Can Arming Doctors with Data Help Reduce Gun Violence?

Trying to fight gun violence with data – and anti-gun rights doctors…

Dr. Winslow, a professor of medicine at Stanford University who deployed six times to Iraq and Afghanistan with the Air National Guard, offered his thoughts on the military’s discharge system. The retired colonel then added a personal aside born of outrage at the country’s latest mass shooting.

“But I also would like to — and I may get in trouble with other members of the committee — just say how insane it is that, in the United States of America, a civilian can go out and buy a semi-automatic assault rifle like an AR-15, which apparently was the weapon that was used,” he said.

image courtesy of

Esports Shooting Survivor Files Lawsuit Against Game Developer and Venue

Because finding someone to blame other than the person who attacked you is in style . . .

Mitich was one of 10 people injured on Sunday during the esports competition. Three died, including the shooter.

Now, Mitich is filing a lawsuit against Electronic Arts Inc. (EA), the game developer that held the tournament, the pizza parlor that hosted the event and the mall where it was located.

“We’re sitting there playing a video game, we shouldn’t have to worry about someone coming up behind us and shooting us,” said Mitich, a 23-year-old college student from Fallston, Maryland.

Mitich and his attorney filed suit in circuit court in Duval County on Thursday, and spoke to The Associated Press by telephone. A longtime Madden gamer, he and other elite esports players went to these kinds of events not only in hopes of winning money, but to catch up with their tribe of gamers.

ER Star Vanessa Marquez Killed in Police Shooting

Mental health care crisis or a case of needing to comply with officer orders? . . .

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department told E! News, “Officers from South Pasadena Police Department were in an apartment complex at the location conducting a welfare check for a female resident who was possibly suffering from a medical condition.”

“When officers arrived at approximately 12:00 p.m., they noticed the female was having seizures,” after which “they requested fire department paramedics to respond and assist with her medical needs.”

While speaking to her, officers became aware she was possibly suffering from mental health issues, became uncooperative, and appeared to be unable to care for herself. A Los Angeles County Mental Health Clinician was on scene with officers from South Pasadena PD. They continued to speak to her for over an hour and a half in an attempt to offer her medical care. She then armed herself with a handgun and pointed it at the officers, at which time an officer-involved shooting occurred,” the statement read.

Parkland Shooting Survivor Emma Gonzalez “I Want BS” on Hats, Shirts, and Bandannas
Could’ve sworn that particular catchphrase has been around for decades . . .

“They say a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun. We call BS. They say guns are just tools like knives and are as dangerous as cars. We call BS. They say that no laws could have been able to prevent the hundreds of senseless tragedies that have occurred. We call BS.”

Now, Gonzalez has applied to trademark the “We call BS” tagline. In docs — obtained by TMZ — Emma wants to use the phrase on everything from shirts and mugs to hats and bandanas.

courtesy of Chicago Tribune

4 Dead, 7 Wounded in Shootings on West, South Sides

Chicago’s homicide rate is ramping up for Labor Day Weekend…

However, he said he was surprised someone had been shot at the Citgo on Friday, because there always seem to be police around.

As officers scanned the scene outside, where yellow tape had been tied around gas pumps on the southeast end of the parking lot, a gold sedan with two men inside, a driver and front-seat passenger, pulled up alongside the sidewalk in front of the store.

“What the (expletive) happened here, anyway?” one of them asked, eyeing the crime scene several yards away.

“Somebody got shot,” the security guard answered.



  1. I call BS…these “student’s” like Ms. Buzzcut and Hoggboy are trying for social media fame & fortune “by any means necessary”. Has anyone called these young cretins out for bullying the Cruz lunatic?!? Chiraq is Chiraq. It’s very warm and extemely sticky so the brother’s will be on the warpath. Avoid Chicago TTAG reader’s…

    • To be fair, it’s smart marketing. The anti-gun left by and large do not donate to anti-gun organizations. These organizations by and large are funded by billionaires and not by millions of common people like the NRA or SAF.

      That being said, progressives love virtue signaling with articles of clothing and are willing to pay high prices for shirts that takes $3 to make. Expect them to purchase and wear their pussy hats, #me_too pants, “we call BS” shirts, and Medicare for All handbags at the next weekly DC protest.

  2. Ironic to give a bunch of defenseless people, who are waiting to be saved from death, a bucket. What a joke!

    Don’t kick the bucket, kids! Make sure your bucket list has tape, a doorstop, rope and a hammer.

  3. Why do physicians presume moral superiority? Who has elected them? Why is their experience of presumably greater importance, in this matter of human destruction, than firefighters, paramedics, or policemen? I really don’t care about Dr. Winslow’s opinion.

    • I have an M.D. from Harvard, I am board certified in cardio-thoracic medicine and trauma surgery, I have been awarded citations from seven different medical boards in New England, and I am never, ever sick at sea. So I ask you; when someone goes into that chapel and they fall on their knees and they pray to God that their wife doesn’t miscarry or that their daughter doesn’t bleed to death or that their mother doesn’t suffer acute neural trama from postoperative shock, who do you think they’re praying to? Now, go ahead and read your Bible, Dennis, and you go to your church, and, with any luck, you might win the annual raffle, but if you’re looking for God, he was in operating room number two on November 17, and he doesn’t like to be second guessed. You ask me if I have a God complex. Let me tell you something: I am God.

      • And you’ll die as a mere man…considering “doctor’s” are guilty of many times the US homocide rate I’d lighten up with your god complex. Physician heal thyself.

      • In those types of situations I generally pray to God that I don’t have to kill the doctor in the parking lot after it’s all over for some stupid human error he might make during the procedure.

        • Reminds me of the doctors that did open heart surgery on my mother telling me she would be back to normal while knowing perfectly well that she was brain dead before the surgery. My opinion of most doctors is too profane to enter here.

    • We’ve been socially engineering through television, pop culture, etc for decades to put MDs on a false pedestal. We have posters here that believe this profession should have full control over an indivuals decision making, despite this profession being the official 3rd leading cause of death in US. It’s socially engineered cognitive dissonance on a grand scale.

    • I’d just like to say how insane it is that, in the USA, anyone at all listens to an MD speaking about *anything* other than a disease or an injury, and even then get a second opinion. Your MD means jack shit regarding how to bake a loaf of bread, much less how to defend your family or what the Constitution means. STFU.

  4. They realize that the doorstop will probably protrude out past the door and the shooter could kick it back into the room with one or two well placed kicks…. right?

  5. Yes you asshole you will get in trouble with people that actually understand the second amendment. Oh and no one gives a shit how many times you deployed. Stick to medicine instead of public policy.

  6. “The retired colonel then added a personal aside … just say how insane it is that, in the United States of America, a civilian can go out and buy a semi-automatic assault rifle …”

    Retired colonel, and a doctor. He’s been curated for most of his life — nothing happens that he doesn’t understand better than anyone else, and nobody can do anything without his authorization. He’s lived most of his life embedded in expert-wrangled systems, where he’s the expert.

    Doctors are a kind of specialty breed, useful in their narrow function, but bad at doing most things, and ill-adapted in most circumstances.

    In business, MBAs are similar. Or the cool-kid cohort for whatever the new, new thing is: webby developers when that was hot. Silicon-augmented valley types, before people noticed their discrediting limitations. Etc.

    • Yep, and if a doctor messes up most of the time your body will heal anyway.

      Fixing just about anything else if you don’t get it right it doesn’t work.

      Yet we put doctors on a pedestal as “angels of mercy”.

      • From dancing around and chanting to appease the ‘demons’ that make sickness, from the days of bleeding and leeches, to the snake oil salesmen of the old west(think the carpetbagger in the white suit in “The Outlaw Josie Wales”), desperate people have always pinned their desperate hopes on the worse of humanity’s quacks and charlatans. The more intelligent of the world’s large supply of miscreants know this, and take full advantage of it. They always have, and today is no different.
        A history of medicine:
        1000 BCE: Here, eat this root.
        500 AD: That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.
        1400 AD: That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.
        1900 AD: That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.
        1935 AD: That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.
        2008 AD: That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root.

        • I can’t decide if “progress” in medical theory follows Thomas Kuhn’s “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”* more than any other domain, or just in the top ten.

          It’s hard to do empirical medicine; doing medicine is so encumbered from several directions. More so with the Not-So-Affordable-Care-Act in the US. At the least, people who were for that law, or like the thought of it want to see evidence that they’ll be able to keep it around. “Working” is maybe fifth of the concerns.

          Lots of smart, focused people had opinions about agriculture, heredity, genetics, psychology and communication, and more in the early Soviet Union — derived from BigThink about how it had to be. And didn’t work.

          The real world is a complicated place. We understand little of what goes on, and less of how stuff happens.

          /Empirical Medical Clues are Hard
          A “center” for health care analytics reported at a dog and pony show the other week that medium and long-term outcomes for a gaggle of orthopedic procedures correlated very strongly with the *emotional state* and *emotional social support* of the patient. This was surprising to the reporting surgeon. Anyone who’s worked in marketing would be surprised not at all — “surprising” correlations are all over.

          A related group a few years back made a gizmo to automate the visual assessment of orthopods and physical therapists, on a bunch of “well understood” hand conditions and interventions. The gizmo tracked the “expert” assessments brilliantly. And those “standard of care” assessments of function, need, and progress tracked outcomes not at all.

          (*) Kuhn models scientific consensus is a social product; progress happens in starts and leaps as enough evidence and pressure builds for an out-group’s paradigm to brake the cool kids strangle-hold. He proposes social acceptance in a small in-group gets expressed as opportunities and funding, self-reinforcing and closed to change until something breaks big.

        • In serendipity, an absolutely on point example of Kuhn’s idea of how self-reinforcing academies work right here:

          Para 2 in the second section, starting with: “A culture of critics in name only…” They’re having another tempest in a tea pot (Or is that term cultural appreciation appropriation?) around celebrity academic gatekeepers deciding the best work, works for them. (Weinstein anyone? Weinstein? Bueller?)

          Read “The Sokall Hoax.” In the spirit of “No publicity is bad publicity.” it’s like academics are working to get called out for shenanigans. Hey those guys got a book out of their cork-up, so, why not?

      • And this over educated idiot doesn’t know that the so called assault is a select fire weapon and an A R 15 is a semi-auto civilian version . This idiot writes prescriptions ? Wonder if he prescribes any assault antibiotics.

        • And like every other “know it all” gun expert, you should ask how often anyone actually uses that giggle switch on an assault rifle in combat.

        • Thank you, Binder. All these know-it-alls on “our” side who claim an AR-15 is “completely different” then an M4 just reveal their ignorance.

        • Binder, how often is full auto used in combat depends on environment and particular scenario. In close quarters or dense jungle FA burst makes sense to get three hits instead of one. Shooting over the valley in desert, not so much. FA also helps to pin enemy down to allow your buddies to move around them.

          But that doesn’t change anything. Words have meanings and assault rifle is select fire by definition. Semi auto rifle is not an assault rifle, not even with bump stock attached, no matter how much you dislike it.

    • Retired “colonel.” Military doctors and nurses are not actual officers in any way shape or form. They are civilians who wear a uniform occasionally, and get an imaginary rank in front of their name.

      • Correct. He was an O-6, which is a pay grade, not a rank, likely started out as an O-5, must be respected as a Col, but has no authority to order anyone to do anything, other than other non-line personnel who work for him.

  7. Medical “mistakes” kill many more people in the U.S.A. Each year than all bare hand, bludgeon, firearm, or knife attacks. That’s why they call it “practicing” medicine. The difference between God and a doctor is that God doesn’t wake up every morning thinking He’s a doctor. 30

    • Spot ôn.
      AND, medical errors, as the third leading cause of death in the US, are mixed into the category of accidents!?!

      And I agree, he wears smug on his mug.
      Eff him. And Mr. God Complex Thoracic Surgeon.
      I know doctors that are embarrassed to be associated with you and your ilk.

      • And we would not have any medical error deaths if we did not go to the doctor, just like we would not have any gun deaths if we did not have guns. Think about it for a moment, you may figure it out.

  8. So the Christian Science Monitor wants us to ponder the benefits of outsourcing our own individual decision-making to the experts?

    Well, I’m a bit of an expert myself. I have a graduate degree in English language and literature, which means I’ve studied a whole lot of bullshit, and I know how to spot it when I see it.

    It’s my expert opinion that anyone who uses the phrase “arming [insert random expert here] with data” thinks he can piss down your back and convince you it’s raining.

  9. There really isn’t a proven fix for violence. Lot of groups have staked out a favorite fix. I suspect there are multiple causes needing individual fixes. Meanwhile it’s like a bunch of monkeys trying to be intimate with a football.

  10. At some point the bad people in Chicago have got to kill each other off. Or maybe it’s like a spring that feeds a lake.

    • Not going to happen, even with the number of murders, growth rate is too high. Look at various governments for the the past few hundred years, they make the Chicago gangs look like total amateurs.

  11. Putting MDs on a false pedestal is causing serious problems. This profession is being used as a useful idiot chess piece in the bigger game to transfer what remains of our indivual rights to the government, all under the false guise of the collective greater good, public health, etc. The vast majority of MDs will put their careers before their consciences, especially given the debt most are forced into becoming MDs.

  12. Maybe he should sue the people that designed the area as a “no gun zone” and the people that hosted the convention for not supplying armed guards.

  13. if the venue put up the no guns sign and somebody got in with a gun and hurt people they should be sued

    gay aint in the constitution but you cant put a no gay sign up

    there should be consequences for somebody that denies you the human right to defend your self which IS in the constitution

  14. Dr. Winslow, a professor of medicine at Stanford University who deployed six times to Iraq and Afghanistan with the Air National Guard, offered his thoughts on the military’s discharge system. The retired colonel then added a personal aside born of outrage at the country’s latest mass shooting.
    “But I also would like to — and I may get in trouble with other members of the committee — just say how insane it is that, in the United States of America, a civilian can go out and buy a semi-automatic assault rifle like an AR-15, which apparently was the weapon that was used,” he said.

    What an ass. He is referring to gamer shooting which was HADNGUN. So to the largest school shooting EVER in the US at Virginia Tech was a HANDGUN.

    As far as semi auto rifle,s they are legal in many developed countries. The single most commonly bought rifle in Canada today is the semi-auto Ruger Mini-14 Ranch which was a gun used in a much bigger student shooting than any student shooting in the US, at Utoya Norway. No one has killed as many school kids in a mass shooting with an AR-15 as Breivik did with a single Mini-14 at Utoya.

    No wonder the Christian Science Monitor, which published this complete bunch of baloney, has no comment section — they are afraid of getting called out on basic objective lies.

  15. Parkland Shooting Survivor Emma Gonzalez “I Want BS” on Hats, Shirts, and Bandannas

    Well I’ll just leave this here…

    Funny how The Hogg was able to bounce between Redondo Beach and Parkland in his senior year of high school. The best I could do was finish school and work a part time job.

  16. “She then armed herself with a handgun and pointed it at the officers”

    It was a BB gun. I don’t blame the cops for not knowing that it was a BB gun, but it was a BB gun.

    “Mental health care crisis or a case of needing to comply with officer orders?”

    It was suicide by cop.

  17. Just for the record, not all military physicians are officers in name only. A good friend retired as an O-6 emergency medical doc, but he was special ops enlisted before Med school. He was also deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan several times, and he is as pro-gun as they come. I know several others like him in those respects, so don’t go too far with your generalizations.

    • Yes, there are exceptions who prove the rule. When I was in Ranger School there was an O4 PA who was a former 18D. The majority are not.

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