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Australian Cops Seek Two Missing Rounds

So a motorcycle cop in Brisbane, Australia lost his GLOCK mag. “It was believed to have fallen out of an officer’s handgun somewhere between Brisbane and Ipswich on Friday afternoon,” reports. “Police said the magazine and bullets were recovered on Saturday afternoon after they were handed in to the Rosewood Police Station by a member of the public.” Only . . .

Police are still searching for two bullets, after an officer’s missing Glock magazine and 12 of the 14 bullets were found.

Seriously. Brizzie’s cops are spending time and money trying to recover two missing rounds.

No word on whether or not the cop’s mag was properly seated. I wonder what the po-po would make of the fact that I “lost” a fully-loaded 15-round Wilson EDC X-9 mag. Fifteen un-accounted for rounds! Which Jeremy later discovered in my couch.

76 thoughts on “Australian Cops Seek Two Missing Rounds”

  1. As per governments everywhere, 100’s of times the value of the ammunition will be invested in the search for the missing rounds.

    • And the citizens get to pay for it and when they protest and complain, the politicians send the goon squad cops to beat and kill them and plant the “missing ammo” on them.

      Banana republic everywhere in Western Civilization. Been a long time coming, but it’s time to put some necks in nooses.

    • I’m sure they are more concerned about who has the missing rounds. Its a big deal because they are trying to control weapons and ammunition.

      • Yeah because some bad-guy would only take 2 rounds and leave the rest, including mag. They probably fell out and are in a gutter/drain somewhere. If this were you or I that lost a mag and 14 rounds we’d have been crucified. I wonder what kind of nothing will happen to the cop?

    • When I was playing war with the Japanese GSDF, I recall they only get maybe 50 rounds a year to train with, each. Each piece of brass is meticulously accounted for, its so bad that I don’t think the next person can train until the previous person finds all their brass. Why not just use a brass catcher?

      What Australia is doing doesn’t surprise me… I was traveling all around south Texas earlier and it was refreshing to see just how many gun stores were around, they were like McDonald’s!

      Once you have so much overbearing government controlling every aspect of weaponry, stupid stuff like this happens.

    • “They asked for anyone who found the canister, which has the words ‘police use only’ on it, to hand it in and warned it could be dangerous.”

    • A year or so ago, the Scots were emotionally traumatized by the sight of one of their police officers carrying a holstered handgun. William Wallace and Robert Bruce must be spinning in their graves.

      • I remember a story a while back about a single round of .22lr causing a bit of panic in York in the UK. Made the papers and everything.

        Fortunately the police came to the scene and “took it away”. They wanted to talk to anyone with information, and I’ll bet they still do.

        • Surprising they didn’t call out the Explosive Ordinance Disposal squad. Those .22s can be dangerous if they’re mishandled!

  2. They get twitterpatted about 2 boolits? Good thing them Moose-lim boys didn’t blow that jetliner up?

  3. “Seriously. Brizzie’s cops are spending time and money trying to recover two missing rounds.”

    As well they should… I don’t agree with their hoplophobia, but some redneck could probably go to whatever their chain hardware store is there and work out a way to set off and direct those cartridges toward the object of his/her ire.

    • Because that would be way less work and more effective than filling a beer bottle with gas and stuffing a lit rag in it?

      • …Or stealing/renting a truck and filling it full of nothing, at minimum, and driving it full speed into a crowd.

    • Redneck? nah they’d just get their mates around a fire and then throw them in and watch them run! HA! Sounds like you’ve brought too much CT with you to TX, they must love you there.

  4. Back in the day I lost some rounds due to an equipment malfunction (I lost them, not loosed them). Spent about 20 minutes looking for them at the request of a boss (figured people might get worried if their kid found them on the street) but I guess they either rolled into a drainage grate or got picked up by someone. Grabbed a few new ones from the open box in storage room to make up for them. And that was the end of the case of the missing cartridges in an American city.

    It must be nice to be somewhere that 2 missing rounds is worth a federal case… makes me assume there must be no crime there.

  5. Maybe our old toll friend Kirk from Brisbane will happen into contact with the stray rounds, immediately giving him a crippling case of the vapors…

    And by “the vapors” I mean genital herpes.

  6. Those clowns would have had a real crap fit over my loosing an ammo can half full of ammo. Turned out I left it in a friends trunk when we went to a shooting range.

    It is sad what the Aussies have let their government turn them into.

    • “Lose/losing” means something is missing. Not winning

      “Loose” means not fitting well.


      • Wow, he got one right. That is a far bigger shock than my typing too fast and failing to catch it in time to edit.

  7. So they are going to spend countless amounts of resources to find 2 rounds in a estimated 27 mile stretch of road.

    They definitely have their priorities in check…… or not

    Losing your magazine ranks up there with leaving it in a restroom IMO. I don’t know about the TTAG community, but I always make sure my mag is in and locked. Call it OCD if you want.

    • A mechanical malfunction can’t explain leaving your gun in the bathroom but it MIGHT explain your mag falling out of your weapon while riding a motorcycle.

    • Word around the interwebs is that some people put extended mag releases on their Glocks, which then get depressed in the holster when pressure is applied against the other side, unknowingly releasing the magazine from the gun.

      Gotta wonder if the Ausie cops have all the cool doo-dads added to their Glocks.

      • When I first bought my SR9c and didn’t have a real holster for it I carried it IWB in a Remora. One day in the office I bumped against a counter-top and accidentally depressed the mag release through that soft holster, which I didn’t notice until I took the pistol from the holster that night and the mag fell on the floor.

        Bought an AlienGear the next day. Problem solved.

        • I teach shooting and driving for my PD. In my training uniform I use a Serpa. Last week one of my colleagues pointed out to me that my magazine was gone. I found it in one of the floorboards of a car, I guess when I got out I somehow got the hit the mag release with my underbelt. It can happen

    • Well, except for that guy manufacturing 9mm submachine guns in his garage that they haven’t caught up with yet. Of course those 2 rounds of 9mm wouldn’t go far in one of those full-auto subs.

      • Yeah I’ve heard of that guy too. Apparently he trawls the streets looking for stray 9mm mags and rounds. I hope those careless cops find those 2 rounds ASAP!! 😉

  8. I dropped a .223 round while unloading a mag and it rolled under my couch. It has been there for a few days. Should I call the police?

    • No! Sweet Jesus, don’t do it! They’ll send the SWAT team and shoot your dog! Or they’ll go to the wrong address and shoot somebody else’s dog! Think of the puppies!

      • They also might set your house on fire with snipers standing by in case you or your kids try to escape. It isn’t like the ATF hasn’t done it before!

  9. Rosewood is not far from me and I have not heard of this until now.

    Two pistol ranges and at least one gun shop in the area near there. If he was smart he would have just bought some .40 cal and kept quiet.

    Surprised it made the news though. Cops try to keep their mistakes hidden. One range officer at club I shoot at has found several glocks after police practice sessions and I have personally found loaded magazines twice.

    • Well that’s pretty telling right there.

      Unless… maybe the cops are trying to re-arm the citizenry one “lost” Glock at a time!

  10. I’m the same way when I drop a french fry in my car. I don’t want to find it all shriveled up and disgusting a year later.

  11. Alex

    As I’ve said here many times our firearms laws are bad.

    That said the two safes full of rifles from .22 to 375, 12 gauges and 9mm disagree with you about no guns.

    If you want to see serious search though it was for a case of 84 mm anti tank last year when truck went off mountain road and rolled multiple times. Driver survived but it took a month to find the rounds.

    • So, to be fair…it’s no guns without jumping through multiple hoops, copius amounts of begging, geographical positioning and a good amount of cash. Right?

      • Ed
        Depends on the state. Qld before all the new laws was very gun friendly and still is the best locally. Still bad but not California or Europe yet.

        Easier to visit range here and use someone’s firearms than in Washington state as I found out earlier this year

        • Stay east of the mountains next time you visit and you can ignore that stupid law like the rest of us.

  12. If i mail them two rounds will they quit wasting time and money?
    I dont like foreigners wasting money because they will want us to give them some to make up for it.

  13. They must be really short on ammo.

    They didn’t indicate the caliber. We could start a Go Fund Me to help the poor coppers out.

    They are only missing 2 bullets? No cases, primer, or powder? Maybe one is still in the chamber?

  14. I think the down under 5-0 is worried because the officer might have shot someone with the two rounds and now he’s looking for a suspect.

    Two rounds, hunh? Not a full Mozambique, but a proper double-tap if you don’t miss. Any iguana bait show up recently “somewhere between Brisbane and Ipswich”?

    • “a palindrome of bolton would be notlob. it don’t work.”

      “that’s inner city rail for you.”

  15. OMG! The same would happen in Massachusetts, or Connecticut! The law enforcement community, and state governments forgot to put “radiological warning stickers ” on them to warn the sheeple in the general public !

  16. Someone accidentally brought a loaded M16 into the squad bay in Japan… I was on watch and figured it was someones little test to see if anyone was actually paying attention to weapons counts. Popped the mag out, cleared it, informed my TL. Previous watch (punk) gave me the whole sob story about how he can’t deal with this right now.

    In the end, I downloaded it under a rock outside the squadbay, threw some rounds in the grass for good measure. I’m surprised no one noticed that the ammo watch had two loaded mags, now only has one. Even though that stuff gets transferred every shift *COUGH* almost every shift.

    Some Japanese kid is going to flip when he finds that trash, they couldn’t even have knives (someone tried to give one as a gift.) He looked around at everyone and I guess his commander told him just make sure no one sees it and IIRC, he stuffed it down in his pants like a hollywood drug deal.

    I know this is supposed to be about Australia but Japan is all I got to relate it with.

  17. Sounds like an old store manager I had when I was assistant manager at an electronics outfit in Houston.

    If the till was over / under a few cents, he would keep himself and two $11.00 hourly staff members at the store, sometimes for hours, tracking down the error.

    If it was my week to close, I would put in or remove the change from a jar of change I kept in the office. No OT kept corporate happy, and going home on time kept my employees happy.

    I have a jar of loose miscellaneous rounds on my ammo shelf. I can pull two and mail them to the Aussies if they need; no charge. Call it good will international relations.

  18. Are they actually searching for the rounds or are they saying they are searching for the rounds to quell the hysteria of the few anti-gun agitators?

    Or maybe they just are that totalitarian that they need to spend untold sums of money to find two measly bullets so the subjects of the Australian government can’t so much as see a pistol round.

    I prefer to try and be optimistic though.

  19. Stop starting things you write with “So”.

    Makes you seem unsure of yourself.

    Nice you can afford an X9, I can’t.

  20. Australia was once considered a country made up of rugged individualists, now it’s just another pathetic nanny state. Such a shame.

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