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When Suing the Gun Range Fails, Sue the Lawyers


I am sure we have all seen the video of the Mother who shot her son and then offed herself at the range. Well it appears the Father of the boy killed by his mother is a little miffed! “Moore’s father filed a wrongful-death suit, accusing the business of failing to protect his son from his ex-wife,” reports. “He was represented by Salzmann of the Morgan & Morgan law firm.” OK – first things first – the “boy” was 20 years-old. As sad as it is that a mother would kill her son, it wasn’t like he was a helpless child. The case against Shoot Straight is absolutely dead,” Garcia said.” Very bad choice of words. But frankly this case should never have been “alive” . . .

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California to Mandate Day-Glo Airguns

An LAPD officer shoots a 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, and this is the Golden State legislature’s response:

An NRA-ILA alert – California SB 798, introduced by anti-gun extremist state Senator Kevin De León (D-22), passed in the Senate Public Safety Committee by a 5 to 2 vote and is now awaiting third reading in the full Senate. This bill would treat air and BB guns the same as a toy gun by requiring the entire exterior surface of the device to be white, bright red, bright orange, bright yellow, bright green, bright blue, right pink, or bright purple as the predominate color. BB guns are not toys and should not be treated as or manufactured like a toy . . .

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Self Defense Tip: Don’t Go Out At Night

“The shooting occurred at about 12:30 p.m., on northbound Highway 99 near Florin Road,” reports. “The victim, a male in his 50s, was riding in the front passenger seat of a vehicle being driven by a female acquaintance, [sheriff’s spokesman Deputy Jason] Ramos said. The driver reported hearing multiple popping sounds, and then she realized that the male passenger had been shot in the lower back . . . The victim lives out of state and was in the area visiting family.” Nothing says welcome to California like a quality shooting on the freeway. But hey, the vic admits that she cut someone off . . .

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California Concealed Carry Permit Laws Make Us Safer. Or Not.

According to the California Department of Justice (DOJ), the Golden State is a “may-issue” state. If you live in a county with a pro-Second Amendment Sheriff, an aspring Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) permit holder has an excellent chance of realizing their ambition. If you live in a county or metro area that only “allows” CCW when there’s a specific, credible, verifiable, imminent threat to your life (an affidavit from your would-be assassin is best), and maybe not even then, your effort to defend yourself through force of arms is doomed to failure. Between 1987 and 2005, San Francisco gave out no more than ten permits per year. Here’s the drill . . .

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California Handgun Laws Make Us Safer. Or Not

I live in California. The Democrats control the Assembly, the Senate and the Governorship. The party pulling the string are not comfortable with citizens pulling a trigger for self-defense, anywhere, for any reason. Unless, of course, it’s them. reports that four Assembly members have asked for permission to take a gun to work: Democrat Tony Mendoza (fears of gang retribution) and Republicans Shannon Grove (self-defense for late night driving), Allan Mansoor (ex-cop) and David Valadao (to protect his rural dairy farm). Fair enough. But do these pols face the same hurdles as “average” Californians seeking to exercise their right to keep and bear arms? God I hope so. Here’s the drill . . .

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