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Army Cancels Ted Nugent Concert Over Obama Assassination Threat [Video NSFW]


Imagine being a rock star who spouts testosterone-triggering tirades about evil government gun grabbers and the machine gun love they engender. And the crowd goes wild! At no point should you imagine someone daring to tell you to STFU because you’re damaging the very cause you’re promoting. Yeah that’s not gonna happen. Right until it does. Which will be some point long after you “discover” that you can say any damn thing you want about guns and gun grabbers without any blowback. Blowback like this: “Commanders at Fort Knox, Ky., nixed Nugent’s segment of a June concert after the rocker and conservative activist said at a recent National Rifle Association meeting that he would be ‘dead or in jail by this time next year’ if Obama is re-elected.” According to the AP Uncle Ted’s indignant . . .

“To think that there’s a bureaucrat in the United States Army that would consider the use or abuse of First Amendment rights in determining who is going to perform at an Army base is an insult and defiles the sacrifices of those heroes who fought for the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights.”

Notice that the Motor City Madman singles out “bureaucrats.” A great deal of Ted’s schtick—I mean deeply held beliefs about the sacrifice and honor of our fighting forces center on his support for the troops. So he wants the world to know that he still has solidarity with our men (and women) at arms.

Only now the Nuge may be doing it accidentally, like a martyr. ‘Cause it seems the idea that he’s his own worst enemy doesn’t get a look in. Especially after he got whacked for an illegal bear hunt. Contrite? Ha!

He told the AP that he advises fellow hunters, “even when you are aghast at a maniac, inexplicable, illogical law, please abide by those laws at all costs.”

Nugent said the prosecution in U.S. District Court was the result of a “witch hunt” by federal officials over his activism.

“We the people are turning up the heat,” he said. “And that’s why I’m being singled out by certain fish and game agencies and certain U.S. attorneys.”

Note to Ted: just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that you can say anything, anytime to anyone. In fact, just the opposite.

28 thoughts on “Army Cancels Ted Nugent Concert Over Obama Assassination Threat [Video NSFW]”

  1. Charm school graduate, he ain’t. No wonder the Army cancelled, can you imagine the chaos if he offended all those sensitive troops? Remember, only government approved ranters get a pass. Who is Ted Nugent anyway??

  2. I don’t think there was any “Obama assassination threat” from Mr. Nugent as you describe it in the headline, but the leftist media heard one and was able to pressure the SS into interviewing him days later.

    • That’s bullshit Mike. There was no true threat just the usual bluster from the draft-dodging phoney, I agree with that. But to say the leftist media pressured this decision is nuts. The military is not pressured by those extremist lefties. Their talk is as unconvincing as Nugent’s.

      He got what he asked for as Farago said in the post.

      • I did not comment at all on the decision of the one military base commander. It was my opinion that the Secret Service (“SS” in my original post) was pressured into confronting Mr. Nugent.

        • Apparently you don’t know anything about the SS.

          And seriously, Ted Nugent is an embarrassment to anybody with more than three brain cells. People like him do far more damage to the pro-gun cause than they do good. Blaming lefties or calling the SS “pressured” as an attempt to distract people from this fact doesn’t help either. Call Ted what he is: effing nuts. Using celebrity/fame/public pulpit to verbalize and publicize wishes of violence towards others is just plain sick. Always. Every time.

  3. As a former member of the U.S.A.F.,im sad to state that a Ted Nugent concert wouldn’t mix well with the pro-women, pro-feminist, nanny-state complex that has risen like a cancer in the DoD. Someone like Ted Nugent is simply too “insensitive” for our modern & enlightened military.

    For those of you who are into conspiracy theories, perhaps you guys can figure out when the military got hijacked by progressive PC centric losers. Unlike Roswell, this topic has very relevant significance today.

    • The U.S. Military is not designed to promote alternate opinions. It is designed to break things and kill people. There is a chain of command, and you are required to follow it.

      This is no different in the private world. I have a friend who works for Microsoft, but if he stands up on a stage and says: “Bill Gates is a POS, he can suck on my machine gun,” that would be his very last day at work.

      If you don’t think Nugent has said that exact phrase, and much worse, look it up.

      When you were in the Air Force, were you allowed to openly insult and threaten your superior officers? Congressmen? Presidents? I am guessing no.

      • Actually, I thought the military was supposed to perform “Nation Building” and to be “Politically Correct”.

  4. Uncle Ted is uncouth for sure, but the reaction he gets out of the lefty’s is priceless…

  5. Ted Nugent is in no way concerned with promoting 2A rights. Ted Nugent is only concerned with promoting Ted Nugent. He says outrageous things to create controversy and get publicity for himself. He’s a washed up has been who is doing anything he can to combat his own irrelevance.

    Supporting his antics and publicizing his nonsense does nothing for gun owners, it only serves to give him the attention he wants.

  6. Sorry, this is completely the wrong analysis. Ted Nugent may be nothing but a lame-ish shock jock, but the attitude of keeping your opinions to yourself in order to avoid offending people has gone way, way, way too far in this country. Especially when it concerns criticism of government officials. Ted Nugent isn’t in the Army. He can say what he wants. I don’t remember all these people peeing their pants back when you heard not-even-remotely-veiled assassination fantasies about George W Bush every which way you turned. Either that stuff wasn’t okay, or this stuff is.

  7. Never really liked his music, never really liked him. I’ve always been a ‘shut up and sing’ kind of guy. Whether the speech is delivered by Dixie chicks, bruce springsteen (disagree) or Ted Nugent (mainly agree) I still say STFU and sing. You don’t know more about this subject than anyone else.

    BUT…I find it Absolutely pathetic that the Army dis-invited him. He did NOT make an assassination threat against obummer. The MSM turned it into one.

  8. Nugent’s just playing the liberals’ game of making outlandish statements to get attention and it makes them crazy to see they’re no longer the only ones who can point fingers anymore. I’d certainly rather listen to Nugent than Limbaugh!

  9. So who actually made the decision to cancel the Nuge? If it was the base commander it is his final say..
    I am not saying I don’t like his music or anything else, but to be honest if you make statements that could be taken the wrong way sometimes it has consequences.
    I am not saying he should not speak out either. I just feel sometimes you need to be more PC. Yeah ok I know that sounds bad, but to be honest you are out there as a public figure. This isn’t some guy on a street corner. You have the ear of millions. Use that audience wisely to change perceptions, and get people to think. You need to think before you speak and get the ear of anti gun folks. Preaching to the quire on some NRAgasim is what it was dubbed doesn’t change perceptions of others.
    It is like I stated before.
    I was born and raised a left leaning democrat. After years and making my own inroads into what is going on have I made some decisions. I still consider myself a democrat, but….
    I do not believe in gun laws as they stand now. I do not believe in larger government. I have lived as a citizen of another country which was socialist, and spent a lot of time in Europe etc. So as far as some reforms with regard to things like healthcare and other items I do believe in some change. Illegal immigration, is another matter where I can’t side on either party.
    I guess at this point I can’t seem eye to eye on many aspects of any party which is sad. Either a left leaning republican or right leaning democrat could spark my interest.
    Of course this is not a political forum, but the point being that I spent time using my own grey matter, and came to the conclusion that as far as 2A is concerned this country is messed up!
    Ted is passionate and feels the same, however he chose to be blunt and forceful in his feelings. I don’t hold that against him at all, but when it causes an uproar as it did, legal or not, it made him a questionable guest for a concert. It is one concert, and I am sure he will play somewhere else. It isn’t like he is starving or anything.
    I think at the end of the day if we can get public figures to pose questions and statistics to others who are anti gun then it might get them to start asking questions. It might change their perceptions, and reduce the FUD which has been the center of so many of the legislation that has passed in the past decade.

  10. Poor old Uncle Ted is always getting the short end of the stick. He never said to kill anyone, but he does tend to go a little overboard when he gets to ranting. He’s also lucky that it was our SS that came a calling and not the old NAZI SS, because dear old Ted would have disappeared for good.

    • He’s also lucky that it was our SS that came a calling and not the old NAZI SS, because dear old Ted would have disappeared for good.

      Give it another decade and I’m sure we’ll be there.

  11. Was it a decision by someone high up in the military to cancel, or the commander and chief directly ordering it or one of his surrogates on his “behalf”?

  12. I think it’s great that we have at least one guy who’s willing to talk to liberals the way liberals talk to conservatives. “Taking the high road” hasn’t done much for us over the decades, and yet we just seem to get more and more terrified that someone will say something offensive and give the liberals an opening to criticize us.

    Yeah, like they need an opening to do that.

    And for all of the “he’s just a washed-up/no-talent rocker” commenters, please go ahead and list your history of accomplishments for us. I believe Nugent has sold 30 million albums so far. That has no bearing on whether his political views have any merit, but if your critique of his gun advocacy is going to descend to the “washed-up/no-talent” level, well, there’s your answer.

    • Hey, I have not had sex with a crap-load of teen aged girls when I was in my thirties and forties, so I guess I can’t have an opinion about sex with minors. Have you ever had a car that you thought was a POS? Well, let’s see what you could make before you criticize that vehicle.

  13. I never cared for “the Nuge”, he always came off as an arrogant blow-hard to me. As someone already said, the Nuge is in it for the Nuge.

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