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According to the official Wauwatosa, WI police report: “[A] man was walking [near 105th Street and Courtland Avenue at 8:12 p.m. Nov. 13] when a light blue Chevrolet drove by him with its lights off. The driver then turned the headlights on. A teen got out of the car and threatened the man, who tossed his wallet, worth $60, on the ground. The thief picked up the wallet and ran back to the vehicle.” adds a salient detail: the perp pointed a rifle at the victim’s head and yelled, “Give me everything you got. I’ll blow your head off.” Not even “OR I’ll blow your head off.” All of which highlights an important fact . . .

Unless you pick up threats early and take immediate evasive, defensive and/or agressive action, you will not get off lightly. In fact, as this report from proves, satisfying a robber’s financial request is no guarantee that the attack has ended. Get too far behind the curve and things may not go well. At all.

Buffalo man walking near Cornwall and East Ferry Street late Friday was shot in the right hip by a robber after he handed over $20, Buffalo police said. Timothy Harris was listed in serious condition Saturday in Erie County Medical Center. Harris informed police that a man wearing a black coat and mask pointed a handgun at his head about 11 p. m. The bandit told Harris to get on the ground, then fired two shots. He then ordered the victim to “give me your money.” After Harris handed over $20, the bandit shot him in the hip and fled west through yards.

As our buddies in the Corps might say, semper fie or die.

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  1. In New York City, where self-defense is illegal, there is a law that potential victims must always to carry a bit of cash in their wallets in order to feed the robbers. The cash is called "mugger money." By handing opver the money to the robber, so the thinking goes, the hoodlum won't get all huffy about being stiffed and thus would refrain from shooting, stabbing or reporting his victim to the International Brotherhood of Muggers union at City Hall. He would just politely say "thank you," tip his cap and be on his way to buy milk and bread for the orphans. I think that the going rate when last I lived in the Big Apple was $20, which adjusted for inflation is probably around $6 million now.

    These days, having pulled a Kurt Russell and escaped from New York, I have the comfort of carrying a snubby instead of mugger money. The survey says that nine out of ten muggers agree: a Smith & Wesson in the victim's hand is more pursuasive than a double sawbuck. Plus it doesn't get all wrinkly in my pocket.

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