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Here at TTAG we’ve shared stories about hot-dog guns, T-shirt guns, football guns, nail guns, handguns, rifles and shotguns—to name just seven. And we’d love to show you what a deodorant gun looks like. But we can’t. Neither nor Google search are holding images of a big ass fragrance gun for our mutual edification. Still, we have words. “The giant fragrance sprays will be in place by May at the Asuwei dump site, one of several hundred tips that are the focus of public concerns about sanitation, environmental health and a runaway consumer culture. Municipal authorities say they will also apply more plastic layers to cover the site in response to furious protests by local residents who have to put up with the stench when the wind blows in their direction. The high-pressure guns, which can spray dozens of litres of fragrance per minute over a distance of up to 50 metres, are produced by several Chinese firms and based on German and Italian technology. They are already in use at several landfill sites, but they are merely a temporary fix.” Question: do the guns really shoot fragrance or one of those chemicals that anesthetizes your nose?

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