Betty Francis Sanders (courtesy
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“Angela Rollins, told deputies that she was in her front yard with her husband and three children when Sanders and her husband approached the fence that separates the two properties,” California’s reports. “Betty Francis Sanders complained about Rollins’ children being noisy as they rode their motorcycles. Deputies said it escalated into an argument . . .

and Sanders fired a shot from her handgun toward Rollins and her family, who were about 20 feet away.

When deputies arrived, they interviewed Sanders about the incident and found the handgun she’d used on her neighbors.

No one was injured during the incident, deputies said.

Sanders was arrested on suspicion of assault with a firearm and child endangerment. She was taken to Shasta County Jail where her bail was set at $50,000.

If you’ve ever stayed in a Italian hotel with the window open to the street trying to sleep as two-stroke motorcycles and scooters at full chat pass by all night long, you can understand how Ms. Sanders lost her sh*t.

But there are noise cancelling headphones and laws about excessive noise. And a responsible gun owner never aims a firearm at another human being unless that person poses an imminent credible threat of grievous bodily harm or death.

Which Ms. Sanders posed to Ms. Rollins and her children. The trigger happy octogenarian is lucky to be alive. If she’d sent lead in the direction of a rural Texas family, she probably wouldn’t be. Just sayin’ . . .


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  1. Human stupidity never ceases to amaze me… that being said we’re probably dealing with senility at this point.

    I don’t say this often buuuuuut……. maybe someone should take away her guns lol THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!

  2. I’ve got 2 stroke and 4 stroke bikes, where can I get one of these elusive single stroke bikes you speak of? They must be super efficient engines!

  3. If this property is where I think it is, it is pretty dang rural. Fence lines are barbed wire. Red clay and oak trees, a few houses, acre lots..and not a whole lot else. A few cows and horses. Peaceful and quiet…except for those dad gum children! Lots of guns in that kind of a neighborhood, for the yotes and the rattlers. Just most people don’t home carry.

  4. Scary old hag…heads
    UP! Another misleading BS “report”on CBS evening “news” a few minutes ago. All about ghostfuns er guns and how EZ it is to ASSemble one by felons. I swear I just stumble upon this crap😧😩😖😟😏

  5. Does she also drive a silver Ford Escape with a baby Groot wearing headphones and SIG sticker on the rear windows?

    • Yea so what’s up with that wifey “guess what I’m thinking” post? Did RF ever spill the beans? Better be good or were going to turn that post into a viral meme.

  6. It’s the meth, she’s only 20 , and drives a silver Ford escape with baby Groot wearing headphones and a Sig sticker

  7. I’ve been out in the parks or in the woods, communing with nature, or at a peaceful lake, and had my tranquility shattered by some jerk on a loud Harley or something. I can see the woman’s point of view. I wouldn’t be dumb or irrational and pull a gun, but if they were my neighbors, I could think of a few more legal ways to get my revenge.

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