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Armed Students Offer A Piercing Glimpse Into the Obvious

“This is meant to be an educational video which will hopefully address some common fears and misconceptions about concealed carry, as well as establish a basis of understanding for those who may not know very much about this subject.” Roger that. But it would have been nice to have heard something rebutting the “college students are too immature, drunk and/or mentally unstable to carry weapons” argument, which is the non-empirical coup de grace wielded by campus carry opponents. Also, I would urge anyone who opposes concealed carry on campus to fire a damn gun a few times. I mean really.

2 thoughts on “Armed Students Offer A Piercing Glimpse Into the Obvious”

  1. “I would urge anyone who opposes concealed carry on campus to fire a damn gun a few times. ”

    Preferably not in study hall.

  2. Its really amazing how people pass new laws and actually expect criminals and crazy people to follow them. Is it an ego thing? Do these people really think that their new law is so much more powerful than the other 20+ thousand laws on the books? Meanwhile, thousand of kids sit in class with no protection, and the idiots who create these useless laws keep getting re-elected by someone. They should scrap the whole gun free school thing now, before anyone else is hurt. At the very least, allow teachers and staff to carry if they have a CHL.

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