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Ban Pressure Cookers!

pressure cookers (courtesy

Silly idea I know. And yet . . . “Williams-Sonoma, the specialty retailer of home furnishings and gourmet cookware with over 250 stores in the United States, has pulled pressure cookers from their shelves following the Boston Marathon bombing,” reports. “It’s a temporary thing out of respect,” according to “Kent” the Store Manager at Williams-Sonoma in the Natick Mall.

51 thoughts on “Ban Pressure Cookers!”

    • Once again political correctness and fear of political and celebrity bullies trumps logic and facts.

      Time to panic and run for the exits, Mildred!

  1. Oh cut me a freaking break! Lets temporarily stop the sale of ball bearings and small nails too. What F’ing morons!!!

  2. Out of respect Home Depot and Lowes are pulling all steel pipe, acetone, clorox, peroxide, ammonia, propane, etc… from the shelves and gas stations across the country will cease pumping.

    Out of respect god has suspended the laws of thermodynamics temporarily.
    Out of respect.

  3. Hey, no one needs a high-capacity pressure cooker. I mean, really, who cans 6 quarts at a time other than those crazed preppers and the Amish?

    • Einstein said there were two things that were abundant in the universe. Hydrogen and stupidity, but there was a limit on the amount of hydrogen.

  4. It is silly to pull all of them off the shelf.

    Just pull the bigger ones.

    Since they are used to cook faster, why not just use smaller pressure cookers and cook more often.

    Once they are all used, we won’t have to worry about more pressure cookers, though.

  5. Some people and businesses are simply motivated by a central dumbness. Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here every day.

  6. It is a private business making a private decision. I agree it’s kind of silly. But it’s their bidness, not mine.

    • I am sure that after the pressure cooking panic buying ensues and wipes out all stock, that W&S will put them back up for sale at an inflated price.

  7. When pressure cookers are outlawed, only outlaws will have pressure cookers.

    Only when you’ve taken the pressure cooker from my wife’s cold, dead hands.

    This is about as stupid as pulling “dusters” off the racks at western wear clothing stores after Columbine, thinking only Harris-Klebold wannabe thugs would wear them.

  8. I thought just the opposite, if you really want to get noticed at that special job interview bring a pressure cooker & set it on the table,bet you don’t just get glossed over.//// I haven’t seen the safe zones pulled yet “out of respect” for the thousands of dead… bo’s working on it I’m sure, Randy

  9. ”It’s a temporary thing out of respect,”

    Gee, how about out of respect the entire country chooses not to use cell phones for a week? What can one expect from WS a San Francisco based company? WS are certainly not respecting their customers who overpay for their merchandise and do want to buy a pressure cooker that is currently unavailable. Out of respect WS could have simply sent a cash donation to help out financially needy bombing victims and their families.

  10. Has anyone actually LOOKED at the picture of the alleged pressure cooker? THERE’S NO HOLES IN IT. So how did the shrapnel get out?

    • The blast ruptures the thin walls of the pressure cooker, releasing the shrapnel. It’s a pressure cooker, not a blast containment unit.

    • William. the pressure cooker is a bomb casing. It produces the shrapnel along with whatever extra goodies the brothers put in it.

      Alex Jones is not our friend, William.

  11. So if they are pulling pressure cookers off the shelves temporarily “out of respect,” does that mean that their respect for the victims is only temporary?

  12. you know that only preppers remember how to can foods anymore, so this is just the latest attack on the self reliant

    • My Kids’ 4-H group has been doing canning. Got a few blue ribbons at the county fair. (yup preppers)

  13. Look, we’re not going to take your crock pots. You can keep your crock pots, but we need to get these culinary devices designed soley to cook at unsafe pressures out of our kitchens. No one needs a pressure cooker.

  14. I’m pretty much done with stupidity from liberals and liberal companies. Taking pressure cookers off the shelves? It’s so ridiculous that’s embarrassing.

  15. As if the president, politicians, Hollywood, and over 50 percent of the public wasn’t enough of an embarrassment, here’s yet another reason to be ashamed to call oneself an American.

  16. How in the world can Walmart continue to sell these ‘weapons of war’. Do they have no ‘common sense’ ?

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