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France Attack_Cham640360122214

“The prosecutor in the French city of Dijon says the driver who ran down 13 pedestrians in the city has a long history of severe mental illness and no links to terrorism,” the AP reports. “The man, who is 40, has admitted his role in the attack, said prosecutor Marie-Christine Tarrare. She said he had been hospitalized 157 times for psychiatric problems since 2001, most recently this fall.” So I guess the French people should be asking why he was on the streets. Equally, did he have a driver’s license? HOW DID HE GET A HOLD OF A CAR!!??? Ban cars! Oh, and according to Madame Tarrare the attacker shouted ‘God is great’ to give himself courage to act, and not out of religious belief. [h/t TP]

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  1. Reminds me a very famous video on Youtube from Brazil. Some really POS drove full speed right through a large group of bicyclist. No deaths but 16 people were severely injured.

    The moral or the story is that crazy shows can show up anywhere or anytime. No amount of mental health screenings, background checks, or even speed limits can catch them all. Best you can do is be aware and be ready to act immediately if one shows up near you.

    • Last year there was the guy in a Hummer who intentionally nosed into traffic in order to stop a distracted driver before they could reach a full crosswalk, saving several kids.

      So… the only thing that can stop a “bad guy” with a car is a good guy with a car.

  2. “and according to Madame Tarrare the attacker shouted ‘God is great’ to give himself courage to act, and not out of religious belief.” The real question should be – who are really the insane ones? I would submit that the French people, or at the very least their rulers are.

  3. I wonder if they will brand this with usual boiler-plate propaganda: “terrorism” “mass-murder” “weapon of mass destruction”….. etc, etc, etc…..

    Or does this not fit their anti-gun agenda?

  4. Ban cars? Even electric cars? But they’re so green and everything.

    I have a better idea — Ban Roll-On.

  5. “… according to Madame Tarrare the attacker shouted ‘God is great’ …”

    And did the man say those words in Arabic per chance?

  6. ” Oh, and according to Madame Tarrare the attacker shouted ‘God is great’ to give himself courage to act, and not out of religious belief. ”

    …I don’t even know how to respond to that level of delusion.

  7. Yep I saw this happened twice in France today. At least the French banned headscarves and burkas in some place. Unlike the Brits…

  8. They’ll only ban cars if they become limited-purpose, such as hunting deer in the streets, running over cones for fun and running over garage invaders.

    As long as they have other uses such as grocery-getting, it’s unlikely they’ll be banned.

    That said, I plan to tie a knapsack (Hobo style) to my Mosin tomorrow and hike the 1.6 mile to the nearest “trading post” for some groceries; I will then report any consequences on this thread.

  9. Successfully walked to the “local” convenience store with a Mosin knapsack and bought milk, cookies and cat food; the clerk was surprised, but neither upset nor scared.

    As I was homeward bound a County Mounty slowed, shook his head and drove on.

    Report ends.

  10. We all know how ridiculous the anti-firearm arguments are. Can you imagine how much death one car on a crowded street could do? I’ll tell the anti-firearm crowd this, one hell of a lot more than any 30 round magazine. F’ing anti’s are the true criminals.

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