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As Violent Crime and Response Times Soar in Washington, So Does Concealed Carry Permit Demand


Amid rising violent crime, Washington has reported a stunning number of active Concealed Pistol Licenses issued in a single month; proving that extremist gun control efforts in the Evergreen State have failed miserably and people realize it, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

New data from the state Department of Licensing shows law enforcement agencies around the state issued 11,292 CPLs in June. This brings the total number of active carry licenses to a whopping 655,709, surpassing the previous record of 650,403 set on April 1, 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic caused a suspension of CPL application processing. Still, Washington boasts the highest number of resident licenses of any western state.

Two neighboring counties—King and Pierce—account for more than half of all the new licenses. King added 2,504 CPLs and Pierce added 3,605. Over the past three months, Washington has added 18,355 active CPLs.

“Violent crime in Pierce and King counties, combined with a reduction in police manpower has obviously resulted in a predictable public reaction,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “People will protect themselves and their families, and they’re taking that responsibility seriously. These sensible law-abiding citizens realize they are their own first responders.

“The surge in violent crime is undeniable proof of the total failure of gun control in Washington,” he continued. “Since the billionaire-backed gun prohibition lobby started financing extremist ballot measures in 2014, and anti-gun Seattle-area lawmakers began pushing their gun control agenda in the Legislature, Washington murders have gone up, not down. Voters fooled by slick campaign promises are evidently changing their minds.

“The radical gun control agenda, which only penalizes honest citizens, has been championed by Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson,” Gottlieb said. “Gun restrictions supported by them and pushed by their Democrat colleagues in the Legislature have produced literally less than nothing. Their fanatical efforts to disarm people have resulted in more gun sales and licenses to carry. Gun control zealots have been wrong all along, yet they continue to demand even more restrictions. It’s time for the public to stop listening to their nonsense.

“We should adopt a different strategy,” Gottlieb concluded. “Hundreds of thousands of Washington residents evidently agree.”

81 thoughts on “As Violent Crime and Response Times Soar in Washington, So Does Concealed Carry Permit Demand”

    • If the public was made aware of the fact history confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is rooted in racism and genocide perhaps the public would cease allowing Gun Control zealots to fill their heads with crap.

    • I’m in Spokane and I’m telling you that magazine ban is meaningless. It has stopped NOTHING and only inconvenienced some folks. If you want a standard capacity magazine, you can get them and unless a person is stupid enough to keep the receipt post ban purchase, rat on themselves or otherwise do what every lawyer alive tells you NOT to do and that’s talk to the cops There’s very very little the cops can do and Inslee and AG Bob can kiss my ass.

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      • The same with Commierado’s Restriction/Ban. About the only place it’s actively enforced is the Kremlin, I mean Denver.
        Everywhere else, they don’t even bother unless you’re stupid.

    • “Magazine ban in full effect though so…”

      You missed the news :

      “Along those lines, the Supreme Court today GVR’d (granted cert, vacated the lower court rulings and remanded for reconsideration) the following cases in which the lower courts had upheld the gun control laws in question.”

      “ANJRPC v. Grewal — Challenges New Jersey’s “high capacity” magazine ban for violating the Second Amendment, the takings clause of the Fifth Amendment, and the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

      Duncan v. Bonta — Challenges California’s “high capacity” magazine ban as violating the Second and Fifth Amendments as well as the two-step interest-balancing process explicitly repudiated in the Bruen ruling.”

      Those courts are now REQUIRED to rule those bans are expressly un-constitutional, meaning, magazine bans will be DEAD nation-wide… 🙂

      • The so called “high capacity magazines’ we have today were not present in this form historically (considering Buren). But, even though not present in today’s form there were still ‘high capacity magazines’ in the form of the person carrying in a specific ‘container’, ‘bag’, ‘pouch’ etc… a number of balls and flint and powder for the rifles, and later, ‘cartridges’ types of things.

        As it was then, so it still is today – a magazine is simply a container for a supply of ‘ammunition’.

        In effect those were the ‘high capacity magazines’ of the day, the ‘container’ – ‘bag’ – ‘pouch’ etc…. The technological advance of changing this to what eventually became the ‘high capacity magazines’ of today makes no difference as historically considering Bruen ‘high capacity magazines’ have existed since before the establishment of the United States as a country and when the constitution was enacted and when the second amendment was enacted and from there after in one form or another.

        In that in Bruen, bans on ‘high capacity magazines’ (e.g. 30 round, which just so happens to be the amount of ‘balls’ for the flint locks the average colonial soldier carried during the revolutionary war) should be unconstitutional but we need for the cases to be finally decided.

        • as a trivia thing….

          Even with flintlocks, having to go through that long loading process under fire, on average more people were shot in a single large scale battle than happens today in any mass/school shooting.

          The historical picture is of the colonial army in their nice blue uniforms standing in their ranks out in the open to engage the British army in their nice red uniforms in their ranks out in the open.

          Not all of the battles were like this, especially the ones waged by the gorilla warfare of the regular non-army colonials. And even in these battles with flintlocks, having to go through that long loading process under fire and frequently on the move, on average more people were shot in a single battle than happens today in any mass/school shooting.

        • “The so called “high capacity magazines’ we have today were not present in this form historically (considering Buren).”

          The .46 cal. Girandoni Air Rifle. Capacity 22 rounds in a tubular magazine. Capable of firing about 40 times on one tank of air.

          Circa 1770, used in the US by the “Lewis and Clark’ expedition in 1803-1806 :

        • Yep Geoff …. that too

          Glad you found that. I was thinking of it but didn’t look it up.

        • “gorilla warfare“

          Now y’all have declared war on the gorillas, how sad.

          Perhaps some wildlife lovers will utilize the effective techniques developed for guerrilla warfare to defeat the bloodthirsty humans in their war on the gorillas.

  1. State, you gotta win battles first. Then you win the war. Attack! Attack! Attack!

    • Besides, the left isn’t used to being on the defensive lately. It confuses them.

      • It sure is nice though, isn’t it?

        They lost HUGE last week, abortion and guns. Carry everywhere, AR and magazine bans are *history*… 🙂

  2. I live in this State; but a bigger problem is that the Left doesn’t have to care since we went to all mail-in voting like California. The Media here is also totally under the thumb of Woke Corporate special interests. Election fraud here is so widespread that many Conservatives don’t even bother voting.
    For example in 2020, Inslee was re-elected by a wide margin. I never even saw a campaign sign for him in Clark Co. (Vancouver) which always goes Republican—this time it flipped 60-40 for Democrats. East King County is usually 60-40 GOP; this time it was 70-30 Democrat. Spokane and Pullman (on the Idaho border) which generally goes Red was won too: and nobody even questioned whether there was fraud or not. Until we solve that problem, none of this is going to matter.

    • Night, my sympathy. I understand Washington is beautiful. A shame to waste real estate like that on the left.

    • Don’t forget when Gregoire literally stole the election from Rossi in 2004 by “129” votes on the third recount and your State Supreme Court had no problem with more votes being cast in King County than there were registered voters…

      The entire west coast might as well be called “CaliforniOreWashington” considering the iron grip the Democrats have there.

      • Or in the 2018 California Senate Race where polls showed Diane Feinstein only about 10% ahead of the GOP challenger; then on the Runoff Election he finished behind the Green Party candidate with less than 20% total and nobody thought that was suspicious. Or in the same State in 2020 where the voter turnout suddenly went from its 55-60% average to 85% and the State certified Biden 30 minutes after the polls closed. It really frosts me that the GOP never wants to investigate voter fraud in these ‘solid Blue States.’

    • And Inslee wanted to pass a law, making it a crime to question our elections
      And murder is up 49% in Seattle

    • The same in Commierado, all Mail In Voting. Funny, how since they went that direction, more DemoKKKommiecrats get elected than Repubs or Independents. Rural Coloradoans and those not in Denver and its surrounding Communes have no voice in the State’s Legislature.

  3. The legacy of CHAZ lives on.

    That reminds me, they ever charge Raz for handing out rifles to randos? Did they ever recover those rifles? They have serial numbers so that makes them trackable. Or so I’m told by idiots.

    • No, in fact, ex-President Simone of the short-lived Chaz People’s Republic seems to have disappeared. He was last seen the day before the police finally moved in as nearly as I can tell. The last time I looked into this (a few months ago) nothing came up about him in the news since the Summer of 2020 and I even did a search on one of those ‘People Locator’ sites and there was nothing from about the same time. I would guess that he’s probably with Epstein’s former prison guards drinking mint juleps and relaxing in a hammock in some tropical ‘black site.’

  4. “Since the billionaire-backed gun prohibition lobby started financing extremist ballot measures in 2014, and anti-gun Seattle-area lawmakers began pushing their gun control agenda in the Legislature, Washington murders have gone up, not down.”

    You can’t expect a predator animal (e.g. criminals) to not prey on defenseless prey (e.g. a victim without a firearm). Some special Harry Potter magic spell blessed by the power of Hogwarts called ‘gun control’ does nothing to keep a predator animal (e.g. criminals) from preying on defenseless prey (e.g. a victim without a firearm), but it sure does ensure a supply of defenseless prey.

    • SO the AMERICAN firearms industry manufacturers, purveyors and users do not pour billioins into the extremist end of the REPUBLICAN PARTY then/. That’s good to know. NOT

      It’s those Manufacturers, purveyors and owners’ that keep the myths and going about the benefits of SELF DEFENCE and the nessessity for completely unnessessary gun ownership. Why cannotbthe fess up and admit the NOBODY actually needs anything more than a decent 9mm or .38 calibre for ant self defence situation and nobody needs anything other than a decent five shot Bolt Action Rifle of a suitable calibre for any legitimate purpose whatsoever [though I might concede a case for .22Long Rifle!!] Equally nobody actually need more than 25 rounds of ANY ammunition for immediate use. No hunter, if he or she is actually compenten use more than maybe 25 rounds of Ammunition in a season because no compentent hunter EVER misses. I also doubt that anybody would use more than 25 rounds of ammunition in several lifetimes in ‘self defence’ Indeed most professional would’nt either.
      There is of course a case for legitimate RANGE PRACTICE. Easily catered for. Ammunition for range use can only be purchased on a LICENSED RANGE and make it a criminal offence for unauthorised removal of excess ammunition. Just as it is in the Armed Service.
      Indeed as far as I am aware it’s even a disciplinary offence in the Armed Services to remove EMPTY CASES without proper authority from military ranges. It ceratinly was when I ran military ranges in the UK Royal Air Force as an Armourer and Smallarms Instructor.

      • LOL.

        Thanks for your troll, Albert. It always fun to read your properly British arrogant and pedantic posts.

        Happy 4th of July from an Ungrateful Colonial…

        • he isn’t really British. He’s lying about all that. He has given away too many clues in his posts over time that indicate he is lying, especially about being in, what he claims now was, “UK Royal Air Force as an Armourer and Smallarms Instructor” – previously he has said it was the Army, not Air Force. Then in various posts he has been ignorant about the most basic things about firearms, things a military armorer and small arms instructor would know, and he has misstated and not known common nomenclature details of firearms used by the British military.

          He’s a trolling liar. His posts share a lot of similarity with dacian for their lack of basic reading comprehension and understanding. He’s probably off his medication or under medicated like dacian is and it messes with his perception so he like dacian rely’s on confirmation bias.

      • “SO the AMERICAN firearms industry manufacturers, purveyors and users do not pour billioins into the extremist end of the REPUBLICAN PARTY then/”

        The way you wrote it, Yep, that would be correct. Finally, the only correct thing you have posted here in months, but I can tell you did it by accident without realizing it.

        “It’s those Manufacturers, purveyors and owners’ that keep the myths and going about the benefits of SELF DEFENCE and the nessessity for completely unnessessary gun ownership”

        You are an idiot. There is a great benefit to self defense, its called staying alive when the bad guy is trying to kill you. I’ve been there, millions of others have too. It was necessary to have a firearm. You expect maybe a nice “please put the knives away, all of you, and don’t hurt my wife and me and go away” would have done it though I guess.

        And everything you wrote is pure BS rubbish.

      • Hey, at least he trolls well. I can admire a good troll. Too many are just horrible at it.

      • Let’s see, last year for FBI data showed over 1,000,000 Defensive Gun uses in 2019. Estimates of unreported use put that at 2 to 3 times that number (sometimes just the presence of a gun not in the criminal’s hand is a deterrent).
        You Brits just don’t get the purpose of the 2nd Amendment. You didn’t get it in 1776 and you still don’t get it in 2022.

      • Albert L J Hall, the British Subject.
        It seems that you have a problem with anyone who desires to exercise their right to self defense. You see, you Brits are no longer our rulers. We got rid of you in 1776 fighting a war in which we threw off the yoke of British sovereignty over this country. We have this thing called the Constitution in which our rights as citizens are enumerated. One of those rights is the right to bear arms.
        As I have pointed out to you on another occasion, the 9 mm and .38cal are good rounds but in often cases in sufficient to stop a bad guy. As to rifles, it is clear that you have never hunted with one. A bolt action rifle is great for distance shooting. But when it comes to hunting a wile boar (we also call them feral pigs) or coyotes, fox, woodchucks, and other varmint, a second and or a third round is necessary. But you have no knowledge of such as you have never experienced that particular type of hunt.

      • Albert L J Hall, the British subject.
        For your edification, it has been proven time and time again that the .38 and the 9 mm are not sufficient to stop a lot of bad guys. Personally, I carry the GLOCK Mod 22 which comes in .40 S&W cal. Where your .38 or the 9 mm would take three or more rounds to stop the bad guy, the .40 is usually a man stopper at the first round. For verification, Google Ballistic Gel results for the .38, the 9mm and the .40 S&W.
        As to the rifle? You claim that the bolt action is sufficient for hunting? Really? Have you ever hunted wild boar (also known as feral pigs), coyote, fox, or other predators or varmint? I did not think so. Often a second shot as a follow up (immediate) as many times the shot is taken which the animal is on the run.
        I have pointed this out to you at least on one other occasion and you have of course ignored my points.
        Let me make this very clear, YOU ARE CLUELESS when it comes to what is necessary for hunting here in the US.

      • You still here? Stay on your side of the pond. We don’t want to hear your anti gun bullshit. Go kiss the Queen’s ass or something British.

  5. Yea… think of all those 10 round mags flooding in, lol. Fuck WA.

    Montana – The state you wish you chose to live in instead.

    Seriously tho, “apologize” after the DGU, not before it. At least you still have Yankee Marshall, amiright?

    • I have to agree. Even though I live here, I was still born in Montana (Missoula) and hold dear those values.
      FK WA, FK Inslee, FK Demonrats.

      • My cousin lives in WA. He’s a chopper pilot on call for fire rescue – not sure what his specific title is. He’s talked about moving over here for the past couple years.

        • A lot of aerial Firefighting is based out of Missoula. I also am a pilot in both fixed wing and rotorcraft although I don’t do much flying anymore. Too busy enjoying being retired. I do other things like Coleman Lanterns and build ARs. It’s way cheaper than flying.

  6. When seconds determine if you or a loved one lives or dies at the hands of a criminal. Law enforcement is minutes away. Bad Consequences come from Bad Choices. Choose Wisely.

    • True. Unless the criminals are law enforcement, which seems to be an increasingly common predicament these days.

      • “Unless the criminals are law enforcement, which seems to be an increasingly common predicament these days.”

        “So, how much for the repairs?”

        “How much you got?”

        “Really, how much for the repairs?”

        “How much you got?”

        “I ought to report you to the sheriff!”

        {Pulls out wallet, flips it open showing LE credentials}

  7. Coincidentally I have a fakebook friend in Washington who now wants to buy a gat & carry since yesterday. He sez a lunatic neighbor was threatening him & his local po-lice never showed up. My 5-0 shows up & does NOTHING. Welcome to the new left coast buddy…he wants my “help”. Sorry buddy. I don’t give gun advice or particulars on suckerberg’s app…mebbe on something less public!

    • Anecdotal once again. From your entry you’re near illiterate any way What exactly was your ‘fakebook’ supposed mate being threatenened with anyway> If it was a firearm there WILL Be a SERIOUS CRIME report.

  8. quote————-“The surge in violent crime is undeniable proof of the total failure of gun control in Washington,” he continued. “Since the billionaire-backed gun prohibition lobby started financing extremist ballot measures in 2014, and anti-gun Seattle-area lawmakers began pushing their gun control agenda in the Legislature, Washington murders have gone up, not down. Voters fooled by slick campaign promises are evidently changing their minds.———–quote

    Gottlieb conveniently ignores the fact that when you do not have a Federal gun law states with lax laws flood thousands of guns into states with tough laws making those laws meaningless. The “Iron Pipe Line” has been documented by law enforcement as well as tracings of guns used in crimes and two Chicago studies also came to the same conclusions about second hand guns causing much of the crimes.

    Studies show that when people resist in a robbery they are far more likely to be killed or injured than when they do not but the stingy, tightwad, penny pinching far right put a penny in their pocket over their own survival.

    While victims actively resisted in only 7 percent of the robberies studied, those incidents accounted for 51 percent of the deaths.

    Here is another very lengthy in depth study (not the Harvard).


      • LOL. Makes you wonder where he finds the time to write so many lengthy pieces of bilge, doesn’t it?

        I still sorta think he presents “Reductio ad absurdum” arguments that are parodies and actually meant to both mock Liberal’s positions and at the same time get a rise out of people who take him seriously…

        • I quit giving a schitt about what Dacian’s take on the subject is/was about 48 minutes after joining TTAG.
          I have better things to do than listen/read his misquoted statistics and debunked studies and opinions.
          I’d rather try to shave a Badger’s balls than listen to his drivel.

    • This has been another dacian false and anti-gun skewed and debunked information presentation.

      You have a budget to keep posting all this overall false stuff you post?

    • According to Kleck’s “Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America” – the leading authority on the subject of compliance:

      1. Any form of resistance, except with firearm, carries with it an injury rate of 52%.

      2. Resistance with a firearm carried with it the risk of injury of 17%, but use of a firearm early in an encounter carries with it a risk of injury of 6%.

      Overall, in Kleck, you have a minimum of a 25% chance of being injured if you comply, but you are 4 time less likely to be injured if you have your firearm and are prepared to use it.

      Take away here summary: compliance may still result in injury (which includes death), resistance without a firearm carries a 52% chance of injury (which includes death), resistance with a firearm lowers chance of injury (which includes death) to 17%, resistance with a firearm early in the encounter further lowers risk of injury (which includes death) to 6%

      If you are armed are you willing to gamble that you are not in the 25%?
      if you are not armed are you willing to gamble that you are not in the 52%?

      Compliance or not, resistance or not – is not a decision one needs to make. The answer is already provided, non-compliance via firearms resistance offers the best chance of less injury. But if you want, you can roll the dice and take the chance of being a good-n-dead witness.

      • to Booger Brain

        Herr Hauptman Kleck is a Far Right Nut case and everything he rants about has been debunked by accredited studies by some of our most prestigious university’s like Harvard and other investigations that have hard evidence to support their studies. Your reference to anything Kleck has published is laughable.

        Here is a study that proved Kleck is a far right a nut case

        Next you are going to be quoting Trump and how the election was stolen.

      • Here’s just a couple issues from Kleck’s ‘research’:

        “Kleck’s survey also included gun uses against animals and did not distinguish civilian uses from military of police uses. Kleck’s Interviewers do not appear to have questioned a random individual at a given telephone number, but rather asked to speak to the male head of the household. Males from the South and West were oversampled.“

        • Miner and dacian…

          Thanks for sustaining my post abut Kleck.

          Seriously… do you guys not know what context means?

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, Here we go again. It is very clear that you think that the federal Government can pass a law and everyone will obey. Let me clue you in again, criminals don’t follow laws, be it Federal or State. There are ALREAD sufficient laws already on the books which are NOT enforced concerning firearms. Example? The Straw Buyer law. Last year you could count the number of times that a straw buyer was prosecuted on one hand.

      Here is one from one of your favorite sources:

  9. “…before the COVID-19 pandemic caused a suspension of CPL application processing.”

    Still trotting out that “dA paNdEmIC CaUZeD…” chestnut? Seriously?

    No, CCRKBA, asinine government response based on lies caused that.

  10. My question is why get a CPL? Illegal carriers are never prosecuted and why put your name on a list?

    • …up until Bloomberg’s BS got passed, having a CPL in WA meant you were exempt from the waiting period. It was convenient.

  11. I have to wonder what the gun control/civilian disarmament crowd is smoking. Just what is disarming the law abiding going to do to prevent the non law abiding from arming themselves? Even in countries that have strict gun controls, criminals seem to get guns, or arm themselves with other weapons.

    • “Just what is disarming the law abiding going to do to prevent the non law abiding from arming themselves?”

      A question the anti-gun idiots have yet to answer. And they don’t answer, what they basically say is that; because guns for the law abiding are less that somehow magically guns for the criminals will be less, because it is the right to have firearms that causes criminals to be armed with firearms.

      Its one of those sort of ‘circular false logic’ things they use to keep and argument going to convince a court under the two-step process.

      Basically; This was the same type of logic used for prohibition and we saw how well that failed. Its the same type of logic used in the ‘war on drugs’ and we saw how well that failed. Its the same logic the government used to interdict the supply lines of the vietcong and we saw how well that failed. Its the same type of logic the government used in Afghanistan to interdict enemy supply of arms and we saw how well that failed. Its the same logic the UK uses in their gun ban and today based upon their population size criminals in the UK have more guns than criminals in the US so even in a country with what is in effect a total ban with very few exceptions comparatively we see how well it fails.

      Its a logic that sort of makes sense, but it excludes the unpredictable human factor and it doesn’t work. The fact is that criminals will still be armed even if they have to use rocks and they will still prey on society like they always have and the injury and death will still continue at the hands of criminals. Gun control to reduce crime is a false promise of the anti-gun industry.

      • to Booger Brain

        quote———————-A question the anti-gun idiots have yet to answer. And they don’t answer, what they basically say is that; because guns for the law abiding are less that somehow magically guns for the criminals will be less, because it is the right to have firearms that causes criminals to be armed with firearms.————-quote

        Educated people are laughing at you.

        History has decades ago proven you wrong. Europe and Asia learned through bitter experience way back in the early 1900’s when gun laws were weak or non existent that great assassinations that touched off huge conflicts like WWI were the result of not vetting thoroughly who was buying guns. Since then Europe and Asia after passing such laws as very draconian background checks and safe storage laws have a far less homicide rate with guns and far less guns being stolen and ending up in the hands of right wing lunatics , religious fanatics and criminals.

        • If the problem was

          “…not vetting thoroughly who was buying guns.”

          then the left would have no problem allowing people to get a license to carry concealed. The process of getting that license IS the vetting process.

      • to Booger Brain

        quote————Its the same logic the UK uses in their gun ban and today based upon their population size criminals in the UK have more guns than criminals in the US————quote

        More of Booger Brain’s wild bullshit.

        Comparing Britain’s murder rate to Capitalvania

        Last year, there were 136 homicides in the UK capital, according to Metropolitan Police figures. That translates to a rate of 1.54 homicides per 100,000 people.

        In 2017, the number of homicides was slightly higher at 140 incidents – a homicide rate of 1.59 per 100,000 residents. The 2017 figures include those killed in the London Bridge terror attack in June that year.

        In comparison, the 30 largest cities in the US all had a higher murder rate per 100,000, using analysis by New York University’s Brennan Center for Justice for 2017 – the latest available year.

        Of the cities examined, Baltimore, Detroit and Chicago had the highest murder rates at 55.8, 39.8 and 24.1 respectively.

        • As usual dacian … your lack of reading comprehension skills and not knowing what context means resulted in yet another idiotic post from you.

  12. A preacher was selling gunms and bullats at his wifes yard sale today.
    Quite a collection.
    No paperwork.
    Cash and carry.
    – – Ain’t life a bitch.

    • “selling gunms and bullats at his wifes yard sale“

      “No paperwork.
      Cash and carry.“

      That’s similar to the gun flea market in every gun show parking lot.

      Felon’s favorite retailers.

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  14. “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    H. L. Mencken”

    • “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.“

      Here’s a good example of that very technique:

      “Violent crime in Pierce and King counties, combined with a reduction in police manpower has obviously resulted in a predictable public reaction,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb“

      • No miner …

        What you posted is showing the effect of such “practical politics’ scary tactics of gun-control.

        • and that effect of the practical politics of the gun control lie by anti-gun politicians is…

          “Violent crime in Pierce and King counties, combined with a reduction in police manpower has obviously resulted in a predictable public reaction,”

  15. โบนัส ที่ดีที่สุด ให้ทุกคนที่เป็น พีจีสล็อต สมาชิกกับเราได้ลุ่นโบนัสพิเศษ เริ่มหมุน มุนกงล้อได้ลุ้นรับโบนัส พิเศษได้แล้ววันนี้

  16. FJB buy all the guns and ammo you can! The security of our country is at stake!

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