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Bernie Sanders wants to ‘bring us to the middle’ on guns‘s headline proclaims. And what middle might that be? “If somebody has a gun and it falls into the hands of a murderer and the murderer kills somebody with a gun, do you hold the gun manufacturer responsible? Not any more than you would hold a hammer company responsible if somebody beats somebody over the head with a hammer. That is not what a lawsuit should be about,” Sanders told Jake Tapper. Fair enough! Only leaving gunmakers alone doesn’t mean leaving gun owners alone . . .

But he touted several other votes, pointing to his support for banning semi-automatic weapons, for instant background checks for gun owners and for doing away with loopholes that allow buyers at gun shows to skirt some regulations.

He said there’s a major difference between Vermont, a rural state with little gun control where hunting is a way of life, and cities like Chicago, where guns are used by gangs.

You may be surprised to learn – or not – that this “gun control for big cities, firearms freedom for rural folks” proposition is the exact same position staked out by Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush. Just thought I’d mention that. Anyway, talking out of both sides of your mouth at the same time is a prerequisite for a politician. Here’s an awesome example of the Senator’s skill:

“Folks who do not like guns is fine. But we have millions of people who are gun owners in this country — 99.9% of those people obey the law,” Sanders said. “I want to see real, serious debate and action on guns, but it is not going to take place if we simply have extreme positions on both sides. I think I can bring us to the middle.”

Note to Sanders: there is no middle. What part of “shall not be infringed” don’t you understand – other than the bit which loses you support amongst members of the Democratic Party committed to civilian disarmament? Which would be — statistically speaking — all of them.

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  1. Disappointing. What’s so unusual about a standard semi-auto rifle? The way it looks? The Feinstein black-guns-are-scary thinking?

    • There will be a strong push from the gun grabbers to label all semi-automatic firearms as “Assault weapons”. It won’t matter whether it is an AK, a Glock, Mini-14, or Marlin 60. They are all evil assualt weapons to the gun grabbers.

      We’ve already compromised for far to long. We must not yield another inch, and it now high time to start getting our rights back again.

    • Proof, again, that Mr. Sanders is a Fudd.

      So what makes a semi-automatic rifle an assault weapon? What is it about these rifles that is mechanically or functionally different to any other semi-automatic rifle? How will banning these rifles affect levels of crime?

      Inquiring mind would like to know.

      • Even better yet, Sanders came sooooo close and yet so far …

        [Sanders] said there’s a major difference between Vermont, a rural state with little gun control where hunting is a way of life, and cities like Chicago, where guns are used by gangs.

        Sanders spelled it out right there!!! Good people with firearms are not a problem regardless of what type of firearm they have … the real problem is violent criminals — typically but not always gangs — who use firearms to attack innocent people. And yet Sanders’ policy proposal is aimed squarely and ONLY at good people!

        Excuse me while I go and vomit.

      • If he were actually a Fudd, it would be an improvement. Sanders is really a closet “ban all guns” guy, he just can’t say that out loud. He has to appeal to Fudds to get elected in Vermont, that’s why he keeps saying garbage like that “guns are okay in the country, but not in the city” shit.

  2. My theory on why a-holes like this choose “Assault Weapons” (a meaningless term) to ban:

    It’s the most popular firearm while at the same time the easiest to demonize. So old Bernie gets a big bang for his buck if he succeeds, sending a clear message to gun owners just who he thinks should be in charge here.

    • You’re overthinking it. It’s because “scary looking weapons” are the most useful in the even of a rebellion / civil war. How many governments have you seen overthrown where the rebelling peasants were just using handguns or single shot shotguns?

      • Possibly, but I think it’s about pragmatics. We are far from an armed rebellion, and I don’t believe that’s what they are thinking. Most leftists are irrational and hate guns and that to them is their conscious goal: “getting rid of those evil guns clung to by those evil right wing tea partiers”, not trying to avoid some far-off possibility of revolution.

        • “Far from armed rebellion” can be taken as a matter of perspective.

          The whole Bundy Ranch thing last year is a case in point. One could argue that was “armed rebellion” and even if you don’t want to accept it as such, that case certainly showed just how close it could have been.

          There’s no telling where the “spark” will come from. A lot of folks in the 1770’s thought they were far from open revolt as well. Ya just never know.

          Thing is, these stupid politicians can’t seem to learn from that bit of history and realize that ‘gun control’ is one of the sparking actions.

        • Naivete with the Left will get you killed.

          Leftists know damn well that the reason to ban as many firearms as possible is not about some “irrational fear”, its about making sure that when the time comes, THERE MUST BE NO OR LITTLE POSSIBILITY FOR ARMED, ANTI-MARXIST, CIVILIAN RESISTANCE to their final takeover and suspension of the Bill of Rights.

          Because you cannot have Communism while you still have the BOR.

          And as every educated Leftist knows:

          “The goal of socialism is communism.”
          -Vladimir Lenin.

          Bernie Sanders, while a U.S. Congressman, was a founding member of the CPC/DSA

          “… the 73-year old U.S. senator from Vermont describes himself as a “democratic socialist.”

          BTW, educated Leftists also know this Lenin quote

          “One man with a gun can control 100 without one.”
          Vladimir Lenin

          Read more on how incompatible Marxism/Leninism/Communism is with our imperfect Republic at

    • Politicians truly understand the Second Amendment and the founders intent. This is why they always go after the weapons most suitable for combat/defensive applications, because it is the state and only the state that can force tyranny and oppression on we the people on a national level.

      Case in point, NJ ban on .50BMG (vetoed be Governor Christie). The Barrett .50BMG (example) has never been used in a reported crime in the US, is not concealable, weighs 35+LB and costs over 10K. So why would politicians want to ban said weapon……. because they understand that a competent operator can sit a mile out and drop the hate in on them and they will never see it coming. So yes politicians under the intent of the 2nd and they know its not about sport or hunting.

      • “So yes politicians underSTAND the intent of the 2nd and they know its not about sport or hunting.”

        /fixed, and applauded for your succinctness.

      • If one looks at the higher-ups of, e.g., the anti-2A cult using the standard Latin American/African-style oligarchic model, their reasons for general population disarmament are quite rational & when one follows that model to its usual conclusion it’s not surprising that they’d want to ensure that items like the .50cal rifle in particular would be unavailable. Remember, the main reason they use for outlawing/confiscating such items is that they can shoot down aircraft at extreme distances & when one recalls that failed dictators commonly use aircraft to flee the wrath of an enraged populace it’s obvious why such a ‘dangerous’ item must be gone muy pronto. Also note that such ‘exotic’ items are hard to justify being allowed in general circulation in comparison to ‘normal’ firearms & that even ‘assault weapons’ have been shown to be ‘acceptable’ for sporting/personal defense.

  3. But we have millions of people who are gun owners in this country — 99.9% of those people obey the law,” Sanders said.

    You’re off by a few orders of magnitude, Barry. With 100 million law-abiding gun owners, that percentage is more like 99.9999%.

    “I want to see real, serious debate and action on guns, but it is not going to take place if we simply have extreme positions on both sides. I think I can bring us to the middle.”

    What is the “middle ground” on shall not be infringed?

    But he touted several other votes, pointing to his support for banning semi-automatic weapons…

    Revolvers for all, eh?

    …for instant background checks for gun owners…

    The same background checks that criminals don’t undergo, that return a non-trivial percentage of false positives, and that don’t lead to arrest, prosecution, or conviction of actual criminals who are stupid enough to try to get a gun through an FFL?

    …and for doing away with loopholes that allow buyers at gun shows to skirt some regulations.

    There are no regulations that can be skirted at gun shows. Commercial sales, even at gun shows, require background checks, because they are still an FFL transfer.

    • Umm, everybody should own a revolver. Every legal age American should own at least 1 revolver. And any minor kids with totally awesome parents should own 1 also.

      • The idea of spending $800 on a gun with six shots instead of $500 on a gun with 15 is lost on a lot of people (myself included).

        • Why not buy both? I have both. My point actually was that if every man, woman and a sampling of responsible and parent approved minors had a revolver in America it would be a thing of beauty.

        • Not every handgun has top be purchased on the basis of strict utility. Some revolvers are beautiful, classic arms. That’s why I bought mine. They also chamber cartridges far beyond what any semi auto can handle, Desert Eagle aside.

        • The Ruger LCR/LCRx and S&W 442/642/637 are all pretty easy to find around the $400 price point. The Taurus 85 series run around $300, and are perfectly serviceable revolvers in my experience. If you want a bigger frame and longer barrel, the Taurus 82 can be had for $400.

          Those would all be .38 Special chamberings. .357 Mag adds a few bucks to the price.

          Charter Arms makes a bunch of revolvers in this price range, too, but I have no experience with those.

          And of course, there are plenty of used S&W Model 10’s out there on the used market in the $250-$300 range.

        • Well, a $1000 plus 5 shot revolver can put out the same horsepower than a .308 from a full-sized rifle. $1000-$2000 revolvers have roughly the same level of accuracy as $1000-$2000 semi auto pistols. I’m in the “get (lots) of both” camp.

        • Model 10, everything you need in a handgun and nothing you don’t need. The basic model 10, a bit redundent that, will handle 99.9% of a citizens handgun needs.

          Understand, I don’t mean to regulate us or force us all to revolvers only. But my assesment of the model 10 is valid.

    • “The same background checks that criminals don’t undergo,……”

      See Haynes v. United States for a real eye opener & useful tool against the anti-2A/pro-thug cult’s background checks/licensing/registration ‘crime control’ tactic.:

      Another goodie that guts the anti-2A cult’s “The National Guard is the militia” is Perpich v. Dept. of Defense.:

      2 other goodies are,: DeShaney v. Winnebago Cty Soc. Servs. Dept.,
      & Castle Rock v. Gonzales,
      These decisions refute the anti-2A cult’s “You don’t need guns for protection because that’s LE’s job” claim quite handily, & when coupled w/ LE’s Rodney King & Katrina desertions & the question of suing LE for damages/injuries arising from said desertions that line of attack is effectively shut down.

      I’ve used the above against the anti-2A cult on numerous occasions w/ great success, drives ’em absolutely nuts & their evasions/contortions sows the seeds of doubt about the cult’s veracity in the minds of observers.

    • Sammy, you are so right. If the establishment Republicans get their way, JB is the guy and then yes, we are definitely screwed.

      • This election is not key to our survival, it is imperative that every gun owner place aside thoughts on gays right and abortion and vote the candidate that speaks for shall issue constitutional carry, wall on southern border and stopping illegal immigration. Achieve that and everything else falls into place.

        • None of the front-runners are very good on any of those things.

          If Jeb gets the GOP nod (and it’s looking more and more like he will) the 2016 Presidential election won’t matter at all. It’ll be a choice between a borderline big-state socialist and a full-on big state socialist.

        • “it is imperative that every gun owner place aside thoughts on gays right and abortion and vote the candidate that speaks for shall issue constitutional carry, wall on southern border and stopping illegal immigration. ”


    • America is one of the few countries that not only refuses to compassionately treat its mentally ill, but dresses them up in suits and then puts them behind podiums to play politics.

        • “Even more ill are those that play the game and vote for them.”

          What is even more pathological is when those ignorant voters are accidentally and now openly exposed to the lack of character of their representative, and re-elect them. That is the definition of insanity and those are the mentally ill folks that are more of a danger to a free society, than those who are mentally ill and talk to imaginary objects.

  4. What all of them mean by “middle” is “not” in “Shall not be infringed.”

    They want to negotiate about how to take it out.

  5. Can all the gun owner closet-statist fools looking for an excuse to not vote Republican in the next election shut up, now? There is nothing for you in the Democrat party running for president.

    • There’s nothing for us in the Republican camp either (since the GOP leaders and the media would rather nuke the entire planet than let Rand Paul get the nomination). If all of the gun owners in the US just walked away from the Republicrat single-party system and voted Libertarian, it would be crushing to the Republicrats. Sadly, since Libertarians promote personal responsibility and not cramming a Bible down people’s throats, most gun owners will never consider leaving the Republican party.

      • Comment is mostly referring to idiots that think Sanders is a ‘gun nut’ (He’s clearly a Fudd, you rubes)

        You can’t possibly think the two are equivalent on this issue. How about this; when the bible thumping idiots are actively restricting your freedoms to the same degree as Democrat gun laws, we can address that problem? Priorities.

        • Here’s a brighter idea – realize that there are a lot of people who vote Democrat purely because Republicans can’t pull the Bible out of their ass long enough to form a coherent thought. Plenty of gay people support gun rights, lower taxes, etc yet will never vote Republican as long as they promote intolerance for anyone who doesn’t follow the Bible. Same with atheists or anyone else who the religious nutjob establishment decides to spew hatred towards. The Republican party is doomed if they don’t abandon their lust for a theocracy.

          • Plenty of gay people support gun rights, lower taxes, etc yet will never vote Republican as long as they promote intolerance for anyone who doesn’t follow the Bible.

            Almost all of the actual intolerance in this country originates from the left, not from the right. Republicans do not “promote intolerance.”

            Same with atheists or anyone else who the religious nutjob establishment decides to spew hatred towards.

            Similarly, the vast majority of hatred being spewed in this country originates form the left, not from the right.

            The Republican party is doomed if they don’t abandon their lust for a theocracy.

            What GOP positions, exactly, constitute a “lust for a theocracy”?

        • The Republican party is doomed if they don’t abandon their lust for a theocracy.

          Yet another idiot parroting of your leftist professor.

          I think everybody on this forum can name a dozen MAJOR and SIGNIFICANT ways that the country has become more leftist in this country over the past 50 years.

          Can you mention just one MAJOR and SIGNIFICANT way that the country has become MORE theocratic in the past 50 years.

        • “I think everybody on this forum can name a dozen MAJOR and SIGNIFICANT ways that the country has become more leftist in this country over the past 50 years.

          Can you mention just one MAJOR and SIGNIFICANT way that the country has become MORE theocratic in the past 50 years.”

          Doesn’t that support the point, though, that pandering to the “religious right” has helped to sideline and distract the conservative movement, and allowed leftists to make progress toward achieving their goals?

          Almost every poll and survey taken in America in the last half-century has shown a decline in church-going, religious belief, etc. Perhaps trying to appeal to a shrinking demographic is not a winning strategy for the GOP. Most of the conservative gains made in recent years have been getting fiscally-focused candidates elected, while hard-right social conservatives like Rick Santorum are booted from office.

        • Doesn’t that support the point, though, that pandering to the “religious right” has helped to sideline and distract the conservative movement, and allowed leftists to make progress toward achieving their goals?

          Leftists gains are enabled by a MFM narrative that lies and stokes fears about religiosity in the U.S.

          . Most of the conservative gains made in recent years have been getting fiscally-focused candidates elected

          Fiscally focused Republicans….how exactly do they differ from the Left? Have you see the deficit over the past 40 years?

          America without a strong religiosity is just another Europe. If you disagree, the Leftist professors have achieved their goal.

      • If all of the gun owners in the US just walked away from the Republicrat single-party system and voted Libertarian, it would be crushing to the Republicrats.

        Yeah crushing for the Repubs, a meaningless distant 3rd party % for the libertaians, and an assured win for the Democrats. That’s just F’ing stupid.

        Libertarians are good.
        Libertarian party is very bad and simply a vanity project.

        Libertarians are free to enter and win in the Republican party.
        It has been done repeatedly.

        Consult Prager for required wisdom.

  6. They all talk about banning this gun or that gun, talking is the easy part. When it comes to actually confiscating them, that’s when things will get weird. Half a plan is not a plan.

  7. Bernie will only be the #1 contender if Hillary gets put in prison. Since that hasn’t happened with Barry or Eric, it’s unlikely. Bernie’s pro-gun control stance is largely irrelevant to the POTUS position – except for TTAG readers who are too ignorant to realize that Bernie is anti-gun – and we have (had?) some here.

    Jeb Bush also supports gun control, and actually has a realistic shot (pardon the pun) as a Republican POTUS candidate. He’s definittely a big government guy. Be active in the primaries, and get a real Consevative like Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Rand Paul or maybe Rick Perry.

    We already have gay marriage, and it isn’t realistically possible to ban abortion. Therefore, I don’t see any reason to vote for any Democrats anywhere.

    • Rick Perry is not the guy you think he is. Check his position on Constitutional Carry for TX and you’ll see what I mean.

      Cruz, Walker, Rubio are the real deal. But Cruz is too smart and Rubio is (or looks) too young. Jeb was a very good governor, but I don’t trust the guy. At all.

    • After Cruz backed that windbag egomaniac Trump’s racist rant on Mexicans, I found it necessary to write him off. Rubio is a child. Jindall has been a useful idiot, but he is still an idiot with no chance. Christy is like Jupiter–another gas giant. Walker is a dark horse, but his anti-unionist views make him a prime target of democrats should he get the nod. I like Rand, but his views on foreign relations, a key issue of any president, are isolationist and naive in the extreme.

      • Well, as a SoCal cop / training officer / supervisor in SoCal, I have first hand experience with a lot of illegals from Mexico. Those experiences haven’t been very positive. I’ve investigated a whole lot of crime, fraud, hit and run, and even murder cases from illegals.

        I’ve got a pretty obvious solution: only import people with a reasonably clean background, who will actually make a contribution, and will defend the Constitution. I’ve helped deport murderers and felons who were illegals and haven’t lost any sleep over it.

        • I’ve seen plenty of cops go bad. Commit murders, rapes, deal in drugs, you name it. I have also seen plenty of Latin kids graduate from college and become leaders. So it’s pretty naive to generalize, especially when you have a state like Texas that is almost 50% Latin and has counties that are almost 90% Latin.

        • I’m in processing plants all over the country and can relay 30-40% of the workers are illegal. When you need an interpreter to communicate, high probability they’re not local. Every machine I’ve place except one was sabotaged because it replaced up to 60% of immigrant workers. And I’ve been threaten by them as well.

        • Well, “God,” there are cops who go bad. Not many, but every one should be investigated and punished appropriately. As to your other thoughts, I have a social security number, and actually pay taxes. So I’ve got most illegals beat right there. But if you want to argue that we should keep allowing illegal immigration, then you have a warped sense of what makes a nation prosperous. Your screen name also indicates questionable judgement, as well as most of your comments.

        • >> Well, as a SoCal cop / training officer / supervisor in SoCal, I have first hand experience with a lot of illegals from Mexico.

          As a cop, the illegals that you have got experience with have, or have suspected to, committed a crime. So your pool has an inherent selection bias right there – you can’t use your experience with it to claim that Trump is correct.

      • Trump is a windbag, but a/ Mexican isn’t a “race” and b/ what did he say that was untrue?

        Why have we not heard ONE TENTH the outage from the Hispanic-American (or the non Hispanic) community against THE REAL, INSANE, HIGH RATE OF CRIME COMING FROM THEIR ILLEGAL COMPATRIOTS, compared to the noise about Trump’s comment?

        The only way ANY republican is going to win AND get anything done re immigrationis to face the Hispanic community and explain it is in THEIR interest to deport the criminals and latest Obama-created waves of DEMmigrants, AND SHUT THE GDF BORDER.

    • I think it’s very possible that the Hildebeast has medical issues as evidenced that she can’t give a speech without speaking vveerryy s l o w l y and looking at her crib notes every 3-4 words. Her campaign operatives and the MFM (sorry for repeating myself) are going to have to carry her the entire campaign.

    • “Bernie will only be the #1 contender if Hillary gets put in prison.”

      Bernie will never be the #1 contender, even if Clinton is abducted by aliens. He’s a placeholder, to go out and make some racket to remind people that the Republicans aren’t the only ones running for president while the Democrats get their shit together and find someone who’s less of a lightning rod than Clinton. He’ll also be useful to trot out some of the more harebrained schemes the Left has, and see if any of them gain any traction and can be used by the eventual real candidate(s).

  8. “the middle” should be a discussion about who gets Gov. subsidies to ensure that every American household gets a firearm. Anything less is not “the middle”.

  9. “gun control for big cities, firearms freedom for rural folks”
    I wonder how you square that circle with the 14th Amendment?

    • Unfortunately Ben Carson kinda said the same malarkey. He’s backtracked quite a bit and tried to repair things but the video is out there.

    • …except he didn’t say anything like that.

      Bernie supports more gun control all around – he would be the first to propose complete firearms bans in places like Chicago, with additional regulations on semi-auto firearms in his home state.

      Remember, that’s what they call “compromise” – “we take part of your rights away, but you get to keep some of it – hey, look, those guys over there in Chicago lost ALL their gun ownership rights, so you should thank us!”

  10. There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil.
    -Ayn Rand

      • You obviously don’t understand or appreciate objectivism. Perhaps philosophy and her writings are well over your head.

        • Rand’s writings are basically thousands of pages filled with “me me me me me”. With an occasional fvck you” interspersed in between. I suppose this isn’t really that much better than most philosophy in general, but its contribution to the collective wisdom of humanity is negative.

  11. The only reason Bernie has staked out a “moderate” position on guns is because he needed Vermont voters. But if by some really freaky conditions this guy was to actually be elected president, he would quickly “evolve” into a far left gun grabber.
    Remember, one more wise Latina on the Supreme Court and you can kiss your gun rights good bye.

  12. He’s throwing some red meat to the left otherwise he would be completely ignored. He’s know damn well with a Republican House and Senate a proposal like that would never fly.

    If they believe these guns are so dangerous why don’t they propose something like they do in Minnesota? You can have your AK or AR, but you need to have a CWP. Why is it always ban..ban..ban.. with the left?

    • “If they believe these guns are so dangerous why don’t they propose something like they do in Minnesota? You can have your AK or AR, but you need to have a CWP.”

      You are wrong. You don’t need a permit to own an AR or AK, and in MN there are no CWPs. It’s a Permit To Carry. (PTC) Carrying concealed is legal but that’s not what the permit does.

    • “He’s know damn well with a Republican House and Senate a proposal like that would never fly. ”

      Yeah, because Boehner and McConnell and Corker have done such an incredible job obstructing and preventing Obama from further sodomizing America…


  13. Gosh I mentioned(here) ol’ bernie hates all you big city folk. As does Bush lite. And Ben Carson too…semi-auto sure takes in a LOT of territory…

  14. Bring us the middle,huh… Until the next “middle”, right? And the next middle? And the following middle? And the final middle?

    How do you boil a frog?

  15. Mmm. What he is really saying “Yes, let’s compromise, you give up more gun rights and I won’t come back until next election to ask for more compromises on gun rights”.

    Which is how we got to this place over the last sixty years of being “reasonable” and finding a “common middle ground”.

    There is no compromise with freedom that doesn’t involve becoming more enslaved.

  16. There’s a middle, and we’re in it.

    I didn’t watch the interview, but this is the second time this week I’ve heard Bernie Sanders’ talking points on so-called assault weapons. Why does no reporter ever ask him why he is in favor of reinstating a ban that had zero of its hoped-for effect the first time it was tried?

    Doesn’t anyone give a crap about reason and data anymore?

  17. He’s a damned Politician. He’s a very sly, test the wind, kind of animal that has lived at our expense for his entire career. Did anybody expect him to be different?

  18. The answer is obvious. If ammosexuals won’t compromise then outlaw the sales of new weapons. Or outlaw the sale of ammunition. 2nd Amendment? Well, there is that pesky part about a well-regulated militia. And like Dubya so famously said, the Constitution is merely another piece of paper. After all, we are never going to see ammosexuals marching on Washington. Especially if they risk losing their existing guns. Or going to jail.

    • Well, there is that pesky part about a well-regulated militia.

      Did you even read the Heller decision? Do you even have a high school freshman-level understanding of grammar? Do you know what an independent clause is?

      If you consider “well-regulated militia” to be pesky, then you must be absolutely gobsmacked by shall not be infringed.

    • After all, we are never going to see ammosexuals marching on Washington.

      Maybe, maybe not. I would guess there would be numerous assassinations though, and carbombs, IEDs, that stuff. But if that is the world they want – they can go for it.

    • I love how the anti-gun side’s offer is basically a Mafia-style protection racket. We should “compromise” and give up some of our rights willingly, otherwise they’ll be “forced” to take them all. Just like a restaurant owner might learn that he should pay a “membership fee” to the local businessmen’s association insurance fund”, because “you never know when a fire could break out.”

      It’s equally disgusting in either case.

    • Outlaw away, god. Wait, what? America is dumping gun control laws, useless anyway, and the majority of Americans want less, not more, gun control.

      You know, for a supposedly all knowing god you’re really quite an ignorant putz.

    • In accordance with Obergefell v. Hodges, ammosexual marriage is now legal in every state. Unfortunately for God, autosexuals like him have to manage on their own.

    • re…..ammosexual

      Once again ….the Left’s red handed puerile obsession with sex.

      Pretty sure that the worst of the radical left are damaged individuals of some sort.

    • ” After all, we are never going to see ammosexuals marching on Washington. Especially if they risk losing their existing guns. Or going to jail.”



      The ammosexual ‘Tea Party’ marched on Washington SEVERAL TIMES!

      “The Taxpayer March on Washington (also known as the 9/12 Tea Party) was a Tea Party protest march from Freedom Plaza to the United States Capitol that was held on September 12, 2009, in Washington, D.C”

      And again in 2010:

      “Beck, Palin tell thousands to ‘restore America'”

      You are so flipping PATHETIC!

      Constantly mouthing off on subjects you know NOTHING about!

      According to you, F-15s are ‘steam gauge’ only when Boeing has been offering MFD equipped Eagles for quite some time. (And steam gauges are quite common on brand-new aircraft as backup)

      Like your claim that Airbus manufactures helicopters in Texas when their Texas facility only bolts European manufactured airframe components together and installs options.

      Is there ANYTHING you are competent at besides being wrong?

      Dance, idiot troll.

      I order you to dance…

  19. I think we should find something that Sanders likes and then ban it and attach a 10 year prison sentence to its violation. See how much he likes that.

  20. Bernie and Jeb’s plan:

    The 2A will become a privilege, no longer a Right.
    Any and all mechanisms capable of firing a projectile are considered a firearm.
    An annual national and local license will be mandated to own any firearm.
    Any firearm which fires more than one bullet at a time is illegal. (single shot only, magazines illegal).
    Shotguns will be long barrel only and only fine pellet bird shot will be legal.
    Caliber is restricted by licensed use. (squirrels small~elk big).
    Of these all must be locked away unless used for hunting which means they can only be un-sealed (sealed every year by Gov’t) when accompanied by a hunting license.
    No firearm may imitate the appearance of a military issued item. Simple wooden stocks only.
    Suppressors will be banned.
    Lasers banned.
    Tactical lights, banned.
    Only magnifying optical type scopes are legal.
    Any un-sealed firearm out of a hunting situation will result in prison and loss of hunting privileges.
    All ammo sales will be licensed and tracked, issued only for hunting. Amount will be limited.
    All ammo casings must be retained and returned in order to obtain replacement.
    Self reloading is banned.
    An injury/medical tax will be imposed for any sale and or license tied to a firearm or ammo.
    CCW’s will no longer be issued.
    All firearms will be registered by the Fed and local Govt’s and can be confiscated at any time without due process.

  21. Let’s forget about the issue and focus on the person. Sanders is a self proclaimed Socialist who believes that we are peasants who need large government funded by our tax dollars to make everyone equal in status. No matter how hard you work, you can never rise up because that would not be fair to those of lower status.
    Is that the direction we want our country to go?

    • Go? Man, we’re there. Half the country is on the dole, and the other half is working to support them and the political class.

    • Socialism gets a foothold when a country reaches a point where the government has destroyed the economy to the point where the average person thinks there is no opportunity for growth. They then resort to the idea that the government will give them money from the rich.

      Obama’s transformation has got us to that point.

  22. If he wants to talk about fictions like “semi-automatic assault weapons”, as far as I’m concerned he is in the middle of nowhere.

  23. Bernie Sanders is a card-carrying commie. I remember the good old days when we used to kill commies (Chi-coms, North Koreans, Viet Cong, Pathet Lao, the Rosenbergs, etc.). Now we elect them president.

    • While we were busy overseas, they infiltrated our government for most of the 20th Century.

    • You forgot to mention Sacco and Vanzetti… oh, nevermind.

      A universal curse on anyone who wants to start a witch hunt: may you fall victim to it yourself.

  24. He said there’s a major difference between Vermont, a rural state with little gun control where hunting is a way of life, and cities like Chicago, where guns are used by gangs.
    So he just admitted that guns are not the real problem but the drug gang cultures of certain cities are the real problem.
    Other than that, this is a typical Donkeycrap response as he tows to the official party line.

    • He’s just beating around the racist bush and doesn’t want to say that he doesn’t trust people of color.

      If he had an R behind his name that would be the lead response narrative from the entire MFM.

  25. This is for the pro Webb comment above but it also works for socialist Bernie.

    It’s all about the SCOTUS picks and he would undoubtedly appoint Leftists.

    But this country is pretty well finished anyway and I’m just trying to keep my gun rights for the next 20-30 years so I can leave a cache for the kids and a credible emigration plan.

  26. What Bernie meant was that guns are okay for his rural, 95% white state, but guns are bad in cities with a lot of black and Hispanic people.

    Yes, that’s what he meant.

  27. Sanders admits gangs are the problem. Let’s try a different approach than cutting off their weapon supply(the government will provide those anyway a la fast and furious methods, so that won’t actually work anyway). Let’s cut off the funding. Prostitution, drugs and arms trafficking are the money makers for the gangs. Legalize the first two and repeal the all guns laws except for prohibited persons.

    It really is a shame Bernie had to open his mouth about assault rifles. He was really the only candidate that I had hopes for. Disappointing indeed.

  28. Bernie is a communist and always has been. Russia has restrictive firearm laws. Just sayin’

  29. I think the dude if smoking and needs to share. Don’t know what he’s up to but he needs to put the pipe down and push it away and leave the room. Leave the firearms community alone.

  30. Sanders is moron statist who bends slightly away from the Party Orthodoxy. Yes, his analogy in support of the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which protected Firearms Manufacturers from specious lawsuits, to suing hammer manufacturers was good.

    That said, have those who opposed that law (cough Hillary cough) ever really been questioned on it? Does Hillary really think firearms manufacturers should be sued like the tobacco firms? Of course, thanks to the media she’ll have to answer much of anything outside of a debate…

  31. Is it just me, or are some major news sources no longer allowing viewer comments on gun related stories?

  32. Every time someone in favor of gun control says “sensible debate” it always translates into “I want a one sided debate”.

    A sensible debate doesn’t start with using made up buzzwords as grounds for a ban.

  33. “Which would be statistically all of them.”

    This simply is not true and your love of statistics should make that evident. Republicans are twice as likely to own firearms as Democrats but just about every Democrat I know here in rural Illinois has at least one firearm and supports firearms rights including the legalization of silences in this state. While I certainly have a relevancy bias since this is based on who I know and not stats, its hard for me to swallow such a claim which does nothing but further politicize the issue. Want to make sure the 2nd Amendment is respected? Then you have to convince both parties to support it or as parties come in and out of power we will stay on this ridiculous see-saw of firearms restrictions.

    • Karl Rove wants to take all our guns. That’s enough for me not to trust anyone associated with the (R)s or the (D)s.

  34. I think many were hoping he would be the elusive pro gun democrat politician…
    Republicans aren’t absolutely pure in their support for the 2nd amendment but they do far better than the Democrats. I hope more Democrats losing voters on 2nd amendment issues will change their minds on gun control. Same for the RINOs out in California.

  35. MORON. Semi-automatic is not an “assault rifle”! The military officially defines ASSAULT RIFLE as select fire allowing g selection between full automatic and semi- automatic. Civilian AR15s are only semi automatic and are better defined as modern sporting rifles.

  36. ‘bring us to the middle’…the very definition of the Hegelian Dialect. The “middle” is always being manipulated further and further away from what was once acceptable.

  37. I think Bernie Sanders is the best of the Democratic options. Hilary is going to make it her mission. Her presidency wouldn’t be successful if she couldn’t push through federal gun control legislation. BernieS, I am sure, would prefer to keep his hands off guns debate. He is much more focused on the economy and the middle-class. I hope he gets the nomination.

  38. As always, the politicians blame the inanimate object and ignore the 800lb gorilla in the room. His name is Mental Health. Psychos have been responsible for all the mass murders in the last 3 years. The reason mental health is being ignored is because it will be expensive, which was why Ronald Reagan relaxed the laws in the first place, and dumped thousands of psychos onto the streets. Interestingly, that was when all these mass murderers started appearing too.
    We could do national testing at the ninth grade level and detects and treat those needing help before they run amok. But we’d father spend billions on a new jet-fighter that can’t even dog fight, and keep ignoring the people.

    • Yeah, be careful what you wish for…psychiatry is a pseudo-science without tests or reproducible objective data to deny or confirm any of its diseases or disorders. It is 100% subjective, based on opinion.

  39. If Jeb and Bernie think their “leave it to the states to tailor gun regulations to their populace” plan will is viable, they should look at the demographics of Illinois; the overall population is 12.9 million, 9.7 million of which is in the Chicago metropolitan area. The rest are legislative sock puppets.

  40. “He said there’s a major difference between Vermont, a rural state with little gun control where hunting is a way of life, and cities like Chicago, where guns are used by gangs.”

    Indeed, there is a difference! You are way more likely to need a handgun for personal protection in Chicago then in Vermont.

  41. Sanders wants to ban modern sporting rifles. They are used in hunting, self defense(that’s why the cops have them), and my other shooting sports. All long guns have been the cause of 323 deaths in 2011. Out of 8500+ gun crimes. So called assault weapons were a small percentage of the 323. So why does he want to ban them? Next will be handguns which make up the most caused gun crime deaths. Of course that is what commie Socialists do. He is a brain dead idiot and part of the reason our country can’t create jobs, secure our border, pay our debt, and be respected by our enemies.

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