here with world governments in collusion with one another to take down the world population through plandemics and poisonous rape needles. It’s the governments to fear, not the common every day folks. The 2nd Amendment is the only thing that is giving them pause now to fully execute their ultimate plan. Our Constitutional Republic is all but gone now, since the fix is in with the lost of credible elections. Elections are held now just to make you believe that you are still in control. You are not. It will not be a civil war where two sides of citizens square off against each other. It will be everyone on their own losing their humanity fighting one another to try and stay alive. This is why people are buying guns and hoarding ammo.

  28. One of the problems with the Libertarians Liberals in the Left is that they’re always looking for a “Monster”. And they believed they found “a monster” in Ferguson Missouri. But “hands up don’t shoot” didn’t happen. And to this day they still blame an innocent white police officer, for the self-defense shooting of Micheal Brown.

    Now Years later “hands up don’t shoot” protest signs are sprinkle all over Antifa and other Anti police protests.
    And what’s interesting is that those same people who believe cops are evil. Don’t want private property owners to shoot to kill, to protect what they have.

    Michael Brown was a shoplifter. Just like the shoplifters in San Francisco. Who were enabled by the Libertarians Liberals and the Left who supported proposition 47 in California. That raised the amount of money to be considered a misdemeanor theft to $950.

    The Libertarians Liberals and the Left beginning setting the stage for civil unrest in the United States years ago.

    • edit
      The Libertarians Liberals and the Left began setting the stage for civil unrest in the United States years ago.

    • Just like the shoplifters in San Francisco

      Apparently you did not get the memo… That is not shoplifting, that is REPARATIONS…

      • White Liberals call it reparations. Black business owners and store employees everywhere call it theft. And those that steal should be shot dead.

        • Or you can fight and arrest them, they can claim that cant breathe because they are all doped up so you can let them lay on the ground until the ambulance shows up. Then they die of an overdose and heart issues associated with an 80 year old lifelong smoker, a city burns and an innocent man goes to prison.
          I like your idea better.

    • Well said. But no Red Dawn will happen at first. Cities on the left coast are near ruin. East coast is not far behind. New York has always been a shot hole and if you think they are going to protect DC think again

        • When the patriots show up with Pelosi and friends heads on pikes, they will stand down. 99% of them already know they are on the wrong side of this.
          DC will burn but it wont be the Right doing it. The NG will see this and “disciplined” and “professional” will turn into patriotism. They aren’t going to fire under a white flag of truce.

          Very few on the right want to destroy DC, they do want to made those who made this mess accountable for their actions. Then you have BLM and antifa who stands for nothing but mayhem so they will try and burn it.

          Guess who will be taking the machine gun fire?

  29. This is the weakest society in the U.S. has been since WWII. There is no open countryside for city dwellers to hunt and forage. Millions will simply starve to death in the first 30 days because they only have a days worth of food in the house.

    It won’t take a war. Simply shut down the internet. No cash from ATMs. No credit or debit cards. The big distributors won’t be able to get food to the cities and they will only sell for cash.

  30. Only minor bloodshed is required if a state or large jurisdiction in a state just simply stops complying. The pot heads and the gay marriage people showed us the way. If some state stops paying income taxes and decides to protect the 2nd amendment fully, sure some state militia will have to kill some alphabet boys, and it may get ugly for people in that state for a time but the feds just don’t have the resources, especially if a couple contiguous states joined up in civil disobedience.

  31. As a rural dweller I could care less is urban areas implode. All they do is suck up resources like a tick. I just hope it kicks off while I’m still young enough to participate.

    • “As a rural dweller I could care less is urban areas implode. All they do is suck up resources like a tick.”

      Bad news –

      If it goes down, literally millions of them will pour into the rural ares looking for something to eat. The majority of the farmlands produce the grains and meats of this country.

      What will you do then?

      The scenario I see happening is that the roads and highways will periodically have signs announcing :

      “Unless you know someone here, pass no further. This is your only warning”…

  32. civil war no over through of current government and a restart back to our original Constitutional type leadership like we started with maybe but I try to stay ready to help my family survive any way I can but hopefully Our Lord will return for his people first

    • It’s nice to have faith but I would have a serious backup plan.
      It might be a little late but think hard about one.

  33. Civil War. No. Cities will fall first. Rural and open area residents will form coalitions to keep the cities contained. Military may try to help but troops will go AWOL quickly refusing to shoot their own. Saving the cities is not going to happen nor will rescuing politicians take place

    • “Cities will fall first. Rural and open area residents will form coalitions to keep the cities contained.”

      Preach it.

      “Military may try to help but troops will go AWOL quickly refusing to shoot their own.’…

  34. The author may have some good points, but at least two important things are missing.

    First, the philosophy of American constitutional republicanism is not support by half the country, but rather have a situational wthics/living document perspective which does not see enforcing rights as the Supreme law of the land.

    Speaking of the law of the land, something that would help strengthen local communities is police learning that the right to arms not being infringed is law, that should be enforced above all else.

    And with that responsible attitude would come community gun safety and proficiency training and militia exercises.

    • Well said. Americans form coalitions of strategic bed fellows quickly. Political leaders won’t matter. You will have your chance. Good part is most of the military will defect. Already been proven even by the JCS

  35. Author is yet another FUDD that thinks our American “Civil War” of the 1860s define the be all/end all of “civil war”. Go read some history.

    Perhaps – had the chicom flu “immunization” vs NOT.

  36. The author presents good points and possible scenarios however his narrative is just one of many describing failure, doom, and gloom. I don’t know why these folks can’t describe the civil unrest brought to an end by the right people expending those that have caused it all but that is a possible scenario too. It’s all surviving smarter instead of harder.

    Blue leftist America is not, and will not, be able to endure nor win a hot conflict with the Red right. They’re too much against the conservative way of life and have been to long to hone the skills to defeat such an opposition in armed conflict.

    Unless the leftists have outside help from another leftist force they won’t last long at all, but if the leadership is taken out that fostered and supported it’s creation then you can expect the conflict to be extremely short-lived. This is the best option to have at the start of such a conflict.

    There is an explanation and sources responsible for the current division and strife in the USA. Those responsible need to be the ones expended to prevent reoccurrence and this should not be something that is procrastinated in the event of armed conflict.

    We should be writing about the horrors of civil war but also equally writing about the options we can pursue to make sure a hot conflict is very, very short lived.

  37. Since we are not planning to participate in a civil war we are precisely the people who should have fully stocked arsenals.

  38. This author doesn’t comprehend what a modern civil war is like. The most extreme example is Rwanda. Check out the graph of their population.


    Within only a few months, upwards of one million people out of a total population of barely seven million people were killed. There were no defined geographical borders much less organized armies. The perpetrators were not armed with F-15 fighters and nuclear weapons. Their primary armament was machetes and torches. Ordinary people simply began killing their neighbors who they had been living in peace with because an unrelenting propaganda campaign to demonize a specific population group was wildly successful.

    We know which population group is being demonized.

    We know which population groups are being radicalized. They are the ones who have been looting and burning with impunity.

    Right now the population group that has been targeted for extermination has remained largely passive because they have traditionally supported the rule of law. Some also understand that the same law enforcement officers who have been targeted by the rioters will take action against them. However; if things escalate, law enforcement ceases to be relevant. At that point the targeted population should be prepared to take action.

    I recommend reading the Book of Esther in the Bible to understand the current situation.

    • Well written and to the point. Most of the population is ready and smart to escape the shit hole cities which is happening now. The urban enemy will never make it past city limits. If the left was smart they would call in UN troops which will refuse to help. Suburbs and country side is too strong. Containment of cities will be paramount and you can forget the US military helping.

  39. “We become better informed and make better decisions when we vote.”

    Hahahahahah. Half the people who vote can’t even read, and a lot of the rest can read but can’t think.

    Besides, the votes don’t matter. The counters matter. Just the counters.

  40. Well written and to the point. Most of the population is ready and smart to escape the shit hole cities which is happening now. The urban enemy will never make it past city limits. If the left was smart they would call in UN troops which will refuse to help. Suburbs and country side is too strong. Containment of cities will be paramount and you can forget the US military helping.

    • And UN troops will provided by the countries that had the lowest bids for their services. They will only fight the local gangs if there is a conflict of interest. Otherwise the UN troops and their civil administrators will be shaking down the local populations while organizing a brothel for themselves.

  41. Well written and to the point. Most of the population is ready and smart to escape the shit hole cities which is happening now. The urban enemy will never make it past city limits. If the left was smart they would call in UN troops which will refuse to help. Suburbs and country side is too strong. Containment of cities will be paramount

  42. Sorry. To the person that wrote this, im not going tostop buying ammo, or firearms. To be quite honest, i dont really think you, let alone anyone, gets to be the arbiter of what people buy, ir why they choose to buy it. Furthermore, i have zero desire to have any form of discourse with anyone of the left. As far as i am concerned, they are the enemy, and one does not engage peacefully with the enemy. Why would i ever want anything to do with those that seek to destroy the concept of society? Why would i want to talk to anyone that advocates for canonizing a violent felon who had a rap sheet as long as the pacific is deep? Why would i want to discuss civilly the finer points of pushing an agenda of boys can be girls/girls can be boys? Explain to me, the need to talk politely to the group of people, about why the voices of the right are perpetually racist, and why i must adhere lockstep to the ideals of leftists?

    Nah, fam…

    I want nothing to do with anyone of the left. They absolutely are the enemy, and they are not worth my time.

  43. Idk what the answer is but i do know this generation of democrats errrrrrr i meam communist can’t be reasoned with…. they refuse to listen learn or meet in the middle.. They are evil soulless immoral people who want to control us from cradle to grave.Literally….. If we do not stand up and say enough we will lose….

  44. What is it with guns nuts wanting (constantly daydreaming about) a second civil war? Wasn’t the Trump fiasco at the Capitol on January 6th lesson enough? You people are freaking dangerous.

    • Please don’t besmirch all the Gravy Seals that frequent this site. After all, they’re will to anything for this country, provided ‘anything’ is limited to impotently banging on their keyboards 🤣.

    • You people are freaking dangerous.

      Something you might do well to keep at the forefront of your thoughts…

    • Its not “gun nuts”.

      Its everyone “nuts” including anti-gun nuts – its almost any group or person with a “grievance” or “radical special interest”. The government is preparing for it at some point in the next 10 years. The U.S. military is planning for “domestic insurgency war fare”, police forces are planning and training and equipping to prepare for “radicalized groups”. Some experts say its already begun. When it actually begins, or if it has begun, may be debatable but what is a fact is that the U.S. is rife with civil unrest and political animosity and radicalization, and now composed of so many “radicalized special interest groups” and people that are staging and planning, that the threat of another “civil war” type “environment” is real if even by a disorganized “radicalized groups insurgency” component.

      Just about any group now has a radical component planning and staging to start a “civil war”, even radical anti-gun groups of people who’s goal is the murder of gun owners as a prelude to start a civil war. Its not the radicalized far-right, its everyone (components) from a violent radicalized far-left to liberals to conservatives to just about any anti-government group to racially motivated groups of all races to over four thousand groups composed of millions of people. Its everywhere.

      Statistically, anti-gun people are more violent than legitimate gun owners have ever been, 78% of domestic abuse in 2020 was perpetrated by a person who claimed to be anti-gun. Between 2000 and 2019 62% of road rage incidents were perpetrated by a person who claimed to be anti-gun. 83% of violent physical assaults (both minor and major) 2000 to 2020 were perpetrated by people who claimed to be opposed to guns.

  45. “What is it with guns nuts…You people are freaking dangerous.”

    Like the Founders? The people who threw off a tyrant, and warned us to be prepared to do so again, if necessary?

  46. When the delivery trucks stop making deliveries to the cities. Because the police are ordered to stand down. That is when the zombie apocalypse will start. This did happen in Detroit back in the day.

  47. Vote 😂
    There’s no vote. I barley believed it before but now nope. The powers struggle is well beyond anything we think it is.
    I’m not even sure I trust local elections anymore.

  48. Another point to consider as a precursor, or a halt to the start of a civil war is that with the breakdown in government largely ignoring the law of the land, is that there is likely to be citizen arrests of anti-liberty government officials, if possible, or taking them out if forced.

    The marxists will lack the narrative generators at that point and will have to think for themselves. A good portion of them thinking they are anti-second amendment bigots, aren’t likely to have weapons of any significance.

    So, we don’t have to hoard ammo, but we should have enough to endure several years. We have to assess how much that is for ourselves.

  49. I find it amusing……

    If I am prepared and have supplies to address my needs for an extended period…..I am now a hoarder.

    We used to be “prepared”. Food supplies, toilet paper, medicines, etc.

    Most have gotten so accustomed to the “I can get it from amazon, so I don’t need to be prepared” that disruptions caused a run on……well…..everything.

    I would say NOW is the time to stroe a little extra poo-poo paper, beans, band aids, and bullets. Prices may not drop to pre-covid levels before the the next socioeconomic ripple.

    I could be wrong…..but I don’t think so.

    I remember Hurricane Ivan hit in 2004 2i5h massive devastation and loss of services. A big deal was made about being prepared.

    A few weeks later Hurrican Jeanne hit Florida…….and the generals masses were immediately screaming they didn’t have water and food.

    Go figure….

    • “If I am prepared and have supplies to address my needs for an extended period…..I am now a hoarder.”

      Correct. If you have more of something I want, and supplies are severely restricted/limited, you are a hoarder. Not to mention a “gouger”, if you offer to sell me part of your hoard at prices above what they were before your hoard of supply became unavailable on the open market.

      What? Me worry? You should be happy to share your hoard with anyone wanting to join you in the foxhole; numbers count. Don’t be a nasty Nert; share and share alike. “To those who need, from those who have.” (Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen” – K. Marx)

      Viva La Revolucion
      Viva Zapata
      Viva Max
      Viva Las Vegas
      Free The Internet
      Free Willie
      Free William’s Willie

    • A few weeks later Hurrican Jeanne hit Florida…….and the generals masses were immediately screaming they didn’t have water and food.

      A quick history lesson… Jeanne was the FOURTH Hurricane/Major Storm to hit Florida in just 6 weeks… Charley made landfall south of Tampa on Aug 9 and pretty much follwed I-4 all the way up the state it was still a cat 3 when it hit my house) power was out for eight days…. Francis made landfall three weeks later as a Cat 2 in south FL emergining into the Gulf near Tampa.. Ivan was forming as Francis came ashore… Though Ivan never made actual landfall as a hurricane in FL we felt the worst of the storm being on the “dirty” side of the cat 5 storm (cat 4 at official landfall) 8 people died and 14 billion in damage in FL… On Sept 25th Jeanne came ashore at almost the same point that Francis had landed only to make a right turn in the middle of the state traveling north all the way to GA. (power was out for 10 days) I had to drive 35 miles to find gas to keep my generator running, there were no services available for nearly three weeks of an eight week period and very limited for most of that time… Power companies were spread thin all over the state and there were tree removal comanies and power line repair trucks from all over the Midwest… So yeah, “GO FIGURE” can’t understand how people could run out of essential shit SO quickly…

      • 3 of those hurricanes left me with no power for 9 days total.

        It was the middle of August. It sucked.

        The worst part was, every radio station played nothing but hurricane ‘tips’, no programming…

        • I was without power 11 days after Ivan and I was 180 miles from landfall. (Bands spawned tornados)

          Went to Jay and Milton during that time to help in recovery.

          No one at work knew I was without power because we had PTO power and a could shower.

    • Ivan affected Fl from Sept 14 through the 16th, Jeanne made land fall 9 days (not weeks) later… Try it you’ll like it…

      • I was here. Helped in recovery for Ivan.

        Had supplies, used my supplies to help other in affected areas , watched areas unaffected by previous hurricanes do nothing to prepare.
        After Katrina
        Went to MS 4days after to work on my mother’s house. Saw thousands of people out on the road looking for free stuff . Many had run out of gas riding around rubber necking.
        Michael in 2018.
        We saw many people sitting among thier ruins waiting for FEMA to “clean this shit up”.
        Being a “hoarder” gave me a little breathing room. Ran my PTO generator 3 weeks until we got power back.
        So this wasn’t my first rodeo. Went through Camille and Frederick before.
        Most people did not prepare…..the hoarders are not the problem. The people who think – it’ll be fine, I’ll just go get some stuff after the storm -are the one who scream loudest.

        A little “hoarding” goes a long way.

      • And they had 9 days, to get water, food and gas.

        Ivan hit Pensacola, Jeane was a few hundred miles away.

  50. When the Red Chinese “peacekeepers” are brought in, choice will not a choice anymore. The left will use ALL means necessary to destroy and eliminate the flyover toxic deplorables. The writer of this article is oblivious is what is coming.

    • Well that could very well happen.
      Dont know as I’d much like a chinaman pushing me around, I would probably become guite agitated .

  51. The author can go F themselves. Haha telling us to stop stockpiling ammo… get rekt moron!

  52. “the United States government manages to enforce marshal law leading to the complete suppression of violence” …after which certain classes of undesirables (deplorables) will be rounded up and sent to extermination camps. I’ve read this was the plan outlined by Weather Underground Organization leader and Obama booster Bill Ayers, taped by the FBI back in the 60s. This may not come to pass as we’re now very close to a serious collapse of agriculture in the mid-west due to the climate growing colder and the water they’ve depended on running out. Don’t expect politicians to do anything about it as they’re all under the man-made climate change spell.

  53. We are already in the middle of a Civil War. The Left launched this war several years ago, but we have not yet realized that not only the war is on, but that we are losing fast. Every nation, every army, every general always prepares for the previous war, and then tries to adjust to the new paradigm. This time, the war is not prosecuted with tanks or airplanes, but by other means – administratively, with the heavy backing of the police and paramilitary enforcement. This is genius – the goal of any war is not to kill people or destroy places, but to force the winning side’s political will. The Left is accomplishing this with only an handful of people actually killed, but with a very real threat that it could be you at any moment. They are geniuses, and we, with all our arsenals, are idiots.

  54. Social unrest, racism, Marxist, socialism, illegal elections, illegal immigrants, open borders, pandemics, hacking of infrastructure. Better to be prepared with hard money (silver, gold,), liquor, and ammo. Then buy more ammo.

    • “Better to be prepared with hard money (silver, gold,)…”

      You can’t eat gold or silver.

      Better to sock up with gasoline and non-perishable foods…

      • “Better to sock up with gasoline and non-perishable foods…”

        Forget that. With sufficient conical shaped copper projectiles, one can obtain plenty of gasoline, non-perishable foods, AND gold.

        But on a serious note….gold, at any moment, is worth only what a willing buyer will pay. $20 gold piece in exchange for a loaf of bread sounds reasonable.

        • Alcohol, tobacco and opioids will be the currency of THAT future… Gold and slver will only have value to a few that still view it as a symbol of power… A pint of Vodka (or “shine”) a pack of smokes a couple of pills and you can control an army willing to do whatever you need done… Hell that holds true right now…

  55. I’ve been preparing for armed conflict in the states since I was in my early and have participated in three Civil Wars around the world. To quote a line from Lord Of War; “Bullets change things faster than votes”.

    Despite the Chicken Little who wrote this article you shouldn’t worry about it, we need to lean up and lose some dead weight anyway. The process will be rough but the reward at the end will make it worth it.

  56. I doubt it will happen in my lifetime, but it wil happen. We have a responsibility to ensure subsequent generations have the tools and skills needed to get through it.

  57. Depends on what you mean by “civil war.” The blue and grey opposing each other on the field of battle? Pffft. Nope.

    Political violence and widespread unrest? Sure. Look at Zimbabwe and South Africa for examples of what the dazzling urbanites will do, and south American countries in the 60’s and 70’s for the DNC’s other constituencies.

    The event that is coming into focus on the horizon is the dramatic devaluation of the US dollar, and the resulting inflation that the US government tries to use to inflate its way out of debt. I suspect the Federal Reserve thinks they’re going to emulate Japan, where most of their national debt is owned by their citizens, allowing the BOJ to help the Japanese run up a national debt of over 240% debt:GDP. That won’t happen in the US. With inflation kicking in, folks won’t tolerate buying Uncle Sugar’s paper at less than 2% whilst the inflation rate is running 4 to 8% per annum.

    When Uncle Sugar cannot spread enough money, adjusted for inflation, around to keep their pet welfare class voting Democrat, things are going to get interesting.

    • “When Uncle Sugar cannot spread enough money, adjusted for inflation, around to keep their pet welfare class voting Democrat,…”

      Those in ‘flyover country’ will be *far* more capable of surviving the collapse.

      The city-dwellers that are so convinced that they are smarter than us won’t have the skills that matter the most, like farming and ranching. Or construction and mechanical repair.

      Oh, and electricity generation. Piss us off, and they can have the fun of not seeing in the dark. Or of being warm in the winter.

      *That’s* when being NIMBY about nuclear electric power generation bites them in the ass bigtime… 😉

  58. So then, how does one effectively say no to martial law that infringes on one’s civil rights?

    • “So then, how does one effectively say no to martial law that infringes on one’s civil rights?”

      Like always…..scream “No”, scrunch up your face, hold your breath, put your fingers in your ears, stomp your foot ’til you get your way.

  59. Civil war WILL happen if a sufficient number of people refuse to be disarmed and refuse to be a victim, when the Left follows through on their threat/promise to eliminate all conservatives and Christians. This goal has been around for over 50 years and is their endgame to create their socialist utopia free of ‘deplorables’. If you refuse to fight when they come to kill you and your family, then you are a f#cking IDIOT and I will not come to save you. I will however save your family from the consequences of your lethal stupidity. This author is doubly idiotic for saying that we can vote our way out of this. There’s no way you can vote your way past a RIGGED ELECTION, and we just had TWO RIGGED ELECTIONS IN THE PAST YEAR!!

    Let all who read this understand, the Left has repeatedly and very openly declared their intent to kill the rest of us who aren’t woketards like they are. Take their threat seriously, because they’re sincere. They are currently beating the drum for genociding all whites, but it won’t stop there. Communism killed 260 million in the last century. The Left wants to set a new high score this century!

  60. “We occasionally take the time to politely address our elected representatives to let them know what we really want and need.”

    And what do we do with places like Oregon and California that have legislatures with super-majorities of one party – whose members have no need to consider opposing views?

      • “Give them free helicopter rides,…”

        Serge? Is that you, in disguise? 😉

        • It would be nice if he returned. I miss his entertaining comments. Especially about helicopter rides.

  61. “the very thought of civil war gives me a cold chill and impels me to plead for peace”

    “there is enough blame to go around on all sides”

    These sentiments are how the Left wins. Every. Single. Focking. Time. Because they DON’T want peace, because they NEVER accept any blame, because they DON’T STOP until the other side backs down.

    As things have heated up, it has been eye-opening (and more than a little frustrating and sad) to see how FEW conservative/libertarian (yes, I include them!) are willing to stand by their alleged principles…

  62. “Are Americans Preparing For a Second Civil War?”…. silly question, But really a great many are prepared simply because they are prepared for daily life…. spare food? well if you live 25 miles from the nearest store you keep certain items stocked, sometimes you cannot get to town !….
    Ammunition?, well, again I do NOT live in town…. but far beyond that every Time some Yuppie demonRAT runs for Office his first words are gun control and a new “Gimme Program”, Ammo gets scarce, people hoard it….
    Fuel?, yep again 25 miles from Town, Keep the tank full….
    Gas? yep again the Truck may not be able to get here to fill the LPG tank….
    Electricity ? well not as common a shortage as Many things, but power lines do Go down , Usually due to some young person straightening out a curve and hitting the pole….
    and target practice ?, well I went under the house to Repair something and ran into a nest of Rattle snakes, so I got 5 bulls-eyes for five shots, who needs paper targets that don’t shoot back, Try the real, life or death struggle of living in the Country and raising livestock ( feed storage= Mice= Rattlesnakes eating mice= gunfire under the house, in the garage, on the porch, on the walk under the portico to the garage.)….
    No cops, It’s an hour drive to the sheriff office….
    No Real ambulance, I live four miles across the county line from the hospital on my network, and again 25 miles to town….
    and beyond that you have all seen the video of somebody getting car- jacked at the Go-Juice pump ? , a very very very bad Idea to come bother my new car, If I cannot squirt gasoline in your face and eyes ?, the .357 revolver in My pocket, can and will penetrate you, your car, the engine block, and man those hollow-points traveling 980-1050 feet per second at 187 Gr, will terminate You and make clean-up VERY hard…. So yeah, Not preparing for civil war,
    Former military, rancher/farmer, American, Former scout, Christian, Way out in the country, Prepared for most anything….

  63. I’m seeing a lot of states sue each other and seeing a lot of states sue private businesses associated with the 2A as well as states suing the federal government at a blistering pace. They still believe in “ the system” as does the author who thinks he can vote his way out of this mess. If/when this, “the system”, all fails is when it will turn violent.

    I’ve wrote this paragraph before many times:

    “Change requires discomfort. As long as The People can sit in their recliner, eat junk, drink beer, smoke marijuana, watch the game on the big screen HD TV while typing away about the hardships and grievances of everything all the while in a climate control house there will be no war nor change. Folks that go into civil war didn’t get haircuts, their nails done, put their kids on a school bus, drive their super X3500 LDS whatever to the gas station that has never failed to have fuel, then go to the every 2 week paycheck job and picking up dinner from the plethora of places or BTW grab some this n that from whichever store is near cause they are all stocked. The list goes on and the civil war lip service is from folks that aren’t dangerous which is why they work in safe jobs to begin with.”

    The issue now is that you can’t find everything in the stores, not eat what you want at restaurants etc because things are failing. The change has begun. If it continues then things will progress to violence. If it corrects things will settle out.

  64. Martial* It’s Martial law, not marshal law.

    In any case, am I preparing for civil war? Of course I am – it would be foolish to see a hurricane on the way and not be boarding up the house and getting ready for what’s coming.

    That doesn’t mean I intend to be one of the agitated parties in conflict. I intend to take care of me and mine and try and stay out of the way. I don’t live in an urban environment (bugged out to the country earlier this year). My goal is to be able to hold out here, and worst case rally the other locals just to have our own neighborhood watch if it comes to it. Move along, leave us alone.

    • I think that reflects the majority of people who follow this page, as well as “preppers”. When you get down to it, that is the most logical approach. No fanatacism or hysteria. Just ensuring you are as prepared as you can be for a situation that seems probable.

      • Wasn’t there a FEMA plan to target preppers to redistribute their “hoardings”?

  65. A Civil War is infeasible. Disrupt and destroy the infrastructure in the large Metropolitan Population Centers and you will have mountains of dead human bodies in a few weeks. No potable water, no electricity, no food = massive death from dehydration, starvation and untreated illness/injury. Massive Civil unrest will enable the Declaration of Martial Law, which would be a nightmare of another order.
    If everything continued to function, the Author makes some interesting points, but the focus has to be on the 1,000-pound Gorilla in the speculation room, which is that contemporary habitat for large numbers of people is mortally vulnerable to any disruption of water, power and food. There is no getting around it, especially if the supply of potable water is cut, or contaminated.

  66. Whoever wrote this is either controlled opposition or a well meaning but self-deluded midwit. Seriously, the old tripe of “informing, voting, an polite discourse” is not only tired but also completely useless waste of air. By all means, convince fence-sitters and the apolitical masses wherever possible, but you can basically forget turning the opposition or even getting them to see the merits of your points an meet you halfway.

    For the true believers, these people aren’t your political opponents and they do not see themselves that way, they believer they are the “good guys” and you are an enemy to be destroyed by any means available. BAMN is one of their catchphrases for a reason. They seek to completely eradicate your way of life, and you and your friends, family and children if they get in the way. You can’t argue with them, because they don’t operate in good faith and logic plays very little to nothing in their choice of position/ideology. The ideology/philosophies they espouse are essentially a non-theistic religion, and they are as dogmatic about it as any religious zealot. Trying to argue logic and reason about the core faults of their assumptions about the world (critical theory, pro-Marxism, etc.) would be like trying to argue logic and reason about beliefs with a Salafist ISIS jihadi, they will not only reject you outright but hate you as a mortal enemy. While this doesn’t necessarily characterize every member of the progressive movement, it does for a large majority, and that should give you pause.

  67. No civilization — however great — lasts forever. We may not dissolve into civil war, but I don’t think our form of government will survive the current economic, political, and social pressures.

  68. When the totalitarian government takes over……..bend over, enjoy it. Do it for the cities.

  69. As to the authors comment, “get more interested in the governance of our country” I would emphasize to get interested in “Local” government. So much news is on what some Senator from another state said or what some committee in DC is talking about. Who is your City/County/State representative? How are the taxes being spent? Calling a local representative will have more impact than worrying about the Feds. For example, Gun Control is being passed by local cities even though they eventually lose in the courts they are laying the groundwork among citizens that guns are not acceptable to own making it easier to pass future restrictions.

  70. Why do you think the dems want you to be disarmed, has nothing to do with crime and they know this, it’s about control.

    To start a REAL insurection is simple. during the middle of winter a group of deticated patriots could physically destroy the electrical power transmission lines to at least 10 major cities. Could you imagine major cities who are not even prepared in summer, but have the electrical grid shut down in winter. In a week these people will be eating their neighbors dog and it would get worse from there. best part they won’t be bugging out anywhere with no winter road maintenace and snow removal.

    People who preach peace are delusional, they preach peace but are the same ones who can’t even be troubled to use their turn signal.

    • “People who preach peace are delusional”

      no, they’re hopeful and/or fearful of what could be. and they’re right.

    • Killing people to get back at the government? How about if it comes to that we concentrate on government troops and agents and facilities that support them? We take out the government’s power, food, water. I’m sure the government will shut everything down to the population on it’s own. We’ll be trying to turn essentials back on. Killing the population of the country, towns and cities is not civil war it’s mass murder. Although, the major cities are Socialist/Marxist strongholds, we will have to contend with their organized thugs at some point. All this admin needs is to ignite the spark, back us into a corner we’ll have to fight to get out of. Then it will be a “National Emergency”, “an insurrection”. Martial Law won’t even begin to describe the reaction. The only reason this Political Front for Organized Crime didn’t declare a crack down on the country over those boneheads that attacked The White House is because it wasn’t elected yet. Those “patriots” handed the country to “The Democrat Party” on a silver platter. That attack gave the left leverage to point to half the country and declare us enemies of the state, white supremacist, racists and the biggest threat to “Democracy”.

      • “The only reason this Political Front for Organized Crime didn’t declare a crack down on the country over those boneheads that attacked The White House is because it wasn’t elected yet. Those “patriots” handed the country to “The Democrat Party” on a silver platter. That attack gave the left leverage to point to half the country and declare us enemies of the state, white supremacist, racists and the biggest threat to “Democracy”.”

        A provocative postulation beseeming cogitation (that most will avoid at all cost).

      • “Killing the population of the country, towns and cities is not civil war it’s mass murder. ”

        You may be misapprehending. The chronology of events is viewed as:
        – Government agitates to get a majority of citizens (people) to insist government take extreme measures to eliminate political opponents.
        – Government sends agents (of whatever agency/department) to begin rounding up and imprisoning political opponents
        – The response is armed defense by the targets of government action
        – The people who support the government tyranny are the sustenance of the rogue government, therefore agents of that government, therefore acting as supply chain for rogue government
        – Supply chains are legitimate targets in a conflict
        – People who support rogue government then decide if they are benefited by rogue government
        – Part of the armed resistance to rogue government is making life unhealthy for supporters of the government, such that said supporters of tyranny beseech the government to stop its rogue actions, even to the point of also taking up arms against government

        The awful truth about war is that there are no “innocents”, only targets. Unless, of course, one views war as “sending a message”, and is prepared to see themselves, families, friends, relatives, nation destroyed rather than not “play by the rules”; the so-called “moral victory”.

        • “– Government sends agents (of whatever agency/department) to begin rounding up and imprisoning political opponents”

          but they won’t do that. they’ll just cancel them. cancel their bank accounts and credit cards, cancel their driver’s license and business license, cancel their internet and phone service, cancel their power and water hookups. then sit back and do nothing – they won’t need to do anything else.

  71. “a modern civil war would fix nothing, and ruin virtually everything”

    well the general view is that that is going to happen anyway, so the thought is to influence the outcome rather than just passively accept whatever other people push on you.

  72. “We engage in polite civil discourse with our fellow citizens over the mutual problems we face”

    the problem is that the ones pushing the u.s. to collapse see themselves as the humans and the rest of us as not. they don’t seek or want or even believe in civil discourse with us, they see us as mindless cattle to be manipulated into serving them. to them, that’s just the way the world was created to be, and any resistance on our part they see as wickedness to be eliminated.

  73. Anyone that has seen real war, does not want a civil war. To the authors credit, it would not be as organized as the last one.

    You would end up with some type of “government”, trying to control some parts of the country and the rest in a lawless mess where violence, starvation and disease would rule the day. You would have factions that are organized to some degree with most of the power but even then those would have trouble sticking together.

    Millions of innocent people would die in the end.

    • “Millions of innocent people would die in the end”

      well a full-on unopposed communist government is going to kill tens of millions of innocent people anyway (they always do), so that by itself is not an issue.

    • Anarchy. We’re seeing that already in the left’s territories. I’m not sure what we should call this present admin, politically speaking. Everything from leftist to Marxist, socialist to communist. has been put forth. Perhaps a blend of all? This admin is not acting like a political party, except up front. It seems to me more like an organized crime syndicate. Perhaps the rebirth of The Mob? Finally getting their due after supporting “The Democrat Party” all these years.

      • Very soon “orthodoxy” will be imposed to ensure the policies are consistent. ANTIFA and BLM will do internal housekeeping first with the minor factions being absorbed or eliminated before the major factions and then each other.

  74. Civil War? Maybe, I don’t know. Wouldn’t be good for anybody, but I am working on making myself a smaller target just the same.

  75. Your first solution is to vote and be an informed voter. What is your solution when one political party has rigged the election process to the point that elections no longer matter?

      • I’m pretty sure the local elections were also fixed or rigged.
        There was a Republican who was VERY far ahead on election night.
        He actually declared victory, no way was the democrat going to catch him.
        In a couple of days of “mail in” votes being “counted” he lost.
        The same with Sean Casten. Jeanne Ives losing to him?
        He isn’t even a US born citizen and wants UK like gun control.
        Jeanne Ives almost beat the sitting governor in the primary.
        All of a sudden she loses her base to Sean Casten?
        Her own town and her own precinct where she was a shoe in?
        Most of which are hard core Republicans? The fix was in.
        Sean Casten won’t even say what town he lives in.
        Then you have the RINOs like Adam Kinzinger who won by gerrymandering.
        Adam Kinzinger is Pelosis new little pet.

        • I thought it was suspicious that in many districts 100% of mail in votes were for the Democrats.

          Maintaining the traditional of electoral fraud and voter disenfranchisement for over 150 years.

          They’ve learned to be more subtle than a bunch of armed Klan members gathered at the polling stations to deter undesirable voters.

  76. When elections don’t matter and are stolen and the government targets peaceful gun owners, it is getting to point that nothing else is going to work.

  77. @John in AK
    “I suspect that if Mr. Lincoln had assured South Carolina that Fort Sumpter would be evacuated, its guns spiked and its personnel removed on the Star of the West on January 9, 1861, April 12th would’ve been another quiet springtime day.”

    Possibly. The land dispute was a legal issue, as was the whole question of secession. “Saving the Union” was not universally endorsed in “the North”, at the time.

  78. @Manse Jolly
    “and Creepy Joe says…
    “Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government,” Biden said. “If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”

    Biden finally got it right; blind squirrel moment.

    • The F-15 isn’t going to fly very well with a few strategically placed holes in various parts. Or the maintenance team calls in sick.

      And nukes aren’t going to detonate if the activation codes are “lost”.

  79. Not sure if it has been noted (and I ain’t reading every post to find out!) but, anecdotally speaking, it does seem as if many, MANY regular commenters on many forums have gone from “Don’t be ridiculous, that’s crazy talk!” to “Well, upon further consideration…” over the last several years.

    When that many (did I mention how MANY??? lol) former “middle of the road” folks start publicly acknowledging that irreconcilable differences are… irreconcilable it should mean “something”!

    Feel free to read into and/or misinterpret as you see fit!

    • “MANY regular commenters on many forums have gone from ‘Don’t be ridiculous, that’s crazy talk!’”

      ? seems to me that for ten years most commenters on boards like this have been eagerly anticipating it and their opportunity to finally get even with the world around them. seen very little in the way of reluctance, and anyone who has expressed any hesitation has been roundly belittled and shouted down.

  80. We already have the Chinese owning about $2 billion dollars worth of agriculture land in the U.S. That is a lot of U.S. land owned by a foreign government. They will have more land if the commiecrats are successful with the great reset that they want.

    • Chinese owning about $2 billion dollars worth of agriculture land in the U.S

      The Queen of England probably owns more than that…

  81. There have been people getting ready for civil war since the end of the last 1. And there people, like me, who are just trying to prepare for whatever comes along. War? Insurrection?
    Civil unrest? Riots? shortages? End of days? Floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earth quakes?
    Zombie Apocalypse?
    With the exception of natural disasters. most of these and other things are either local issues or fantasies. However, a wise man is prepared to deal with most issues. Not so much hoarding, but, stockpiling what we may need in an emergency. With a bit of common sense.
    Been called a prepper when it was seen as a bad thing. Was called a gun nut and many other things meant as insults or derision. Thing is, way out here in the back country, we will still be eating well and more or less comfortable when the cities have destroyed themselves.
    But, somehow, I’m the fool or nut or idiot. Just because we, my family, myself, and several of our neighbors, want to just be left in peace and allowed to make our own way in the world. Without some government flunky telling us what we can or can’t have or do. Lived life in the big city for decades. when the chance to get out came, we left. While I can’t run to the fast food place or shop in the big box stores without driving a couple hours, we traded convenience for peace of mind. Politics on either side is all about power and control. No matter what the politicians try to peddle. And politicians hate to see people going about their lives without them calling the shots. As soon as you realize that, the better you will understand neither party is looking out for your interests. It’s in everyone’s best interests to shun government and politicians and be as independent as possible.

    • “It’s in everyone’s best interests to shun government and politicians and be as independent as possible”

      but you can’t be. right now you live in a larger society that takes care of so many issues for you that you don’t even know it’s going on. you think everything would continue to be just fine if “the government” went away. but if/when that government goes away then all that background you don’t see will go away too and you’ll have to find a new government or form one yourself.

      • You give government too much credit. Far more is done by the interactions of free people (even in Communist countries) than is done by government.

        And yes, if the government collapses, part of that will be the remainder creating makeshift new governments as needed. What are the current governments made out of, after all? The same thing that any future government will be made of. Namely, Individuals.

        • “Far more is done by the interactions of free people (even in Communist countries) than is done by government”

          half of government’s effect is what it does. the other half is what it prevents. one of the biggest effects it has is preventing and regulating armed conflicts between individuals, counties, cities, and states. with no central government all that will go away and it will be dog eat dog at the individual, county, city, and state level. the makeshift governments (and bandit groups) will decide space and resource and tax issues by open guerilla warfare. most will be destroyed.

    • Anyone who doesn’t prepare is either a fool or a moron. People buy insurance to prepare. You save for the worst. Don’t prepare for the obivous. Fine its your choice.

      As my neighbor said when I asked him what he’d do if civil order collapsed he said I plan to put my goods in a shopping cart and walk to a military base where I will be cared for.

      Just like the Indians, Japanese and all those German POWs. Wish you well sport. I learned a long time ago, you may not be interested in war, violence and mayhem, but it is sure interested in you.

      • “I learned a long time ago, you may not be interested in war, violence and mayhem, but it is sure interested in you.”

        It is with this in mind that I penned my own version of the Gunfighter’s Prayer:

        “Ablaze with Grace under Fire of Glory”

        “Lord, make me fast and accurate- Let my aim be true and my hand be faster than those who seek to destroy me. Grant me victory over evil foes and all of those determined to harm me or thine. And Lord, if today is the day you call me home- allow me to slip the bond with my boots on, and honorably pass amid scores of spent brass.”

  82. It’s sad when there is so much corruption from the President of the United States right on down the Senate Congress the department of justice it’s all corrupt people aren’t gonna put up with it when it’s being blatantly done and everybody’s face. Life was better 40 years ago. Life was good under Trump and now we have a liar for a president that’s on the verge of being in a nursing home. And has lied his entire political career, and that is a fact.

  83. our government selectively enforces laws they like or dislike. our votes were also selectively counted in the last election. The supreme court is full of political appointees, most without real skill or understanding. Maybe it happens, maybe not. I do believe we’re in need of a polite divorce, left from right…before it erupts in a not-so-polite divorce.

    • “we’re in need of a polite divorce”

      won’t work. the ones behind “the left” are parasites who have nothing and who are nothing except for what they get from you. they will pursue you to the ends of the earth demanding your submission and service or your extermination otherwise.

  84. Your very first suggestion to fix this is… Voting?

    Worst case of ADS I’ve ever seen.

  85. While the proposed solutions are laughable, the author is actually spot on in his analysis of what such a conflict would look like. But there’s another element at play here and it’s just as significant: China has gotten very good at economic warfare, and the balance of power has shifted. For a generation, the US and Chinese economies have been symbiotic: we needed them to manufacture our goods and they needed us to buy what they make. But the domestic market in China for Chinese made goods is now larger than the US market for Chinese made goods. In other words, we need them more than they need us, and we simply don’t have the manufacturing capacity (in terms of factories, skilled labor, supply chains, etc) to domestically produce even a fraction of what we need to power our own economy. China could pretty much destroy our economy by either imposing massive tariffs on goods exported to the US, or straight up banning exports here. It would hurt them too, but they could recover and I’m not convinced we would. I’m not sure which would happen first, widespread civil unrest and the total breakdown of civil order, or economic collapse caused by actions taken by China. But most likely, one will severely exacerbated the other and I just don’t see a way that we come out of it with a functional nation, let alone one as great as America has been in the past

    • It would hurt them too, but they could recover”

      no, they wouldn’t. they rose economically by copying us, and they have the exact same problems we have only ten times worse.

      “and I’m not convinced we would.”

      we wouldn’t. not enough citizens left – too many fourth-generation welfare dependents, too many leftists hostile to anyone who isn’t just like them, and too many “patriots” who think that they alone are wise and legitimate all by themselves and that everyone else better not speak to them unless spoken to.

      “I’m not sure which would happen first, widespread civil unrest and the total breakdown of civil order, or economic collapse caused by actions taken by China.”


      • The China were buildings collapse spontaneously because the steel reinforcing was sold by the construction team to another project? Or if the steel is used it is such low quality it can be broken by dropping it onto a hard surface? Construction quality so bad there is nickname for it: tofu curd construction.

        Trains derail. Bridges collapse. A recently rebuilt road is unusable after a few month. High rise commercial buildings that barely last a decade. Graft, corruption, nepotism, and cronyism at a level unseen in the US and other places since the late 19th century. The party only acts if the situation gets embarrassing or they can use the crackdown against political opponents.

        An army described by it’s own high command in their own reports as “a bunch of wimps, sissies, and little emperors”.

        While the senior party may think they are future, the rest of the world doesn’t want it.

        • excellent points all, and there’s lots more besides. chinese culture simply has no concept of “the truth” – their reality consists of what their confucian/communist superiors tell them it is and that’s just the end of it.

          that said, the subversives in the united states are pushing us towards exactly the same culture. “we are the way, the truth, and the life. we will tell you what to believe and when to believe it.”

    • “But the domestic market in China for Chinese made goods is now larger than the US market for Chinese made goods. In other words, we need them more than they need us,…”

      The Chinese need us to not default on all the US bonds and notes they hold. Not to mention the real estate. If our economy crashes, the Chinese will not go unaffected.

      • wars are start when countries default on loans.
        Our dependance on China was quite evident when America had no toilet paper.
        Pathetic that toilet paper could cause a panic
        Pathetic that American paper manufacturers couldn’t meet the demand.
        China owns farmland in America. No they dont, they rent land from the U.S. government. Nobody owns anything. miss two years back taxes and you’ll find out who owns what.

    • China can’t feed itself. If America goes down for the count, a billion Chinese peasants starve to death.

      If they somehow get the US to go full communist, our food production goes into the toilet (because that’s what always happens) and they lose half their population and regress back to a pre-industrial society. If they get us to destroy ourselves, same end result. If they merely succeed in convincing most of the US that doing business with China in any way is intolerable, same end result.

      We could still lose, but they won’t win. They can’t.

      • “They can’t”

        concur. their next “chaos under heaven” event wlll be so epic they may not be able to record and remember it.

  86. Since the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) first formed in 1865, white supremacist groups in the United States have propagated racism, hatred, and violence. Individuals belonging to these groups have been charged with a range of crimes, including civil rights violations, racketeering, solicitation to commit crimes of violence, firearms and explosives violations, and witness tampering.
    Nonetheless, white supremacist groups––and their extremist ideologies––persist in the United States today. A February 2017 Southern Poverty Law Center report identified 100 active white nationalist and 99 active neo-Nazi groups in the country.
    In an October 2020 assessment by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf declared that white supremacist violent extremists “have been exceptionally lethal in their abhorrent, targeted attacks in recent years.”
    In March 2021, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas declared domestic violent extremism “poses the most lethal and persistent terrorism-related threat to the homeland today

    • Been a politburo member long? This communist pap is so dull and repeated so often. Blacks are the real terrorists are crime statistics demonstrate. We saw billions in damage and hundreds injured by black racists and their commie allies.

      And all those KKK types did what?

    • (laugh) the biggest threat to blacks is other blacks. and this has always been true, even when the kkk was at its height.

  87. Woohooooo, tolerance. I’m so sick of this word. “Tolerance”.
    I only value one thing: the human right to self-ownership. The constitution and it’s amendments are a nice way to protect the conclusions that come from owning yourself, like being able to speak or to defend your own life with a weapon. Well, they would be if they weren’t ignored by the government, which was their whole point.
    So no, i will not tolerate anything but fully respecting my rights. I’ll respect your rights in return, or fight any infringement upon my rights. And i’m sick and tired of pretending we won’t. Human rights or civil war. Sometimes the world is in fact black and white, and any further argument or compromise is pointless.

  88. I think that if anyone doubted before JAN 6 which groups in the U.S. were a danger to the Constitution and democracy it is very clear it is the Far Right Neo-Nazi Trumpites that followed Herr Drumpfs 1923 Hitlerite style beer hall putsch. Like Hitler, Herr Drumpf wanted to appoint himself dictator for life and of course destroy the free press.

    Of course Herr Drumpf’s beer hall putsch on Jan 6th was a humiliating failure and the relatives of his Neo-Nazi gang turning them in by the hundreds. The American people did not support them either.

    In the 21st Century we also live in a surveillance society, you are photographed at least 350 times a day and you are tracked 24 hours around the clock through your cell phone, your computer, your black spy box in your car, your banking, your checking, your credit card purchases just to name a few not including phone surveillance by big brother who listens in on your most private conversations as well as people dumb enough to rant on this forum against the “deep state”. Big Brother already has your name and address.

    It is interesting to note that even back in the primitive days of 1776 two thirds of the American people did not support the revolution and today it would be 98 per cent easily. It is amusing to see the psychopaths of the Far, Far Neo-Nazi right scream about another revolution but people locked up in nut houses in straight jackets do much the same. It makes good entertainment on the 6:00 news especially when the “Men in Black” smile as they gun them down in pole of blood. As General MacArthur once said “That is the best thing to do with them”. No one in the 21st Century defies the “Deep State”. Even Jimmy Carter admitted that they were spying on him and when the President of the U.S. is helpless to stop it what chance do the hillbillies have. Answer: Zero.

    • what chance do the hillbillies have. Answer: Zero.

      So says “Vlad the Moron” so it must be taken as fact… You can’t just change your name, you need to reinvent your personna to be effective… Just regurgitating ALL of your OLD spiel interspersed with a new word here and there won’t accomplish anything… In fact NOTHING you do or say will change anything anyway…

    • SA-Mann dacian. You are too low IQ to realize but you are the fascist here. You have been recruited by cynical types that use and abuse the low IQ mental patient types such as yourself.

      You serve fascism. And you don’t have the IQ to recognize this. It would be sad, tragic really. But you’re the type they get to man the cattle cars.

      • SA-Mann dacian and Minor69er are smoking Prozac in crack pipes.
        Still harping about Trump and writing mentally ill nonsense.
        “Please like us, we have been kicked off of every other website.”
        The GFY twins on here. They are all over the place.
        In 1776, 1865, 1923, the KKK, Hitler, Carter, MacArthur and the grassy knoll.

    • Stop reading “Reds” and self-pleasuring while you do. It will make you grow hairy palms, stunt your growth, make you nearsighted, and retard your intelligence (probably too late all ready).

  89. Americans couldn’t hoard enough ammo to prepare for a civil war truly. If we did have one the Chinese would probably import arms to the sides they liked if not both sides because they could then come in and take over if not directly through puppets. We need to figure out how to stop the infection before it gets there because we’ve got wolves at the city walls.

  90. “Far Right Neo-Nazi Trumpites that followed Herr Drumpfs 1923 Hitlerite style beer hall putsch”

    notice how these guys ALWAYS set up the naazi’s as the boogyman, but NEVER mention the failures and mass murders of the communists. the conclusion to be drawn is obvious.

    • Why point out the nazi? One example is equal to the other. Both sides are evil. Both talk different but are identical in action.

      • Nazi killings might be more planned but Communists know death from neglect, shortage, and bad planning is just as effective.

  91. “Both talk different but are identical in action.”

    that’s not what HE thinks. and he’s right.

  92. This author completely misses the point of what is going on in America now. I do not want Civil War. However, burying your head in the sand and denying that someone else has declared war on you is a recipe for disaster. After Pearl Harbor, America could have said there has been no formal declaration, we are not at war. That would not have stopped Japan’s military aggression. Large parts of the city I live in or unsafe to walk through. Many politicians are open about their desire to impose a socialist system on America. Denying that they have declared war on us will not save us from them.

  93. The reality would be 10x worse than anything forecasted on this forum.

    If you really want to win it, being a keyboard commando isn’t the way.

    Go to your local town meetings, run for the school board, or state legislature, etc.

    Make it work.

    Or… just continue the circle jerk.

  94. I appreciate the sentiment in this article, and it’s nonetheless something to keep in mind, but half of the notions in this article are stupid.

    Yes, Civil War is horrible, and yes, we should be doing everything in our power to prevent it — vote, run for office, yada yada yada. And I fully endorse all this, even the yada yada parts.

    But the problem with Civil War is that we aren’t the only ones who get a say as to whether one occurs. The other side does too. Thus, we need to be prepared: cache those arms, build up a good food supply, have a plan in place in case your house gets burned down, or you have to evacuate your city. Heck, have a plan in place to push for a restoration of the public, if the Civil War we are currently in gets hot enough!

    While we should do everything in our power to prevent a Civil War, getting caught up in one completely unprepared because we didn’t particularly want a Civil War isn’t really a good idea, either.

    And paradoxically, if everyone is prepared for Civil War, we might just squeak by without starting one. Wars are started, after all, when one side thinks that a “nice little war” would be quick, easy, and painless — but they seldom are. Why not make it very clear to ourselves, our “enemies”, and the world in general, that if a Civil War starts, it’s going to be long, painful, and protracted, and who knows what will happen at the end of it all? Wouldn’t it be better for all concerned to just settle our differences peacefully?

    • “Wouldn’t it be better for all concerned to just settle our differences peacefully?”

      the ones in control of “the left” think that “settling differences” means you enslaved to them or dead. it’s their religion and they believe it with all their heart. they won’t negotiate with you any more than you would negotiate with a chicken, and for exactly precisely the same reason.

    • “Wars are started, after all, when one side thinks that a “nice little war” would be quick, easy, and painless”

      clausewitz pointed out that war begins with defense. that’s why “the left” is so anti-war.

  95. City dwellers who are not rich, celebrity or connected will be in danger and suffer. The rich and powerful will profit as usual.

    Smaller communities will learn to band together to survive and then prosper. We survive through strength and partnership not by fear and isolation. Independence requires mutually assured trust.

    Cities may crumble. New cities will be built.

  96. I agree with all of the points at the end of the Post.

    The issue is what happens when we run into opponents that insist on ending freedom of speech, and assembly. Or that the constitution should be amended to form an all powerful guardian council, unelected, to fight racism.

    Or that we are no longer allowed to raise and educate our children?

    It’s not a civil war that is coming. It’s a mass insurrection, aided and abetted by the “democratic” socialists that have gained ascendency in most urban areas.

    I don’t think this war will be anywhere as diffuse as implied in the post. I think it will look like the BLM riots of 2020, but on steroids. Mass, unlimited carnage in dense urban areas. Police/National Guard/Gun owners in suburban and rural areas collectively keeping the peace, and unfortunately being very suspicious of outsiders.

    Then, it will become a question of whether or not the urban areas can be brought into order.

    The majority of the country does not live in urban cores, but that is where the brown shirts are prepared to make their stand. The civil war comes, assuming the rest of us are not okay with that, because we *insist* on civil discourse, freedom, and constitutional principles.

  97. Will this be the lefts next target? Self defense? or Vigilantes (they chased the guy as he ran away)… Either way they saved taxpayers a lengthy trial and years of housing and feeding the dumbass… But no one else had a gun? in Dallas? In Texas?

    An unnamed suspect reportedly opened fire on a group of partygoers in the early hours of Monday morning, killing one and injuring at least three others, KDFW-TV reported.
    Following the shooting, the crowd reportedly chased down the suspect and began throwing gardening stones and landscaping bricks, fatally injuring the suspect.
    The Sun reported that a local reporter quoting the Fort Worth Police Department said that “the crowd defended themselves with gardening stones, killing the gunman.”

  98. In the words of Thomas Paine, “I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so my children will know peace.”

    I’m getting old, in declining health, and if we’re going to have Civil War, then let’s get it over with. We either put a stop to this Scheiße now, or doom our descendants to deal with it or live with it.
    I’m done compromising with the clinically insane.

  99. We stop amassing huge private arsenals of ammunition greater than what can possibly be needed for ordinary self-defense…

    I have a better alternative – stop writing stupid articles giving bad advice.

  100. Refusing to see what’s happening will not prevent it from happening. How about this: work for peace, prepare for war.

  101. Interesting article and a lot of good comments. I think the author did a good job explaining how terrible a civil war would be and is sensibly trying to suggest (influence) we don’t go that way. In that regard he should be applauded.
    Also, there are a lot of very good comments above.
    First, none of us should want any turmoil, and should work to maintain peace as much as it is up to us.
    Second, there is such a level of instability at the moment that outcomes are highly uncertain in the short and long term.
    Third, many believe with good cause that there is already a color revolution going on in the United States. It’s been going on globally with the inception of communism, and there are those who have a goal of dominating countries and the world under a global tyranny. It’s what they call workers freedom. Equality of outcomes for all.
    In reality it’s no different than serfs and kings. Just trading one type of royalty for another with a red star and all the workers are equally poor and powerless.
    The ways this could develop are relatively limitless, but it’s possible it can be a mix of the following.
    1. Right the ship. (Impossible without election integrity).
    2. Freedom dies with a whimper. Society quietly succumbs to social tyranny. (Current trajectory).
    3. Through greater moves of tyrannical over-reach, opposing sides start to fragment on state and local levels (beginning to occur). Tension between polar political groups results in the nation crumbling on a state and local/county level (WV/VA, WA/ID). Tax revenues are split to supporting political groups/locals. Confrontation results.
    Communist (Russian/Chinese) forces, or even UN forces come in to assist one side. Other global anti-Sino forces that are able assist the other side (UK,France,Italy,Check Republic).
    The truth is that we are not in a political vacuum globally, and the US is the prize in a global war. A split of the United States will almost certainly result in a global world war. So, it is imperative that we stay United. It’s mostly the forces of Russia and China fomenting politico-social unrest in the United States because they ultimately benefit and want to dominate the world. Some think we are unfortunately on that trajectory. There are communist subversives here are abroad in every country… and it’s paid for by all the Chinese product Americans buy – including Chinese Optics. America has financed its own demise for better corporate profits. Talk about short sightedness.
    Anyway, I think bad times are coming, and the population knows this. A friend told me once his platoon used more than 10K rounds just for machine guns in a single firefight in Afghanistan. South African police ran out of ammo very quickly in the ongoing mayhem there. All my military friends said you can never have too much ammo. Y’all who’ve been there know what I’m talking about. The second amendment maybe the only reason our Republic has lasted almost 250 years. The good thing is we have state, county, and local
    Government in the US and this makes us resilient. There are still those who will join for good when it all falls apart. Pray and work for peace at all costs… but peace isn’t always up to those who want it. There was once this guy named Hitler…

    “I am for peace: But when I speak, they are for war.”
    ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭120:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  102. If the question was ask to me directly.
    I would say, some Americans are preparing for a civil war. Most are not, most of the gunm acquiring surge was not because a distrust of the government, but because of an apocalyptic looking near future. BLM Antifa’s peaceful protest and the defunded police sold more gunms then theBiden I betcha. I would say most gunms were bought for the protection of ones self and not the over throw of Our government.
    And I catch flak about this next subject whenever I bring it up, and justly so.
    However I still think that if the U.S. Military went balls to the wall a civil war could not be won.
    theBiden , f16’s and nukes , should have said electronic countermeasures from hell the Chinese ain’t even got.
    I envy they fellers up there hidden away in the mountains and all that, however when I gogglemaped my old place and seen the path I’d made through the pasture grass over the years to my hidden fishing hole, I knew it was over. And that’s just googlemap.

  103. Only one question: Will you go along peacefully with your oppression, or will you physically resist along the way? In other words, will you die on your knees or on your feet?

  104. “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

  105. Don’t think much of this ignorant speculation. Hope is not a strategy, nor is denial.

  106. By now we’ve all heard about the looming threat of an “American Civil War.” If things continue to deteriorate at this rate, there posterdle could very well be bloodshed on our streets within the next couple of years. That being said, it’s important to understand why this might be happening flagle in the first place. In order to answer that question, we need to look back at some of the events that have taken place over the past few decades.

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