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Ban Pitchforks!

Scene of the pitchfork crime (courtesy

Georgia police are looking for one Jeffery Wooten after he brandished a pitch fork at a Waffle House, herded employees and customers into the back room and headed for the cash register. “When he realized he couldn’t get the cash register open, he took the whole cash register and exited the store with his pitchfork,” Norcross Police Chief Warren Summers told WSB-TV. Not having three hands, Wooten dropped the pitchfork. A woman picked it up and began hitting him with it. “Once he didn’t have a pitchfork, he wasn’t as brazen. I know that,” Summers said. “It wouldn’t be an offensive weapon in your garden, but it was in a Waffle House.” [h/t RW]

69 thoughts on “Ban Pitchforks!”

  1. I’ve got a liberal friend (I have no idea why) and one time I asked him what he was going to do when he finds a naked man holding a pitchfork standing in his kitchen. He gave me his usual look like I was out of my mind, so I had to show him this;

    Of course, he still has no idea what he’d do if he found a naked man with a pitchfork standing in his kitchen.

    • Urinate on himself, vomit, or tell the guy he was having his period, of course.

      • Ah, but of course!

        On a more serious note, I’ve often said that I’m apt to give anyone the benefit of the doubt or at least the chance to leave and live. . . naked guy with a pitchfork? He’d better do some fast explaining because I’m not sure I’d have a lot of faith or restraint while confronting a naked guy with a pitchfork in my house.

        The linked article should have been a DGU and lunatics like this ought always to break in on POTG rather than defenseless little girls.

  2. We at Dads Demand Action for Farm Implement Sense have stated from the beginning that Georgia’s Pitchforks Everywhere law would lead to rampant pitchfork violence…

  3. “It wouldn’t be an offensive weapon in your garden, but it was in a Waffle House.”


    As I’ve mentioned in my comments on other articles, a tool’s intended purpose is whatever its wielders decides it is. Whatever it’s “designed” to do is immaterial and a moot point.

    • You just made a great argument for banning anything that can be misused. There go our pens, baseball bats, shovels and staplers.

      • No, quite the opposite. The real point is that the only way to stop the violence with a ban is to ban people.

    • The only weapon that matters is the mind. Once violence is conceived and decided on, everything else is only the means to that end.

  4. The only thing that stops a bad man with a pitchfork, is a good guy or gal with a pitchfork…

    or perhaps the pitchfork grabbers are right…pitchfork owners are more likely to be pitched with their own fork…

    this is too forking funny

    • What would you be if you stuck a fork in a pile of cement?…………………………..
      A Mortar Forker

  5. I remember the old adage “buy the wood chipper” (don’t rent it), I guess a new one would be “don’t drop the pitch fork”.

  6. Where’s my MDA post for today?! Seriously those articles are the only silver lining to my day! I may just have to crawl out of my house and go in search for some other kind of entertainment. Lol

  7. What group of fools would allow a single person with a pitch fork, “herd” them anywhere?

  8. In the decades following the Mystery Men’s spectacular defeat of Casanova Frankenstein, the Blue Rajah fell on hard tines times.

    • After the frightened parents hid the children in the dugout, one of the mothers called a local TV station and then dialed 911…when interviewed later she said the children were traumatized seeing a man openly carrying a pitchfork at a park…#everytownforforksafety#pitchforkbullies#monsantomommies

  9. All garden implements, all farm or ranch implements, all kitchen utensils, all shaving equipment, a rock or stone, a jaw of an a$$, any stick, and biscuits (hockey pucks) my sister used to make when I was a child, and just about anything else could be, and is a weapon from time to time, so it all must be banned. We must have Mothers Against all Things used as Weapons to liberate us from our fixation with all these wounding and toxic things! Help!

  10. I’m not against all pitchfork ownership. I belive in sensible pitchfork solutions, such as a permit system where a citizen who shows a justifiable need, such as farming, ranching, or political cronyism can own and carry a pitchfork. We should ban assault pitchforks with more than three prongs, rubberized grips, or a detachable handle. These pitchforks belong on a farmers field, not on our streets. Finally, we should have universal background checks on all pitchforks. If it saves just one life, think of the children, look at this baby.

  11. Guys can you just stick a fork in it with all the forking jokes?

    On second thought, keep going. This is getting really funny!

  12. So if you don’t have a defensive firearm in this situation, so you pray to Jesus or Poseidon?

  13. These agriculture-style weapons belong on our farms, not on our streets.

  14. I think you all are missing the point: Shannon and members of the privileged urban/ex urban elite DON’T KNOW WHAT A PITCHFORK IS! She probably would recognize it as that pointy thingy from Green Acres (which is her closest experience with farming) or should we call a spade a spade and remind people that Shannon came from the Branson area of Missouri (ie, meth capital) that is also farm country and despite her recent uppitiness, ole girl still has kin down there that she avoids inviting up to her palatial (fancy word for big) estate bought for her by her prince (fancy word for co-adulterous lover/husband). Just sayin

    • Bloomberg and Shannon singing to the tune of “Green Acres”…

      Every town is the place for me.
      Gun grabbin’ is the life for me.
      Grass rootin’ out so far and wide
      Keep Manhattan, I need to be nationwide.

      Every town is where I’d rather stay.
      The pay is much better than MDA.
      I just adore an MSNBC interview.
      Indy I love you but give me Park Avenue.

      Good bye, MDA.
      Every town… we are there.

  15. Good old Georgia. I love my state. “Man robs waffle house with pitchfork” Yup, That’s how we do it here. MMMhhmmm.

    • He only really brought it as a utensil. This was a misunderstanding. He was trying to pay his bill but the register wouldn’t open and no one was there to help! So he was going to take the register home until he could figure how to put his money in, then bring it back. See?

      When I grow up I’m gonna be a lawyer!

  16. Most folks nowadays probably don’t know the difference between a pitchfork and a manure fork anyway.

  17. If you get your pitchfork out, for something other than agricultural use, the proper destination is Washington DC. And don’t forget the tar/feathers/rail.

  18. Now if they had a no pitch fork sign this would have never happened. But of course I’d be confused with a no fork sign. They’d would have to change it to a no pitching sign. In the end the ACLU would sue for discrimination agents tying up horses.

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