Armed Israeli Citizens Shoot Knife-Wielding Terrorist Who Killed 4, Wounded 2 [VIDEO]

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Four Israelis were killed and two others wounded Tuesday in a ramming and stabbing attack at an outdoor shopping mall in Beersheba officials said, in Israel’s deadliest terror attack in years.

According to police, the assailant first stabbed a woman to death at a gas station in the southern city. He then entered his car and rammed a cyclist, before getting out again and stabbing several people at the BIG shopping center.

The terrorist was confronted by an armed bus driver, who attempted to get him to lower his weapon, footage from the scene showed. The attacker lunged at the driver, who shot him alongside a second armed Israeli civilian. First responders reported that the stabber died from the gunshot wounds.

— Emanuel Fabian and Aaron Boxerman in 4 killed, 2 wounded in stabbing attack at Beersheba mall; terrorist shot dead

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    • Citizens are the first responders regardless of whether or not they’re armed. Being armed just expands your list of options beyond run away or beg for mercy.

      • Well these “first responders” were lucky.

        Blue shirt for not being stabbed while closing the gap and charging.

        And Red shirt for not shooting Blue shirt or the camera person he muzzled when he turned around.

        • Just goes to show that even without *enough* training, guns are hella useful things.
          And just because I watch David Yamane I’ll say it: Violence can be Virtuous.

  1. Armed citizen militia to the rescue.

    First guy forgot the significance of a firearm being a stand-off weapon.

    As the World becomes more stressed…as ideologies / religions / politics become more insular, this type of nutso action will become more pervasive.

    It’s Primary season in the USA…all the usual suspects and thugs are waiting for their handler’s call on Signal or Telegraph.

      • The buses are already scheduled for the impromptu “mostly peaceful” protests.

    • antifa are listening to Radio Moscow’s short wave service waiting for their trigger phrase to begin the “denazification” of the USA. Spearheaded by Dacian’s “Caravan of Death”.

  2. Does Israel still have insane restrictions on civvie carry?

    I’m just curious as a general thing. Other incidents have been *stopped faster* by it was off duty military who did the stopping or cops, I’m curious if the laws have been changed to allow more civvie carry and therefore a faster response time?

    • There are no carry laws in Israel. Firearms carry in Israel is considered both a right and a privilege. Its a right to carry a firearm, its a privilege to own a firearm. The privilege part is via a license for ownership.

      Basically in Israel; There is a ‘license’ process for ownership but not carry or use. Israel’s gun laws are generally stricter than, and very different from, those in the U.S. in the aspect that application for ownership license is vetted by four entities; the government, the police, a doctor, and the gun range instructor that must train and test the potential gun owner, before a persons ownership license is approved and normally a person is permitted to only own one gun and a limited amount of ammunition.

      In Israel, guns are plentiful on the streets being carried by settlers, soldiers, security personnel, and by normal civilians.

      • note: The ownership license in Israel is frequently called a ‘carry license’ because you have to be able to own before you can carry. However, many people carry without the ownership license by borrowing a gun from a relative and are able to carry ‘legally’ due to a quirk in the law.

        In Israel there is a change coming though. The police and Israel’s Public Safety minister support changes to the law that would allow more citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and others, with a “shall issue” plan adopted from the constitutional carry states in the U.S. – this would align ownership and carry as a right and not a privilege and anyone who is not a ‘prohibited person’ (yes, Israel has a ‘prohibited person’ thing) can carry.

    • It appears that in 2018 Israel lightened up on issuing carry permits to civilians. The new rules granted CC to over a half-million additional Israeli civilians.

  3. The first guy waited too long to shoot the perp thus getting stab IMO. Hesitating got him stabbed. I pray for a quick recovery for the Isralis involved. The perp f-ed around and found out IMO. He got what he asked for. He can “rest” in hell.

    • Yeah, wth was with that guy, dancing around with him at bad breath distance? Is that what happens when you forgot you do ‘Israeli Carry’?

    • Was the perp suffering from a mental condition known as “spontaneous jihadi syndrome”?

    • You are very correct. Because in the United States police officers have been put in prison. Because they fired too many bullets into a suspect who was using a knife to threaten people. The people who hate cops cheered his imprisonment for the rest of his life.

  4. Good going! How were these ordinary citizens able to carry gats? We’re told you have to be military or po-leece in Israel. Hmm…

    • @former water walker

      “Good going! How were these ordinary citizens able to carry gats? We’re told you have to be military or po-leece in Israel. Hmm…’

      That’s not true, you do not need to be military or police in Israel to own or carry a gun in Israel.

      There are no carry laws in Israel. Firearms carry in Israel is considered both a right and a privilege. Its a right to carry a firearm, its a privilege to own a firearm. The privilege part is via a license for ownership.

      Basically in Israel; There is a ‘license’ process for ownership but not carry or use. Israel’s gun laws are generally stricter than, and very different from, those in the U.S. in the aspect that application for ownership license is vetted by four entities; the government, the police, a doctor, and the gun range instructor that must train and test the potential gun owner, before a persons ownership license is approved and normally a person is permitted to only own one gun and a limited amount of ammunition. Most anyone that says they want a firearm for protection and can pass the vetting can own and carry a firearm.

      In Israel, guns are plentiful on the streets being carried by settlers, soldiers, security personnel, and by normal civilians.

      The ownership license in Israel is frequently called a ‘carry license’ because you have to be able to own before you can carry. However, many people carry without the ownership license by borrowing a gun from a relative and are able to carry ‘legally’ due to a quirk in the law.

      In Israel there is a change coming though. The police and Israel’s Public Safety minister support changes to the law that would allow more citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and others, with a “shall issue” plan adopted from the constitutional carry states in the U.S. – this would align ownership and carry as a right and not a privilege and anyone who is not a ‘prohibited person’ (yes, Israel has a ‘prohibited person’ thing) can carry.

  5. If you’re gonna carry, you need the mindset! The perps have already relinquished their rights, do what you have to do!!

  6. First defender clearly never heard of Tueller, beyond that why dance around with a perp who has demonstrated intent and has weapon in hand? One command to drop weapon, align sights, second command, then pull trigger, repeat trigger pull as necessary until perp has dropped weapon or otherwise is no longer a threat.

    • I’ve just witnessed him murdering people. He’s got the bloody weapon in his hand. There will be no commands.

      • When someone is killing people whether it be with a knife or a gun, the niceties of telling the perp to drop the weapon go by the wayside.

        • Beverly, did you learn that in your 6yrs as a cop (your words) or a few days later when you magically hit 10yrs as a cop (also your words)? Oh, let me guess, bev, I’m the big fat liar here, right? Again. Still.

        • Riderless/ShootOff Canuck. Again, you are a blithering liar. I did not say I served for six yeas, I said TEN! You are a liar. I guess you figure if you repeat your lie often enough, you will convince yourself and others?

          Again, it’s Mr Beverly or Sergeant. If you can’t respect your elders, respect your betters.

    • You might “dance around with a perp who has demonstrated intent and has weapon in hand”, if you are not sure you really want to take a life. Until you have been in this man’s shoes, it is very hard to say what you will do. Taking someone’s wind is a big deal and to many of us, will leave an indelible mark on our soul.
      I like to think that I could do so. The few times since I have reached adulthood I did anything violent, it was twice to back up friends and a few times to protect family. I think I could shoot someone if they were threatening my family, but I don’t know about friends anymore.

    • Years ago on a Sunday while sitting in a Ford Ranger 2.3 5 speed grocery getter I was stopped on a street intersecting with a 4 lane waiting to cross. A dirtbag was walking along the 4 way towards my vehicle and instead of crossing in front of me as he could see slow vehicles preventing me from moving he detours around the back of my truck. As his hands became visible through the left side mirror he turned abruptly holding a box-cutter and headed alongside my truck towards my open window. Box cutter or no box cutter as he turned and began walking alongside my truck in less than one of his steps I unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbed Mr. Glock 20 10mm, pushed the safety plug out from behind the trigger, adjusted my seating position and waited. Dirtbag holding a box-cutter went cross-eyed when he bent down and saw Mr. Glock looking at him with my finger on a trigger that was against the wall. Suddenly it was a fast story about being out of gas and needing money to get home. In other words what the blatant liar holding a box-cutter was saying is, I pray this crazy b doesn’t kill me. Had he flinched that box-cutter a thousandth of an inch it would have been a mag dump until he was on the ground and very dead.
      I had no phone, no witnesses and no cops were found in the vicinity to make a report. Once the window closes on self defense it becomes a he said she said and that doesn’t cut it. And yes my door was locked and had I been unarmed the window would have been up which could have been shattered very easily and disoriented me in the process. Next day to see if my tweaked to perform Glock with 180 grain Hornady XTP JHP full loads was there for me I did a mag dump without it having a hiccup.

      • Get your facts right. ALL ISRAELI Citizens Jews, Christians and Muslims have equal rights in Israel and that includes the carrying of LICENSED weaponry.
        If you really believe that the guys who shot this terrorist were ‘ordinary citizens’ you really do need a reality check.
        LIke the UK Israel has Armed Security Forces at a moments notice. [The London Bridge Terrorist Incident had armed security on the spot within less than ONE MINUTE and they did not do the ‘surrender your weapon’ bit either -they just shot the bugger.
        Why do I suspect a bit of professionalism here ? Because the Prime Shooter manoeurvred the guy into a position where their was NOBODY behind him and the second shooter was obviously a ‘back-up’ and only shot when the terrorist went down. the good old ‘double tap’. Both ‘shooters’ obviated the risk of COLLATERAL damage and seemingly immediately exited the scene and did not, as most American ‘amateurs’ would do stand around and admire their handiwork. There are many people i in Israel that because of their employment are legally armed if they so wish but they all receive ARMY REGULATED TRAINING
        Israeli Muslims are free to leave Israel at any time but how come so very, very few do? Why? Because they have MORE freedom of action and worship than in any other regional Nation

        • “Albert Hall
          March 24, 2022 At 04:32
          Get your facts right….”🤪

          Sez the subject who gets NOTHING right.

      • What a complete knob head. All you are doing,` for whatever reason, is looking for a semi-legitimate reason to kill somebody For stealing??
        I very much doubt that anybody was going to do much harm in a traffic queue with so many bloody witnesses.
        What exactly did you think was going to happen? This is not self defence it is PREMEDITATED MURDER and you were just waiting for an excuse
        ON THe OTHER HAND – In a traffic queue there must have been several dozen people to jump the bugger within yards and a BOLT CUTTER ain’t gonna be very effective against dozens.
        SO MY CONCLUSION and like so many ‘stories’ on this website __
        Madam you story just does not stand up to logic OR critical thinking. Just another bloody wet dream from an American Rambo wannabe

        • @Albert Hall

          You’re stupid.

          1. The bad guy did not have a “bolt cutter” – he had a box cutter

          Do you know what a box cutter is? Evidently not because you think it was a “bolt cutter”.

          2. They approach with a weapon, its time to get serious. Had his window been down the box cutter could have done some serious damage, possibly inflicting death, before any of your fairy tale “several dozen people to jump the bugger” could have reacted. Luckily his window was up and doors locked.

          3. His reaction was not one of “PREMEDITATED MURDER” – it was an act of preparing for self-defense, luckily he did not need to use the firearm. Evidently you don’t know the difference.

          I’ve shot several in my life time, no other choice and no other way out. Sometimes the only way out is through. Armed car jacking, armed home invasion, armed assault, the attempted armed abduction and rape of my wife. Yes, I intended to stop them, if that meant they died then so be it and some did die and I’m not sorry about it – but there was nothing premeditated about it. Self-defense and preparing for self-defense is not premeditated murder or preparing for premeditated murder or premeditating murder – its a natural instinct of all animals of every species, even the human species, to perform self-defense actions when a threat arrives, its a right of natural selection and nature and existence, its a constitutional and legal right.

          Keep your stupid crap and false allegations and ignorant understandings on your side of the pond.

  7. This article was right in line with T Tags appeal to the paranoid Far Right. The Statistics show that you are far more likely to be attacked, shot and killed by someone you know and usually by someone who lives in your own home, not by a deranged person on the street. But paranoia makes it impossible for the Far Right to think logically or accept reality.

      • He lacks the eloquent sesquipedalian loquaciousness of the original. The anti-troll must try harder.

      • “Fake dacian.” jwm yesterday
        “Fake dacian.” jwm today
        “Fake dacian.” jwm tomorrow

        Someone give this moron a Bozo Button so he will cease his 12 year old rantings.

        • Not your “peegee”.

          Just another person who thinks you are an incessant half-wit.

          Like your inane comment how “The left no longer exists.”

          Although I’m sure you are comforted thinking there is only a single person that has noticed what a lamentably repetitive foolish dolt you have become.

        • Not your peegee. First time I’ve seen your ‘bien’ handle. classic peegee.

          And the left does not exist anymore. It was bought out by corporate billionaires. If you’re offended because you believe you’re the extreme right and now you have to adjust to having partners like miner49er or dacian, too bad.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

          “Not your “peegee”.”

          ‘dolt’ is a peegee2 word.

          Have you been vaxxinated yet, little boy? 🙂

    • My response is – so what? In reality, this guy attacked people on the streets with a knife and got his ass dusted as a result. How does that in any way detract from your statistic?

      I’d expect more from you – and by the way, I think you ought to provide some training for your duplicates, your brand is really getting diluted!

    • Well well well, right wing paranoia?
      And when Gadsden Flag posted his phone number so you could call him you came back with a no can do because you didn’t want some nut case tracking you down and doing something.
      dacian the double tongue

    • “….you are far more likely to be attacked, shot and killed by someone you know and usually by someone who lives in your own home…”

      Your boy-toy bought a gun, didn’t he?

  8. It’s a good thing that ONLY Jews are given God’s right to own and carry firearms in Israel. Can you imagine if they let the Muslims carry guns? All hell would break loose.

    • Moderator please remove that comment. 99.99999% of Muslims aren’t terrorists. That’s racist.

      • It seems like he was hinting about the fact that Jews mow down Palestinian children much more often than situations like the one in the above article happen but I could be wrong. If it is meant like you interpreted it then I agree with you. If we can say bad things about Muslims then we should be able to say bad things about Jews if we believe in free speech. Isn’t if funny how twice as many Ukrainian Christians were murdered by bolshevik jews and those influenced by them in the Holodomor (happened in the Ukraine and current Ukrainian leader Zellenskyy’s bolshevik Jew grandfather took part in the murder of those Christians) than the “official” number for the Holocaust, yet we only hear about one of those events, the Holocaust, and never the other, the Holodomor? All things equal, communists have killed way more than Muslims have. Before you take the easy route and call me anti-semitic know that I am a Jew and Muslims are also semitic peoples.

        • A person can be a communist or a jew. They cannot be both. I was born a christian. I do not claim or practice a religion. If I became a communist would you call me both?

          Being born into a family that claims a faith does not brand you for life.

  9. The Firearm Licensing Department in the Israel Ministry of Public Security oversees the distribution of firearm licenses to Israeli residents, agencies and organizations. The Firearm Licensing Department operates in compliance with the Firearm Law of 1949 and according to the policy of the Minister of Public Security.
    The law does not recognize a right to bear arms and anyone who wishes to carry a gun must meet a number of requirements and demonstrate a need to carry one.
    The type of firearm and number of bullets that a licensed firearm holder is permitted to purchase is limited, depending on the type of license – in most cases the weapon allowed is a pistol with a limit of 50 bullets. A license is granted for a specific firearm and any additional firearm requires an additional license. An individual who wishes to carry a personal firearm must meet all of the preconditions and adhere to at least one eligibility criterion.
    The list of eligibility criteria was updated and signed by the Minister of Public Security on November 20, 2018.

    • You are almost correct. In Israel there is no ‘natural’ right to bear arms recognized in the law, but there is a right to bear arms if one meets the requirements of the ownership license process and law – thus its a right and a privilege. Plus, in Israel there is a duty to bear arms according to strict regulations as part of the ‘militia’ which basically every citizen is in Israel.

  10. Israeli government should remind citizens that it is too dangerous to allow a person with a knife to get within 15 feet (or whatever standard they want to use) because they can charge quickly and harm people who have guns drawn.

    Mr Blue Shirt should have shot the first time they man charged at him. He is fortunate to have not received a fatal knife wound.

    In being too hesitant, he also put himself in the line of fire of the other gentleman to come to his aid.

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