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Daily Digest: Full Circle Edition

We end the week the same way we started it – talking about Mayor Bloomberg’s MAIG mafia and their campaign against Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor. Pryor has countered Hizzoner’s attack ads with an ad of his own. In it, he states, “The mayor of New York City is running ads against me because I opposed President Obama’s gun control legislation. Nothing in the Obama plan would have prevented tragedies like Newtown, Aurora, Tucson or even Jonesboro. I’m committed to finding real solutions to gun violence while protecting our Second Amendment rights…No one from New York or Washington tells me what to do. I listen to Arkansas.” We’ll see if Arkansas is listening to him rather than Mayor Mike. Also from earlier this week . . .

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Daily Digest: Think of the Children Edition

Miguel Caballeros’ business in Bogota, Colombia courtesy

Today we begin in Colombia where the Washington Post is drooling over Miguel Caballero, a maker of bulletproof clothing who is introducing a new line: MC Kids. He’ll offer “backpacks and jackets for children, including some in girlie pink and stamped with fluttering fairies, that are outfitted with bulletproof plating to stop the slugs from an Israeli-made Uzi.”  Think it’s for the scions of the drug lords down there? Nope. He says that in the 20 years he’s been making bulletproof gear, there’s never been a demand in Colombia for bulletproof kids’ wear. Instead, he’s targeting the US where “there are about as many firearms as people…and where mass shootings have prompted some to stock up on weapons and seek other forms of protection.”  So far he’s sold about 300 bulletproof backpacks in Denver for just under $300 each . . .

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Daily Digest: Zona Libre de Armas Edition

"Gun Free Zone" courtesy of
Gun-fee zones seem to mean as much in Venezuela as they do in the Land of the Free. CNN reports that two U.S. State Department officials were shot in a Caracas club, even though a sign outside clearly stated that firearms were prohibited. Go figure. Thankfully their wounds were not life-threatening. State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell would not elaborate on what kind of establishment the officials were at, except to say it was “some sort of social spot.” Apparently State’s people are taking entertainment recommendations from the Secret Service. Check the embedded video in the news story to watch Ventrell squirm when asked point-blank if it was a strip club. (It was.) . . .

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Daily Digest: All the Gun That’s Fit to Print

Today we start out with the logical progression from printed guns: printed bullets.  Actually they’re just blobs of plastic made, like the guns, on a 3-D printer and shaped like slugs to fit inside shotgun shells. But they should be enough to set the MSM and politicians on their ear again. But wait, there’s more! Click through for a video about a 3-D printing system that uses metals like titanium & aluminum that EOS (Electro Optical Systems), demonstrated at IEEE’s MDM 2013 conference. They’re not printing gun parts, but it’s only a matter of time before someone does . . .

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The Return of the Daily Digest

It’s baaaaaack! After a hiatus, the Daily Digest returns. Here you’ll find a quick summary of gun-related news, odd stories, and all the other stuff we didn’t otherwise have a chance to get to today. We’ll start with an old favorite, Mayor for Life and emperor wannabe, Mayor Michael Bloomberg who is at it again. Still. His MAIG anti-gun group is spending $350K on an ad to diss Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) for voting against the background check legislation. Welcome to politics Bloomberg style, where you don’t campaign for any particular candidate, just against those who won’t kowtow to your very specific demands . . .

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Guns Gain Ground Among Gay Groups

Picture courtesy

An old question asks “How does the ACLU count to ten?”  The answer: “1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.”  And so it seems does every other organization that purports to be about protecting civil rights. To them, even though “all men are created equal,” all Amendments aren’t. They want to make sure that every underrepresented group gets every protection they’re entitled to, Constitutionally speaking — except those those the Second guarantees. So some of these groups are taking matters into their own hands. One result? Every homophobe’s worst nightmare: gays with guns . . .

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A Few Thoughts on Cody Wilson’s Plastic Fantastic Pistol

 Liberator pistol

Liberal politicians and their equally-liberal media fanboys are aghast at the concept of a homemade plastic firearm. They want to purge the plans from the internet (yeah, good luck with that), require background checks to purchase 3-D printers and probably give Cody Wilson a lobotomy so he can’t do any more work on it. But there’s one thing that all the media and politicians with their panties twisted over this just don’t seem understand: The Liberator is just a hunk of plastic. Get over it . . .

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Finally, A Common Sense School Safety Solution

“A Minnesota school district where two students were killed in a 2003 shooting unveiled a new device Tuesday aimed at adding a last-ditch layer of safety for teachers and students: bulletproof whiteboards.” Or so reports the AP via So now, while the kiddies try to huddle behind their bullet-proof backpacks, the teacher can cower behind their whiteboards. … Read more

OMG! It’s A Gun Range! With Cops! OMG!

While there are a number of indoor gun ranges in the Metro Atlanta area, there are none actually within the city limits of Atlanta. WSB reports that Michael Halbreich wants to change that. He has plans to convert an old building in an industrial area near Atlantic Station into a range that “would employ around 30 people and keep tax dollars in the city limits.” They hope to “cater to law enforcement officers” and there would also be a “huge retail component that would supply police holsters, belts, boots and accessories.” (Note the absence of guns in that list.) So what’s not to like about a business that will increase the number of law enforcement officers visiting the neighborhood? . . .

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A Cuban Immigrant Talks About Gun Control

Testimony of Manuel Martinez in Salem, Oregon on April 5: “In 1959 a revolution … individuals — malicious individuals, masquerading as democrats — revolutionaries, established a regime, a dictatorial regime, in my nation. Called communism, socialism, Stalinism, Marxism, and whatever other named -ism you want to put on it. The reason was it was done … Read more

Support Gun Control, Get a Free Ride on Air Force One

As part of the White House’s Connecticut Love Fest following Governor Dannel Malloy and his cronies eviscerating the Second Amendment in the snort-worthily Constitution State, “Air Force One will fly 11 family members of victims of the Newtown, Conn., shootings to Washington with President Barack Obama after his speech on Monday on gun violence at the University of Hartford.” Yahoo News reports that the Civilian Disarmer in Chief will (again) meet with families of the victims and first responders of Sandy Hook. This time, though, “The White House invited the families to fly on Air Force One so that they could both attend the speech and still get to Washington in time to speak with lawmakers about gun legislation.” Innat nice of him? . . .

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Why Are Anti-Gunners Sew Angry?

My wife is into quilting in a big way. This comes in handy at times, because whenever she says something to me like, “just how many guns do you need?”, I look in the room that’s filled with her sewing supplies and counter with “just how much quilting fabric do you need?” We respect each other’s hobbies and keep our respective distances. However, our two worlds recently collided . . .

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