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Course Review: Mike Seeklander’s “Defensive Handgun Training Program and DVDs

Some of you may remember I spent a couple of days back in July 2012 training with Mike Seeklander. Benefitting from his teaching, and witnessing how amazing a shooter he is, helped my skills improve beyond what I thought possible. The only problem with training with a guy like Seeklander in person is, well, money. When you factor in the cost of the course, ammo, gear, travel, and a place to stay, it’s easy to sink $500-$800 into a few days of training. That may be a small price to pay for the skills learned you’ll learn (and hopefully never need) but it’s not something I can do more than a few times a year at best. So . . .

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“Debating” Anti-Gunners. It’s Getting Ugly Out There


I’m an NRA-certified firearms instructor, a concealed carry instructor, an avid shooter, and just an all-around gun guy. My friends, coworkers and acquaintances all know this. Generally, this is a non-issue. In fact, I’ve gained many good friends through my love of firearms, and I’ve converted several individuals from non-owners to owners. But with the recent spate of negative gun publicity in the mainstream media, I’ve learned some things about the few gun control advocates within my network…some things I’m very concerned about, and frankly, a little scared of . . .

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Gun Review: Glock 26 Gen 4

By Zack Pike

Are you a concealed carry permit holder? Are you of the opinion that a 9mm bullet can stop a threat? Can you learn to draw and shoot with only two fingers on the grip? Then have I got a gun for you! If you answered yes to all of those questions, there aren’t many handguns that can beat a Glock 26. The model we’re talking about here, the Gen 4, has quickly becoming my preferred carry gun (over my previous fave, a Gen 4 G19). Sometimes referred to as the “Baby Glock”, this little pistol packs 10+1 rounds of parabellum in a convenient little double stack configuration. Sporting the typical Glock – er – style, this thing is all business . . .

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Gear Review: Raven Concealment Vanguard 2 IWB Holster

In my continued search for the ultimate IWB concealed carry holster, I stumbled across this little beauty from Raven Concealment, the Vanguard 2. I don’t really feel right calling it a holster. And Raven calls it a “holster shell,” but that’s really what it is. And that’s what it does. Call it whatever you like, it’s surprisingly effective . . .

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Course Review: US Shooting Academy – Defensive Handgun Intensive 214

Wow…what a week. I just got back from spending 5 full days at the U.S. Shooting Academy taking their Defensive Handgun Intensive 214 course. Some of you may have seen my review of their 2-day course a few months ago. It was kind of like going from Kate Moss to Bar Refaeli. The two-day course was good, but this was clearly a step up to a much more satisfying experience . . .

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Question of the Day: Are People Creeped Out By Your Ammo Stash?

I’ll often make a quick call from work to my ammo and reloading suppliers to make sure they have what I need in stock before running up there over lunch. I make this call from my desk with my coworkers sitting within ear shot and I’ve heard some giggles from time to time. Recently I discussed what they perceive as the large amount of ammo I’m buying with them . . .

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Gear Review: StreamLight ProTac 2L Flashlight

I’ve got the typical EDC thing down cold; phone, blade, wallet, keys, firearm(s). But when the movie theater shooting happened in Colorado, I realized I was missing a key item: a flashlight. I hadn’t carried one in the past because I used my phone as a light in the rare instance I needed a little illumination. But that’s just what a phone give you: a little illumination. It’s not exactly something I could use in a defensive situation. Imagining myself in the shoes of one of those moviegoers really made me see the need for a good light that I could carry everyday. So I did some research and went shopping. I looked at a lot of lights, focusing primarily on Streamlight and Surefire. Finally I landed on the StreamLight ProTac 2L and here’s why . . .

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Question of the Day: Are You a Holster Addict, Too?

My name is Zack and I’m a holster addict. Am I the only one who’s always looking for the next best thing? I’m constantly searching for something new, something that’s going to magically make my gun disappear no matter what position I’m in or what I’m wearing. I’ve tried literally dozens of holsters; some I’ve returned and some were sold. I’ve actually kept very few that provide some mystical advantage over what I’m currently using.

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Course Review: U.S. Shooting Academy – Defensive Handgun 210

Recently I had the chance to participate in the Defensive Handgun 210 course at U.S. Shooting Academy in Tulsa, OK. I’d been to USSA once before and I’m always impressed with their facility and the attitudes of the staff and trainers – the place is top notch. The 2-day course was taught by Mike Seeklander and the description on their website was focused on just what I was looking for; practice and honing of fundamentals for an experienced shooter, not a course for beginners. I had built some bad habits . . .

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Confessions of an Appendix Carry Convert

I’m a Glock guy. I’m also a “100% carry where legal” guy and a “I don’t want people to know I’m carrying” guy. Glocks aren’t always the easiest thing to conceal in the t-shirt & jeans ensembles I typically wear. And I often find myself carrying in places where it’s legal, but frowned upon. That being the case . . .

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Gear Review: Speed Sights for Glock

I’m generally a minimalist when it comes to firearms, especially my carry guns. Toward that end, I carry Glock. And while I’ve never been a big fan of the stock Glock sights, it didn’t seem like any of the other configurations contributed enough to my effectiveness to warrant a switch (i.e. converting all my carry guns to the same sighting system). On all the systems I’d tested, I always seem to have an issue with spending just a little too long getting a decent enough sight picture to feel really confident in my shots. This is especially apparent when working from the draw, while moving, or when acquiring secondary targets. But after a recent 2-day defensive pistol course . . .

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The Solution is Obvious: Ban the Guns

Come on, people there’s an obvious solution to these killing sprees…ban the guns. Don’t let companies make them, don’t let retailers sell them and don’t let people buy them. Think about it: no guns = no violence. The Colorado killer never would have been able to blow away all of those people if he didn’t have a gun. It would have been hopeless so he probably would have decided a killing spree was just too much hassle. Bombing as an alternative? No way, bombs aren’t sold in stores either. And this PhD student couldn’t possibly have made one big enough to take out that many people. Only Taliban members in third-world countries make those. A normal US citizen just doesn’t have that kind of sophistication . . .

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