I have no opinion about Steve Slater yet, but the story is everywhere, and on the NY Times City Room blog, there are no shortage of commenters saying that the fed up flight attendant should have A – hit the passenger, or B – thrown her off the slide, or C – that the passenger is the one that should have been charged. Apparently everyone knows this passenger or someone much like her – and many at least think they would like to see physical violence against someone that arrogantly breaks the rules.


As a frequent flier, 70 flights annually for the past 15 years, I just wish Steven had punched out the offending passenger. She must be one of the “privileged” class that you see on all too many flights, the ones to whom the rules do not apply. The ones who cannot turn their phones or laptops off when ordered to do so, the ones who put all of their bags up top, damned be the rest of the passengers, the ones who do not understand the laws of physics as the bag over their shoulder slams seated passengers in the head (these are the ones with no manners who cannot manage an excuse me or sorry when their bags hit you).

Granted, today’s flight attendants are not the most accommodating or pleasant service industry employees. Given the boorish behavior of the traveling public, however, it is easy to understand.


Previous posters are delusional.

Steven should be fired. Period. There is a protocol for dealing with unruly passengers and he could have used it but instead chose to be extremely unprofessional and this gross lapse in judgment should cost him his job. Give me break. This event happens every day on almost every flight. You’ve got Type A people who will always covet the overhead and my god if the flight attendants aren’t used to dealing with that issue and resolving tension than they shouldn’t be in that position to begin with.

Las Vegas Bill:

Mr. Slater had a Network moment, ”I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore.“ Or perhaps it was a Johnny (country singer) Paycheck moment, “Take this job and shove it, I ain’t workin’ here no more!” He did what I believe many of us would like to do, but are restrained from, not because we think more clearly or rationally than he did, but because we are financially too insecure and not confident of securing new employment. As the previous comment stated, he did not grab a weapon and start slaughtering his co-workers, which seems to be the current national reaction to workplace grievances. Perhaps the FAA will learn from this episode, and more closely examine the pitiful state of American aviation and consider regulations that would protect both the passengers as well as the flight attendants. From what I have read of this incident, I think the obnoxious passenger involved in the altercation should have been the one arrested. Did Mr. Slater’s apartment really need to be swarmed with police officers during his apprehension, like he was some sort of high level Al Qaeda figure? Personally I think President Obama should host another beer summit, where the topic discussed should be the current plight of the American worker: those of us who are actually still employed. On the positive side for Mr. Slater, he can soon anticipate the made for T.V. movies, the Oprah appearances, the book deals, and the new line of extra tough flight attendant helmets that will bear his signature.
Is this a great country or what?

I understand that bullets and pressurized cabins are a bad mix, but should employees in such positions carry tasers to deal with unruly patrons? If this had happened on a train, or on a bus, would armed attendants make a difference?

Or do you feel that you want to be armed in case you run into a Steve Slater in your own travels?


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