Payne County Oklahoma Gun Rights Employees Second Amendment
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The Payne County, Oklahoma Budget Board voted to restore county employees’ Second Amendment rights last month. The board made it clear that county employees can exercise Second Amendment rights inside county buildings if they have a valid carry permit and sign a waiver. The waiver states they understand a few limitations and they won’t draw the firearm except in valid defense of self or others.


Reding said the Budget Board, a body consisting of all elected county officers, voted during its May 14 meeting to implement the gun policy along with language for a waiver that employees who want to carry a gun while on the job must sign.

The forms would be turned in to the employee’s supervisor but, it hasn’t been determined where they will be stored, he said.

The document, which was provided to the News Press by Reding’s office, says employees understand that carrying or discharging a firearm is not part of their job, that any employee who removes a weapon from a holster except for the act of self-defense shall be considered for termination, agrees that firearms safety is to be observed at all times and states that employees understand they are not allowed to carry firearms into the courthouse or any other buildings specifically prohibited by law.

A particularly interesting part of the waiver is an instruction to county employees that if they are involved in an act of self-defense, they will not make a statement until they have been advised by an attorney. They will also be required to participate in drills.

Employees could be required to participate in drills and must provide a copy of their current, valid handgun license and a copy of each renewal within 30 days of renewing.

They must agree not to make a statement until they have been advised by an attorney in the event they are involved in an “an act of self-defense.”

Not making a statement to police until you have an attorney is good advise, frequently given by self defense trainers and lawyers. It’s significant that such action is now required by a county government in Oklahoma.

Logan County, Oklahoma restored Second Amendment rights to employees in 2015. It’s a trend that’s moving across the U.S.A. to restore rights that had been infringed by personnel policies in local and state governments. Government workers shouldn’t be required to give up fundamental constitutional rights while on the job. There are some exceptions, of course. Prison guards should not, generally, carry guns when among the prison population.

Bowling Green, Kentucky restored the ability to exercise Second Amendment rights to public employees at work earlier this year. Counties in Georgia and Virginia did the same in 2016. Local government employees have also had rights restored in Kansas, North Carolina, Michigan, and Texas.

Oklahoma has gradually been restoring Second Amendment rights since the passage of the state’s shall issue carry permit bill in 1995. In 2018, the legislature voted overwhelmingly to make Oklahoma a constitutional carry state, but lame duck governor Mary Fallin vetoed the legislation after the legislature adjourned.

I expect constitutional carry will become law in Oklahoma in the next few years.


©2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

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  1. Government workers should have the same rights to carry as we mundanes have. No more, no less.

  2. “any employee who removes a weapon from a holster except for the act of self-defense shall be considered for termination,”
    How many times have we discussed the recurring problem of carriers leaving their gun in a restroom? A pretty harsh lesson on complacency there…

  3. ‘The waiver states… they won’t draw the fi rearm except in valid defen se of self or others.’

    Not even if one of their coworkers agrees to hold their beer?

  4. My wife went today for an interview for a part time job at Circle K. When she handed the manager her drivers license, she inadvertently handed her her CCW license as well. She apologized, but the manager said she was thrilled to see it. Apparently, she’s tried to encourage her employees to get their own CCW licenses, but none have. Anyway, yeah, my wife can carry on the clock there. Where I work, it’s a no-go, despite being on the edge of town and open late.

  5. You don’t understand rights. When one must get a permission slip from government, one is exercising a privilege. SMH

    Terribly flawed articles, such as this one, will poison the well for generations so that they cannot understand the basic distinction between a right and a privilege. Please get it right. The differences are crucial.

    • You would still have a permission slip other wise known as a permit to exercise your constitutional right.

  6. Guns don’t kill people. Disgruntled coworkers do. I’m not trying to say that preventing employees from carrying would prevent workplace violence. Merely making a general statement. Like, guns don’t kill people, husbands who come home early do.

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