Keisha lance bottoms brian kemp georgia
AP Photos by David Goldman, Brynn Anderson
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As the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Bill Torpy wrote last week, “Violence is off the chain in Atlanta.” And that was before the holiday weekend’s mayhem which included 31 people shot, five of them fatally. One of those was an 8-year-old girl whose death prompted Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms to pronounce that “enough is enough.”

“You can’t blame this on a police officer; you can’t say this is about criminal justice reform. This is about some people carrying some weapons who shot up a car with an 8-year-old baby,” Bottoms said. “We are doing each other more harm than any police officer on this force.”

Atlanta shootings are up 30% over last year so far. So you’d expect that Heronner would be pleased to hear that Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has activated 1000 National Guard troops to help with law enforcement in the city. The plan is to have them provide security at the capitol building, the department of public safety and the Governor’s mansion so more beat cops can be out on the streets.

But the Mayor isn’t happy about the move. It seems the Governor didn’t ask her about it before issuing the order. Given the amount of violence on the city’s streets, you’d think she’d take all the help she can get right now, but…not so much.

From the Associated Press:

By Kate Brumback and Ben Nadler

The mayor of Atlanta said Tuesday that she doesn’t agree with the Georgia governor’s order to mobilize the National Guard in her city as a surge in violence became a political talking point.

Gov. Brian Kemp declared a state of emergency on Monday and authorized the activation of up to 1,000 Guard troops after a weekend of gun violence in Atlanta left five people dead, including an 8-year-old girl.

The Guard troops will provide support at sites including the Capitol and governor’s mansion, freeing up state law enforcement resources to patrol other areas, according to a statement from Kemp’s office. There was no visible presence of Guard troops at either site Tuesday morning.

“Peaceful protests were hijacked by criminals with a dangerous, destructive agenda. Now, innocent Georgians are being targeted, shot, and left for dead,” the Republican governor said.

But Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said Kemp issued his order without asking if the city needed extra help. The city had already been coordinating with the Georgia State Patrol, and “at no time was it mentioned that anyone felt there was a need for the National Guard to come in,” she said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

Nikema Williams, the chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Georgia, called Kemp’s decision reckless. Critics of such mobilizations have said that deploying military troops on otherwise calm city streets could provoke more violence.

“His choice to deploy National Guard troops for today’s selfish purpose is outrageous and will endanger lives,” she said in a statement.

But Republican U.S. Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia said Tuesday he agreed with the governor’s decision, and said lawless areas must not be allowed to exist in Atlanta or any other American city.

Secoriea Turner was riding in a car with her mother and another adult Saturday night near a Wendy’s that was burned after a Black man was shot by a white police officer in the restaurant parking lot last month. When they tried to enter a parking lot, they were confronted by “a group of armed individuals” blocking the entrance, police said. The girl’s mother, Charmaine Turner said shots were fired and Secoriea was hit before they could make a U-turn.

Saturday night’s fatal shooting of Secoriea prompted a $10,000 reward for information as authorities continue to search for at least two people who opened fire on the car she was riding in. It happened near the Wendy’s restaurant where a Black man, Rayshard Brooks, was killed by a white police officer June 12.

The fast food outlet was later burned, and the site had become a focus of frequent demonstrations against police brutality. Atlanta police helped sanitation crews clear the area on Monday of barricades as well as flowers, memorials to Brooks and posters protesting police brutality.

Secoriea was killed during a particularly violent weekend in Atlanta. Over the holiday period from Friday through Sunday, 31 people were shot in 11 different incidents, Atlanta police said.

When asked about a surge in violence in the city, the mayor said she thinks people are anxious and frustrated about the coronavirus pandemic and high-profile cases of police brutality.

“I think it’s just a perfect storm of distress in America,” said the mayor, who learned Monday that she, her husband and one of their four children have tested positive for COVID-19.

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  1. Don’t send in the national guard to replace the police. Arrest the agitators tearing down statues and calling for the police to be defunded.

    • Did you read the article? The Guard is just there to be heavy security for government buildings so the police don’t have to. That way more of them are available to arrest agitators, vandals and other thugs. And that’s exactly why a certain leftist mayor is against it.

      • The important thing is to make sure things don’t get better…and to blame Trump for all the problems.

        • After reading the article I couldn’t find just how much murder is enough in Atlanta. I guess they went over the quota for last weekend, maybe there should be fewer murders required this weekend to balance the equation (enough wise). The fine mayor must be more specific so that her peaceful protesters don’t overload the setup.

  2. Atlanta’s Mayor has shown skill, even aplomb, in preventing violence in the city. Not sure why the Governor is not listening to her. She seems totally in control. /sarc.

    • You nailed it. The core reason why she doesn’t want the NG to roll in is because it would make her look to the whole world like she has lost control. And no politician wants to be seen as inept, ineffective, and incompetent. Instead of taking the path of wisdom and doing what’s best for the people she swore to serve, she’s looking out for her own interests and reputation first. As if there’s much left of it, anyhow…

        • “…inept, ineffective, and incompetent.”

          If the glove or shoe fit’s, she owns it.

      • Atlanta rapidly degenerating to the status of Chicago and Baltimore?…starting to look like it…

      • Can’t have the contrast play out either … all those lacking murders, arsons, assaults, n even attempts where there’s security vs. the other thing in the streets.

  3. A) Not sure if she understand the relationship between city, county, and state governments. Or she maybe does, but doesn’t like it because she’s on the wrong end of the totem pole.

    B) She didn’t WANT City cops freed up to go deal with it, she wanted someone ELSE to go in and deal with it so the city could claim it was those terrible outsider cops. She complained of lack of resources. Her governor freed up resources for her to direct.

  4. “We are doing each other more harm . . .” No, mayor. Murdering trash is doing more harm to innocent people. Until you understand that “we” doesn’t include the murdering trash and are willing to do something effective about them, it’s not going to get any better.

    • Kendahl,

      I interpreted that differently; thought she was identifying herself with the ‘murdering trash’.

    • Kendahl,

      I disagree slightly with you and LifeSavor. Atlanta Mayor Bottom is black and I believe she was saying that the far more severe problem is black people maiming and murdering black people. Since Mayor Bottom is black, she used the pronoun, “we,” referring to black people, herself included.

      In case that isn’t clear/compelling enough, let me say it this way. One of my Humanities classes in college was “Black Studies” which had an outstanding black professor. On multiple occasions he respectfully and constructively railed on the black students in the class who were screw-ups and earning failing grades. In one of his respectful tirades, he said, “We are our own worst enemy.” He was a black man speaking to black students, thus the term, “we.”

      And on that note, I say kudos to Mayor Bottom for finally saying in public that the biggest problem in the black community is black people maiming and murdering black people.

      • U_C,

        I am sure you are correct. My comment was meant to point out that prior to the killings this weekend, the Mayor was indulging the very ‘activists’ who created this atmosphere of violence. In that case, her use of the word “we” implied her alliance with those perpetrators. But again, your point is well-taken.

      • Outstanding professor of “Black Studies”, huh? Great!
        Now how was your “White Studies” prof?
        Oh…. Never mind.

        • Southern Cross, now that was funny. I was waiting to meet a girl in the women’s studies hall at the local university recently so naturally I was checking out the postings on the walls. It was interesting to say the least.

        • I remember a UC prof that was claiming that she was denied tenure unfairly. She prevailed and said it wasn’t just a victory for her, but for all Asian lesbian Marxists.

        • Maybe a white professor of “black studies”? Has there *ever* been such a thing?

      • Paid for a “Black Studies” class? Think maybe a Math or Engineering class would have been more useful (relevant to the real world)?

      • “On multiple occasions he respectfully and constructively railed on the black students in the class who were screw-ups and earning failing grades. In one of his respectful tirades, he said, “We are our own worst enemy.” He was a black man speaking to black students, thus the term, “we.””

        Can you imagine the reaction today if the same thing happened in a classroom today?

        What would have happened to that instructor?

      • I think your black studies professor was misguided. Civilized people should never include themselves with sociopathic predators. In Nebraska, where I used to live, two white guys abducted, raped and murdered a black high school girls and dumped her body beside a dirt road out in the country. Another two white guys raped a girl and, after she complained to police, murdered her and two friends who had given her shelter. (The incident inspired the movie, Boys Don’t Cry.) Even though I’m a white male, I feel no kinship with any of the murderers. My sympathies lie entirely with their victims.

        • there’s a reasonable chance that the poorly performing students just weren’t applying themselves and were law abiding.

  5. Let’s end this sh!t right now. No National Guard, no cops. Allow the animals to slaughter each other. They want to, and I want them to.

    • While there is a lot of misdemeanor murder in downtown Atlanta, there are plenty of people whose only crime is driving through the wrong place and who have been attacked for it. The cops have major backed off from doing their job because the DA is using two of them for grist for his re-election campaign with trumped-up charges. Even if he wins a conviction it will be tossed on appeal, but that will be after the election so he doesn’t care.

      Kemp made the right call, but keeping the troops there for only a week is pointless since it will take a couple of weeks to a month to do much good.

        • Sometimes good people have to go to bad places full of bad people to do their job.

          I may have given this account here before, but back in the early 2000s I was sent to a major hospital in a terrible area in Philly. The manager called me before I went and told me not to stop at any stop lights or stop signs. He said slow down, look for oncoming traffic, but don’t stop. If you stop you will get car jacked.

          While I was just passing through, there were a lot of decent people living in fear in that area who had no option to relocate due to their socio-economic status. They lived with that kind of danger everyday through no fault of their own. Those people need police or national guard or someone to protect them.

          The same people who are now releasing criminals and defunding the police previously spent decades propagandizing decent black people that guns are bad, you will be more likely to hurt yourself or a family remember than defend yourself, and if you have a gun a cop will beat the crap out of your and/or shoot you even if it is legal and your right.

          I have good black friends in professional careers who still can’t get that out of their heads. Several of them have been flirting with getting a gun over the past couple of months and still they go back to “I don’t want to get shot by a cop.” I tell them “Then you have no choice but to rely on help from the same police you fear, and who have withdrawn from responding to minor calls during covid, and who have withdrawn from policing certain areas in many cities since the riots.”

        • Those people needed a loaded gun and the stones to shoot, shovel, and shut up. If an area is really that fucked up and out of control, there is no need to worry about arrest.

    • Indirectly that’s what is happening. It would be nice for the politicians like the honorable mayor to admit that’s their policy instead of dancing around it, though.

      • They ought to air drop them guns and ammo.

        Maybe that’s why the body count is down in Atlanta… They ran out of ammo, I could spare 1000 rounds if they promise to practice proper shooting techniques… Alternatively we could start a go fund me and get a truckload of reliable guns and plenty of ammo in ALL the major Dem run cities… Just sayin’..

  6. Do these leftards even listen to the words coming out of their own mouths? That’s a rhetorical question because the obvious answer is no.

    Nikema Williams, the chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Georgia, called Kemp’s decision reckless. Critics of such mobilizations have said that deploying military troops on otherwise calm city streets could provoke more violence.

    “His choice to deploy National Guard troops for today’s selfish purpose is outrageous and will endanger lives,” she said in a statement.

    So letting criminals shoot up your streets is safer?

    So many facepalms!

    • She would lose face if the NG was called to pacify her city. Worse, she would lose some of her power! If leftists hate something, it’s losing power. Trump is just an avatar of that and they will do anything legal or not to get him out. It’s very dangerous place to be, between leftists and power.

      • More to the point, due to the dictum of Trump Derangement Syndrome, since Trump has volunteered such statesmanlike bipartisan cooperation, no Democrat is authorized to do anything except snuffle, sneer and snort in response. The cities can all burn to the ground and there will be no other response. So it shall be written. So it shall be done.

  7. Critics of such mobilizations have said that deploying military troops on otherwise calm city streets could provoke more violence.

    That is the exact same mindset coming from a wife whose husband beats her. Whenever someone tells her to stand up to her husband, she says, “If I stand up for myself to my husband, it will make him even more angry and provoke him to more violence.”

    • There’s nothing wrong with some violence if it’s aimed at the right people. I for one don’t expect the murderers to come along when asked nicely.

      • Violence works extremely well at solving most problems. It’s the only thing most people seem to understand. Unfortunately with women the best course of action is to leave and or just change the locks. I have done both and it is possibly the two best decisions I have ever made. That and hucking all her shit in the front yard.

  8. “There’s a problem but I don’t want a solution.”
    Not sure if that is a predominately leftist mentality or a predominantly female mentality.

  9. These emergent episodes show why most women should not be elected to office.

    Starting with Governor Blanco’s sordid performance during Katrina in 2005 (she went literally catatonic during the crisis), we see how most female politicians utterly fail to handle emergencies and crisis situations well. They want to achieve ‘consensus’ and approval of the press.

    That won’t work. Approval, if any is forthcoming, will happen only in hindsight. And in emergencies, leaders often cannot achieve consensus – someone has to lead, and in emergencies, someone has to be the sumbitch to says “I don’t care if you don’t like it. Do it now, or else I will find someone who will.” Men like Churchill come to mind in this: when the crap hit the fan in 1940, Churchill effectively crushed his political opposition to achieve “unity” of purpose.

    We’re seeing this pattern repeated all over the US. Governor of Michigan, Governor of New Mexico, Mayor of Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore (in the past), Mayor of SF, Governor of Oregon… on and on. The one female state/local leader who has shone in these situations is Kristi Noem. One. On the other side of the ledger, we have a dozen failures.

    It’s time to for the governor of Georgia to do what he’s doing: Take control of the situation, and displace the mayor of Atlanta. She has proven herself an ineffective leader who is unwilling to risk being decisive to deal with the problem. The governor is acting within his powers and in the public’s interest in his actions.

    • DG,

      “These emergent episodes show why most women should not be elected to office.”

      All of your guns are loaded with defense rounds and at the ready, right. Doors bolted, windows barred. Hungry dogs posted around the property?

      Mobs in pink, dressed as vaginas may be on the way.

    • DG,

      “These emergent episodes show why most women should not be elected to office.”

      All of your guns are loaded with defense rounds and at the ready, right. Doors bolted, windows barred. Hungry dogs posted around the property?

      Mobs in pink, dressed as vag1naz may be on the way.

      (Re-written sine the original was blocked for moderation).

      Kidding aside, some of the women on this blog would know how to handle thses situations.

      • @ Lifesavor you are delusional if you think the modern women can handle a crisis.

        • It has been my experience that many women handle themselves quite well, once solidly past menopause.

      • Classic examples of why black democratic women should not be elected to office. Chicago, Baltimore, Atlanta are prime examples. They are simply in over their heads. The only skill they posses is defiance.
        To send in the NG will not make any difference unless they are prepared and allowed to do their job. To deploy unarmed police or NG to protect or patrol is simply setting them up for failure AND endangering their lives.
        This has been a long time coming, the result of decades of bleeding heart liberals running the country.

        • Classic examples of why black democratic women should not be elected to office.

          Question: What do NYC, L.A., N.J., CA., IL., N.Y., (just a few examples) all have in common? Hint, they are ALL run by WHITE Democrat men… Color and sex have nothing to do with the failures, being a Democrat is ALL that’s required to be an incompetent moron (or perhaps the reverse is true, but I digress) and a failed leader (Mich. is run by a WHITE Democrat woman)… ALL the evidence anyone should need to rationalize that NO Democrat should EVER be put in charge of ANYTHING..

    • @DG Your post brought to mind something I remember the local sheriff saying in the early 70’s. He was speaking with some of the locals about his law enforcement methods in addressing crime. He said regardless of what I do. I’m going to make some people mad. Especially the criminals. If I don’t make somebody mad I’m not really doing my job. This from a man who almost never carried a firearm.

    • Margaret Thatcherl Indira Ghandi and Golda Meir ring a bell? Golda was hours away from unleashing a nuclear response but fortunately the IDF stop the Syrians.

      • And none were American TDIINVA. Although Golda lived in Milwaukee she sure as he!! wasn’t an emotional wreck. I predict Tammy Dickworthless will be the dumbocrat vice pres nominee. Can’t criticize a combat vet(unless it’s Lurch&his swiftboat)…

      • And Gahandi would be a damn poor example. Furrin lands would be a great place to have broads running things.

      • Grandad actually must have thought he’d get some if he gifted the vote to the old hags. Must have really been hard up to find those 1918 Votes for Women broads hot.

        Women (and Blacks same) will never get past that they were GIVEN the vote.

    • Dyseptic Gunsmith,

      Most women are hardwired with an incredibly valuable and monumentally important quality: nurturing to raise healthy and stable families. And an integral part of nurturing is fostering consensus.

      Most men are hardwired with an incredibly valuable and monumentally important quality: protecting their families. And an integral part of protecting is being decisive and doing what has to be done, even if it is unpalatable and will not foster consensus.

      Both characteristics are thus complimentary and work together to create the greatest possible probability of successfully raising healthy and stable families to a ripe old age.

      As it turns out, both characteristics apply to communities and even nations as well. Thus, it is fantastic to have women in government to foster consensus. And it is fantastic to have men in government to do what has to be done when the parties involved cannot possibly come to a consensus. The real trick is getting the women to recognize when they should step aside and getting the men to realize when they should step aside.

    • if you were the vice president of boeing communications and had written that thirty years ago you would have to resign.

  10. This will end with troops on the streets nation wide. Might as well be now and get it over with.

  11. Once again, People like Atlanta Mayor Bottom and DNC Nikema Williams won’t stop promoting and justifying ultra-violence and animalistic behavior until the United States resembles the Empire of Dust. Apparently, they have chosen to reign in hell rather than serve in heaven.

    • Nice Paradise Lost reference…but Satan had a lot more nobility and character than these feckless twits.

  12. Ms Keisha,
    The Governor does not answer to you. You have shown that you cannot manage your city. Liking it is optional…

  13. “8 year old baby”
    If you’re more than about 2 years old, you are not a baby anymore. Why do people speak like this? In my [not statistically significant] observation, it appears that black women are by far the most prone to this nonsense.

    • Which is worse than the dozens killed in the streets by the non national guard? There comes a point when you and your gutter running buddies have pushed decent folk too far and payback happens. Killing 8 yo’s in the street is that time.

    • Democrats required chaos. It’s part of how they stay in leadership. They like it when children are murdered. It’s doesn’t matter if they can’t blame it on a white person. It’s the fear that voters have that helps the mayor stay in office. She hate guns. And hate the police. So all you have left are criminals with guns. And the fear that they create that helps her stay in office.

      • So do Republicans it’s simply called a “war”. You got the war on terror, drugs, abortion, same sex marriage, coronavirus, you name it and you Retardicans have a war for it.

        • The war on all those things is 100% justified. If anything the republicans deserve scorn simply because they didn’t go far enough.

          Total war. You go all the way or you don’t go at all. You go to war to win it.

          When dealing with terrorism, everything should be on the table, including nukes and detention centers like GITMO.

          Abortion is an ongoing genocide and should be banned.

          “Same sex marriage” Is leftist code for their own war on morality, the healthy family unit, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and science.

          Drugs are simply a tool of the left to brainwash and make submissive a generation of Americans the same exact way Britain subdued all of China in the opium wars. Deal with the drug cartels the same way we do with terrorists.

          • Drugs are simply a tool of the left to brainwash and make submissive a generation of Americans

            I am as far from the left as one can get and still remain sensible (and sane) but you can’t blame the lefttard dumbocrats for ALL the drug problems.. Reagans CIA is largely responsible for the introduction of Crack Cocaine to the U.S. (Iran-Contra)

        • When it was proven that Mena Arkansas was used as the based of operation for Iran /Contra, during the time Clinton was governor. All of a sudden the democrats stopped talking about Iran /contra. The democrats are nose deep into the shipping of illegal drugs into this country. It’s not just the republicans.

          But the democrats and Libertarians are the biggest protectors of the poisoning of this country using drugs. They are liars when they say making drugs legal will reduce crime. Their support of prop 48 in california is proof that both don’t support private property rights.

  14. The Atlanta riots and make no mistake they aren’t peaceful protests, they just claim that until the sun goes down. At sundown Dr. Jekll the protestor magically transforms into Mr. Hyde the thug who gets together with his buddies and loots and destroys what he can’t steal and shoots anyone who gets in the way. Perhaps I should say Dr. Democrat turns into Mr. Antifa, but the people and the results are the same.

    I never go inside I285 any more since I no longer have a job that requires that. Out here in what use to be the boonies my neighbors and I cling to our guns and keep an eye out for each other.

  15. @Atlanta Mayor, In other words, it’s ok if 5 of 31 get shot and killed.
    If you can not blame it on a police officer, then who will you throw under the bus? Yourself?

  16. Arrest the police for doing their jobs… then act confused about why there’s no law and order in your city?

    And then it’s only when a young black child is sacrificed that you start paying attention.

    This idiot mayor can bleat all she wants at her podium but if she thinks the police are going to forget about what she did three weeks ago- and the cop with a death penalty hanging over his head for doing exactly what he was trained by the city to do- she’s stupider than the voters.

  17. Anyone who advocates for military occupation of American soil should reevaluate themselves. Good luck.

    • One of the roles of the National Guard is to restore the civil peace. The Mayor of Atlanta has lost control of the City. It is right and proper for the Governor to use the State militia to help restore order.

      • The national guard is not a militia like you are referring to. It’s the government’s version. They are still part of the Army. There is nothing special about these weekend warriors except they only come out when told to because they are being paid to, and it’s soldiering. The bootlicking never ends from you.

        “to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasion.”

        What if that invasion is from other militia’s who don’t want the government controlling them? Do you see the hypocrisy? It might have meant something back then against Britain, but now, it’s just the Army in their spare time, fighting in overseas conflicts and doing everything the regular army does. They would just as soon be used against you, as they would against the people you are asking them to be used against. And when it comes to a marshal law style control over the area they are in, you are no different to them than the others.

        • Read the Militia Act of 1903 which governs the National Guard. It created the organized Miltia (National Guard) and the unorganized Miltia. The unorganized Mi.tia is called to service via the draft.

        • Being drafted means you become a “Regular”.

          Unorganized meant, and past historical use proved, a group or “irregulars”.

        • Read 10 USC 246 section B (or the whole thing, it’s short)

          The classes of the militia are—
          (1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
          (2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

        • Montana Actual its a lot of NG that get activated and spend time in the sand box or some other hell hole. How many tours did you do to get you panties in a bunch?

        • I know the history of the NG. Their role is to do as the government tells them. You take the kings shillings, you do the kings bidding. Do any private militia’s get paid by the government? You cited a 1903 act, but neglect the “dual purpose” mission they have had since being bought and paid for by tyrants, I mean… becoming a part of the Army in 1636. The simple fact that you believe a government can govern a militia should inform people how manipulated you continue to allow yourself to be. Bootlicking is your priority, tdiinva. Not freedom.

          I did 3 tours, active. Never guard or reserve. The fact that they go overseas should say enough about how non militia they are now days. They assisted in the tyrants oil and drug wars recently, you know them as OIF/OEF, I know them from “:experience” as Good ol’ boy Gadsden would say… Lesson learned.

          My exact point is that the NG is government tool, not a militia controlled by the people. It will NEVER be utilized how militias were setup again. Militias now days will end up fighting the “governments militia”. That is all. Don’t deep thought the process.

        • “My exact point is that the NG is government tool, not a militia controlled by the people.”

          I have to admit that I’ve long found it odd how the National Guard is somehow considered a “militia” by many folks but that those same folks wouldn’t say the same things about The Marine Forces Reserve or the Air Force Reserve. Nor, in fact, would many people apply the label of “militia” to the Army Reserve or the Air National Guard.

          Whatever, people are strange.

        • “John E> says:
          July 7, 2020 at 20:09
          Montana Actual its a lot of NG that get activated and spend time in the sand box or some other hell hole. How many tours did you do to get you panties in a bunch?”

          Why would you have to be part of an organization in order to be able to criticize it?

          Montana Actual is 100% correct. The creation of the Nasty Guard was nothing more than the attempted usurpation of the militia by the government. As often as the left uses the Nasty Guard against us in the 2A debate that should be obvious. We argue all the time that the militia is entire body of the people, whatever segment of them chooses to take up arms in time of need, while the left argues that the Nasty Guard is the militia and therefore all of us not in it can be deprived of our natural rights.

  18. You can’t erase history. You can burn all the books and bury your head in the sand and the truth of history won’t change.
    This BS of tearing down statues and defacing things because you don’t like history his total horse shit and I wouldn’t stand for it a nano-second. You want to protest, then protest but I’d draw the line with the violence and property being destroyed by hoodlums and criminals. I WOULDN’T be nice about it. There would be severe consequences.

  19. You know what happens when you try to straddle that fence, right your “honor”!? That fall’s gonna be a bi**h!

  20. Won’t listen. White man talking racist and can never understand the struggles. Ignant.

    She has gotten people killed and has blood on her hands, but continues to ignore it. Enough is enough indeed. This racist, communist agenda must be stopped. Instead of the nasty guard, I’d love to see some of these tyrants arrested and removed from their positions, or even batter, everyday people patrolling the area, armed, and handling it, since the cops chose to take a knee, and are tyrants themselves to begin with. It’s more evident now than ever that we can’t have it both ways. Cops are considered a necessary evil because people are lazy and allowed themselves to be controlled for too long. It certainly would not be pretty with everyday people patrolling, but it’s as close to freedom as you will get. It’s either dangerous freedom or peaceful slavery. Pick one.

  21. The guvner did not say the nat.guard would be on the streets. He said they would guard the capital and other government buildings, freeing more cops for street duty. Reading comprehension is a real thing. It would be nice if everyone learned and practiced it.

    • If you believe that you are naive. 1,000 troops blocking off entire streets to protect a couple buildings? You don’t think they will be forced to expand their cordone once the counters start destruction of what outside areas they can reach? Wanna place a bet on the timeline? A couple days? A week? A month?

      • 1000 divided into 3 shifts, covering multiple buildings plus overwatch plus the brass that won’t be out there on scene doesn’t go that far. But I do agree with your statement. I was just calling to everyones attention what the man actually said not what the mayor and many others made it out to be.

  22. Let them slaughter each other, guilty and innocent. I no longer care. The less there are, the less I am annoyed by it.

  23. It’s clear that law enforcement action was needed but not at all clear that military force was needed. The problem was the idiotic policy to have local, county and state police all stand back and allow violence and civil insurrection to happen.

    That is what led to a car load of innocent people, just women and children trying to get home, to be shot up by some self appointed yahoos thinking they were taking over a territory and enforcing their border against interlopers.

    In some states the Governor may remove a city mayor for cause. In Georgia that appears to only be if the mayor is indicted by a grand jury.

    That’s a crying shame, at this particular moment.

  24. 31 people shot, five of them fatally…

    No don’t send the National Guard, import some real shooters from Chiraq, teach the Boyz in Atlanta how to effect a kill shot and get the body count up…. BLACK LIVES MATTER… unless you are a victim of black on black crime, and there’s no political capital to be gained over the deaths of a few kids…..

  25. Let’s be honest. She’s not mad that the NG are being deployed, she’s relieved. It takes all the political pressure off her.

    She’s ticked that it happened without her being informed first so that she could take credit for it. Now she has to hope it’s a failure so she can say “I told you so” but deep down she doesn’t want it to fail.

    This is known as “being painted into a corner”. She just doesn’t want to admit that she’s holding the brush.

    • No she ordered a stand down of the police. She created the current situation. “They” can’t get Trump to federally intervene. And the georgia governor doesn’t want Atlanta to burn. So now comes the state guard. The three L’s and the atheists don’t want law and order. The requires a level of formal level government.

      When a rioter is killed. They will say a “protester” was killed. They like chaos. Even when it bleeds.

      • According to the media the Police started this whole situation adding more law enforcement is just begging for huge riots. You of course forget that part of the equation. Most would prefer what is happening to Police / Governement Occupation. At least if you believe the mainstream media.

        I say let them fight it out, if they want it so bad give it to them. They will figure it out or die trying. Of course people doing what they want always scares the shit out of Retardicans who can’t wipe their ass without Governement approval.

        • The problem is the innocents caught in the middle of wherever these dumbfucks setup shop. I agree though, because maybe it will teach those innocents in those areas to defend themselves and their communities from their ideologies. But nope, they expect outsider help. It’s not even close to that point nationwide yet.

        • I say let them fight it out, if they want it so bad give it to them.

          Yeah, what the hell, let em kill each other…. I mean really what’s the lives of a couple of children compared to the wants and willful ignorance of a bunch of brainwashed adults(?) stirred up by selective bullshit media reporting, power hungry far left “Progressive” politicians and a bunch of Marxist agitators that hate America and are working hard to facilitate the country’s downfall, but by all means please continue, let anarchy reign supreme while morons like you sit on the sidelines and cheer them on.. If you hate America, get the fuck out, go find your own utopia because most Americans like this one just fine…

      • “No she ordered a stand down of the police. She created the current situation.”

        Change “No” to “Yes” and you have and understanding of two axioms that go back over two millennia. 1) The best business plan is to be a middleman. 2) When there’s no work to be done, make some (and charge accordingly).

        Yeah, they’re creating the problems as surely as the sun rises in the East. It’s a strategy that goes back to Ancient Egypt: create the problem so you can offer your pre-packaged solution. There’s no problem in search of a solution? Create the problem!

        Dafuq you think the reason is behind the nose-dive in educational quality in the last 60 years? You think that’s some sort of accident? Heh, just look at Baltimore. Per capita one of the best funded school districts in the country, 3rd IIRC, yet also one of the worst performing. And of course the answer is the same as it ever was “More money!”. You think that’s some sort of accident?

        Comon’ man, Alinksy wasn’t some Grade-A fuckin’ genius. He just repackaged a bunch of ideas from other people into a handy little book that could easily and honestly be retitled as “The Political Guide to Shitstirring: Tactics That Have Worked Since Time Immemorial”.

        • “Dafuq you think the reason is behind the nose-dive in educational quality in the last 60 years? You think that’s some sort of accident? Heh, just look at Baltimore.”

          And this is why they are against homeschoolers. The atheists hate the freedom religious parents have. And the socialist progressives hate the lack of control. Both are against Charter Schools. And both are big supporters of teachers government worker labor unions.

        • Yup. And look at the newer proposals in Baltimore. They don’t have any money so now they want to literally annex the ‘burbs to get at the property tax base in those areas and shove it all to the unions.

          Homeschool, Charter School, Private School. They hate all the other options. If it’s not public and unionized it’s not acceptable.

  26. This is a mess created by the voting citizens of Atlanta. Let them clean it up or not. Votes have consequences some which are good. Some of which are bad. If the citizens are unwilling to clean it up. Let them live in their own #ShitShow. Just like any number of other Cities and States under long term Liberal democrat control. Atlanta has not had a non democrat mayor since 1855. So the citizens must approve of the way things are being handled by the democrat party.

  27. Enough is enough? Apparently not enough for a stick in the mud democRat mayor to appreaciate help from the governor and the NG.

    Want to matter? Hand over the scumbag that shot the 8 year old girl.

    • “Want to matter? Hand over the scumbag that shot the 8 year old girl.”

      And that is *exactly* what the mayor should of said.

      “Prove to them black lives really matter. Turn over the killers of that little girl. If you don’t, or worse, you won’t, you will have proven to them that black lives don’t matter.”

      Say it, Mayor Bottoms…

  28. Darkman says: July 7, 2020 at 21:16

    Just like any number of other Cities and States under long term Liberal democrat control. Atlanta has not had a non democrat mayor since 1855. So the citizens must approve of the way things are being handled by the democrat party.

    ___ATL is like Chicago in many ways except that crime has been suppressed in ATL – in comparison to Chicago, to some extent, by the police departments in adjacent counties. There’s the stark difference in white to black percentage of population to consider in the suburbs vs ATL [Fulton County] that’s part of it, but now in these times many black Fulton County residents have fled to the suburbs as well. The so called ‘white flight’ part of ATL’s history ended long ago. I could go over specifics, but no space to do so here; suffice to say the ATL homies have had the run of the place for decades[and it shows]. It’s like a running joke in GA, the graft and corruption and the things that go on in Fulton County & ATL. Even so, it has hit rock bottom with Bottoms. Her APD under boss that resigned after the Wendy’s shooting was like a Karen type at best.

    And study Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga. ATL [Fulton County] for other clues. Lewis, who was beaten by state troopers on “Bloody Sunday” in Selma in 1964, said on Twitter (@repjohnlewis) July 8, 2016 that Americans “must learn to live together as brothers and sisters” and called for action to end gun violence. He said that he feels the country is “sliding backwards” with regard to race relations and that racism is “still deeply embedded in American society.” Lewis said he never felt ill will towards police officers who “beat him bloody” during demonstrations in the 1960s. I was beaten bloody by police officers. But I never hated them. I said, #39;Thank you for your service#39.

    Thanks, yes as he has been paid handsomely, in effect, over the decades, for the beating he took in Selma. But point is that he’s in office for life in his post – regardless of anything that happens or anything he says or does. Get it?
    And with mayor Bottoms, if it was not her, it would be somebody just as bad or worse, so take it in stride. Maybe the gov’ner can clean up the mess she has made and hold things together for a time. But the fact that the APD is demoralized and short on officers is well known by now. So criminals and cheit for brains radicals and leftists naturally have targeted ATL in a red state where DJT won big in 2016. The body count is low, kids included, compared to what it can easily become. Soros pays his soldiers and they will come. What can go wrong.

  29. Montana Actual says:

    Won’t listen. White man talking racist and can never understand the struggles. Ignant.

    ___Rep. John Lewis and others similar say that quite often too. May be a black man’s dog whistle thing ehh? You down for the struggle /// You down for the struggle You down for the struggle[s] /// You down for the struggle[s] >>> Oh yea, you know it boss. You jus giv da word and I step and fetch an do jus as you lik Kingfish.

    struggle[s] struggle[s] struggle[s] Lewis says that constantly …

    Montana Actual says:

    but neglect the “dual purpose” mission they have had since being bought and paid for by tyrants, /// …

    I’d love to see some of these tyrants arrested /// …

    since the cops chose to take a knee, and are tyrants themselves to begin with /// …

    ___That’s the thin wid MA, everybody be a tyrant of some sort or a tyrant in one form or another. It’s like paranoia strikes deep into your heart it will creap but it’s worse than that like maybe PTSD combined with a psychosis and schizophrenia. Just a guess as probably only a psychiatrist experienced in treating a schizophren could sort it out – after an extended diagnosis. Many hours talking to the patient on the couch to try to get it all out in the open.

    ___Also nobody is really racist all that much in 2020. Nobody cares what color yo skin be. But those football teams they named the Redskins maybe if they had called them the Blackskins maybe that be a different thin. How about a team named the Brownskins or Whiteskins? Cleveland Ohio has the team named the Browns and that may be alright but if the team was named the Blacks …

  30. Gee, Mayor, what do all these shootings have in common? No. It’s not the gun. A gun is a mechanical object like a automobile or a toaster. It’s what it’s used for and by whom it is wielded.

    Until the so called black community addresses it’s attitude problem with it’s youth and stops the continual problem of single motherhood we will continue to see this sort of thing take place on large city streets. (note it doesn’t happen much out in the countryside/small towns what ever color)

    Maybe they should look to see what are the factors that are making this difference.

    But the one thing a problem needs before it is effectively addressed is to admit and correctly identify WHAT the problem is and who and how it manifests itself.

    As yet NO large city mayor will admit that it’s the people and the community itself responsible for the problem. They’ve kept blaming guns or gangs or drugs.

    It’s not them solely. They are a symptom. It’s the failure in the face of erosion by large governments run by Democrats of the family.

    It’s that simple.

  31. If BLM is a terrorist organization shouldn’t you go after the leaders? Oh, that would mean half of the Democratic party…

  32. I find it almost comedic when I hear some politician telling bad guys to stop being bad guys. Yeah, like that is going to do it.

    Do you recall when the Russians were doing bad things during the Obama years? His solution was to tell them, “Cut it out!”. Oh yeah! That did it! No more bad Russians after Obama gave them what for!

    These Democrats and Leftists are downright stupid!

  33. I live in Atlanta.
    KLB is a complete fuck-up. Too busy auditioning to be Gropin’ Joe’s VP to worry about running her city.

    She actually held a press conference without wearing a mask while she was waiting on the results of her COVID test.
    Now the fucking fire chief is under self-quarantine because he fears he might have picked up the ‘Rona from the podium microphone.

    Can’t make this shit up.

  34. Can anyone identify a white city that this is happening in? Yea, i didn’t think so. If you chose to live around cities with large people of color populations and think anything will change, you are delusional. You think these protests and riots are changing white Americans minds? Exactly the opposite is true. The rest of America is now seeing what blacks are all about, violence and hate. Prove me wrong, good luck.

  35. Quote: “Critics of such mobilizations have said that deploying military troops on otherwise calm city streets could provoke more violence.” Sorry but this does not sound like otherwise calm city streets to me. “And that was before the holiday weekend’s mayhem which included 31 people shot, five of them fatally.” What it does sound like though is Minneapolis claiming $500 million (and counting) damage done by “mostly peaceful” protests. Since you were talking to the State Police why didn’t you have them defend your city instead of allowing so much mayhem?

  36. Ultimately, her answer to this problem will be: gun control.

    Never mind that NYC more so than any place else has demonstrated this is not the correct answer. It’s on the agenda, and this is a good excuse to push it forward.

  37. “We are doing each other more harm than any police officer on this force.” Nothing new there. Black on Black murder is a much larger problem than white cops on Blacks.

  38. Your approach to crime “hugs for thugs” is not working. Get off your hind end and do your job, protecting the citizens of your city. If you can’t do it, step down and allow law enforcement to come in and make your city safe again.

  39. Sounds like VP Bottoms has it all under control! Glad I don’t live in ATL It’d be great for her to be on the Biden ticket. I’d love to have a seat at the Trump/Biden debate on that one !

    Everyone has a right to feel safe where they live. Shame on Bottoms! Time for a change up there in Atlanta!

    The Guard won’t put up with that shit, just subdue, tyrap, pass to police and NEXT!

    At least here you can speak your mind and not get shut down by the twitter police!

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