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Army “Trophy Pics” Fuel Anti-War Fervor

“Washington has always protested that the torture at the prison was an isolated incident,” the UK’s Daily Mail opines. “An aberration in its otherwise commendable respect for human rights and the fair treatment of those ‘liberated’ from oppressive regimes. Now, the publication of these photographs shatters that claim.” Really? “The killings in Afghanistan may indeed have been the work of a rogue unit and — unlike Abu Ghraib, where the abusers claimed they were acting under orders — not part of any official strategy but . . .

. . .  this sort of brutality is increasingly seen by the Arab world as the way Western forces behave in their lands.”


“And as Britain and France join the U.S. war machine in Libya under the eyes of a suspicious world, the last thing that everyone — with the exception of al Qaeda, the Taliban and Colonel Gaddafi — needs is for these pictures to be broadcast around the world.”

Good job the Mail redacted the photos then. Oh wait.

Meanwhile, a military court has sentenced the first of five US soldiers charged with the civilian killings related to the photos. Army Specialist Jeremy Morlock, 23, of Wasilla, Alaska plead guilty to three counts of premeditated murder. The court sentenced Morlock to 24 years in prison


9 thoughts on “Army “Trophy Pics” Fuel Anti-War Fervor”

  1. Where’s the non-stop, 24/7 coverage and commentary all over the cable channels, a la Abu Graib? The drip, drip, drip of outrage increasing as the photos are slowly released so as to have maximum effect?

    Were’s the skepticism about the claims that this was a rogue unit, the assertions that these soldiers were actually carrying out orders that were handed down right from the top (White House)? What a difference a change in party makes.

  2. Will the administration characterize what Morlock and his buddies did not as murder, but as kinetic suppression?

  3. The most important farewell address ever was Eisenhower’s.

    He warned of the punk-bitches that would follow, from McNamara to Cheney. Those who merely exist to whip the masses into a frenzy about nothing and profit from same.

    We’ve made no friends in the last 50-ish years and that will haunt us for the next 100.

    Don’t believe? Just look at the UK.

    • While I agree that what Eisenhower was truly prescient, we’re not in business to make friends. We only diminish our standing in the world and sew the seeds of instability when we care more about who likes us than who’s impressed by our strength and resolve. You need only look at today’s news to see the results of this namby-pambyism.

      • I look at today’s news and see the results of foolish cockwaving.

        We’d have an extra TRILLION DOLLARS (plus another TRILLION in long-term VA and such benes) if we hadn’t gone and fucked around in IRAQ for the third time.

        Middle East Democracy? Yeah fuckin’ puke right. Iraq and Iran BOTH had democratically elected leaders that the USA overthrew because we didn’t quite like the results of the election.

        No nation’s government gives a flying fuck about how “impressive” the military we can’t afford is. They DO care (just like our gov) about their own self interest.

        Acknowledge the reality and then you can have a factual discussion. Until then, you’re just another foxtard.

          • Fair Enough,

            Everyone uses “foxtard”. Much like “libtard” it long ago hit “meme” status.

            You’re correct it’s a distraction from facts and that childish namecalling is, well, childish.

            Mea Culpa.

            Now bring me the head of…

  4. “And as Britain and France join the U.S. war machine in Libya under the eyes of a suspicious world, the last thing that everyone — with the exception of al Qaeda, the Taliban and Colonel Gaddafi — needs is for these pictures to be broadcast around the world.”

    A little sunshine won’t be such a bad thing. It’s just going to sting a bit.

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