1. I could only stand two minutes. Taylor Swift is a moron, and Jimmy Fallon is even worse!

    Can I get those two minutes back, please?

    • Right? Anyone who thinks Swift is country, or music none the less, needs to have their ass removed. Garbage. Puke.

    • You must be enormously strong willed. I got a minute in or so when she started talking about her scar when I just could not take it anymore.

      Why was this posted on TTAG?

      • Yeah she said “on the real” and I decided if I want to enjoy her I can just look up pictures that don’t talk like they are 13. It is amazing women have idols that are so good at acting like they are still in Jr. High. Sad sad world. I wonder if she ever talks like an adult?

        • Nope.

          And you have to remember, this is the artist who talks about her “struggles”…

          The same girl was born into a rich household, she’s tall and beautiful (and always has been), started modelling in her teens, got private singing and music lessons, had family connections to get into the music business, has been rich since she was 18, and has dated half the rich men in Hollywood.

          For the life of me I cannot understand how so many young girls feel like Taylor has anything in common with them at all.

          The only justice at all is that with all her advantages, she still can’t hold down a boyfriend. LMAO

    • Bob you have the patience of a saint. When I heard the words “band-aid collection”, I stopped this garbage of a video – life is too short for this. Do people really watch these things? I mean is this what a late night show is? Banal chatter that contributes nothing (at least to my life), full of trivia and all of it presented in a fake atmosphere… Unbelievable…

  2. So Robert… Have a bit of a thing for Taylor Swift do ya? Because… this shouldn’t be news.

    • Why can’t we just file it under “the Lighter Side of Firearms” and be done with it? Must everything be a weighty tome on the defining civil rights struggle of our generation that is firearms freedom? That’s kind of a lot to expect of a gun blog, especially on a Sunday evening, even for an exceptional such blog, don’t you find?

  3. In an industrial setting, everybody gets hot glue on themselves sooner or later. Welcome to the club!

  4. Like, wow, because Taylor Swift is so amazing and like Barack Obama is totally amazing and Michelle is so totally amazing too that I will never, never ever listen to her music because it so totally sucks y’know?

  5. She is crazy and her music sucks. But I wouldn’t say no to that, and neither would any of you. Someone needs to give her inspiration for new heartbreak songs, why not me?

    • No thanks. She is cute, because she’s such a young woman and we only ever see her in public prepared as she wants to be seen, but I doubt she wakes up well, let alone will age well. Plus, for a late model, she sure has some high mileage already.

      • I dint think Ben’s comment indicated a willingness to stick around long enough to see if she aged well. Wake up, maybe.

        Think of it like getting the challenger from Avis, speaking of a late model. It’s just to have some fun for a while, the long term maintenance is someone else’s problem.

  6. I’d hit that…with RFs glue gun. Sticks like…CRAAAZZZYYY!
    What! what? Can’t say that?

    ok, next question…
    was that the mystical Unicorn so many here reference?

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