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High Art Meets Hi Capacity: A Different Look at Women and Guns

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Pictorials featuring women and guns tend to heavily sexualize both subjects. Just Google “Women with Guns”. You’ll get a mixture of both professionally shot photos and photos from guys on ARFcom who want to show off their rebounds after that messy second divorce. A lot of the pics are, on some level, pornographic. They exist to elicit a response of lustful desire for the acquisition of the female, the weapon, or maybe both. Since we live in a free society, it’s entirely the prerogative of the consenting adults in the photos to exhibit themselves or their gats in whatever fashion they choose. Volumes have been written on the subject as to what constitutes art vs. pornography. We could easily get into the argument of nude vs. naked a la Wendy Beckett or whether “operator” poses are the updated equivalent of Robert Mapplethorpe’s self-portrait below . . .

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Let’s Have a Discussion About Mental Illness. Or Not.


One of the things that brought me hope after the past couple of years’ mass shootings was the pooling of state and federal resources to address issues of mental illness in this country. Oh, right, that didn’t happen. I try not to engage in too much political banter at the gun shop where I work, but it sort of becomes inevitable after a media-blasted “mass shooting.” Though I am not a psychologist, customers ask me about the root cause of all these incidents. Though I am not a politician, they ask me what I think the solution is. Since I’m a rational human being and a Catholic, I know that guns are inanimate objects that hold no moral properties. You can’t place blame on something that is soulless and dead. A gun can’t act of its own accord. Jokes about SkyNet aside, even an automated gun with AI would have to have some sort of human programming initially, thus being at some point, operated by man . . .

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Civil Discourse and Civility

Death comes to dinner

One of the things TTAG prides itself on is civil discourse. TTAG has a policy of deleting ad hominem attacks and vulgarities in the comments section. While some may complain that this restricts their right to express their opinion on certain issues, the administrators maintain that it keeps us from looking uncivilized. I couldn’t agree more. The purpose of this article is to touch on civil discourse and how to get your point of view across without sounding… uncivilized . . .

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Question of the Day: Who is “Mullet Man”?

When people are starting out their modeling careers, they have to take whatever gigs they can get. They’re the people you see smiling in photo frames at Walmart or looking ravenous (or perfectly satiated) on the cover of waffle iron boxes. Even Fabio paid his dues on the cover of a Nintendo game. Some product models go on to celebrity status. Others fade into obscurity. But not this guy. We’ve all seen him at our local gun range: the angry fellow menacing us with his revolver. It’s a picture taken decades ago. I’ve often wondered who the fellow in the picture actually is . . .

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Which Gun Would You Grab: Non-Lethal Addition

SW gas gun


Scenario: Every morning, you take your favorite little Pomeranian, Mr. Scruffles, for a walk around your posh neighborhood in Lakeway, Texas. Both you and he enjoy your daily constitutional. You get a chance to show off your manly physique and so does Mr. Scruffles. Sadly, Dr. Excelsior’s Doberman likes neither you nor Mr. Scruffles and you fear his bite much more than his his bark. To make matters worse, you have a “thing” for Dr. Excelsior. I mean, she’s rich, cute, and damn…that Mercedes. You don’t want to stop her Doberman permanently, you just want to keep bite marks off your body for when you two spend the day at Hippy Hollow So a on-lethal weapons it is . . .

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Which Gun Would You Grab? – SpaceGun Spectacular

SpaceGuns (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

Scenario: For the past several weeks people have been vanishing, only to reappear distraught and covered head to toe in strange surgical marks and scarification. They all report the same thing: alien abduction. At first, you thought they were all lying…now the television is aglow with reports of flying saucers landing around the globe. The aliens have been using their ray guns to destroy anything that gets in their way. THEY are here and nothing can stop them…except for a 12 gauge shotgun right out of Starship Troopers .  . .

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Somebody Open the Machine Gun Registry…

Glock Auto Sears

One of the questions I occasionally get during the day at the class-3 FFL where I work is, “can I buy a machine gun?” I usually respond with the whole spiel of how “the registry” was closed and how much that tends to stink for anyone of average means who desires a full-auto weapon. Quite simply, if you don’t have a fat wallet, you don’t get to go rat-a-tat-tat. I really hate that . . .

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Guns and Alcohol Don’t Mix…Except When They Do


I’m going to be blunt: I’ve consumed alcohol while carrying. I have no qualms about doing so. I will continue to do so, wherever legal. Whenever I bring up my take on drinking and carrying, I get sneers. “It’s against the law! You’re going to go to jail! You should drink Coke or iced-tea!” The first two statements are patently false (at least in Texas) and the last statement elicits a proxied scolding from my retired CIO father; “You don’t have a soft-drink when you go out to dinner! What are you, twelve?” I am also convinced that whenever I break proper decorum, Letitia Baldrige rolls in her grave . . .

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Which Gun Would You Grab: Glock 26 or Sig 224?

Baby fever has swept my household. My wife and I are expecting our own little bundle of joy in the next couple days. [ED: mazel tov!] So it is with thematic obviousness that this week’s post features two small or “baby” 9mm pistols. The first being the plastic fantastic Glock 26, affectionately known as the “Baby … Read more

Which (Suppressed) Gun Would You Grab: M&P 15-22 or Ruger 77/44?

UTandJG Guns

Scenario: You usually aren’t a gambling man, but when your friend, the Class 3 FFL, wagered his knowledge of foreign gun laws against yours, you couldn’t resist. Your friend insisted that he knew British gun law like the back of his hand. Ask him anything, he said. If he was wrong, he’d let you have your pick of two integrally suppressed guns from his shop. He would even eat the cost of the $200 transfer tax. Well, your friend wasn’t quite the expert in UK gun laws he thought he was and lost the bet . . .

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